Tales of Regventus Book 4: The Ring

Chapter 16

Griffa lay in bed in the middle of the night. She was wide awake, but she didn’t want to wake Ansel. He had lost enough sleep because of her. She turned over and looked at the candle that burned on her bedside table. She couldn’t stand the dark anymore, not after Aurumist. She took deep breaths as the feelings of fear came over her.

She hated that she still could be bothered by memories of laying in her cell half asleep and sick. She hated that she could still smell the foul air. If she lay still at night, she could still hear the door open at the end of the hallway of her cell. She could hear Philo’s footsteps coming towards her. Griffa put her hands over her ears and closed her eyes tight. She would not go through this again. She would not let the fear and the memories control her.

When she did sleep, she would find herself in strange dreams. She would see herself walking through the kingdom. She would see people suffering and sick. She could feel their pain and misery. They would call out to her to help them, but she didn’t know how to ease their suffering. She didn’t know how to cure their sickness.

Griffa felt the tears form in her eyes. She felt herself shake. Bile started rising in her throat. She swallowed hard, trying not to vomit. She needed to get out of there. She needed to go do something useful. She needed to go help her kingdom. She sat up and was about to get out of bed when Ansel’s hand grabbed her wrist.

“Where are you going?” He asked sleepily. He raised up and looked at Griffa.

“I can’t sleep I, and didn’t want to wake you. I’m just going to go read for a bit,” said Griffa trying to sound calm.

“No, you’re not.”. He pulled at her arm until she relented. She lay down next to him. He pulled her to him, and she could feel the familiar sensation of his protector’s magic cover her. She breathed in deeply, feeling relaxed and at peace.

“Maybe you should sleep in your old room,” said Griffa sleepily.

“Why would I sleep in there?” asked Ansel. “Do you not want me in your bed?”

“I feel bad at your lack of sleep because of me. Maybe if you were further away from me, you wouldn’t be disturbed by my bad dreams or feelings.”

“Griffa, I’m still going to know when you are agitated even if I’m four doors down. You think I would just lay there happily asleep, if I knew you were in pain or scared? I’m not sure I could actually sleep at all without you by my side. I would keep waking up, worried you were back in the palace and this had all been a dream.”

“You can’t go on with me waking you up three or four times a night,” said Griffa.

Ansel rolled her over gently, so she was looking at him. “What about you? I’m certain you may get half the sleep I’m getting. Now, what’s keeping you awake. Is it your experiences in Aurumist, or is it about the kingdom?”

“Both,” said Griffa. “When I’m awake at night all I can think of is my cell in the palace. When I sleep, I dream of the kingdom. I hear the cries of people in pain. Ansel, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Why am I still controlled by what happened to me in Aurumist? What can I do to help the kingdom to make these dreams go away?”

Ansel pulled her into his arms, so she was against his chest. She could feel his magic surround her. Her own rose to meet it. It settled in her chest, making her feel warm.

“I don’t know,” said Ansel. “but we are going to figure it out. I’ll do whatever I can to help you.”

Ansel kissed her forehead, and she closed her eyes for a moment. “There is one thing that eases my mind, at least for a little while.”

“What is it?” asked Ansel looking down at her. Griffa climbed up so she was hovering over Ansel. She leaned down and kissed him.

“Oh,” said Ansel smiling. He pulled her down and kissed her. “I live to serve my queen.”

The next morning Griffa woke up alone. She could tell it was late in the morning by the amount of sun coming through the window. She stretched and considered lying in bed all day, but she knew she would get bored quickly. She forced herself to rise and go to her closet to dress. When she got downstairs, she found only Ansel in the parlor. He had a plate of food for her by the sofa.

“Where is everyone?” asked Griffa sitting down on the sofa.

“I believe Max and Issa were talking about going on a ride earlier. I imagine they are somewhere in the field. Talon took Kedan with him to the Valley yesterday afternoon if you remember. They should be back this afternoon sometime.”

“What are your plans today?” asked Griffa eating some bacon from her plate.

“I have none. Do you?”

“No, not really,” replied Griffa. “I’ve been reading more about protector’s magic. I’m trying to understand how it works, especially in a battle. I don’t remember much about escaping the palace, but I do remember when I felt you come in the room. I felt stronger. I performed magic that wouldn’t have been possible by myself. Do you think it’s always like that?”

“I’ve been reading some of the protector’s journals. Most of the protectors served during times of peace. The only times it is talked about is during attempts on a king or queen’s life. That happened a few times in the past,” answered Ansel.

“Do you think there is even a way to practice it? If I’m not in danger, can you use your magic to protect me? Will my magic be advanced just by having you around or does it have to be a situation where I need more advanced magic?”

“Your guess is as good as my, Griff,” said Ansel. “We could try it later if you like. Maybe when Talon gets back. See if he will lob a few spells at us. I would ask Max, but he still isn’t talking to me.”

Griffa sighed. “You two will have to figure this out eventually. You can’t go on avoiding each other.”

“I’m not avoiding him. I am ready talk whenever he is.”

“Try to be understanding when he does get around to talking with you. He went through a lot in Aurumist. It’s not easy to get back to normal life.”

Ansel looked at Griffa sadly. “I know. Have you talked to Max about it much? Maybe you could help each other.”

“I can try again. I tried once, and he was just angry. He wouldn’t get passed his anger with you.”

“Try again when you can,” said Ansel.

They spent the rest of the morning in the back yard. Griffa read for a while from a book on the kings and queens of Regventus while Ansel watched her. She would occasionally bring up something she had read and ask his opinion. Before lunch, Maybell came out to see them.

“Max and Issa took lunch out with them, so I don’t expect them for a few hours. Cillian came to see Nora, and they have been gone for a while. I’m going to walk into town. I put some sandwiches out if you are hungry,” said Maybell.

After she left, they walked into the house through the backdoor. They went from the kitchen to the entrance hall.

Ansel took Griffa’s hand and stopped her. “Are you hungry?” He grabbed her other hand and drew her close to him.

“No, not yet. I had a late breakfast,” replied Griffa looking up at Ansel.

“I can’t remember the last time we’ve had the manor to ourselves.” He pulled her through the parlor door and brought her close to him. He leaned down and kissed her, and she responded eagerly.

“I’m guessing you didn’t expect us back so soon?” asked Talon. Griffa drew back from Ansel a little.

“No, we did not,” said Griffa leaning around Ansel and looking around the parlor. “And I see we have company.” Griffa looked to see a wide-eyed Desmona staring at both of them.

Ansel turned around and pulled Griffa to his side. “What are you doing here, Desma?”

“I came here to speak with Gryphon. My father had told me what had happen in the Ring. I’ve been working up the nerve to come speak with her for some time,” said Desmona.

“You are here, now. I will meet with you. I hope you haven’t been waiting long.” Griffa walked over and sat on the sofa. Ansel stood behind her.

“No, not at all. I’ve been talking with your charming guests here. I’ve met Talon a few times, but I had not had the pleasure of meeting Kedan.” Desmona turned her eyes to Kedan and smiled.

Griffa could see Kedan’s eyes take on a cloudy look. He smiled at Desmona and walked towards her. Griffa cleared her throat.

“Kedan!” said Ansel loudly.

Kedan shook his head and looked at Ansel. Ansel looked at him with raised eyebrows. Kedan looked at Desmona with realization that quickly turned to disgust. He went to the chair closest to Griffa and sat down.

“Enthralling my friend is not a good start, Desmona,” said Griffa harshly. “Come have a seat and tell me why you are here.”

Desmona sat in a chair opposite Kedan. Kedan turned toward Griffa and would not look away.

“I’m sorry, Gryphon, old habits and all. I didn’t mean any harm.”

“You never do, do you?” Griffa shook her head. “Now I think you should start talking before I run out of patience.”

“I wanted to come and apologize for my father’s behavior. I know what he did was wrong. He is very upset by it.”

“He practically caused the death of Griffa’s father,” said Talon. “A man to which he pledged his loyalty and friendship. I should hope he would be more than upset.”

“Of course, but we can’t change the past, can we? I want to start again with the Delis family. I want you to know I support you, Gryphon.”

“You should start addressing her with her proper title then,” said Talon “She is your queen after all.”

“She is,” agreed Desmona. “I have no doubts about it.”

“So, you came here to pledge your loyalty? Is that all?” asked Griffa.

“I came here to tell you I want to serve you, Gryphon, I mean, my queen.”

“How so? You must know I will not put you on my Ring,” said Griffa.

“I do know, but I have skills that could benefit you. I know things. People tell me things.”

“I’m not sure I like how you get your information.” Griffa was getting annoyed by Desmona and wanted her out of her house.

“Come now, I don’t force anyone to tell me their secrets.”

“Don’t you though?” said Kedan angrily. “You enthrall unsuspecting people with your magic. Isn’t that forcing them?”

“The people I meet with know what I am and what I do. I am only offering to my queen knowledge I receive from those I meet with regularly.”

“Fine,” said Griffa. “If you come across information, you think I need, you can come share it directly with me. Don’t go to Ansel or anyone else on my Ring. You will come directly to me. Is that clear?”

Desmona looked up at Ansel. She must not have liked whatever look he gave her because she glowered and then looked at Griffa. “Yes, my queen.”

“What about when we go to war?” asked Talon. “Will you fight for you queen and your people?”

“I will. I will do whatever my queen requires of me. I want what all of you want. I want a better Regventus, and if that is with Gryphon on the throne, I will do what I can to make it so.”

“Good, let me walk you out, Desmona,” said Griffa getting up. Ansel started to follow, but Griffa turned around and gave him a look.

Desmona stood and walked with Griffa to the entry hall. “Gryphon, may I ask you a question?”

“Yes, you may.”

“Ansel is your protector, correct?” asked Desmona standing by the door.

“He is,” said Griffa.

“I just thought that meant,” started Desmona, but she was cut off by Griffa.

“I know what you thought. You are intelligent. I am sure you have studied the same histories of our people that I have, but we are not going by the rules of history. We are making a new Regventus. Many things will be different.”

Desmona looked at Griffa and nodded. “I see. I hope to see you soon, my queen.” Desmona opened the door and left.

“I hope you don’t,” said Griffa watching her walk away.

Griffa walked back into the parlor and sat down on the sofa. Ansel sat next to her.

“That was odd,” said Talon.

“Not really, I think she had some false information about me, and my protector is all,” said Griffa.

“So that was your enchantress, Ansel. I can see the appeal at first, but didn’t she get old quickly?” asked Talon.

“She was never my enchantress, Talon. I grew tired of her. I don’t understand what I was thinking at the time. I was young and stupid.” Ansel turned towards Griffa. “I’m guessing her misunderstanding was cleared up after today.”

“Indeed,” said Griffa. She turned to Kedan. “Do you have a talisman you can wear, Kedan? Something that can protect you from enchantments?”

“I do. Daracha gave me one when I left her home,” answered Kedan.

“Wear it all times, please. I don’t want you being vulnerable. You and I will also start training almost daily. I will make sure you can defend yourself against magic. I will make sure you are never powerless against someone like her again.”

Kedan smiled at Griffa and took her hand. He kissed it quickly.

“See what I mean?” asked Talon.

“I do,” said Kedan smiling at Griffa as she looked at Talon, very confused.

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