
Chapter 19

I stared at the file in blank shock. Heavens, no wonder they didn’t want to tell me. They faced the man of my nightmares. They went through my hell.

Trembling, I put the file back on the desk and lifted my gaze to Hargin and her stern features. “We’re at war.”


“Because of me?”

The Commander paused, watching me closely before answering. “Partly. It was bound to happen at some point. You’re the catalyst Sylus needed. How is your training going?”

I couldn’t think of that right now. My mind was racing of what I was going to say to my brother, how I was going to apologise then hold him. “Um, fine? I dunno.”

“Annalyse informed me that you are a competent fighter. She thinks it’s time for you to learn about your magic,” she said, forcing me to think of other things. The tone of her voice made it sound imperative that I listen to her and not the thoughts in my head. “I think we should discuss finding you a teacher.”

“Sure.” How could she expect me to focus on anything at a time like this? It was official: we were at war. And I’d played a big part in starting it.

She kept going. “Smith said Prince Leonidas gave you directions to another Bound rider. You and Annalyse will go to this rider and get the proper training you need--after your visit to Kain Castle. Prince Leonidas wants to speak with you before you depart.”

I swallowed. “When?”

“Tonight. You may go.”

My movements felt heavy, as if I was moving under water. Everyone was waiting for me outside the office. Annalyse was beside Jacob trying to calm him down while Grayson paced in front of them.

Suddenly, I was in Jacob’s arms, in the tightest hug he’d ever given me. “How much do you know?”

“I read your report.” My voice was a rasp whisper. “I’m so sorry, Jacob. I didn’t know.”

“That was the point,” he muttered in my hair. “You’re safe. I’m not letting that bastard go anywhere near you.”

“He has to go through both of us,” Grayson added grimly. He couldn’t stop pacing, chewing on his thumbnail. His eyes darted left to right as he plotted his plan of attack.

“Hargin wants me to focus on my training. Annalyse and I are leaving for Kain Castle then we’re going to find the other storm dragon rider.”

Annalyse unglued herself from the wall, shocked. “She actually listened to me?”

Grayson finally stopped pacing and looked at me, alarmed. “You’re leaving the kingdom? When?”

I shrugged, wiping my eyes. I hadn’t realised I was crying until Jacob pulled away to look at me; he wiped my tears off my cheeks with his thumbs. “Tonight.”

“Just you and Annalyse?” Jacob was heartbroken; his face was contorted in anguish. How could the Commander keep us apart, especially so far away with no telling when I’d be back--or if I’d see him again. Who knew what she was going to get him to do while I was gone? “I’m going to talk to the Commander.” Jacob turned for her office. Unlike me, he had the decency to knock.

Not knowing what to do with myself, I peered over to see what Grayson was doing. He was pacing and plotting again, clearly distressed about this whole situation. Understandably so. He’d had a tough week.

Annalyse took my hand. “Come on. We have our orders; we have to get ready.” Hearing her, Grayson snapped out of it and moved to follow, but Anna held her hand out to him. “Stay here. Wait for Jacob. He needs you.”

His eyes narrowed on her, something persistently dark twisting inside them that would have left me fearful of my future, but when he looked at me, he held only concern and determination. “I’m not leaving you.”

I swallowed a lump in my throat. I wished he could be at my side through all this. He gave me strength I didn’t know I had. But Anna was right: Jacob needed him. “I’m fine, Grayson. Please, stay with Jacob.”

Then I gave him no choice and hurried down the corridor with Anna. She set a fast pace, which I kept up with, but it made the anxiety in my chest build. It made this all the more real, not a nightmare I would wake up from.

As soon as I closed the door to our room behind me, I threw myself at her. “I’m scared, Anna!”

For me. For Jacob. For everyone! This kingdom was going to war with a mad man and it was all my fault. Thousands of people were going to die horribly. I believed the prince when he said he’d burn villages--and it was because of me!

She held onto me, rubbing my back. I cried my heart out before there was a knock on the door. Giving me a sympathetic smile, she handed me a pillow to hold before answering the door. It was Jacob and Grayson. Angry and upset, my brother barged in, collapsing at my feet; Grayson stood in the doorway, silent, vigilant. “She won’t let me go with you,” Jacob panted. He must have ran here as soon as he was done with Hargin. “I-I can’t leave you alone, Eva, not at a time like this.”

Annalyse came to his side, putting an arm around him. The look she gave him was so sweet and tender, they might as well be the only ones in the room. He didn’t notice; his gaze was locked on me. “She won’t be alone, Jacob,” she assured him, speaking softly. “I’ll be with her. Besides, no one will know where we are. I don’t even know where we’re going. We’ll be safer than anyone in this kingdom.” She squeezed her arms around him with everything she had. “It’s you I’m worried about.”

He waved her off, dismissing the thought of him being in danger. But it was true, I feared for him more than anyone. Prince Darius seemed very excited to know I still had a brother left. If he ever got his hands on Jacob. . .

I gripped his shoulders. “You have to stay safe, Jacob. Don’t worry about me.” I made him look at me. He had to understand how important it was to me that he stayed safe. If anything happened to him there was nothing I wouldn’t do. If he wanted to keep me safe, he had to keep himself out of harm’s way.

Swallowing, he looked up at me with watery eyes. They soon became resolute. “I’ll be careful, Eva. . . . When do you leave? Hargin said we could at the very least escort you to the castle.”

Annalyse stood up, looking out the window. The sun was setting. “Now. It’s best to travel at dusk. No one will be able to see us.”

Jacob nodded, looking a little hollow. Slowly, he rose to his feet. “We’ll let you girls pack and meet you in the stables in ten minutes.”

He turned for the door and patted Grayson’s shoulder on his way out. Grayson cast me one last look before following him out. Annalyse released a chunk of air from her lungs, tears in her eyes. “It’s so hard to see him like this.”

“I know.” I imagined it hurt her almost as much as it hurt me.

We moved to pack our things then, before I could even register what I had packed, we were walking down to the stables. We were silent, taking in the base as we went. Who knew when we’d come back again? We savoured every bump and scuff on the walls, every face we passed. The atmosphere here had always been solemn, but tonight it seemed more grim. Word had probably gotten out that we were at war now.

Our dragons were the only dragons in the stables at this time of day. Jacob and Grayson were already mounted and ready. By Aster’s solemn expression, I knew Anna had already informed her of our abrupt mission, but I’d failed to share the news with Arkon yet, and his worry seeped into my soul. “What is going on, Little One? Where are we going?”

I caught him up on the day’s events, doing my best to keep calm. I’d had my time to cry, now was the time for action. He growled when I mentioned Prince Darius, scales bristling. It appeared everyone was in line to get a piece of the prince. He’d pissed everyone off in some way, though for Arkon he was more angry at the entire Fortys clan for what they had done to his adoptive father.

Are you ready? I asked him silently, aware I was holding everyone up. I just needed a moment with my dragon. I don’t know when we’ll see this place again.

This is only the next step in our journey, Eva. Places will come and go, but we will always have each other.

I smiled at that then climbed into the saddle.

I’d been so focused on Arkon to realise it had started raining. The loud pitter-patter against the solid rock was a comforting sound. Closing my eyes, I took in the familiar sound; it seemed to be the only thing that could truly keep me calm.

“You ready?” Annalyse asked me. Her voice barely carried over the rain.

“Let’s go.”

The flight was every bit as quiet as I’d expected. We had to fly a little slower due to the rain, but we still made it to the castle before the sun began to rise. The light had only just started to shine over the plains when we landed on castle grounds.

The rain had eased into a light drizzle, to my relief; the ride here had soaked me to the bone, and once I was done here I had more flying to do, preferably not in the rain.

A guard ran straight for Grayson, who had not dismounted yet, bumping me into Arkon in the process, he was in such a rush. Grayson slipped off his Eran's back easily and listened to the guard. Annalyse gave the guard a dirty look then hurried inside with Jacob and another guard.

I was about to follow the group inside, but Grayson caught my arm, eyes sad when he looked at me. “Can we talk?” His voice was haggard and rough, like he hadn’t talked in years rather than hours.

“Sure thing.” I took my helmet off, shaking my hair loose. It was so uncomfortable to have my hair stuffed inside, especially when it was wet out.

After peering around for any onlookers, he licked the rain off his lips and looked down at me, a hesitation in his dark gray eyes. “Renkon wants to see me. . . so I won’t be around when you leave.” I thought that was all he had to say he’d paused for so long, but then, after taking a deep breath, he continued, “I just wanted to tell you to look after yourself. Don’t trust anyone in the Desert Lands. There’s a reason they were exiled there.”

I agreed, remembering reading that was where the worst criminals were sent. This storm dragon rider sure knew how to pick her home. “I will. You be good,” I teased, though my voice was a little too flat to be teasing. “No getting into fights with Leo while I’m gone.” Even as I tried to lighten my tone, my voice was still flat. How could I joke at a time like this? It might be months before I see him again. Maybe more. The thought made my heart ache. “Be careful, Grayson.” This time instead of sounding strong, my voice wobbled. No matter how I wanted to say goodbye, it wouldn’t come out right. It didn’t feel right to say goodbye.

He chucked my chin, giving me a cute lopsided smile. “Just worry about yourself. I’ll be fine, Eva.”

The sun rose just high enough to light up his eyes, like the sun peering through dark clouds in a vicious storm, a glint of hope and reprieve. He was absolutely gorgeous.

I was going to miss him. Very much.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I reached up and kissed him. Then I hopped back and hurried inside without looking back. I didn’t know if that had been too forward, but I had to do it. I wanted that to be my last memory of him until I saw him again, unspoiled by whatever he might have said or done about the kiss.

A servant showed me the way to Prince Leonidas and Annalyse; they were sitting in a small office, with only a single candle for light--guess it was too early to be lighting up the castle. He looked exhausted, bags under his eyes, dark, brown-red hair disheveled, though an attempt was made to look tidy. Even his clothes weren’t as posh as I’d expected them to be, more casual, comfortable. It was a better look for him, he seemed more himself.

Leo stepped away from his conversation with Annalyse to give me a grim kiss on my knuckles. Something told me he would never stop acting like I was a lady, even if I was in full uniform. “Commander Hargin and I decided it was time to send you to the Desert Lands to find the other storm dragon rider,” he relayed. Still no attempt at seduction tonight. I was almost disappointed in him, but I suppose if he was hitting on me it’d mean there was nothing wrong, that his kingdom wasn’t at war. “I told you I wouldn’t ask you to do anything you’re not ready for. Are you ready for this?”

Annalyse snorted, leaning on my shoulder with confidence gleaming in her eyes. “Oh, she’s ready. Eva’s fast on her feet, a quick learner, my best pupil.”

I wished I was as confident as she was. Everyone seemed so sure I was ready to leave, but was I? Could I leave Jacob and Grayson here while I went to another continent I hadn’t even heard of until I read about it? Find the only other person like me in this world? Convince her to train me in the ways of our magic?

However, I did find some comfort in my friend’s words; I hadn’t realised I was doing so well in my lessons.

Leo offered Anna an apologetic smile. “Would you mind giving us a moment? I’d like to talk to Eva in private.” His eyes turned to mine and stayed, like if he turned away, I would vanish in a cloud of smoke, never to be seen again.

She glared at the back of his head then looked to me for approval. I nodded, letting her know it was all right.

As soon as the door closed behind her, he stepped closer to me, taking my hands. I let him hold them, it felt good to be touched right now. It helped me feel grounded. “Are you as ready as she says you are? The Desert Lands are dangerous, you’ll always have to keep your guard up.”

“I think so,” I said with a shrug, trying to put on a tough-girl façade. Truly, the more people told me about the Desert Lands, the more scared I became, especially coming from two accomplished fighters. “You’re the one who told me to go there in the first place.”

He rolled his eyes, a silent curse to himself for sending me so far away. “I thought you’d have more time. . . and maybe more of an escort. . . and Prince Darius hadn’t sworn to take you for his own.”

I shuddered at the thought. Even reading Prince Darius’ words in the report had been too close for me. The only reason that bastard was getting close to me was so that I could slit his throat.

“Thank you,” I said earnestly, “for telling King Renkon not to hand me over. After the last dinner. . . I don’t think he likes me much.”

He shook his head, a small smile on his lips. “No, he doesn’t really like you, but I do. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. You’re just as beautiful tonight as you were then.” He brushed a hand over my warm cheeks, the sincerity in his eyes almost overwhelming. I certainly didn’t feel beautiful, being soaked, sweaty, and exhausted, but I believed him.

“Listen,” he added soberly, moistening his lips and leading me away from the door in case someone overheard us, “be careful of who knows your exact location. The runaway knows where you and Anna will be in the Desert Lands, and I wouldn’t put it past him to send word to his brother.”

I narrowed my eyes on him, doubtful that was true. “What do you mean? We can trust him, Leo.” I trusted Grayson as much as my own brother; he wouldn’t betray us.

He frowned in confusion. “You do know who his family is, right?”

“Well. . . no,” I confessed, suddenly feeling stupid. Smith definitely wasn’t his true last name; from what he’d described about his family, he didn’t want his real name to get around, so I never asked. Maybe I should have.

Wincing, he squeezed my hands, then took a step back to give me space I apparently needed. “His real name is Deximus Arkayn Fortys. We’re at war with his family. Why didn’t anyone tell you this? I thought you knew.” He began pacing in his frustration.

I stood in silence, rocked to my very core.

Fortys. As in Sylus Fortys. Darius Fortys.

All I could do was stare at him.

That’s not possible. King Sylus only had three sons. Darius, Deximus, and Dravyn-- named after his ancestor who had slain Dracon. Deximus had been killed by assassins three years ago. From what I understood from my readings, no one particularly mourned his death; he’d supposedly been far more cruel than Darius, which I didn’t believe for a second, no man could be more monstrous than him. But if he had survived his attack, there was no way Grayson could be him. Sure, the man clearly had a tormented past, but he didn’t have a malice bone in his body.

Grayson became a Dragon Knight three years ago, Arkon reminded me. Sensing my distress, he’d slipped into my mind to make sure I was unharmed. He’d said so himself: his family isn’t well liked. He’d done awful things for them. I’ve seen him spar with your brother. . . he fights differently from the others, with more aggression and bloodlust. Eva, heed the prince’s words.

My mind started spinning. I didn’t want to believe it, because if it was true, the man I’d just kissed was the brother of the monstrosity who had killed my family, destroyed my village. Innocent people. If Prince Darius did that without batting an eye, what else had he done--had his brothers done?

“I-I. . .” I struggled for words. “I don’t understand. If he’s one of them, why is he here?”

Leo threw his hands up in agitation, still pacing the length of the coffee table between us. “I ask myself that every time I see him in my home. Commander Hargin trusts him because a dragon is Bound to him--apparently, dragons only Bond with someone who has a virtuous soul. My father gave him asylum under the condition he gives us valuable information regarding the Fortys clan.” He curled his lip up in clear disgust at the situation.

Anger welled up inside of me. I didn’t know what to do with it; my hands trembled at my sides.

“Who else knows?” Who else had he lied to, pretended everything was fine while my brother and I grieved for the people his family had taken away from us? What in his right mind did he think that was okay?

He stopped in front of me, cupping my cheek. “Eva, I’m truly sorry-”

I slapped his hand away. “Answer me!”

Annalyse slammed the door open, instantly glaring at Leo, assuming he’d done something to me. “What’s going on?”

Leo stood in front of me, blocking me from Annalyse’s glare, which he hadn’t clued in was directed at him. “Go back outside until you’re summoned, Sergeant.”

Crossing her arms, she stood tall and gave him a look that made him shift his weight uncomfortably and swallow back the authoritative prince who had dared to command her. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”

“Did you know Grayson is Deximus Fortys?” I asked her, stepping around Leo.

Her “Don’t talk shit to me” expression flattened in an instant--and then she was storming in Leo’s face, gripping his collar. ”What did you tell her?”

He shoved her off, still somehow appearing unscathed by her assault. “The truth--because apparently no else had!”

"You knew?” I staggered away from her and her attempts to coddle me. “I trusted you! All of you! Jacob trusts you!” My gods, how was he going to take this? His own partner, someone he had shared pain and joy with, someone he trusted with his life--my life--had been lying to him this whole time.

Annalyse closed her eyes, drawing in a calculative breath before looking at me. “Eva, Jacob knows.”

Hearing that my own brother had lied to me, was cohorting with the enemy, broke something inside of me. I dropped to my knees.

How could they all lie to me? What the hell was wrong with this world? Could I trust no one? Was there nowhere safe for me? I thought I could move on from the loss of my family, but now this pain was almost worse. Betrayal. It hurt more than dying from the wounds that formed my scars.

Arkon had been right to hide away from the world.

Annalyse came to my side. I shoved her away. “Stay away from me! We’re done.”


I ran out of the castle and didn’t look back. Arkon didn’t ask any questions when I jumped into the saddle and told him to fly.

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