Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love

Chapter 64 Protect Mommy

Jay stopped and Doris was relieved. She thought he was going to make her go on forever.

Doris hobbled to the sofa. As she absently rubbed her ankle, she focused on Nancy instead of her pain, asking, "Where in the world is Nancy? How is she still not here?"

It may have sounded like a complaint, but she was really starting to worry.

"I'm not sure," Jay admitted. "It is odd, but let's not think about it right now." Jay dismissed her fears. Sitting down beside her, Jay pulled her foot into his lap. "Since you danced with me, I guess I can help massage your foot and ankle. Would you like that?"

That sounded heavenly to her, so she nodded and allowed him to continue working out the pain for her, while she dozed lightly.

Outside, the rain hadn't let up. In fact, it seemed to be driving down even harder.

Charles was pacing restlessly. He had been calling Nancy, but was still unable to get through. Her phone was either dead, turned off, or set to do not disturb. He was frustrated that she had let this happen because he was angry to think about if she had not.

Hiram checked in every so often, letting Charles know the places he had checked for her. Each time the phone rang, Charles jumped, hoping it was either Nancy or Hiram with news about Nancy. Everytime it was Hiram with a dead end.

"Nancy, how is it possible that you have dropped off the face of the planet without a trace? How can my resources fail to find you? Do you not want to be found? Are you hiding from me?" Charles pounded on the wall as he yelled in vain.

Just when he was about to boil over, still pacing like a lion in a cage, Hiram called again.

"I have something." As Hiram said this, Charles' hopes lifted. "I don't have her, but, I had footage of the direction she drove in tonight pulled from traffic cameras. It appears Miss Ning drove to the suburbs." Charles had heard enough. As long as they had a direction, he had somewhere to start searching. "Let's go and find her right now," Charles directed.

"Sounds good, sir." Hiram hung up, knowing Charles was lost to his thoughts and would not want to remain talking. Charles almost ran out to his car.

When he reached the Hummer, Charles threw the door open, jumped in, and drove off as quickly as he was capable.

Meanwhile, Nancy had returned to her car, intended to leave the same way she came. However, it appeared her wheels were stuck in the mud and she could not drive at all. He wheels turned madly, with no progress.

She got out and tried to physically push the car several times, but she was too weak, and the car did not budge an inch. It seemed to do the opposite and the car sank deeper every time she tried. Nancy sat back in her seat and pounded on the steering wheel, crying out desperately, "Where are you, sweetie?" The rain poured down as her tears did. "Can't you just give me a sign? Let me know I'm not going through this all for nothing."

The storm surrounded her, eating up any sound or sight that may have answered her loud prayer.

She continued to sob and despair so wildly that at some point she fainted from the exhaustion of it all.

She was still out cold when a car turned towards hers and lit up her windshield.

Hiram approached her vehicle first, yelled to Charles that Nancy was inside and appeared safe. Then, he assessed the vehicle and realized that it was deeply sunk in the mud. "Mr. Fu, this vehicle isn't driving out of here. It would have to be pushed or towed. The mud has it trapped." Hiram said this anxiously, knowing Charles was frantic to see Nancy for himself.

"Get anyone you can think of here to help, now," Charles ordered.

"Yes, sir. Right away," Hiram answered.

Charles was relieved at first when he saw Nancy's car stuck in the mud with his own eyes.

However, once he got close, he saw that she was slumped over and covered in mud and his relief gave way to panic.

"Nancy, wake up!" Charles jostled her shoulders to try to rouse her. Charles held her in his arms, willing her to open her eyes.

Nancy heard Charles' words, but to her they sounded ethereal and far away.

Suddenly, she spoke, "My child..." her words drifted off. It was clear that as she spoke. Nancy was trying to open her eyes, but she fainted and was unconscious again after getting out just those two words. When Nancy finally woke, she was no longer in her car, but she wasn't sure where she was or how she had gotten there.

"Where am I?" Nancy questioned herself out loud. Her gaze sharpened and she looked around wildly, trying to place her surroundings.

"Mommy! You're awake. You're home, silly," Bobby said in his cute, little voice.

Nancy recognize the voice, at least. "Bobby?" Hearing his voice helped Nancy piece some things together and come more completely. She knew that she must have been saved by Charles.

But why had he driven her to his home instead of her own?

She sat up and looked down at the cartoon pajamas on her body. Quickly, she asked, "Bobby, where are my clothes?"

"Mommy's clothes were so dirty that Daddy had to throw them away." Bobby tilted his head as he said this quite seriously.

Last night, Bobby had been so angry that he had shut himself in his room and lay there in his bed,

until he heard the screams of Jay and Doris coming from the living room.

"Charles, what's wrong with Nancy?" Jay yelled. Jay and Doris had been waiting for the news of Nancy and had just seen that Charles had returned with her.

"Just call the doctor here at once," Charles replied, ignoring their questions.

Jay ran to do as he was told, fearing it was serious.

Doris was scared and cried out, "Nancy, what's wrong with you? How did you end up covered in mud? Tell me what is going on!"

Charles answered instead, "She's not dead. She just fainted. Miss He, please go. I'll call you as soon as she wakes up," Charles said flatly.

Doris nodded and walked away still crying.

By then, the doctor had arrived and he and Jay entered the room.

The doctor quickly checked on Nancy and confirmed, "Miss Ning appears to have just fainted from the combination of the cold wind, rain, and her own anxiety. Now that she is warm and resting, she should be just fine, Mr. Fu."

A wave of relief washed over Charles. "That's good," he replied. Charles felt himself finally relax now that the doctor had officially checked Nancy out.

Because her wound, Angelina didn't go to the dinner party. So, it wasn't until she heard this commotion that she emerged from her room.

When Angelina saw Nancy barely breathing, she shouted in panic, "What happened to her? Why is she covered in mud?"

The first time Angelina met her, Nancy also looked like this.

She couldn't believe a woman could care so little about her image to let herself be seen like this twice.

"Mom, just let her be. I'll change her clothes and wash her. Can you lend me a hand?" Charles swept Nancy back into his arms and carried her up the stairs.

"I..." Angelina searched for the best way to phrase the words she needed for this delicate situation. "How are you supposed to undress and wash her? It's really not appropriate for a man to do." Angelina fretted.

It was more that Angelina didn't want the situation to bring Nancy and Charles closer on an intimate level.

"Aunt, let me help you," Doris said, wiping her tears.

"Yes, please do, thank you."

Doris and Angelina quickly washed Nancy and dressed her in some pajamas before they were all sent out of the room by Charles.

Standing in the corridor, Bobby was looking at all the busy adults and biting his nails nervously.

Bobby didn't know what had happened to his mommy, so he was just hoping that she was fine.

Once Doris and Angelina were gone, he slipped into the room carefully.

Bobby looked at the pale face of Nancy and asked nervously, "Daddy, what happened to Mommy?"

"Your mommy is just tired and fell asleep. Don't worry."

Nancy's breaths had evened out and she was slowly regaining color to her face. It did look like she was in coma. She simply fell asleep.

"Oh, good! I was so worried, but I'm glad she's here now and ok." Bobby reached out his chubby little hand stroked her face.

"Bobby, I'm sorry that tonight didn't go the way you planned," Charles said apologetically.

Bobby shook his little head and said, "I'm just happy my mommy is fine."

It was true. He didn't blame Nancy for not coming on time tonight. She was here and that was all that mattered to him.

"Well, go to bed now. When you wake up tomorrow morning, Mommy can talk to you," Charles said as he reached out and tousled Bobby's hair.

"No, I want to stay here with Daddy to protect Mommy," said Bobby obstinately.

"Okay, fine. Then you stay here and protect your mommy. I'm going to take a shower." As the water from his shower ran over his body, Charles thought that with Nancy here and well, he could finally relax. Charles returned to the room after his shower and both him and Bobby stayed there, watching over Nancy all night. Charles finally left to cook breakfast the next morning.

That was how Nancy found herself waking in a room with only Bobby.

Bobby was happy to see his mommy finally awake.

He climbed into the bed next to her and she wrapped her arms around him as he said, "Mommy, don't go getting covered in mud and so tired again, okay?"

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