Summoning Bones

Chapter 38. Goodbyes in the Underworld

“Clothes! Get yourself covered now!” Melinoe yelled, slapping a hand over her eyes. Cadmus snickered and rummaged through his pack to find his clothes. He pulled them on and reached towards Melinoe. He grabbed her hand and pulled it away form her eyes. Gone was the natural color he had grown to love, and instead they shown like coal under white lashes. Her lips parted, the top one was snow white, the bottom a midnight black.

“I love you,” he whispered. Melinoe’s breath left her in a wave.

“And I, you,” she replied. Cadmus bent forward stealing a kiss from her lips, although Melinoe would argue he could not steal what she gave up so readily. Yet, reality tends to ruin the wonderful moments that make a mortal life worthwhile. In this case, reality came crashing onto them in the form of Selene appearing in the kitchen. She turned frantically around, finally catching sight of Cadmus and Melinoe. Cadmus held her behind him, his teeth were bared and his eyes beginning to shift yellow.

“Settle down Cadmus, I only wanted to ask Melinoe how her meeting with her father went. Melinoe?” Selene said waving an airy hand. Melinoe stepped out from behind Cadmus. “Oh no. Not well I take it?”

Melinoe shook her head.

“No, he gave it back to me. I was immortal, I felt it in me, then he tore it away again. We were leaving, then someone got distracted,” she said jabbing an elbow into Cadmus’ side.

“Yes, I saw that. I can help you leave, although Hades may just let you leave now. He’s let others leave the Underworld, perhaps for you,” her thoughts trailed off, as Cadmus faced to Melinoe, confusion lining his features.

“Orpheus and Eurydice,” she whispered. Cadmus nodded and looked back to Selene.

“Who are you?”

“Oh, yes how silly of me. How things get away from me, ah well. Those I supposed you would know, a little dissapointed you didn’t recognize me. I am your goddess, Selene,” she laughed. Cadmus paled, dropped to his knees in a bow making Selene laugh more. “Silly boy, get up. I don’t want the flourishes. But you will have to sacrifice me something, olives. Hmm, yes they are delicious, but alas Athena claimed those. Clever goddess.” Cadmus stood, bewildered at the goddess he prayed to. He soaked in her round features and wild brown hair. “Well don’t just stare like a star struck puppy.”

“My apologies your Majesty,” Cadmus said, standing. Melinoe laughed behind him, winking at Selene.

“Your Majesty, I could get used to this, but stop with the titles. You two need my help escaping the King of the Underworld, how you children grow up,” she said, fondly placing a hand over her heart.

“Thank you, but now death is more imminent. We need to leave soon,” Melinoe said, placing a hand on Cadmus’ upper arm. He looked down to meet her eyes, offering a comforting smile.

“Oh yes, of course. Well how did you come in? Never mind, Cerberus has stopped growling. Let’s go that way, maybe we can persuade Cerberus to stop anyone from following us. Hmm, wouldn’t that be nice?”

“Selene,” Melinoe said, stepping in front of Cadmus towards the smiling goddess.

“Yes, yes, follow me, well first Cadmus. Melinoe say goodbye to your sister for now. I heard you have a little spell,” giggled Selene. Selene walked past the couple, embracing Melinoe then leaving the house. Cadmus looked at Melinoe, smiled, then followed.

The house was silent, then the floorboards squeaked as Makaria stepped out from behind her hiding spot, a tall floor lamp.

“You’re mortal? You’re leaving me?” Makaria whispered. Melinoe turned and smiled sadly, nodding.

“But as soon as I leave I can bring you back. I have all the ingredients.”


“Promise.” A silent tear fell from behind her lashes. Malaria’s eyes filled with tears which began to fall fast and hot down her face. A sob bubbled in her throat. She slapped a hand over her mouth and ran to Melinoe, pulling her tightly against her.

“I know I will never see you again, not like this. Is there anything I can do? Any last wishes before you leave the Underworld for the last time?” Makaria hiccuped through her tears. Melinoe giggled through the sadness.

“No, sister. I just wish to survive long enough to bring you back. Perhaps I will finally belong with the mortals. I am one of them,” she laughed.

The sisters broke apart with tear stained smiles. Melinoe sighed and released Makaria.

“I must go.” Makaria nodded and watched her pick up Cadmus and her packs, then leave her house.

“Ah the shining star. Let’s go. I see you ah e your cloaks, very clever Zagreus. He always was. I remember once as child, he stole-” Selene began, but catching the near-murderous eye of Melinoe, nodded. “But that is not important. Follow me.” Selene took off into the woods with a brisk walk. Melinoe griped Cadmus’ hand. He looked down at her and shrugged.

“What?” She asked.

“I prefer this version of Selene. The one we worship is far less-”


“Yes, now my love. Let me show you the world as I have always seen it.”

“Are you coming?” Selene’s voice called from the tress.

The couple held each other’s hands and followed her into the trees shade. They wove under the skeleton-like branches and back through the tunnel. The skulls grinned, seemingly mocking Melinoe and her fall from power. Cadmus saw his mate’s cheek glow red with rage, and squeezed her hand, offering a reassuring smile. They carried forward back into the cavern where Cerberus was curled up asleep. Their snores made their clothes ripple with the wind and the stelagtites quiver.

Melinoe released Cadmus’ hand and approached the three-headed dog. As she approached, six eyes fluttered open. Cerberus’ heads yawned and lifted themselves off the ground.

“Cerberus, I won’t be returning, not for a long time,” she began, trying to hold her tears back. It had never felt so real leaving the Underworld once and for all. She shook away the pain that struck her chest. “And Hades will send someone after me, I need you to stop them or at least delay them. I’ll send Zagreus with a treat if you do.” Cerberus’ tail wagged. “Thank you,” she whispered, hugging each thick neck of the dog. She turned her back on her childhood pet, clutching Cadmus’ outstretched hand. Selene has thankfully remained silent, leading them out through the dark passageway.

Melineo wiped away a stray tear before following Cadmus through the crack in the stump. Bright sunlight blared down at them. As Melinoe’s eyes adjusted she saw Cadmus fill her view.

“I love you,” he whispered for only her to hear. She collapsed against his chest as sorrow overtook her senses.

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