Sweet Caroline

Chapter 13

After reaching Caroline’s house, Andrew shut the truck engine off.

Turning in his seat, Andrew softly huffed before saying, “It’s okay, doll. It honestly doesn’t bother me because I know you have no interest in him. The important thing is, I want to be able to tell the pack you’re my mate. I want them to know because I’m proud of the fact that you’re mine. I want them all to know, and just holding your hand doesn’t tell them that.”

“Well, then you should tell them,” Caroline said. “I never said you couldn’t.”

Andrew shook his head as he reached out and ran fingers through her hair. “You don’t understand. When I go up and say, ‘Hey everyone, I found my mate, and it’s Caroline’, the first thing they ask is, ‘why haven’t you marked her?’.”

“Oh,” Caroline muttered before she bit her lip in contemplation. “Well, will it hurt?”

“For a little bit, it will. Then it will give you nothing but pleasure,” Andrew whispered as he moved closer.

Caroline felt her heart begin to race as her breathing sped up and butterflies filled her stomach. Her body always seemed to react the same way when Andrew was close.

“Please, let me mark you mine,” Andrew whispered. His hands moved and pulled her closer. Then he leaned closer and began to kiss on her neck.

Caroline moved her own hands then and gripped his t-shirt.

Andrew’s kisses on her neck moved downward slightly as he gripped her neckline. He pulled it away from her neck, which gave him better access to her neck and shoulder. His lips moved down to where her neck and shoulder joined. Once there, he began to lick and nip a bit harder.

Caroline’s head dropped back, her actions telling him yes. She moaned at the pleasure she felt at his touch.

“Are you ready now?” Andrew whispered.

His breath against her neck caused shivers to move over her skin as she nodded. Then, a soft scream left her as he bit down on the base of her neck. His teeth were sharp, and Caroline felt her nails dig into her palms, where her hands were twisted in his t-shirt.

Then, just as suddenly as the pain started, it was gone, and pleasure replaced it. The pleasure was like nothing Caroline had felt before now, and it caused her body to arch into his even as a long needy whimper left her lips before she whispered, “Andrew.”

Andrew’s mouth left her neck, and he gave it a bit of a lick before he said, “I know, baby doll. It makes a body horny. That’s why lovemaking usually follows the marking.”

Caroline opened her eyes to gaze up at him when he pulled back. “I already wanted you something fierce, but now, now I—”

“I know,” Andrew whispered as he placed a finger over her mouth. Then he kissed her as he pulled her onto his lap.

“I can make it a bit better if you want me to,” Andrew told her before he began kissing her neck again.

Soon though, his hands began to roam, and it didn’t take long for them to reach the waistband of her pants. However, they stopped there.

Caroline bit her lip and gazed into his beautiful brown eyes when he brought his head up. Was she ready for the next step? She wasn’t sure that she was.

Andrew smiled and moved his hand. “It’s too soon for that, isn’t it?”

Caroline nodded, feeling her cheeks heat.

“I understand, and I’m sorry for pushing.”

“No, I’m sorry,” Caroline whispered. “It’s not that I don’t want… it’s… it’s just we’re in your truck, and I want more than just—” She stopped and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”

Caroline felt like she was cheating him out of something even though she was the one that would have been pleasured. However, even if she had been ready for the next step, she didn’t want it to be in his truck where anyone could swing by and see them.

“It is okay, doll. I just thought I’d make you feel better, but we have plenty of time for such things.” Andrew sighed. Then he gently ran a finger over the bite he’d given her, creating shivers of pleasure. “By tomorrow, the bite mark will be gone, and my initials will have taken its place.”

“Really?” Caroline asked, her hand coming up.

“It will,” Andrew agreed as he placed her back in her seat. He then got out of the truck, walked around, and opened her door. “Come on, doll, let’s get you into the house. Dad needs me to do a few things before I come over tonight.”

Now standing in front of him, Caroline said, “I truly am sorry, Andrew.”

“Don’t be. It’s perfectly fine,” Andrew murmured as he gave her a chaste kiss. “I’ll let you make it up to me later, though.”

Then with a wink and slight smack to her butt, Andrew sent her on her way laughing.

“I’ll see you tonight,” Andrew called out as he backed out of her driveway.

Caroline turned and gave him a thumb up before heading inside.

“So, when is your young man going to be here?” Dad asked as he took the chicken from the oven.

“He should—” Caroline stopped speaking when a knock sounded at the door. With a laugh, she almost ran for the door as she continued, “There he is now.

“Good evening, doll,” Andrew said when she’d opened the door. He leaned in and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek.

“Why the innocent kiss? It’s like something you’d give your mom.” Caroline said with a pout.

Andrew chuckled. “Wouldn’t want to embarrass you in front of your dad by laying on a wet one.”

“Whatever,” Caroline muttered playfully. Then she pulled Andrew’s head down and gave him a real kiss.

“Oh, oh, my eyes! I’ve been blinded by my daughter’s love fest!”

Breaking away from Andrew, Caroline turned and laughed at her dad. He stood in the kitchen doorway with a hand towel over his head and eyes.

“Dad, grow up, please,” Caroline said with a giggle as she pulled Andrew inside and closed the door. “Dad, you remember Andrew, don’t you?”

Dad pulled the towel off his head and smiled. “Who could forget the boy who not only stuck up for my daughter but hung around doing girly things with her.”

Andrew’s cheeks turned pink, and he stared at the floor.

Dad chuckled and headed for the kitchen, saying, “Don’t sweat it. Come on; supper is served.”

Caroline took Andrew’s hand, and they followed him.

After filling our plates, the three of them sat down to eat.

When most of the meal was gone, Dad broke the silence by asking, “So, Andrew, how’s basketball going? I’ve been too busy to make it to the games this season.”

Andrew’s head came up as he stared at Dad. “You come to my games?”

Dad looked at Caroline and inquired, “You didn’t tell him?”

“Tell me what?” Andrew asked as he turned his gaze to Caroline also.

Now it was Caroline’s turn-to-turn red. “No, I didn’t, Dad. I’ve had to work all but one of his games this year. I think that was like the second one. So, I didn’t think about it.”

“Seriously, someone clue me in?” Andrew said.

Caroline sighed and admitted, “I go to all your games, Andrew. Well, when I’m not working anyway. Dad takes me to most of them, and the ones he can’t make, I go with Dale and Rebecca.”

“Why would you…?”

“I’ve liked you for a long time, remember?” Caroline reminded him. ’I’ve gone to all your games ever since you started playing in seventh grade.”

Dad sat back with a soft sigh, catching both Andrew’s and Caroline’s attention. “Look, I don’t know what you’ve told each other, but I’m going to give my take on the situation. Then the two of you can figure out the rest, okay?”

Caroline and Andrew nodded.

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