Spell Reign

Chapter Chapter Three: A CASTER’S JOURNEY

Swirling lights and a spinning wormhole. Describes the scenery that I am seeing right now. As we are transported through to another dimension. Dramatically we land on the ground. It was covered in weird multicolored rocks and massive glowing stones surrounded us. Lava flowed quietly in the background. Creating a slow moving river around what appeared to be an island. As we looked around. It was apparent that we were close to Norgard. Signs of both death and life carried throughout. Kritos states that we landed near the Gates of Eternity.

“We landed in a place called Norgard” Kristos says.

Continuing our pace gradually down a path. A bridge was located in our sights. It was covered in a deep thick fog and glooming glowing trees sparkled on both sides of its exits. The bridge were made of sapphire like structures and from its base. Were massive stone statues. Wondering who built this amazing structure. We pushed forward. However, the massive glowing rocks that we saw upon arrival started to move. Sounds crept from the ground and loud thundering sounds could be heard from underneath them. Just like that the rocks became giant stones. The stones then became golems. Their appearance were creepy. Kristos told us to prepare as these were Poraficks. Elemental beings which possesses the powers of the elements found on Earth. Each Porafick took different colors. The orange one was massive and was covered in lava. It shot massive flamethrowers at us. The one made of ice was powder blue and it tried to freeze us. The pure white one represented the Spiritual Essence, an element found mostly in the magical community. It clutched its fist and we fell to the ground. It could move us throughout the air and while we were distracted. The Poraficks of Water, Fire, Air, and Ice attacked us in pattern. Kachine, Kachina, and Kysenia shouted “Du pel” and a shield of pure light protected us. It was time to attack. We fell to the ground and everyone except me landed on their feet. Kadeem ran to the Poraficks with a fierce attack. Headfirst he knock them to the ground. The Earth Porafick stood up smashed its fist into the ground. Splitting the ground in half. The island separated and we found ourselves on both sides of the split. Kachine, Kristos, and I were fighting the Fire, Ice, and Air Porafick. While Kachina, Kysenia, and Kadeem were facing off against the Spirit, Nature, and Earth Porafick. Six Poraficks and six casters. The battle begun.

Kachine told me to shout “Du pel” if I wanted to magically shield myself. Kristos mentioned that the spell is an old one that casters created to omit light around their bodies to protect themselves from other magical attacks. Good explanation. I was now prepared to fight a good fight. Haven trained with Kachine on small occasions I must admit that I was worried about the tied of the battle. But I agreed to come along so I could not show neither of my cousins this fear. So I fought on. Flowing throughout the air was magic. From spells to enchanted items. Our magic was both strong here but out of control. The Poraficks grew bigger as we attacked them and it appeared that they wanted us to fight them. As they grew bigger we fought harder. I was amazed at it all. Not because of the battle but because I was realizing just how much this universe had in it that I was therefore clueless about.

“Our magic is making them stronger, try using physical attacks instead” yelled Kristos.

So I used the physical enchantments that I learned from the book. Astounded I was kicking butt. I loved it. I appeared quick and in charge of the fight on our side. As Kachine and Kristos covered me. I was glad to have them as allies. But immediately the battle turned against us. The Poraficks were now as tall as titans. Their bodies have become almost impenetrable. Their rocky bodies were now as hard as crystal with a sapphire like outer layer. We were getting our butts kicked. With everyone getting beaten. I tried to knock them down with my telekinesis and a combination of physical moves as well. But nothing worked. As the Ice Porafick took a piece of it’s arm off to use as a weapon. It cut open a bruise on my arm. I touched my blood and used my telekinesis again. All of the Poraficks around me fell to the ground. I slammed my hands onto the ground in anger. With the two islands merging together. The Poraficks gathered back together. Forming a massive stone figure. It had all of their abilities but I was not worried at all. I appeared tough and out of sync with my normal self. I rose back up with my cousins frozen with a stare. With blood still on my hands. I used it to create a sword made up of harden blood and magic. I ran toward the Porafick and it toward me. We collided with both on opposite ends of each other now. It fell to pieces on the ground and I rose up with eyes of pure black. It was obvious that my blood was taken control over my magic. My cousins tried to bring me back but to no avail. They surrounded me and shouted “Du pel” a ring of light circled us as they held hands. A miracle my body returned to normal and I fell to the ground. I awoke with an explanation that blood magic is very dangerous and if used consistently it can take over the user. I apologized and was forgiven. But it became certain that my cousins were watching me a lot closer now. We marched onward to the bridge but the statue moved that was guarding it.

“Great another Porafick” I said.

“No worse” said Kristos as he stepped backwards.

“It is a Sholl, demonic trolls covered in unbreakable armor” says Kristos.

The sholls were placed at both ends of the bridge to protect Norgard from intruders. The sholls are intelligent creatures who may look foul. However, their large bodies and massive sized brains allow for them to be powerful enemies. Kristos wanted to use wits against wits. Because of their immunity to magic. Kristos mentioned that these creatures unlike the Poraficks were immune to all form of magic including blood magic. Their armor protects them from almost any element and if it was not for their lucid skin. These creatures would almost be unstoppable. Using this knowledge and noticeable weakness to our advantage. Kristos advised a plan to fight the Sholl on his own. But he warned that Sholls are honorable creatures and will only fight one of us since it is only one of them. Following his lead, we stood behind as Kristos walked toward the sholl and agreed to fight for rite of passage. Beginning their fight, the two clashed equally on both their intelligence and fighting skills. It was almost as if the sholl knew what Kristos was thinking and what he was trying to accomplish. The sholl protected his soft spot very carefully. It led him to attack quicker with a more even pace. Instead of brute force in contrast with the Poraficks, the sholl spin around to release a giant gust of hot wind toward Kristos. Kristos revealed his ability to control the air and used it back against the sholl. The creature was lifted into the air. It became the perfect distraction. Kristos attacked its weak spot and the sholl fell to the ground instantly. The bridge shook and then turned iron gold. On the other end the other sholl could be seen facing the opposite direction. As we walked across the bridge. The previously defeated sholl appeared behind us facing the opposite direction.

“It seem like we are being tested” mentions Kysenia.

I second that thought. The facing sholl turned to us instantly. Its eyes were larger than the others and it appeared meaner. It went into defensive position with multiple arms and weapons in tow. Its head split in two and its armor started to glow to cover any possible weak spots.

“The sholls are connected. They appear to adapt to what the others are or have felt” Kristos said.

“How do you know that?” I ask.

“Because as we approach this sholl, it started to equip itself with defenses in a way that means it knows we know how to defeat it.” He says.

A smart guy I must admit. But this just made me more nervous at what this particular sholl was capable of. This time Kachine stood to the challenge. He jumped in the air slammed into the sholl. It allowed us to run pass them both. As Kachine and the sholl were battling the massive trees on the other side of the bridge closed to not let us pass. From Kristos he mentioned that this world is design for the worthy and it will not let just anybody enter or leave for that matter. The two fought for hours in a fierce and terrible blood match. The end result was Kachine laying on the ground. But as I went to rescue him. The sholl jumped in front of me and I could not move. It verified by its blank stare that this was all a test. But by whom I wondered. The sholl returned to the fight. I screamed for Kachine to get up. Like he heard me, Kachine got up and touched his womb. He lit up with rage and started to fight quicker as he pounced to his feet like a cat in battle. He moved quickly and his face was covered in anger. His look was very similar to mine when I was using blood magic. As he defeated the sholl in a matter of minutes. He turned to us and moved so quickly that we could barely see him. We tried to create the ring of light around him but he moved so fiercely that we could not. He attacked us and attempted to push us into the lava. I touched his hand while it was covered in blood and manage to forcefully push him down. I could feel his mind and heartbeat as I touched his blood. It was amazing. We formed the ring and Kachine returned to normal.

We stood for a while looking at each other. We knew that as Bloodcasters this was going to be a test of our lives. These battles will call for us to use dark magic. But we agreed that we would help each other before it was too late. We stormed forward leaving the fights behind us. The forest was our next obstacle. Forests in Norgard were known to be dark, mischievous, and home to hundreds of dark creatures of the dead or almost dead. They live on sucking the life of the living foolish enough to travel here. You could hear the trees laughing as we walked pass them. Eyes were lurking throughout the bushes with howls coming from above us. Silent whispers came from the ever watching moon with blood erupting from the grounds. Large vines spread out and attacked us as we walked through two massive trees. They started to taunt us.

“We are the Dofties and how dare you to enter our passage” says the trees.

Dofties were demonic spirits that ate spirits and stole daylight. Often referred to as Bad Luck wherever these creatures went bad luck followed. They taunt humans and live throughout the world as various creatures appearing almost never to anyone but themselves and residents of the Black Forests. As told by Kristos.

Who also mentions that we must be in the Black Forest a magical realm of magical creatures from all around the various dimensions. It serves as a midway between Earth, the Magical Community, Norgard, and the afterlife. Portals to each of these dimensions could be found on the corners of the realm. Which explains how we landed near Norgard is because we entered through the magical communities’ portal. The Dofties haunted us never to show their look aside from shadows with glowing red eyes. These creatures were fast and smelled like hot sweet ash. As they moved around us, everything from us tripping over each other, lighting striking a branch that nearly fell on us, to us mistakenly attacking each other. Their legend was being summoned by their actions. Our bad luck was being enabled and our magic seemed to disappear entirely because of it. I felt helpless and weak. The first time I felt this way in forever. I watched my cousins each barely hanging on as they appeared sick and depressed. But we could not stop, we had the entire world depending on us stopping the demons of Norgard. We could not allow Earth or any realm to be their supernatural playground. I stood up and tried to use blood magic, but my blood ran thin was water. It was ice cold and had nearly no special power.

“We have to believe in ourselves again. Bad luck is a state of mind and since we are so strong. Our bad luck is causing us to be consumed with illusions” mentions Kristos.

As he stood up, we followed. We grabbed each other’s hands and summoned our magic back. The ring of light was now a wall and the voices of the demonic spirits were no more. The trees stop moving and all the weird sounds went silent. If those were just an example of what there is to expect in the Black Forest. I for one would be glad for when it’s time for us to leave this place for good.

The night was growing around us. We had to stop because everyone was getting tired. Kycenia and Kachina used their magic to erect tens made of sticks, wood, rocks, and grass. Kadeem and Kristos used shield magic to protect it from attacks and Kachine cloaked it with a spell. Since I was not good at doing any of that I however have learned to create food out of magic. So I created a delicious meal. We ate, laugh, talked about members of our family, and gossiped about the elders. We were finally bonding on a normal family level. It was nice for a change. Myself and the others laid out for a night’s rest. Throughout the night sounds of animals stood around us. Giant wolves could smell us but could not see us. The cloaking spell was effective at least in a visual regard. But it did not stop these creatures. They were large and loud. Their footprints created small glowing footprint marks on the ground. The liquid that were in these footprints appeared magical. I woke up to the sounds of these creatures. Not immediately fearing them because of the protection of our camp. I took it upon myself to open the Book of Sanctuary. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds. The book lit up and flashed to the page about the Waywards. From its passage it mentioned:

Waywards are ancient wolves that the Iku legends described as mischievous and even demonic creatures of the underworld. Never to hunt in packs like wolves of modern age, the Waywards only came together at battle or feasting. Originally warriors cursed by the blood of the first werewolf, these demonic spirits take corporal form when hungry or the full moon.”

It was not a full moon so it must mean that these creatures were hungry. Since there were numerous sounds coming from different directions I could tell that there were many different of these wolves around us. I awoke the others. We got to our feet and walked outside. These creatures stood almost reaching the tips of the trees. But when glances of light hit their bodies they disappeared. Almost like shadows but opposite. One Wayward had spiky fur with bluish white fur and large diamond structured fangs. Their ears were wings and their tails split into three. The stench of their breath smelled like brimstone. My cousins and I looked onward in awe. We made the tent crumble with magic and put out the light from the flames. We moved closer to each other. As if forming a ninja stance. Each had energy balls in our hands. We were ready for a fight like we haven’t had before. The wolves knew we were here now. Their sense of smell was getting stronger. They pinpointed us. Slamming against the shield. We could feel it fainting. Our energy balls grew larger as we formed a tighter circle. I closed my eyes and the wolves broke our shield. Energy balls flared against the wolves. They release spike fangs toward us. Their strength was incredible. Their noise created a massive hurling thunderstorm above us. The thunder spiked the trees and hit the grounds. As light touched them. These creatures appeared camouflaged. Making it harder to hit them with light omitting attacks including the energy balls and the light spell. Luckily unlike the Poraficks and the Sholls before, our magic had effect on them. Greatly I might add. We used that to our benefits. We attacked on and on again. Never to miss a hit. We moved quickly around them. For their size, these wolves were fast like lightning. As they moved the ground rumbled beneath their steps. Their fur could withstand many strong attacks. We were growing exhausted. So we began to run. Kachine with his great agility. Stayed behind us to ward off the wolves. Flying spikes followed us as the wolves tried to attack us from a far. One Wayward opened its mouth thunder paced itself out toward us. Kadeem turned around just in time to reflect it with a light spell. But it took a toll on him. The running and the heavy use of magic was weighing on us. Something neither of us expected so early on. Exhausted we found a hideaway in a cave. The creatures ran pass and Kachine caught up to us. We closed off the cave with an avalanche. Light shot up from the far end of the cave with sounds of water coming from the distance. We relaxed in the silence. No one spoke. But I can bet everyone was thinking of completing this task we embarked on. If we are growing tired and are facing foes at both the speed and strength early on. How will we fight the forces that are expected in some of the darkest places of existence, Eternity and Norgard?

Day broke and we were still asleep. But something was watching us yet again. Creatures that appeared almost human. Hand torn cloths with giant claws wrapped around their necks. A bear like beasts stood as their hat with fangs and claws decorating their fingers and mouth. Necklaces of dragon scales circled around their neck. Kysenia opened her eyes and screamed. But neither one of us awoke. She looked at us and the creatures shrouded us in powder that placed us into deeper sleeps. Before they could continue this with her, Kysenia blasted them with a blizzard. Disliking the cold, the creatures pushed back deeper into the cave. One creature jumped from the ceiling onto Kysenia and cut her neck with its dagger. The creature continue to attack faster and faster. Kysenia stood up with her head facing the ground. Her eyes were pitch black with the creatures approaching her with their powder. She laughed and the entire cave grew ice cold. The walls covered in ice shards and the creatures fell to their knees. Touching her cut, Kysenia looked up and her eyes blitz with blue streaks of rage. She lifted her left hand and the creatures turned to ice sculptures. She used her blizzard on us to erase the effects of the sleeping powder. We awoke to see the creatures and she stood there looking with a blank pose.

“What is wrong Kysenia?” I asked.

“You fools do not know what you are getting yourselves into. This battle is not for the weak and what you are up against will kill you all. They have and will enslave the world again. You are weak and pathetic and stand no chance against the Bringers.” Kysenia says.

Her voice was deeper and had multiple layers as if she was speaking alongside someone or something.

“What is happening Kysenia?” asks Kristos.

“Fool, my name is Snow, the Goddess of Snow and Ice. Kysenia is just a vessel for me to re-enter the world.” Mentions Kysenia.

Possessed, Kysenia fell into Kachine’s arms to only awake not to remember a thing. Walking up to the creatures, Kristos identifies them as Farmen.

Farmen are cow and bull bodied cave dwellers that builds large caves and laid giant size eggs and at the end of time the eggs hatch and outcome several land animals.”

But my real question was on what just happened with Kysenia. I opened the Book of Sanctuary and there it’s description mentions about Snow.

“Snow was Goddess of Ice, Climate, Temperature, and Snow. Born from Winter she assists her mum bring the world icy weather. She invented the blizzard and snowstorms in memory to Sickle. Her home is at the edge of the Earth lying in Snow and 12 mile thick ice, even the gods grew cold while in her realm. The panda, Yati (yeti), dove, beaver, and koala were her children and the ice sickle was her weapon.”

The passage further explains that she was banished to Oblivion for nearly placing the world on ice out of fury with the God King Born’ for betraying their love. This created the Ice Age and she vowed that one day she would return to seek her revenge on Earth and the gods.

“It makes sense that since Kysenia holds ice like abilities, the first Bloodcaster in centuries to possess this ability. That Snow needed a strong vessel to harbor until she was strong enough to reawaken.” Mentions Kristos.

“How can we stop that from happening?” I asked

“Right now we have bigger issues and unfortunately that must wait until we finish our mission” says Kysenia as she stands on her feet.

“But Kysenia” before I could continue, Kysenia stops me and notions for us to move onward. With the rest of us looking at each other in despair. We move onward anyways. We walked pass the massive eggs laid by the Farmen. Kristos mentioned that we did not have anything to worry about as the eggs won’t hatch until the world is recreated. In this regard the eggs would hatch into a new breed of animals different and stronger and more adapt then the current species. We left them be and continued onward deeper into the cave. While walking through the cavern we noticed a strong stench that was coming from the left corridor of a well-lit space to our right. As we grew closer we could hear singing and the light was moving as if it was dancing to the song. We turned the corner to find a bright display of creatures. They were beautiful and appeared to be roasting some sort of stick. The stench changed to cinnamon with a hint of ginger. The creatures then changed to women with long hair and jewels decorated their golden hair. Their long flowing dresses moved like the wind. With their hands made of glass. Several emotions glazed their faces. Happy, sadness, regret, and anger. Their music was a passionate one and on our far left was a massive size window. It was overlooking a glowing orb. Perched in a room that overlooked a garden. This glowing orb told the stories of the many lives in existence. Which meant judging from an insert I remember reading from the Book of Sanctuary. That these beautiful women were the Warvue.

Warvue are 6 Giantess who guarded the Wheel of Time and Fate, like the Groners. These caster like giants were very powerful and instead of predicted time and deciding the events of mortal lives. They controlled the lives of immortals as well even the Groners. Living in a fiery realm in the Valken Holdrum, the Warvue are usually seen together making fun of everyone else. They are the first children of Yonrohs’ although they are forgotten and written out of stories until after the fall of the gods. They consisted of Contessa, Seliondra, Fer, Velda, Honna, and Fate. Contessa watched and decided the fates of animals, Seliondra watched and decided the fates of plants with Fer watching and deciding fate of the immortals. Velda made the food for immortals and created realms for them too. Honna created the Wheel of Time and Fate and with it came the fate of all things which she watches closely with her 99 eyes. Fate ends all lives by predicting the outcome of all events.”

“How do we get to Norgard?” asks Kadeem.

The giants did not seem to notice his words. He moved closer and this time shouted instead of speaking. The giants turned to him. Moving forth, Honna kneeled and stated that he will die before he reaches Norgard. Startled we all turned to each other. The giants then turned laughed and continued to dance and roast their stick. But Kadeem was not happy. He picked up a log and threw it at the giantess. Roaring with annoyance. The giantess turned again with fiery eyes.

“I’ll ask again. How do we get to Norgard?” asks Kadeem.

“You dare throw anything at us. Do you not know who we are foolish mortal?” says one of the Warvue.

“I know who you are and I do not care” says Kadeem.

“Kadeem mind your manners, they are very powerful” insures Kysenia.

“Maybe we should leave and continue to find the gates on our own” says Kristos.

“No I’m tired of walking endlessly throughout this barren place. We need answers.” Continues Kadeem.

Kadeem continue to then pick up another log and this time threw it at the roasting stick. As the stick fell to the ground. The Warvue stopped their chatter and dancing. At that moment something happened. The giantess shrunk to our size.

They immediately begun fighting us to no end. They were quick and took no breath in between gestures. We had no other choice but to defend ourselves. As we fought. The giantess healed our blood wombs. Our fight started to destroy the cave around us. With falling bricks and stones. The room with the glowing orb slowly started to reveal itself. Now with its walls now crumbling down around it. Floating to the air, the globe spun faster than it did before. It omitted a light from it and the Warvue disappeared. From the globe entered Jonun the God of Life and Fate. My cousins and I stopped as the Warvue had disappeared. Bright light covered the room and a sweet scent acclaimed the air.

“You asked for answers and for the answers you have earned them” says Jonun from a distance.

Moving closer, Jonun appeared with a clear grace. His stature was that of a king. Dressed in wrappings made up of gold and silver. His eyes were placed with golden dust. His short silver hair was transparent and he moved with silent pleasant angelic movements. The new room overlooked a glass floor with walls and the ceiling all made of glass. The pillars were massive golden stones. The glowing orb now centered in the room. Showed every ounce of existence.

“You asked for simple answers. So I shall answer them. The globe in front of you can show whatever you ask of it. But be careful as it can show you things that sometimes you wish not to know out loud.” Says Jonun.

“Careful as you only get one question to ask it” continues Jonun as we approach the globe from different corners.

First Kachina stepped up to it and asked it where our parents were. The globe showed them tied up in a fire pit surrounded by massive amounts of burned trees and giant skeletal creatures. We became petrified at the thought that something has happened to them. Next Kristos rushed to the globe to ask it how we stop the Bringers of Norgard. Showing him a large book, at first glance. Kristos thought it to be the Book of Sanctuary. However, the book was colored differently and it appeared much larger. Kachine asked it will we all make it out from this battle alive. At which the globe showed him, his life training future young casters. Kysenia asked something less related to our quest. But of the goddess Snow. She asked if she was the incarnation of the goddess and if she was her own person. The globe showed Kysenia herself fighting the goddess Snow and later showed her dressed as the snow goddess. Finally Kadeem asked his question from earlier. How to get to the land of Eternity, Norgard. It showed him his grave and the gates of the realm opening up in front of him. Before I could ask it anything. It lit up and showed me the Bringers of Norgard and shouted that someone will die to save the world. Thinking to myself that it was Kadeem because of his vision through the globe. The globe dimmed and everyone circled Jonun.

“Now that you now know your questions. I’m sure you can now continue to your destiny.” He said.

He disappeared in charging white light along with the globe. The cavern then reconstructed itself with a wide opening. Stepping through it, the cave closed off behind us. We found shelter under a nearby tree. It probably was the most peace we experienced the entire time on this journey. The night sky brought peace to our minds as we slept. But a few of my cousins with less than desirable answers to their questions. Were up or dreaming of what they found out.

As we slept a mysterious figure was watching us. It appeared to be watching over us with a bow and arrow erected at the creatures that dangled around us. And just like that it shot down creatures that dare harm us. As the sun came up, the figure disappeared. We awoke and we motioned onward at dawn. The wind blew gently and Kristos mentioned that we were entering was the Garden of Eternity. A beautiful and enchanted place where the dead continued their existence doing exactly what they were doing while in life.

“Judging from our current position. We should not have to worry about anything. Being that this is paradise for the dead unable to move on.” Says Kristos as he showers us with a pleasant thought.

We entered a village where peopled worked, laugh, played, and simply lived their lives. Undisturbed by their fates. They appeared alive and normal. It was apparent that this village must have been in connection while in life.

“Sometimes a large mass of people or even entire cities can be killed by various means. In which in the afterlife, they would come to the afterlife as they did before their final days on Earth” mentions Kristos.

Getting hungry we walked into a nearby pub. We sat down and were served by a young lady who was dressed in early 1700s clothing. I asked her what the year was. She mentioned that it was the fall of 1721.

“Are you from another land?” she asked

“Yes we are, we are just passing through” responds Kachina.

Kachina looked at me with a mean look. “What?” I responded. Like a child who just did something they were not supposed to do.

“We have to be careful not to interrupt the memories of the dead” whispered Kachine.

Great now everyone at the table was looking at me like I was an idiot. Kadeem broke the uneasy silence as the young lady looked at us oddly. He ordered food and drinks for us. As the morning passed. Time eased as we started to laugh and tell stories of our individual experiences. The mood was probably the first time we had a true family moment. With our different backgrounds and upbringing. We were probably the most unconnected bunch in terms of our lifestyles. But personally and mentally we connected very well. Our stories seemed to flow with one another and our experiences were no stranger to each other either. We ate, we danced, and the day passed easily. The pub owners loved our lively company so much. That they offered us room and board. We accepted. While laying up in bed, the girls were in one room and the boys in another. I thought to myself of my brother and sister. My mum and how they were all doing. I felt sick at the vision given to us of our parents in that pit. I only hoped that it has not happen yet. I feared for their lives. Hell, even for our own. I knew I was no longer a child and now it was time for me to have an understanding of what was happening. Seeing the leery thought on my face. Kachina sat on the bed near me. Joined by Kysenia, they could tell something was on my mind. As we just sat there. We eventually fell asleep. In the next room, the boys however had different ideas of passing the night. They wrestled and sword fight with energy rods. Not to be heard, they cloaked their room with a silent spell. Boys will be boys I suppose.

The night issued and instead of waiting for the morning. We gave our thanks to the kind staff of the pub and went about our way. We launched onto a wide farmland. With grass as tall as the trees. We also had company. The figure from before was watching us from a distance. I turned to feel his stare on my cheek. But could not see anything or anyone. Cows and wide patches of barren land were found in our sights. The lands were obvious reflections of landings of strange figures as the crop fields were in weird shapes. All the shapes tend to point directly ahead of us toward this rigged shaped mountain. It was a sign we took as something that needed to be checked out. We marched forward and came across a river with smell of burning human flesh. Kristos yelled for us to stop. He mentioned that this is the River of Death.

“It leads to the underworld. Which means we are on the right path to Norgard. This river is said to have some sort of barrier erecting as high as the heavens. Only those with a daring heart and courageous heart can pass. Cowards and weak minded will fall in. their souls will then flow onward to Onur, the underworld.” Says Kristos.

Amazed at how knowledgeable he is at all of this. I know to take his knowledge into consideration. So I jumped across the river to the other side unhurt. Smiling from the distance, Kysenia continued. Followed by Kachine and Kachina. Kristos jumped only to get hit by the barrier. As he tried to cross his mind was strong but his heart wasn’t. Kadeem jumped in and pushed him through but fell into the river. Kristos fell to the ground, rescuing him. We tried to rescue Kadeem but his body melted into the river and his soul could be seen floating down the river. Kristos screamed and ran after him. We followed but the river moved faster than what our feet. Kristos fell to his knees in tears. Standing behind him, we comforted each other.

“We can get him back” says a determined Kachine.

“How can we get him back, his body is gone and his soul is off to eternity.” says a tearful Kristos.

“If eternity is a place of ending, then somewhere here must be a place of beginnings as well. You all people should know about this place and if such a place like that exists.” Says Kachine.

Returning to his feet. “Wait! There is actually” says Kristos.

“May I see the book, Kyra.” Asks Kristos.

“Sure” I replied.

“Here it is.” Says Kristos.

“What is it? Kristos. Is there such a place?” asks Kycenia.

“It is called Tenir. A bridge that connects life that comes down from the heavens or Norgard to the living. Spirits are carried across in various forms depicting the stages of that person’s life. They would appear blindfolded and if the blindfold is removed before entering the world of the living, then they would be blind in the life. Over the course of time many immortals and angels stood watch over this place.”

So the obvious question is, is where is the bridge located and how to get there. Kristos mentioned that it was located on the other side of Norgard which means we would have to follow through with our mission first in order to save Kadeem. We knew it was meant to happen this way but it didn’t make it any easier to believe. So we left for Norgard.

As we grew closer, the lands grew more barren. The skies darker and the winds colder. It was like life was moving away from the place. Massive plaque erected above our heads read, “Norgard”. We knew we have arrived. A long rocky road lied ahead of us. Trees on fire lit up the pathway. With souls of the dead walking along the pathway to Eternity.

“Do not look at the dead. We must appear as they do, to not appear undead. Keep looking forward.” Says Kristos.

We did as he said. Moments later we appeared at the doorway at the end of the road. The spirits simply walked through. The doors sat on a ledge with only a massive pit found on the other end. As we tried to open the doorway it knocked each of us back after every attempt.

“Only a member of the dead can open the door to Norgard.” Says a familiar voice.

We turned to find the words coming from our cousin Kadeem. Who’s spirit hovered down to us. He smiled as he was dressed in flowing sparkling white cloths.

“I see you need my help once again” says Kadeem.

We looked at him with tearful joy in our eyes. It was a sight to behold as he was still holding on.

“Why are you not moved on yet?” asks Kristos.

“Ready to get rid of me already I see” jokes Kadeem.

“It’s just the river took you away so fast”. Says a tearful Kristos.

“I know, it was my choice to jump in to save you. I mean you are one of my favorite cousins dude. I am holding on because our journey is not over yet. I can let you through the door.” He says

He opened the door and we were pulled through. The other end was blissful with a sweet aroma of peace. But that was only from one direction. Another stunk of fire and brimstone covered with hate and anger. And then there was the direct path which smelled of nothing and felt of nothing. Kadeem explained that the left door was Eternity of Peace, the center door was the afterlife or the Neither World, and the right door was Eternity of Torment.

“Only the judges can decide who goes through these doors. However, since neither of you except one is dead. You must choose your own path. But remember that the path you choose will not be the obvious one.” Says loud voices from behind us.

Appeared in large erecting towers behind each door. Were the three Judges of the Dead. I read up about them prior to our journey. Apparently, each judge is a former king from the land of the living. Who was either punished or blessed with the tasks of judging the dead.

“I know each of you and of your purpose.” I said out loud as the judges turned to me.

“Harmoxide you in life was deformed and very evil king. His kingdom killed him because of his deformity and because of his evil tyrant ways so in the afterlife he cursed the world with the 7 sins and gave mankind the ability to lie which served as small but dangerous emotion. War was built from it and deaths grew, for this Montum made Harmoxide one of his Judges. He judges whether truthful dead went to Helliholm “heaven”. Obekuwa is one of the Judges of the dead, he was a barbaric giant that served the dead. He taught rhymes and built the first labyrinth. His magical sword was founded by Kanos, which helped the god slay the 15-headed serpents. Dargerone judge over the dead was once a tormented soul in the Underworld until his escape to Helliholm proves him worth sparing suffering. So Montum made him into a judge and gave him the power over all the elements in honor of his great escape. He also assists in the battle of Mostibik fighting on the side of Montum. Maniuosphateles is one of the Judges of the dead, his laughter was heard in all realms and with it, and he was chosen to decide if the dead would roam the world for eternity.” I said to them.

“You are wise child. We see each of you have your strengths and weaknesses. But that alone won’t have help you fight what is coming. You have been tested along the way by the forces of both good and evil throughout your journey. But again that was just a test.” Says Obekuwa.

“Your next step is to get to Norgard before the Bringers kill the elders of your family. Not such an easy tasks as the Bringers have already sent you creatures you have nearly escaped from. So how will you fight off their very own protégé’.” Says Harmoxide.

“But we are not going to give you a final judge. That is left up to you, of the living, to do.” Says Maniuosphateles.

“All we will do is sit back and allow you to choose your next step without interruption.” Says Dargerone.

“Before we choose please let our cousin live again.” Says Kristos.

“We can do that, if only for this task. But remember that the dead wants what it wants. If your cousin returns to the living. Then someone must replace him in due time.” Says the judges simultaneously.

They held out their hands and with light rushing through Kadeem’s body. Kadeem was alive again. His cloths turned into armor and with it a sword.

“Since you are born again, you gain armor and a sword enchanted by I. With it, you can take the souls of others and use it as absolute power. But use it carefully. It can overpower you if you let it.” Says Dargerone.

“Why give us armor and help us. What do you gain from this.” Asks Kachine.

We all turned our attention the judges awaiting their answers.

“One day you will come back to us. Each individually. On these days we shall have your souls go where we see fit. A fitting solution I must say myself.” Says Harmoxide.

We huddled together to figure out which door we were going through. As the judges looked onward. I had a thought about the Bringers and our ancestors. Dating back to the story of their past. Our ancestors wanted power, they wanted to rule over all things. But they were cunning and very intelligent. So the obvious place would not be Hell. The gate of Norgard had to be in a place with no feelings. A place with no smell and no texture to differentiate it from another. This place had to be an abyss. As I shouted out my thoughts. We turned to find the judges and all but one door gone. It was the doorway to Either World. So now we begin our march through the door. What awaits us on the other end would be anyone’s guess.

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