Starbeam: A Dragonian Series Novel

Starbeam: Chapter 6


The carriage finally stopped.

We got out.

“Thank you Ramon. Sorry we cut it so close.”

“It’s okay, Marguerite. It was worth it but I have to go.”

“Hope you don’t get into trouble.” She yelled as the carriage pulled away.

I was reliving the night with Prince Albert. The story really changed into Cinderella with me being freak’n Cinderella, me Katie Squires.

“Okay Katie, time to get your head out of the clouds.”

I chuckled. She was so right.

Since he knew I was a commoner, he would still marry Drizelda. Just another reason for me to hate her even more.

I said goodbye and watched her run across the road to her house and disappeared with a final wave goodnight.

I went inside and closed the door behind me, trying not to make much noise.

“Kate, is that you?”

“Yes,” I sounded hopeless just leaning my back against the door.

I wanted to cry.

Why had he kissed me? I looked up at the ceiling. Why him?

I sighed when I saw my mother just standing there, staring at me.

She pulled her blanket closer around her shoulders and smiled.

“So, you had a good night?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” I laughed.

“Really? Well then, get on with it. I don’t want to miss a second of it. Come here and sit down.”

She led me to the table in our small kitchen.

As I told her most of the story, mom just stared lovingly at me, probably glad that a man was finally sweeping me off my feet. I left out some of the details, like the kisses, but she could tell by the way I described him that he was smitten just like Maggy said.

“So, who was he? Please tell me you at least found that out.”

“I did.” I sounded so sad.

“Katherine Squires,” my mother said, in that tone she used whenever I was about to doubt myself, that I wasn’t good enough. “You are beautiful and if a rich nobleman…”

“It’s the prince Mom.” I interrupted and she fell silent.

She just stared at me.

“Prince Albert?” she finally asked and I nodded.

“Oh dear,” worry lined her face.

“I know. I have to forget about tonight. It was what it was, perfect for a few hours but that was it, right?”

She looked sad, and I knew that my story wasn’t going to end like Cinderella’s.

“It’s okay,” I jumped up. “At least I can say that maybe I was wrong about the prince and he might take better care of us than his father has when he becomes king.”

“It’s not fair. To know that Drizelda is going to marry him.”

“That’s how life is, Mom.”

“Katherine, you know you cannot ever see him again. They will send us all to the gallows, just like his grandfather sent the Swallow Anex to her death.”

“I know, Mom.” Tears started to fill my eyes.

It was so wrong. All of it. Why couldn’t they choose, why couldn’t any of us choose. Well, I was lucky, my mother and father didn’t treat me like cattle. I could still choose. But I knew I wouldn’t want anyone else after tonight.

Nobody could ever fill Albert’s shoes. Ever.


There was no slipper and every time I closed my eyes, I saw her running, disappearing and gone. Out of my life.

I had no idea who she was, just that she was from Eikenborough.

Still, I had plenty of things to ask my father, but I needed Delilah’s advice first.

She was in confinement because of what she did for me about mother’s ball.

I had to listen to mother’s scolding Delilah the entire night behind closed doors.

Then it was my turn.

She wasn’t happy, not with this stunt and almost punished Gabe too, but it wasn’t Gabe’s fault.

It was like treason in their eyes pretending to be the prince.

“I just wanted to know what being normal felt like. It had nothing to do with rebelling against your ball or anything.”

“Albert, you made a fool not just of us but poor Drizelda too.”

“I don’t care about Drizelda and I won’t marry her mother.”

She gasped. “Have you lost your mind?”

“Please, don’t make me marry someone I don’t love. She’s not going to be the right queen either.”

“You never cared about who your queen was going to be, Albert, why now?”

I grabbed her hands.“Because I finally believe the things you do, mother.” I brought them up to my lips and kissed them.

She smiled lovingly.

“I felt it.”

“Felt what?” Her smile sort of disappeared.

“The thing you always talk about Mom. I have never had a connection with anyone like the one I had with this girl I met last night.”

She closed her eyes.


“Albert, don’t. I can’t listen to this. You will marry Drizelda that’s how it is and you have to forget about this girl before your father finds out.”

She turned around and left.

I ran both my hands through my hair and grunted.

How had I ended up with such cold hearted parents?

A father that didn’t want to acknowledge me, that never loved me enough because I was the spawn of a woman he didn’t love.

A mother who couldn’t see further than her own bitter heart.

I would find this girl and I would carry out the plans I had already made, she would be next to me, fighting for all dragons to be free.

Ifound myself standing in front of my dragon mother’s confinement.

She was old and I knew that locking her in a room for most would be hardly considered punishment, but she couldn’t leave. That was punishment enough.

“Open her door.” I looked at the guard.

“Your father…”

“I said open the door.” I yelled and he stared at me and nodded.

He opened the door and I found her sitting in the chair.

She looked with closed eyes at the wall.

There wasn’t even a window.

“I’m so sorry,” I said as tears lingered in my eyes.

She opened her eyes and smiled. Then she opened her arms and I rushed to her side.

I went down on my knees in front of her, resting my head on her lap as she stroked my hair.

I started to cry.

This was so wrong.

“Shhh, I’m okay.” She whispered.

I sniffed and looked at her.

“Just tell me everything. How did it feel to be normal?”

I chuckled as I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

“It was wonderful.”

She nodded. “I knew it would be. Who is she?”

I stared at her. “How did you know.”

“I can see it in your tears, and in your eyes. You are so different Albert.”

“You will laugh.”

“Try me.”

“She is a peasant.”

She did laugh but it wasn’t cruel. “You have finally learned.”

I nodded. “I was such an idiot.”

“We all are at some point, but luckily for you, you learned. Some humans are idiots till the day they die.”

I laughed again.

“Why couldn’t you be my mother.”

“I am in here, Albert.” She touched my heart.

“She doesn’t want to hear anything from me anymore. Nothing and father would probably send her to the gallows just for being a commoner.”

“Don’t be so sure, baby. Just fight for what you want, and never stop. If she is really what your heart wants, then you must persevere until the very end.”

I nodded.

“So what is her name?”

I laughed again. “I don’t know.”

“What do you mean, you don’t know.” She had a scolding tone.

I told her the entire story of last night. She laughed about so many things, especially what this girl said to me not knowing I was the prince.

“She sounds like she was made just for you.”

“She is, I know it with all my being.”

“Then fight for her.”

“I don’t even know who she is or how to find her. Eikenborough is really big and mother gave out quite a few of those tickets.”

“Yes, it was really a good and a kind gesture, but I don’t think she is really happy about it now, but at the time, she was being kind.”

“Why does father raise the taxes so often?”

“That’s something you will need to ask him, Albert. Tell him you want to know because some day you will have to take over from him.”

I nodded again. “Why am I so afraid of him?”

She touched my face again and stared into my eyes. “He loves you more than you know Albert.”

I shook my head. I didn’t agree with her.

“He’s still just an idiot.”

I huffed as the corners of my lips curved slightly.

“Ask him. He will tell you.”

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