Summoning Bones

Chapter 43. A Visit in the Living Room

The moon hung heavy in the sky and dipped to kiss the horizon. The sun replaced the moon, lightening the sky.

Still, Zagreus and Melinoe sat on the floor. Cadmus regained consciousness when the sun had half risen, groaning Melinoe’s name.

“Melinoe,” he mumbled. She squealed, lifting her head from her bent knees.


Zagreus hissed as he responded, “Let the liar die.”

“Silence, fool,” Melinoe said, slapping him lightly and standing. She bent at Cadmus’ side, stroking the side of his face. “Why did you lie? You betrayed me.”

“By letting your evil brother pay for his sins? I did you a favor,” he groaned sitting up. Melinoe slapped his face with enough force to leave a raised, red welt.

“Family is family, and you tried to sell my brother as a slave. Because if it wasn’t him, it was me.”

“I saved your life. We could still go and run away. Leave your family behind to rot after what they did to you. They don’t deserve you,” Cadmus said, pressing a hand to his red cheek.

“And you do? Why did we come back if you knew I was on the table for negotiations?”

“Because if Lord Eldridge didn’t get what he wanted, he would hunt us down. We would have no life.”

“We were running from Hades anyway. No mortal would survive an encounter with me if I wanted it,” Melinoe said sharply. Cadmus’ eyes shone with remorse.

“I couldn’t take that chance,” he whispered.

“How long did you know?” Her words were crystal clear like broke glass.


“How long did you know Lord Eldridge wanted me to work under him?” Melinoe’s voice hardened, and her eyes flashed dangerously as she stood.

“The castle,” he whispered, shame rising in his heart. Zagreus lowly whistled as his sister cursed.

“Yet you still let me return to the Eldridge Mansion?” She shook her head in disbelief. “Run home with your tail between your legs like the beast you are.” She turned away from her mate. He quickly stood and reached towards her.

“Wait, please-”

“I, Melinoe, Goddess of Ghosts, Nightmares, Madness, and Spirits reject Cadmus Markston, Commander to the Riders of Lord Eldridge.” As soon as the words left her duo-colored lips, pains ripped through her chest, spreading to her limbs. Her blood burned through her veins then cooled to a sludge, then warmed to liquid once again. Her muscles spasmed then settled. She gasped as the pain faded, staring at Cadmus.

From the paleness and tears in his eyes, he had gone through the same thing and it had worked. He was no longer her mate.

Laughter boomed from behind Melinoe and Zagreus, both turned to face the source. Cadmus sunk to his knees, his head in his hands.

“Well, well, look at that my daughter, the beast betrayed you. His love did not save him from humanity’s greed,” Hades said. He stood in the kitchen archway in his dark robes, leaning on his cane. “As I said, I am here and you have a place at my side. Join me, and you can rest peacefully with revenge on humanity that has wronged you.”

“Melinoe, don’t!” Zagreus yelled, pulling Hades’ attention from his daughter. He smiled at his son.

“She won’t listen to you,” he sneered, waving his hand. Zagreus scratched at his throat, his voice was gone.

“I, I don’t want revenge,” Melinoe softly said.

“Not yet, but you will,” Hades said. “They’ve wronged you, and I will make you my best warrior. At my side, you will learn to want to help me. You will learn to hate humanity just as I have. Come, daughter,” Hades said, stretching his hound towards her. She shook her head, tears lining her eyes as she looked downward.

“I won’t, I can’t join you,” she said. Hades growled and clenched his fist, bringing his hand back to his side.

“I’ll make you,” Hades growled. Zagreus wildly shook his head and went to run to Melinoe, standing between her and Hades. “Move Zagreus. I don’t want to hurt you.” Zagreus shook his head and held his hands in surrender. Melinoe looked down at the ground again. She slowly dragged her gaze up to meet her Father’s.

“Okay,” she whispered. Zagreus turned to her, grasping her shoulders. His eyes pleaded for her to refuse. He wasn’t sure why, but the thought of ending humanity bothered him. He didn’t want the humans to die out, they could be fun. “I have to. I want revenge on those who poisoned Cadmus. He didn’t do this by himself. They will pay, all of them,” she said in a whisper to Zagreus, then she spoke up. “I accept your deal Father. Before I join you in the Underworld allow me to say goodbye.”

Hades gave a curt nod and in a whirlwind of his robes, he was gone.

Zagreus gasped as his voice returned.

“Why, why would you do that? Humanity is doomed with you by Hades’ side. That means our power is weakened. Humans don’t deserve death. A few perhaps, but not all,” he pleaded, lightly shaking Melinoe. She stepped out of his hands.

“I know, but I can hold him off. I can break his plans from the inside. He will grow older, weaker, and I can take over his rule. I won’t let him ruin the living realm,” she said. Zagreus shook his head.

“You do know this means certain death?”

“Not if I play my cards right. He will go after the bloodthirsty gods and goddesses. If I get to them first, I can wipe their memories and weaken them slightly at least enough so I can hold Hades back-”

“And when the time is right-”

“Defeating him for once and for all,” Melinoe finished. She smiled sadly. “I have nothing left, nothing to lose.”

“What’s more powerful, a warrior with nothing to lose-” Zagreus began the age old quote from their father.

“Or everything?” Melinoe finished. “It appears like we will find out.”

Melinoe stared at the ground, then looked up the Cadmus. He was bent over as the pain of losing his other half continued to wash over him.

“You betrayed me. And you will pay,” she said, approaching him. He looked up at her with red eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

“Tell that to the Judges,” she growled, placing her hand on either side of his head. He closed his eyes, relishing her touch for the last time as she snapped his neck, killing him instantly. His body slumped forward onto the floor.

“I’m sorry Melinoe, I truly am,” Zagreus said, waking to behind Melinoe. She looked over her shoulder at him. He smiled as she stepped around him and made her way through the walkway between Zagreus’ house and the shop.

She walked through the silent town in the early hours of the morning, through the forest’s side. She reached the Eldridge Mansion and knocked on the door

Miss Menour opened it and squeaked at the sight of Melinoe with her split skin.

“How...may I he-lp you?” She stammered.

“Run.” Miss Menour jumped and squeezed between Melinoe and the doorframe, running to the village.

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