
Chapter 20

I’ve been at Legacy Academy for over a week now and have my first friend. I tell Caiden goodbye and we make plans to hang out tomorrow after brunch. I should be done with my homework and my errand to the Pick-Up stand by then.

I return to my room and lay on my bed. I should do my homework, but…ugh. I roll towards the wall. Instead of homework, I’ll take a nap. I wake up so early every morning and my body still isn’t used to it.

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep before I can feel guilty about procrastinating again.

When I wake up it’s around dinner time. I pull my hair back and rush to the cafeteria.

I’m one of the last to enter, but it’s a major improvement compared to yesterday. And like yesterday, Matthew is absent. I take my seat next to Hercules.

“Look who made it on time!” One of the professors says, I think he teaches a philosophy class.

“Good evening everyone,” I say.

The table exchanges pleasantries, but they are noticeably casual compared to when Matthew is here. Either it’s his presence that causes the usual uptight atmosphere or it’s the joy of the weekend. Whatever it is, I’m grateful for it.

A salad is placed in front of me, sans dressing and I can’t help but think of Caiden. His international smorgasbord of snacks is better than this. I’m not a fan of the diet Matthew has forced onto me, but Caiden shouldn’t be sustaining himself on junk food. I wish I could do something.

The ghosts serve dinner and take my half eaten lettuce away. Today the main course is a salmon fillet with grilled vegetables. It’s healthy by default, so my plate looks exactly like the others around me. I dig in. There’s no way I could salvage any of it to take to Caiden anyway.

“So, got any plans tomorrow Squirt? Want to do some laps in the lake? It’s really refreshing in the morning.”

I shake my head so suddenly I might give myself whiplash. Ghosts bring out dessert and block my view of Hercules.

“No thanks, I have to go to the pick-up stand tomorrow morning and I still have homework to do. Besides, I can’t swim to save my life.”

Hercules shrugs. “I could always use a counter-weight.”

“Sorry, Hercules.” I say, even though I’m not sorry at all.

They all eat dessert, it was some calorie dense buttery smelling cobbler. Damn. Hercules doesn’t offer me a bite, which means he must feel some type of way about me not going swimming with him tomorrow. That cobbler almost looks worth the trouble of drowning.


It seems like my life, or afterlife, is so much better without Matthew around. People are so much nicer to me. I haven’t gotten beaten up for two nights now! Without the harassment, I’m even getting more efficient with doing the dishes.

I walk down the corridor to my room. There is light peeking out from my doorframe. I didn’t leave the light on. Is Matthew here? I rush forward to open my door.

The chair at my desk is empty, and he isn’t in the bathroom. There’s another apple at my desk. No note this time, not that I need one to tell it was Matthew who left it. It wasn’t here before dinner, so why would he come all this way just to drop it off? Maybe dinner with the council ends early enough for him to come back to campus. Whatever, no point in trying to understand that man. He probably just uses this as an excuse to go through my things.

I place the apple in my backpack. If nothing else, at least I have a healthy snack for Caiden.


Even though brunch isn’t served until 10am, I am still up just before dawn to make my morning delivery to Hercules’ house. I would love to sleep in until just before brunch just like I had back when I was living, but if I skip a delivery I might get more of a nap than I bargained for.

I set the crate on the stoop outside of the cottage. At least the pick up stand isn’t too far off from here. Should be right off the path by the main entrance.

It takes five minutes for me to make it to the dirt path near the ancient stone entrance. The way Chef had described it, I thought the pick up stand would be small, like a living world lemonade stand.

A sign reading ‘Pick Up Stand’ is stuck on a tree just off the dirt path that overlooks multiple stalls, each displaying different odds and ends and covered by fabric sails. It reminds me of the flea markets I would go to every weekend in search of retro video games or fresh churros.

I can’t hide my smile as I head into the maze of kiosks. It isn’t quite empty, but there very few others here. Everyone who passes by me seems to be looking for something specific, not browsing like I am. I want to take a look at the wares even longer, but the Meats overseeing each of the stands are making it hard.

When I was alive, I avoided situations that would put me under a spotlight. Going to a car dealership and shopping in a furniture store were all things I got to avoid because of the internet. I didn’t have to break into a cold sweat when some random salesperson inevitably asked “can I help you find anything?” and no matter what my answer, followed me around the store.

This was worse. The Meats glared across from the tables at me, watching every movement I made. Sucks, but at least I’m only here for two things.

The stalls all have different groups of items. Assorted school supplies like notebooks, pens and pencils in one. Shoes and socks in another. Personal care items. All the stalls set up like an outdoor Walmart.

Towards the end of the line I find what I’m looking for. A stall with pans hanging off some table hooks. I hurry past the other stalls and glaring Meats. The stall has three tables, the first has some pots and pans. There are kitchen utensils all laid out in a row on another. An entire measuring cup set for some reason, but no tea kettle.

I look up to the Meat standing in the corner. He’s focused on the dirt underneath his finger nails. Weird. While I enjoy not being under supervision, I’d really like to make this trip worth it.

“Uh, excuse me?”

He doesn’t look up. He almost looks familiar, but the way he has his body angled away from me, it’s hard to tell.

I bend over the table and ,a little louder, “Excuse me? Do you have a tea kettle by chance?”

His voice is deep, like he’s disguising it or has a mouth full of water.


My shoulders deflate.

“Mornin’ Squirt!”

I turn to see Hercules walking up beside me. I give him a small wave.

“Good morning,” I say back.

He’s in a white tee and sweatpants; they’re clean so he must’ve skipped his morning run.

“What are you doing here? Break something?” he asks.

I could have sworn I told him I was coming here last night. I shake my head. “Just hoping to get a tea kettle.”

“Oh, well Henry here definitely has one of those. Hey Henry!”

The Meat finally turns around. His face goes pale. That’s when I notice.

He’s one of the Meats that shoved me into the library! I knew I recognized those dirty hands. Henry, in all his genius, realizes that I’ve remembered who he is and rushes behind his stall to grab a box. He doesn’t say anything as he hands me the steel kettle.

“That all?” Hercules asks.

“A few mugs would be nice,” I say.

“You heard the lady. Let’s see what you found,” Hercules says.

Henry pulls out a few ceramic mugs, and I settle on a set of two decorated with cherry blossoms. There are some surface level scratches, but they’re finer than anything coming out of Crowe’s class, that’s for sure.

“Hey Henry, you wouldn’t happen to know where I could find some tea leaves, would you?”

Henry finally meets my gaze, but looks briefly to Hercules before meeting my eyes again.

Hercules speaks before he has a chance to.

“I can show you, it’s next to where I’m heading anyway.”

I nod and say bye to Henry. He gives a formal goodbye with a shaky voice. He’s probably still worried that I’ll tell Hercules what he did to me last week. But I won’t. There’s no point. Besides, I got a friend out of it and now a tea kettle.

I follow Hercules away from the stall holding my new mugs.

“So what did you come here for?” I ask him.

“I busted my heavy bag,” he says, scratching the back of his neck.

“How did you manage that?” I ask.

“Gotta take my frustrations out on something,” he says.

I was going to ask about what was bothering him, but another stand caught my eye. It was crowded, with many random students grabbing items and running off. The students part as Hercules and I approach. A table full of different foods covers the table. Snacks like the ones Caiden had at the library were being snatched up by students at a blinding speed. Can’t say I blame them.

“Hey, Flynn!” Hercules shouts above all the heads.

A Meat with sandy brown hair comes forward and dumps a box of treats onto the table.

“Morning sir! Sorry, no protein shakes today.”

Hercules waves him off. “Actually, Elizabeth is looking for something else. Tea leaves, right?”

“That’s right,” I say.

Flynn sets the empty box underneath the table.

“Hop on over,” he says, tapping on the counter.

I look dubiously at the table. Did he notice that I’m in a dress? Or the fact that the table is full of snacks that I’d rather not climb on top of.

In one move, Hercules grabs the table and picks it up just high enough for me to walk underneath. Impressive, he didn’t even let a single snack fall off the table. I duck slightly and navigate through the empty boxes to catch up to Flynn.

Behind the canvas of his tent is another table with baskets of fresh ingredients laid out. Potatoes, boxes of pasta, and sacks of sugar and flour are displayed in a way reminiscent of a food pyramid.

“I don’t get much demand for random ingredients, tea or coffee. Not from the students anyway. You’re that new girl, right?”

“Yeah, I’m Elizabeth.”

Flynn shuffles some things around and picks a few tins off the table.

“Your facilitator is one of the few customers I get looking for this stuff. You picking this up for him?”

I get caught up looking at the different foods and don’t answer.

“Loose leaf or tea bags?”

“Can I have both?” I’ve never had or made loose leaf tea before, but what better time to learn than when you have literally eternity.

Flynn hands me the tins. Green tea leaves, matcha powder, and chamomile tea bags. Quite the haul. I tuck them into my backpack.

“Can I have these too?” I say, picking up a few more stray ingredients. Flynn nods.

“I’ll charge Matthew’s account for those, need anything else?”

I bite my lip. Since I got the kettle for free, I never even considered that I might have to pay for things. I mean, it’s not like this stuff belongs to the Meats who bring it here. Matthew is going to have my head later, but it might be worth it. Maybe.

“I’m good, thanks,” I say, my voice a little higher than usual.

I go back to the front sales area. The tables are bare now and the crowd is completely gone, except for Hercules. I slide across the table and quickly straighten my dress.

“Get what you were looking for?”

I hike my backpack up my shoulders and pick my mugs up from one of the side tables.

“From here yes, but now I have to go back to Henry’s stand.”

“Cool. We can get my heavy bag on the way out.”

It’s surprising that he wants to waste his time with me, but it’ll make Henry a lot more agreeable to have Hercules standing behind me so it’s cool.

Henry goes white as a ghost as we approach him again. I go behind the counter and pick up the things I want.

“Can you bag these up for me?”

He pulls out a bag and looks up at Hercules. He’s looking at the next stand selling various weaponry, nearby but out of earshot.

“And how do you plan to pay for this?” Henry asks.

I look up to him stupefied. I don’t want to pull the blackmail card, but what else can I do? Having him charge Matthew for it isn’t going to fly, not twice in one day anyway.

“I thought we had an understanding,” I say, trying to ignore the bitter taste of shame crossing my tongue.

“Cut me some slack, Elizabeth. I can’t let you take more than I’ve already given you, you’re going to get me in trouble with my facilitator. They don’t want any of us to get looped up in those rumors going around about you.”

I bite my lip again and this time taste blood. It’s not like I forgive him for what he did, and he’s definitely still a jerk in my eyes; but getting him in hot water with his facilitator is a line I will not cross. He’s more afraid of whoever the Meat head is than Hercules, and that’s saying something. Guess those rumors about me being the village whore were worse than I thought.

Hercules comes back to the cookery stand with a new blade.

“Finally done, Squirt?”

“Yeah I guess so.” I hand Henry the bag of items and make my way back to Hercules. He looks to me and then Henry.

“Didn’t you want that stuff?” Hercules asks me, pointing to the bag with his new knife.

I shrug my shoulders. “I can’t pay for it so…”

“That it? Henry give the girl the bag.” He pulls out a wad of bills and sets it on the table. Henry pushes the bag into my arms and gives Hercules his change.

“Can we get my heavy bag now?” He doesn’t wait for my answer, he just begins walking off. I hurry to catch up and walk beside him. Hopefully no one else saw what happened.

“Hercules, you really didn’t have to-.”

“Matthew isn’t giving you an allowance?”

“A what?”

I’m supposed to be getting an allowance? Matthew is my facilitator, not my parent and I am a whole grown adult. That being said, why isn’t he giving me an allowance if he’s supposed to?

Hercules finds a stand selling various workout equipment and grabs a heavy bag lying in the corner.

“How did you know it’d still be here? I’m surprised none of the other Meats took it,” I say.

Hercules spins the bag towards me and points to some neat sharpie writing.

“Matthew wrote my name on it before he brought it over. Best gift, and everyone knows not to touch my shit.”

Makes sense. Hercules pays the Meat overseeing the counter. It must suck to pay for your own things. Hercules doesn’t seem bothered by it though, so I guess it’s just another one of those things. He challenges the Meat to punch the bag as he’s walking it out. The Meat gives it a good try, but in Hercules’ hands, the bag doesn’t budge an inch. He fist bumps him and we walk off together.

Once we’re away from the Portal Pick Up, Hercules lets out a big sigh.

“Those kids. They don’t make them as strong as they used to.”

I guess Hercules wasn’t impressed by the Meat’s punch. I’ve heard a few different people talk about the current student body like they’re less powerful than the students that preceded us. From the sound of things, it seems to make my existence make a little sense. If everyone was becoming less powerful, it would make sense to eventually get a strainless student.

At least, that’s what helps me sleep at night.

Hercules looks down at me and shifts the heavy bag to his other arm.

“Shit, I wasn’t talking about you. You’re different, I knew that when I found you at the portal,” he flashes me a goofy grin.

Crazy iron man. We get to his place and he sets up his new equipment. His makeshift training ground seems haphazardly put together; but watching him adjust the heavy bag, I can tell he is actually very deliberate in his placements. He turns it so his name faces outward.

“Want me to show you some moves?” he says as he catches me watching him.

I laugh. “I think we’ll be late to brunch if you show me all your moves.”

He grins back at me. “Right you are, Squirt. We barely have enough time to drop your stuff off.”

We walk to my room. Hercules cracks jokes and challenges me to a race, but luckily I’m able to avoid the unnecessary exercise. He watches me do gymnastics and put in the Konami code to get my bedroom door open.

“Sorry,” I say, not because I did anything wrong, but I’m slightly embarrassed. Don’t expect an explanation, I don’t get it either.

Hercules, of course, doesn’t mind. He has this insanely wide smile plastered on his face as he walks through my door. I didn’t think it was a big deal for him to come here on our way over to the dining hall, but now? I put the tea kettle away. Now, I realize how awkward it is to have a guy in my room. I should’ve told him no, but how do you tell someone who just bought you a gift to go away?

“Matthew is gonna be so pissed when he finds out I was in here,” he says.

Things just went from awkward to dangerous. Has the rumor reached Matthew’s ears? Would he care?

“Oh crap, oh crap,” I begin saying over and over.

“Hey, it’s okay. Matthew isn’t that uptight, not really.”

The words don’t make me feel any better.

“Let’s just go before we’re late to brunch.”

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