Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love

Chapter 79 He Just Likes This Kind Of Woman

The day definitely was an unwanted and chaotic one. After Charles hurt himself and was brought into the hospital, Jay was also not feeling well. He was tremendously tired and somehow found a place inside the hospital to take some rest to revive himself.

Needless to say, it didn't take longer for him to fall asleep. His tiredness affected him so much that he fell into a deep slumber almost immediately. Jay slept through the time when they performed the surgery on Charles and evidently got to know nothing about it until he was awakened by Doris.

Doris found Jay at some point of time. But obviously she was furious, when she found out he was sleeping even in this serious situation.

She nearly shouted in his ear, "Jay, seriously? Wake up! You're sleeping like a pig. How could you even fall asleep in this grave situation?" As expected, her harsh words came out aggressively.

Jay was in fact in a daze. When he heard Doris yelling at him, he slurred, "I fixed the window for you last night. I couldn't fall asleep last night because you were sleeping beside me. I was self-conscious the whole time. I was just filling up my sleep deficit, and here also you've come to disturb me. Are you planning to keep me somnolent till my death?" He stirred, still in his sleeping position.

Doris tilted her head at that, annoyed, "Don't say that. I don't care about what happens to you. I mean to say, if you're feeling tired and sleepy, go to home. Don't sleep in the hospital. It doesn't look good." Her voice softened at the end as she recognized the tiredness on his face.

"My house is at a long distance from here. I don't have the energy to go to my house. I'd rather sleep here. It's convenient." He turned over saying so and went back to sleep.

But Doris didn't want him to sleep in the hospital. Her place was nearby. She could offer him to sleep in her place. But would that be okay? She was more concerned for her than him. What if he took some advantages? Doris looked at his sleepy state, then hesitatingly asked, "How about you come to my house and sleep there?"

The hospital wasn't far from her apartment. He could easily go there and take a rest there, only if he had no other intention.

As soon the words left her mouth, Jay sprang up quickly and cheered with a wide grin plastered on his face. "Okay. I can do that."

"I only offered my help so that you could take a good rest and relieve your tiredness. Don't fancy any other thoughts, okay?" Doris narrowed her eyes at him.

"Of course. I only want a good sleep. That's all." He raised one of his eyebrows at her innocently. "Why do you think I have something else in my mind? Is there something going on in your head? Tell me what are you thinking about?" he asked her curiously.

"There's nothing, okay? But, you better keep that in mind that you're only going for a good rest and nothing else," Doris warned him before turning around and leaving.

"Certainly," Jay muttered as he followed her out close behind.

Naturally, the time they arrived at her house, his sleep was long gone.

When Doris noticed that it infuriated her that instant. He had been playing all along. How did she not notice that? "If you aren't feeling sleepy anymore, you can leave right now and stop looking at me like that," Doris chastised.

However Jay didn't mind her at all. "Well, you can't blame me forthat. Looking at you is far more useful for relieving fatigue rather than sleeping."

Doris rolled her eyes at that along with realizing finally, why he had so many girlfriends out there. With his charming persona and flirtatious lines, any woman would swoon over him.

"You are such a..."

"Casanova?" Jay finished the line earning an annoyed look from her.

"You are well aware of yourself!" Doris sneered at him.

"Sure." Jay bowed his head and accepted it frankly as a compliment.

"Oh God! Not a slightest bit of abashment! How shameless you are Jay!" For the first time in her life, she felt she was speechless in front of his smooth and shameless flirting.

"Doris, do you think, by any means, we can have feelings for each other?" Jay asked suddenly. It was an unexpected question.

It left Doris in awe. "What?" She thought for a second that she had imagined the situation.

"Would you like to have a relationship?" This time Jay asked away directly.

Doris let out a loud laugh, as if she had heard something hilarious. "Well, if you ask so, I have indeed thought about it at some point in time. But I don't want to be with you. If it came down to this, I'd rather say, I might develop a relationship with anyone in this world except you, Jay," answered Doris honestly.

'Why not?" Jay looked at her unwaveringly. A hint of disappointment was clearly visible in his eyes.

"Because, I don't love you Jay. It's that simple." Doris held his gaze. "You are a womanizer, Jay. There are plenty of women who are dying to have your attention. You have so many options. Their hearts have all sorts of feelings to keep you satiated. What is the need for me then? I'm like no one and have dreams so ordinary like an ordinary girl. I want a man who'll only love me. Can you give me that? Would you be available only to me and reject everyone else?"

"I'll try," Jay mumbled looking away. He couldn't promise her that right now. But he was willing to try for her.

Doris shook her head and waved her hand dismissively. "I already have the answer, Jay. A playboy like you can't change his nature. So it'd be better if we remain good friends just like we're now."

However, Jay was being nothing but sincere for the first time while talking to a woman. All he did was lying to women but not Doris. The women, to whom he had lied, believed him with eyes closed. But the only woman to whom he was being truthful, was rejecting him thinking he was lying.

Doris' rejection hurt his heart but he didn't show it off.

Jay wondered whether there was something wrong with all those women's minds he had been with together, or was it him all along?

He blinked hiding the hurt in his eyes, before gazing into her eyes. Jay smiled a half-hearted smile, helplessly.

Then he went back to pretend nothing had happened. "Chill Doris. I was just joking. You're right. I have so many women at my mercy. How could I even consider that I can fall in love with you? I still can't believe I said that to you."1 He let out a chuckle as he stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

His words left Doris flabbergasted for a few seconds. She wasn't expecting Jay would say something like that.

She watched him going inside her bathroom as realization hit her. She stomped her feet with anger and yelled at him, "Jay, come out. I feel sick when I think of you and those women. Besides, what are doing inside my bathroom? I'm warning you, Jay. I am a neat freak. Don't abuse my bathroom."

She ran to the bathroom and banged on the door.

A moment later the bathroom door creaked open and there stood Jay in all his naked glory. A high pitched shriek left her instinctively.

"Doris." Jay wiggled his eyebrows creepily at her. "Do you want to join me?" Jay inquired in a frivolous tone.

"Jay! Get the hell out of here this instant!" Doris shouted like a mad woman.

But Jay acted in his calm and collected tone. "Doris, don't be a naughty girl. Do you really think it'd be appropriate for me to go out like this?" Jay didn't let any opportunity out of his hand to tease Doris. "Put on your clothes and then leave. I can't tolerate you here anymore." Doris reached for his clothes hanging from the clothes hanger then grabbed and yanked them out hastily. "Take these and hurry up, put them on. Come on," she urged impatiently.

But Jay didn't even budge from his place, not even showing any signs to put the clothes on. His eyes were locked on her face while he held his clothes in his hands. His unwavering stare made her uncomfortable.

Doris shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "What are you doing?" Her skin erupted goose bumps under his intense gaze. He never looked at her like that. It felt strange to her.

In response to her, he blinked. "Nothing. I think my dirty clothes need some washing." He smirked then threw the clothes into the bathtub.

Doris noticed the bathtub was already filled with water up to its edge. The moment Jay's clothes hit the water, they got all soaked.

"Jay! What did you just do? You bastard!" Doris cursed aloud then huffed in exasperation.

"Well, there you're right again. I am a bastard, indeed. Tell me, Doris. What can you do for this bastard?" he teased Doris with his mocking tone. Then he leaned closer to her. "So, tell me Doris. Will you help me put my clothes on?"

"You!" Doris pointed her index finger at him them dropped it and clenched both of her fists. She was so angry that she couldn't even form any words.

A moment later he snickered, "Why are you still standing here, dear Doris? Do you want me to do something to you? Come on, all you have to do is ask and I'm all yours." Although his words did not put her in a threatening position, she was indeed awed. She gave him an incredulous look. Did he really have no idea who the woman was standing in front of him? He was charming, yes true. But how could he think something like that?

"Stop daydreaming, Jay!" She realized she had no choice but to wait for now. She shot him a burning glare before slamming the door on his face and going back to the living room.

She plopped down on the sofa sulking.

Which was when Jay's phone buzzed.

She grabbed the phone from the coffee table and read the screen.

It was a text message from the WeChat app.

At first she hesitated to open it then curiosity got the best of her. She opened the app and was surprised at how many women he actually knew from the WeChat app.

She scrolled through the names.

He had saved all of their numbers with a different name, such as "Lovable girl", "Gracious girl", "Brutal girl".

Her eyes went wide when she saw, her number was saved under the name of "Brutal girl". That wicked man! She let out an exasperated huff.

"Go to hell, Jay!" She muttered under her breath viciously.

The latest message was sent by some "Only beautiful woman". She opened and read the message. "Hello, handsome."

She raised her eyes as she read that. Then a wicked idea crossed her mind. She smirked while typing the reply, "What's up, dear?"

The "Only beautiful woman" sent a shy and a kissing emoticon, before replying, "Honey, I miss you so much. What have you been busy with these days? You aren't even meeting me. It makes me so sad." Doris nearly gagged when she read that message. Didn't these girls have any other things to do? Her words alone made her sick.

How could even Jay like this kind of woman? It was beyond her grasp.

She thought for a while about how she should reply to that. Then she typed, "Honey, I miss you too. How about we go to dinner tonight?"

The "Only beautiful woman" replied almost immediately and she absolutely seemed eager. "Okay. Tell me, which nightclub you want to go tonight?"

Night club. Huh! That meant Jay took these women to

nightclubs often. How infuriating that man was! And he was expecting something else from her. How could he!

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