Stealing Spree

Chapter 1862 Return To The Boys' Side

Having Shiina as my escort, leaving the area was easier than when I entered. Besides, the time I spent helping out the girls, it felt like I was someone famous getting a grand send-off.

Those who had yet to leave to take their deserved free time stepped out of their tents to see me off.

It was weird and amusing at the same time. I could now remember most of their names but I doubt I’d have a use for them unless I needed to.

They won’t just pop out in front of me to converse after this camp, right? That will be exhausting.

Anyway, Shiina decided to escort me halfway through that path, or at least before we spotted someone coming from the opposite direction.

I cannot be seen by someone who was not in the cabin area when she brought me in and she cannot be seen with me.

Without mentioning anything regarding what she saw inside Chii and Nami’s tents, she thanked me for my help in bringing the spice needed for their camp.

Ah. No. She didn’t just thank me. The woman praised me a lot as if everything I did for her was that amazing, when in fact, I only walked around and helped propped up some poles while swarmed by the girls. She’s really like Juri in that regard, I guess?

I thought of asking her about the doubts we had about her identity but upon further consideration, I found it rather intruding. I’m sure she’s going to answer me but it’s probably a lot better to just wait for her to talk about it. In the meantime, I could gather some clues from Juri or Setsuna-nee. Or maybe from Sara too.

Thankfully, we didn’t run into anyone, and the woman pretty much stuck by my side the whole time and I played along with her, even teasing her a little by whispering close to her ear again.

That earned me a pout and a glare from her but the look on her face was worth it. In the end, she consciously covered her ears, preventing me from whispering close to it again.

From the way she acted around me, it’s already not the way she would’ve acted around any other boys from this trip. It’s at the level where she’s treating me like we’re at the same age.

I actually favored that rather than having her see me like a little brother to dote on. I already have a lot of those around me, right?

Before separating from her, I inquired with Shiina about the girls’ schedule. From what I gathered from my talk with Sara earlier, our schedules would only coincide on a few occasions.

I got lucky this time. We started more than half an hour earlier than the girls with the tent setup. Furthermore, Sawano and the other camp manager allowed those who completed the task early to take their free time in advance.

That’s why even after assisting close to twenty groups with a few delays in between, I still got the time to spend with Nami, Hina, and Saki. Furthermore, It was even enough time for me to satisfy all three of them.

If it’s only possible, I would transfer to this side rather than spend these two days around Fukuda and Ogawa.

Uh... I guess I should be content with what I already have. It might lead to more complications if I become too greedy.

In the end, after deliberating for only a few seconds, Shiina didn’t disappoint me. She told me the details of their schedule for tomorrow too. On top of that, she gave me recommendations on when to visit. That way, she could slip me in again.

Really, she’s favoring me way too much that I’m starting to think about how to repay her.

Yet before I could even ask her why she was doing it, she brought up her request to accompany her one more time, like a clockwork reminder.

Noticing the anticipation in her eyes, that’s probably what she wanted the most from me rather than an empty show of gratitude.

I guess there’s no escaping from it now.

“See you later, Shiina-san.”

“This guy. Don’t say that when we’re going to meet in a few minutes.”

“Come on. We can at least pretend we’re separating on good terms.”

“Pfft. Sure, sure. If you say so. See you later, Onoda-kun.”

Laughing heartily, Shiina waved her hand as she sent me off a few meters before the path merged with the gathering area.

Before I turned to take the path back to our cabin area, I glanced at Shiina who mischievously sent a flying kiss before running back to their area without waiting for me to react.

Alright. I’ve decided. I’ll tease the hell out of her when I accompany her. We’ll see if she doesn’t fold. She’s asking for it, no?



As I arrived at our cabin area, Sawano, Arai and the other camp managers’ attention focused on me. I don’t know if they’re suspecting me of anything but it’s surely weird to be stared at without any clue what they’re staring at me for.

Looking past them and into where our tents were standing, most of the boys already returned. I’m probably the last one. If that’s the case, that should be the reason, no?

I acted the same as earlier and bowed to them politely before trying to walk past to go to where my group’s tent was located.

However, a few steps later, someone from the camp managers stood up and walked alongside me.contemporary romance

Who is it?

The one leading them, of course.


“Hey, you’re late. Where did you go?” He asked. I couldn’t sense any hint of suspicion in his voice but there was a clear curiosity within it.

Did someone snitch on me? Maybe but what will they say? I’m even clear on them regarding my destination. But then again, they probably considered me simply playing around that instead of coming to visit the other side, I just went somewhere else.

Boy, should I tell him how soft Shiina’s body is? Or how fragrant her perfume was? Or how adorable she looked when she was being tickled through her sensitive ear? Wait. That’s awful. I should just be petty to those idiots who kept on buzzing around my girls. There’s no point creating new enemies here. Besides, I’m not even sure if there’s something special between them. I also never heard Shiina mentioning him. He might just be nothing more than a guy they get along with in their department.

“I went to take in the scenery near the stream. I forgot the time. I’m sorry.” I made up a lie on the spot. It’s not like he’d ever find out that I didn’t go there anyway. Besides, even if he did, I would just make up another lie to get away.

Sawano seemed to take it as is and dropped his curiosity. Nonetheless, he still had a follow-up question.

“I see. So, did you fail to visit that place again?”

I put on an embarrassed smile and continued with my lie, “Well, I did come and ask if I could. I was turned away because they’re busy with setting up their tents too.”

“Boy, I thought you didn’t. I admire your persistence. But you’re right. You won’t be able to because their schedule doesn’t coincide with us. Even if we’re on free time, there’s a good chance they’re still in the middle of their tasks.” Along with a chuckle, Sawano tapped my shoulder as though he was pitying and commending me for my attempt.

He had no idea I already knew their schedule and Shiina recommended ideal times for me to visit.

In any case, my visit there this time possibly won’t be leaked out. Shiina and the other camp managers sternly warned them to not talk about my rendered ‘Assistance’ and since I also told them to keep it a secret, only those defiant would probably try and leak it to someone.

If that’s the case, it could be easily quelled.

Anyway, having gotten his answers, Sawano returned to where he was and I continued towards our tent.

As soon as Hino spotted me, the guy almost jumped out excitedly as to what kind of adventure I would go on.

“Yo, Onoda! Did you succeed this time? Have you seen Yoneda?”

Ah. This guy is dumbly lovestruck. Looks like he’ll become similar to Sakuma who cannot stop yapping about Setsuna-

nee. Now I understand why Fukuda wanted to discourage him. If he also agreed the way I did earlier, he’d be subjected to this guy’s fervor.

“No. I failed again. I did see them setting up their tents though so there’s that. Also, this is a secret but... I managed to spend some time with my girls. Not inside their cabin though.”

To quell his excitement, I said in as low volume as possible another cooked-up lie. This time, it was sprinkled with some truth.

“What? How?” With his eyes widening in amazement, the guy enthusiastically asked.

Instead of answering him, I only put on a meaningful smile before tapping his shoulder and walking past him.

I arrived before our tent where Ogawa and Fukuda were staying. As I expected, their mood was instantly spoiled by my presence.

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