Sommerstall Academy

: Chapter 48

I’m hanging out with the guys, checking the time every five seconds. I shouldn’t be here. Florences is probably already at my place but the guys won’t let me leave.

‘Relax, Loverboy. Your girl won’t die if you’re a few minutes late,’ Jamie teases me. I flip him off.

It’s not like I’m a vital part of this group right now so I just don’t get why I’m forced to stay. Jamie’s mooning over Orion who’s lying in his lap, looking like a content puppy. Liam has Sarah to talk to. They seem to be getting pretty serious pretty fast but it’s actually- and I hate myself for thinking it but- cute. I can almost stand Liam right now, seeing as he’s no longer after my girl. Benji actually invited Miley over, the girl from the camping trip, who in return brought Joe with her. That’s awkward. Even Marcus is busy cuddling with Jamie’s flipping cat, leaving me to do absolutely nothing.

‘So she’s your girl now?’ Joe asks snarkily. I can’t believe I started liking her that one evening. Really, all the fresh air must’ve been getting to me.

‘Yeah,’ I reply. At the beginning of tonight, she was actually trying to get close to me, touching me and then using some lame excuse like ‘Your hands are so big’ or ‘I like that chain’. Ugh. I was simply rude to her until she got the message and started acting like a bitch instead.

‘Heck yes, she is. Finally, I might add. Took them a while but you should see them. Adorable,’ Jamie says to which Joe makes a face.

‘I don’t know. I’m not going to pretend to know her but she gave off a weird vibe. Besides, I think she was looking a bit sickly, you know?’ she says, making my blood boil to the point where it’s all I can do not to snap at her. I refrain from hurting people, especially weak ones like Joe, so I grit my teeth and ball my hands into fists.

‘Joe,’ Miley hisses. I’m glad I was right about that girl at least, she seems genuinely nice.

‘No, I’m not trying to offend anyone. All I’m saying is that she could use a couple of pounds more, you know? Get some meat on those skinny little arms and legs. Provide Elija with something to grip. Don’t look at me like that, Miley. We’re all cool here, they understand I’m not being a bitch.’ The blond girl laughs. Alone, might I add.

‘Actually, we don’t,’ Sarah tells her, showing her claws. Glad I’m not the only one about to snap. When I look at my friends, I notice all of them seem to be.

‘And we’re not cool,’ Marcus adds through gritted teeth.

‘Yeah, I think it’s time for you to leave,’ Orion says, sitting now and looking as mean as ever. Joe swallows but doesn’t make a move to leave.

‘You heard him. Leave,’ Benji snaps. The girl gets to her feet, her face red.

‘You’re all weird anyways. Come on, Miley, let’s go.’ Miley bites down on the inside of her cheeks looking at all our angry faces before staring at the ground, not meeting her friend’s gaze.

‘I think I’ll stay for a bit,’ she finally whispers.

‘What? No, you’re not,’ Joe snaps but Miley doesn’t move, still staring at her hands. ‘Didn’t you hear me through that thick hair of yours? I said get your fat ass off that couch and follow me.’ Nope, that’s it.

I get to my feet and walk up to Joe, glaring down at her. ‘I’d make you apologize if I thought your words were important enough. That you were important enough. But you’re not so I’m telling you to get the fuck out of this house and never show your face to any of us ever again,’ I seethe. Joe huffs, trying to meet my gaze defiantly but failing miserably. I can tell she’s uncomfortable but for once I don’t care that I’m the reason.

‘Don’t act like you don’t know I’m right. You’re so pathetic, bringing down the people around you as an attempt to feel better about yourself. Well, guess what, you’re not better. You’re just a racist, body-shaming, unimportant little imbecile with no personality and no real friends. Now leave!’

The room is deadly silent and I keep all my attention on the shaking, red-faced girl in front of me. Then she screams, a broken, pathetic sound. She pushes me and I stumble back since I anything but expected that. The girl is not done with me though, coming at me again with her hand pulled back to slap me.

I barely feel the sting of her hit, the blood rushing in my head too distracting. She’s a woman, I repeat to myself. I don’t hit people, no matter their gender, but I don’t think I could live with myself if I physically hurt a woman. Even if it’s self-defense. So I just back away from her blindly.

I’m faintly aware of my friends yelling things and movement around me but I can’t place anything. I simply keep backing up.

‘Elija!’ someone yells and suddenly, the ground vanishes beneath my feet. The stairs, I realize when the first hard edge digs in my back. The wind is knocked out of me and I lose track of what’s above and beyond. I keep falling but then stars explode in my vision and a blinding pain shoots through my head.

Everything goes dark.

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