Sommerstall Academy

: Chapter 51

Holy hell, someone tell the psychopath in my head to stop carving out my brain. Seriously, my head hurts so much I can barely hear my own thoughts.

‘Elija? I think he’s waking up,’ I hear someone say. Even in my confused state do I recognize it, the voice that so quickly became my favorite one.

I try to force my eyes open, wanting to see Florence but my body is protesting. Everything hurts so bad.

‘Hey Champ, can you hear us?’ a deeper voice asks. So my dad is here too. The question is just, where is here? I pry my eyelids open a crack and try not to wince at the bright light.

Before I can try to speak, someone’s cupping my cheeks, directing my gaze to meet the most beautiful set of emerald eyes.

‘Where am I?’ I rasp huskily. Florence releases a wet chuckle.

‘You’re at the hospital. You fell down the stairs and hit your head,’ my mom tells me but I can’t see her. I’m still looking at my girl and a knot in my stomach tightens uncomfortably as I do so. Dark shadows circle her eyes, her skin is pale and her hair’s a mess. Not that I care what she looks like but she’s obviously exhausted and I hate to think it’s because of me.

Without thinking about it one of my hands comes up to hold hers on my cheek.

‘How long have I been here?’ I ask softly. My throat is dry but I don’t want Florence to go away to get water for me.

‘Since last night so about fifteen hours?’ Florence replies, looking at my parents for aid.

‘You’ve been here for that long?’ She nods. ‘Have you slept at all?’ I ask next. I hate that her cheeks glow pink at the indication but she nods again, confirming my suspicion. ‘Have you eaten anything?’ I ask, my voice lowered.

Florence tries to brush me off but I have my answer right there.

‘Very well. I already texted your friends you were awake so someone should be here soon. Would you mind if your mother and I went home to freshen up and maybe get some sleep? Kai came by a few hours ago to bring some of your essentials over. Your phone and headphones are here, just tell me if you need anything else. The doctor should check up on you soon,’ my dad says.

‘Alright, thanks and of course not, please go. Can you drop Florence off at her place on the way?’ I ask. Then, realizing Florence is about to protest, I add, ‘You need some rest. I’ll be fine here.’

‘You can come home with us if you don’t want to go home, Honey. It’s no problem,’ my mom says, making me furrow my eyebrows. Why wouldn’t Florence want to go home? And what would my mother know about it?

‘Thanks, but I’m okay. Unless you want me to go?’ my girl asks me. I sigh, accepting defeat. To be honest, I want her to stay with me but she needs sleep and food. Well, maybe I can keep an eye on here.

My parents leave and the room falls quiet.

‘You’re an idiot,’ Florence finally tells me, looking completely serious.

‘I am?’

‘Yes! Do you have any idea how worried I was? God, Elija, your family and I spent over an hour not knowing where you were,’ she says, pacing the room and running a hand through her hair. Right as I was about to tell her to calm down, she takes a deep breath and drops her hands. ‘Sorry. I know it wasn’t your fault. How are you feeling? Can I get you anything?’

Okay, that was weird. Her mood just changed completely in less than a second, going from stressed-out teen to a calm nurse.

‘My head hurts a bit and my throat is dry but I’m fine otherwise.’ She nods to herself before walking to a vacant chair and coming back with a water bottle. I accept it gratefully. When I’m done, I scoot to the edge of the small bed and tell Florence to lie down with me.

‘Are you sure that’s a good idea?’ she asks.

‘Yes, Florence. If you won’t go home then you’ll at least rest here.’ Reluctantly, she snuggles up to me while muttering to herself, ‘I don’t think I’ll be able to rest in a hospital.’

With a start, I realize I’m an idiot. She told me her aunt was sick for years before she died. It must really suck for her to be back here but she still stayed all night. For me.

‘I’m sorry. You really don’t have to stay,’ I tell her. The girl just scoots impossibly closer and holds me tight.

‘I’m just glad you’re okay.’

I can feel Florence relax against me but just when I think she’ll finally fall asleep, the door opens. My girl startles awake and tries to get off the bed when she recognizes the doctor but I only pull her closer.

‘Good to see you awake, Mister Mongrow. How are you feeling?’ the old lady asks, not seeming to care at all that I’m sharing my bed. Quite the contrary, since she smiles fondly at the girl in my arms.

After a few routine questions, the doctor leaves again and I turn to look at Florence. Her eyelids are drooping, the whites of her eyes bloodshot but she still smiles at me. I’m too worried to return it properly.

‘I’m fine,’ she tells me as if reading my mind.

‘You don’t look fine, Florence. I don’t mean to be mean, I hope you know that. I’m just worried about you. Please just go home, eat and sleep for a while. I’m not going anywhere,’ I tell her. She sits up so we can have a conversation.

‘I don’t want to leave,’ she says without meeting my eyes.

‘Come on, talk to me. Something’s obviously going on.’

‘Nothing’s going on,’ she insists half-heartedly. I get the feeling she’s lying straight to my face and can’t help but feel offended. Haven’t I proven to her that she can trust me?

‘Then why won’t you go home?’ I ask. ‘Your parents got home last night, didn’t they? Are they giving you a hard time because you didn’t go home all night? Or because you’re skipping school? If so, I could try to talk to them,’ I offer, remembering the comment my mother made earlier.

‘It’s nothing, Elija. Don’t worry about it.’ But I am worrying about it. That combined with my massive headache does nothing for my patience. I try to sit up myself, ignoring Florence’s protests. I can’t talk to her if I’m lying down and right now, I’m not dropping anything.

‘Why are you lying to me?’ I ask, unable to help myself.

‘I’m not. Everything’s fine. You just focus on getting better,’ Florence insists.

‘You obviously are!’ I snap, raising my voice. ‘Just for once, drop the act and be for real!’

‘Why do you care so much?’ she asks me, raising her own voice to match mine.

‘I care because this is bullshit! It’s so exhausting to try to figure out what you feel and think at all times because you won’t communicate properly and I honestly don’t think I can do it right now. Just this once, don’t be difficult, please!’

The girl across from me gets to her feet, shaking her head to herself and turning to face away from me. All the while muttering, ‘You don’t mean that. It’s fine.’ That just makes me angrier. I’m asking her to be for real and she does the exact opposite, ignoring what I’m saying.

‘Of course I mean it. I told you I hated lies and acts and all you’re doing right now is keeping things from me. Things that are obviously important. Just talk or fucking leave!’ I snap.

‘You’re just tired and injured. You don’t mean that, you just need to get some sleep,’ she says, not meeting my eyes.

‘Stop making excuses for me, I’m not your parents! Hear me, Florence! And I’ll hear you in return. I don’t want to have to walk on eggshells around you and avoid talking about serious things so if that is all you have to offer, you should leave.’ My last words taste bitter in my mouth and when Florence turns to me, her eyes filled with tears and disbelief, I can feel my chest constricting.

Still, I know I mean what I said so I don’t take it back. No matter how harsh that sounds.

‘I’m sorry. I think we both should cool down,’ Florence says, her voice nothing above a whisper. I watch as she quickly gathers her things and mutters a silent goodbye. Then she’s gone.

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