Taken by the Major: An Age Gap Valentine’s Day Romance (Alpha Billionaire)

Taken by the Major: Chapter 23

Fuck, fuck, fuck. I did have reservations at DiMarco’s. I knew it was hard to talk about traumatic events, and clearly, their parents’ death was very hard on Kenzie. She had barely told me anything. I was going to continue to fuck up unless I learned more. I would have to ask Ruby about it next time I had her out at the workshop. That kid liked to talk.

She prattled on about some video game she was going to play when she got to her friend’s house. I barely paid attention, stuck in my head about messing up so epically for our first official date. I stopped the truck where Kenzie told me to. Ruby jumped out, and I waited until she was inside the house before I started pulling out.

“I’m surprised you let her spend the night during the school week,” I said.

“Heather’s family has been really great ever since… They’ve taken care of Ruby a few times when I’ve gotten sick or so overwhelmed I didn’t know what to do. Heather’s mom is the best.”

She rested her hand on my arm. “I know you didn’t know about DiMarco’s. I appreciate the thought. It’s a really high-end place, but I just can’t.”

“I should have asked,” I admitted.

“Not at all. That would have taken away your surprise plans. We could still go into Shasta. They have some great places to eat. They get way more tourists than we do, so they have more restaurants.”

“You’re okay with us exploring and seeing where we end up?” I chuckled.

“I’d be perfectly happy if you took us through a drive-thru and took me home,” she said.

“You want to end this date that badly, huh?”

“Hardly. I want to start your seduction that badly.”

I practically swallowed my tongue. “Don’t tempt me.”

“I thought that was the whole point?” She giggled.

That was the goal. Maybe not the whole point, but damn. “The point was to take you out, show off some more.”

“You don’t need to show off for me, Tate. I’m already impressed.” Her praise went straight to my balls.

Taking her home and getting her naked was now top of my list. But I had promised her dinner. “We could go back to your place and have a late dinner,” I suggested.

Kenzie was quiet for a long minute.

I looked over at her. She was biting her lip and blushing fiercely.

“Home it is, then,” I announced.

She didn’t say anything, just continued to blush like a beacon. She was quiet but held my hand and led me the entire way up to the third floor and her apartment. It took a great deal of self-control not to toss her over my shoulder like a caveman and drag her to bed. Inside, she continued to lead me to her room. She shut her door and clicked the lock.

“No one else is here,” I murmured.

“I know, but just in case.” Her answer was so quiet, I could hardly hear her.

I helped her off with her coat before taking mine off. I placed them both on the back of the side chair she had. Her room was noticeably tidier than the last time I had been in it. Then again, this time, she had warning that I was going to be in here.

I started to take my suit jacket off.

“No, let me,” she said as she stepped in close and smoothed the jacket over my chest. “You look really handsome tonight. Like some movie star. This was obviously tailored for you.”

“You say that like you didn’t expect me to wear tailored suits.”

“I didn’t. I mean, you don’t expect to see me in designer dresses, do you?”

I shook my head. “Can’t say it’s something I even thought about. You in pretty things I can slowly remove is what I think about if I manage to get you in clothes inside my head.”

I skimmed my hand down her neck and over her shoulder, slowly dragging the fabric of the dress to expose the skin I so desperately wanted access to.

I dipped my head and placed a kiss on the exposed juncture of her neck and shoulder.

She shuddered. “I’m naked in your head?”

“Hmm, hmm,” I hummed, too busy with my mouth against her skin to form words.

“Are we doing anything? Or am I just sitting there naked?”

“Do you want me to tell you, or show you?” I asked.


With a growl, I swung Kenzie up into my arms. She squeaked and kicked her feet. Her shoes went flying. Good, less work for me.

I set her on the bed and locked my gaze with hers. “Be a good girl and stay put.”

I loosened my tie and popped buttons in my rush to open my shirt. Shirt and jacket came off as a unit. I reached behind and pulled my T-shirt off as I kicked the heels of my shoes and finally got them off. With a quick flick, I unfastened my belt and the top fastener of my slacks. I dropped everything at once so that I was before her completely naked. The strip down wasn’t for show, but for action.

She climbed to her knees and hummed while she ran her hands over my chest so that my chest hairs laced between her fingers. As she caressed me, I gathered the hem of her dress into my fists, lifting until I could touch her hips and the undergarments she wore. I took as direct an approach with pulling her things off her body as I had with mine.

Kenzie didn’t seem to mind and assisted when one of her undergarments got twisted and tightened around her thighs.

I moaned when I had a handful of her skin in my palm. Her nakedness, that’s all I really needed, and it was a pleasure to have. I lay her back against the mattress, dress hiked around her waist. I crawled in after her, spreading her thighs wide.

“Tate,” she gasped.

“I’m showing you,” I said before I scraped my teeth along the soft skin of her inner thigh.


“That’s right, you keep saying my name like that,” I commanded.

I had her ass in my hands and her skin under my lips. I nipped and licked my way across her leg until I found heaven.

Kenzie gasped, no words this time. But she managed to grab a fist full of my hair. Good, she was going to need to hold on for this ride. I savored her pussy one lick at a time. Each stroke of my tongue elicited another gasp or moan.

I sucked on her clit until she bucked against my face. I needed more hands. Hands to hold and mold her breasts with, hands to work her hips, and hands to delve into her. The temptation to be inside Kenzie was too strong. I gave up my hold on her ass and drove two fingers into her wet depths.

She wiggled and squealed as I devoured her. My hand pumped into her as her inner muscles began to clench and pulse.

I growled against her, too wrapped up in giving her pleasure to pause and tell her she was doing exactly what I wanted her to do. I wanted her orgasm on my face, and I was about to get what I wanted.

Kenzie rocked harder. She slammed her hand against the mattress, beating it out to the tempo our bodies moved to.

“Tate!” Her voice was high-pitched and desperate. “Oh, God, Tate!”

Her orgasm clamped down hard. Her body grasped at my fingers as I continued to thrust into her. I licked as wave after wave rolled through her body. I wasn’t about to give up my pre-dinner treat just because she had an orgasm. There were more of those to be had.

Kenzie whimpered and kept rocking her hips against me. I kept working her, pulling more and more from her.

She settled, and the fist pulling my hair began pushing against me.

“It’s so… I can… Tate…” She gasped only partial words as I took pleasure with my mouth against her sex. This wasn’t only so she could orgasm first, but because I completely enjoyed it. I was selfish that way.

When her thighs captured my head and pressed together, I relented. Pushing back, I wiped her honey from my chin. Damn, she was perfect and beautiful. Her eyes had that glassy, well-satiated, unable to focus look. Her mouth spread in a sexy grin that I wanted to kiss and claim as my own. Her dress was a tangled mess.

I grabbed her wrist and hauled her into a sitting position.

“That was… wow.” She was breathless and limp from my actions.

“Are you ready for more? It’s my turn.”

She held her arms over her head as I lifted the dress off. She wobbled a bit and then reached behind her to unfasten her bra. Damn, that was a beautiful sight, her breasts all lifted and jutting toward me. Her nipples were erect and reaching out as if begging for my touch.

“I thought that was your turn,” she said as she flopped back.

I spread her legs and settled between them, pressing my cock against her slick folds. “Oh, no, sweetheart, that was all for you.”

“Showing off again?” She giggled.

“That was just the warmup. Now it’s time to show off.” I dove for her. She was spread out before me like a feast, and I would never get my fill.

I sucked one already pearled nipple into my mouth, greedy to touch and taste more of her. Her other nipple tickled the palm of my hand as I grabbed and kneaded.

Kenzie locked her ankles around my hips, and that was all the invitation I needed to sink into her. She was slick and wet and so fucking hot. Nothing in this world, I mean nothing, felt as good as her body wrapped around me, around my cock. I never wanted to leave this bed, this position. I would drown in her if she let me.

Driving her to the brink of orgasm again only dragged my happy ass along. There’s a bittersweet pleasure in orgasm. Maximum pleasure reached, end of the fun. My body tapped out, and I forgot all about the late-night dinner I promised as she held me and I drifted to sleep.

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