Mickey moved off, Ben cautiously followed on, his thoughts were all over the place, still getting used to what had happened and now his robot minder actually had feelings for him and a lot more, she had been up graded and now seemed different, Ben felt a little bit scared and very weary, he tried hard to get his head around things,

“ok, we go through this area and go down another level, not too far now, for sure there will be sentry drones, droids and others looking and waiting for us, I am thinking of other plans, we go on, are you ok Ben” Mickey asked?

Ben nodded and gave the thumbs up,

Mickey raised her visor and winked at him,

Ben smiled, “fecking hell girl, I thought you’d changed into something else, with all this military strategy and other stuff you talked about and the way you spoke, lead the way boyo I am right behind you” Ben announced,

Mickey smiled, her visor came down sharply, she went forward and stepped slowly down more steel steps to the lower level,

A hovering droid appeared from nowhere, it beeped away in its own language,

Mickey chatted back, the droid moved around and looked annoyed,

Ben was watching and made a split decision, he pressed the button on the weapon and the Droid was no more,

“I thank you for that Ben, was about to set him straight myself, ok let’s get on then, watch my ass please” Mickey announced,

Ben laughed quietly, “of course I will in your new designer frame my dear, now crack on and get us the hell out of here” Ben exclaimed,

“roger that amigo” Mickey replied and carried on down the steps, Ben followed on with eyes wide open.

“oh by the way boss, you haven’t told me and I’m very unclear where, why, who, ok so where are you rescuing me too for fecks sake” Ben growled!

“just let me tell you one thing, I’m taking you out of the hands of the governors, like I told you, once they get their hands on you, extract what they want from your memories you will be, well let’s say, worked on, used, propaganda, shown off to the population, you will after they have finished with you be turned into a humanoid at the least, later stage when your time is up converted to other things, like myself, so there you have it, now enough talking and follow on, watch what you do with that thing in your arms by the way, if you please” Mickey exclaimed and carried on down the steps,

Ben shook his head, “please God, let me wake up from this, I am so sorry for my mistakes in the past” Ben said quietly.

Mickey turned round and looked down at Ben, “I have heard about your God and Jesus, now civilisation up here believes in the sun and all the stars around as our religious saviours, another complicated conversation I want to have with you at a later date, right switch on and cover my ass if you please” Mickey growled back!

“I could quite fancy being like you, me and you, get together maybe, metal to metal, armour, weapons, knowledge, be able to communicate with whoever you need to, ye bring it on babe” Ben added,

Mickey raised her visor, she gave him a hard look, then winked, the visor came back down and she went down the steps,

“roger that” Ben said quietly and followed on.

Mickey stepped off the last step, she put her hand up, Ben recognised the hang on, stop, be quiet sign,

Mickey looked around,

Flashes of light lit the dull lighted area, Mickey screamed out! She bounced off the bottom of the stairs, the whole area shook, the steel railing on the steps were smashed about with whatever hit them, bits of the walls and everything else in the area flew around, dust was thick, the lights went out.

Ben opened his eyes, he could hear metallic robotic voices chatting away, beams of light shone around,

Ben kept still and thought.

Blue beams of light shone on Bens face, the rays of light felt warm, he knew he was being scanned, the robot’s droids continued to talk to each other in their own language,

Ben looked over where he last saw Mickey, there was a large looking robot standing over her, he lit up her body with his own lights, she was in a mess, Ben tried to focus on the situation but rage took over,

He pulled himself up and pushed the button on the weapon he still had, the kick from the weapon was stronger than before, he fell backwards and banged his head,

Ben led there in the falling dust, the area shook and bright lights flashed about,

Ben led there, he didn’t know what to do, the area was in darkness, flashing blue lights shone around,

Ben moved his hand around slowly, trying to find the weapon,

He coughed suddenly and was lit up by beams of light,

“alright you whatever you are, robots from mars, ok, ok, you win then, game over, just one thing, one last request if you please, a large gin and tonic, oh yes a big Cuban cigar would be nice too, capeesh” Ben announced,

He felt a sharp pain in arm,

“oh I see, restricted of privileges then, no Geneva convention rules here I can sense” Ben slurred, he laughed and closed his eyes.

Ben looked around, he found himself awake forcefully, he tried to move his arms but couldn’t,

“Feels familiar oh my god”, he whispered to himself,

He tried to close his eyes but couldn’t for some reason, felt like something was holding his eye lids open,

He led there and focused his eyes,

Ben saw white walls in front of him, he tried to move his head but couldn’t,

“fecking hell, here we go again” he slurred,

“what does fecking hell mean sir” Ben heard something ask?

“means, what is going on and why can’t I close my eyes if you please” Ben exclaimed!

“eyes open so we can see activity sir, very important you are, rest please you must sir” a robotic voice announced,

“how can I rest if I can’t close my fecking eyes by the way” Ben asked?

“what is this fecking word, I do not recognise this dialect, please explain sir” a robotic voice asked?

Ben coughed! “ok pall, whoever you are, the word fecking, fecking hell means basically, I am feeling stressed, my human emotions are disrupted, I am a bit confused about the situation I am in, so then, fecking is a word from us humans that expresses our feelings, when we are annoyed, when something is wrong, we want to try to fix it, something like that” Ben exclaimed.

“very interesting, I wish to learn many more of your shortcut words earth man, so time for you to rest, more tests later” the robot announced,

“like I said before, ow do I rest when you’ve pinned my eye lids open numb nuts” Ben growled!

“another word with no meaning in my data base, you can teach me later, Ben felt a scratch on the side of his neck and fell asleep.

Mickey was to be sent to a rehabilitation unit, she was to be drained of all data relating to Ben and what or any other memories, knowledge about earth and what her job was,

she was to lose her upgrades and be turned back to a bog standard humanoid unit to work in the mines.

Mickey felt electrical impulses run through her, she opened her eyes, her visor was all steamed up,

She sent a communication from her brain to de mist visor, nothing happened, she sent another message to raise visor, again nothing happened, more electrical pulses ran through her body, she snapped her head back and her visor half opened, a trick she had learnt,

She could see was strapped to a metal frame that was attached to a wall, her outer armoured metal skin had been removed, all she had on was her thin inner layer of lightweight alloy,

She could see parts of herself that she hadn’t seen for a very long time, she was a humanoid robot, half human, half robot with some new modifications now that did impress her, she could turn parts of her body into silicon, she tried to move but couldn’t, there was a military looking robot standing next to a door on the other side of the small room she was in, more electrical pulses went through her body, she knew what was happening, they were drawing the data out of her own data base, she tried to fight it from inside her but failed,

Mickey attempted to talk, she sounded drunk in her own language,

the robot standing next to the door spoke back to her,

“I recommend you not to fight it, it will only damage you more in the end,

A few hours and you will be taken to the rehabilitation unit, I am sure you know what for, I have heard that you will be spared because of your bravery, they’ll have you working in the mines with the rest of the rebellious ones, shame, from what I can see you have a fit body under you outer layer, I have to watch you for a few hours so be a good girl and just let it happen” the other robot announced,

Mickey slurred back and nodded her head,

“so, what is happening to the Earth man who was with me” she asked?

The other robot came forward and looked at her closely,

He stroked her vulnerable body parts,

“I too am a humanoid, I will show you” the other robot exclaimed and took off a few parts of his outer layer,

“oh and your friend up the corridor is sleep induced, tests and more tests, soon when the governors are ready, he will be taken to them, all his memories, thoughts and more will be taken from him and learnt, I have heard he will shown off for all to see, someone said they will make a movie show, he will be famous if he wants to be, if not they’ll just turn him into another humanoid, work him somewhere, no memories of anything” The other robot exclaimed,

“ok military man, how about you unplug me for a while, why not, I’m not going to see any action for a long time so how about me making you feel good and you returning the favour, I can disable the camera up there, a false image they will see” Mickey slurred,

“I think you are talking drugged and confused, probably drained too much of your power, not thinking too straight, I am interested though, let me just think for a minute about this, I can have fun with you still pinned up there, for sure, done this a few times to other models who fall into the same fate you are in” the military robot announced!

“why not try something else” Mickey told him.

He looked around the room and back at the door, he faced Mickey and put his weapon against the wall,

“if you don’t hurry up I will have no power at all, won’t be able to make you feel good then my Capitan soldier boy” Mickey slurred out,

“just you make sure you do the camera and the lock on the door, I know can, heard about you upgrades, feel a little bit jealous, so anyway, hang on there, I will unplug a few things here, need to log into the monitor and change a few things” he announced,

“I can do that, probably quicker than you I thinks, female, multi-tasking and all that stuff” Mickey exclaimed,

“not too sure what you are talking about but I like it” he commented.

The military humanoid pulled a few cabled out from Mickeys back plate, he flicked a switch on the side of the metal frame that Mickey was attached to,

She slid down to the floor, she wobbled and fell forward, the soldier held her,

“will take a minute, need to regenerate some energy, have to log into the monitor, keep us private for a while, easy tiger” Mickey expressed,

“I know what tiger is, data base tells me animal, you think I am an animal” the military robot exclaimed,

Mickey pulled away from him, she went to the monitor and logged in, she changed some settings and disabled the camera in the room.

She walked to the military robot, she tapped on his visor, he lifted it,

He took his helmet off, the two of them came together and kissed they only way they could,

Mickey unclipped his lower groin outer armour with his help, she went down onto he knees, she showed him her silicone hand, she had taken her inner casing from her chest and her one living breast was exposed, the other one was artificial, “I have extra sensitivity sensors in my hands, I feel you, memories of when I was a human, same as you, we all pay the price, it’s nice, thank you, I feel so much better” the military robot said quietly,

Mickey stroked him softly in his groin area, he enjoyed it.

She could feel her power was getting better, she thought of a plan, well tried to, she still was running low on power,

She kept doing what she was doing and keeping the military robot happy.

Mickey felt a power surge within her, her power was at seventy five percent, she knew she was very close to overpowering the other robot in the room when she was ready to,

Mickey carried on, the military robot held her head and started to shake,

“off the records, if I could I would save you and keep you for myself, I have never felt like this ever” he moaned,

Mickey looked up at him and smiled.

She pushed her finger into the metal part of his groin and merged all the power she could from her and let him have it, he shook violently and fell to the floor, Mickey fell forward as well as she was so low on power,

The military robot stopped shaking, Mickey nodded and crawled her way towards the monitor, she grabbed a loose cable that was hanging from the frame she was attached to a while ago,

She logged in and did a bypass of power, she plugged the cable into herself and sat there for a few minutes, she stared at the military robot on the floor, she had fried his internal system permanently,

She sat there feeling a bit disgusted, the feeling went and she felt a little bit aroused.

Mickey stood up, she unplugged the cable and searched archives on the monitor, a silent alarm had been activated, the door to the room was being pushed,

Mickey grabbed her outer armour and attached it back onto herself, she picked the soldiers weapon up and studied it for a moment,

She set off the fire alarm and messed with door settings she found deep inside the monitors archive, she broke through fire walls and got inside the systems system, she did what she can as fast as she could, she disabled as much as she could and watched the door.

Mickey went to the wall, she put her hand to it,

The door shook again, she heard robot commands from outside,

Mickey connected herself back onto the frame, she plugged the cables in and held herself there looking limp.

The door was blasted and fell in pieces to the floor, three robots came into the room, a droid hovered in giving orders,

Two of the robots checked the fallen robot on the floor, they were military as well, they talked away to each other sounding very annoyed, they looked at Mickey, her visor was down so they couldn’t see her eyes,

The droid went to the monitor and tried to do somethings, Mickey had already stuck in a virus, she smiled.

The droid complained, the third robot went to Mickey, he touched her on the shoulder, Mickey could feel him draining information from her,

Ben woke up, he felt a little bit groggy, he could hear an alarm sounding and some ruckus noises from somewhere out side of his room,

“what’s going on out there then” Ben blinking his eyes,

“we are on security lock down, that is all I can say about the matter, now you have to rest, we have some simple tests to carry out today ready for your move to the inner system where you will meet the governors, a great honour for you I would imagine” the droid announced,

“what happened to the robot who was found with me” Ben asked?

“really sir, that subject is not allowed discussion, please don’t stress yourself over this matter, already your blood pressure is raised” the droid exclaimed looking at the monitor,

“you sure we are safe, I am sure I heard some sort of explosion, the room shook, or maybe I was dreaming again” Ben announced,

“of course, sir, just the dreams again that is all” the droid replied,

“what a crock of shite, I heard a small explosion, some weapon was set off, I am an ex-soldier, what is going on, if I don’t get some answers then today I will not cooperate, I will not do any more tests, nothing, what will your supervisor think to that then” Ben growled!

The droid made some strange beeping noises,

“ok then, the humanoid droid that was looking after you is causing some disturbance, she will not cooperate, she will though and you will too sir, that is all I am prepared to tell you, now relax now, your vitals are into some high levels” the droid announced,

Ben had managed to loosen the straps on his wrists through the night, he also had his eyes on some cables plugged into sockets on the wall next to the monitor that was showing his vital statistics,

Ben pretended to cough and convulse, the droid came closer to check on him,

Ben made his move.

He grabbed the droid, with one hand, at the same time he grabbed a pot of antiseptic hand wash that was on a shelf next to his bed, he squirted it all over the front of the droid, the droid called out in his own language! Ben pushed the droid as hard as he could towards the wall, it smashed into it and spun around sounding very annoyed, it moved around, the gel Ben had covered in blurred his vision,

He got off the bed and pulled the cable out of the back of some mobile medical machine, the droid beeped away and came towards Ben, he bumped into the side of the bed,

Ben shoved the end of the cable into a recess in the side of the droid that he noticed before,

there was a flash of light, the droid screamed out! Ben jumped back away from the electrocuted droid, there was a blue haze around him and he bumped to the floor,

Ben grabbed what he could and went to the door, he had already taken the security access card from the robot the day before who was giving him a bed bath,

Bed touched the card to the reader and the lock clicked,

He went out into the corridor, there was a lot of dust in the air, some noises came from further down the corridor, ben stopped and looked about, he was isolated, Ben lent back and a door behind him opened, he went inside and closed the door behind him.

He found himself in a locker room, there was different types of covers for robots, to attach to themselves so whatever job they were doing, the covers would point out what departments they were in, Ben grabbed a few bits, he found some white jackets and threw one on, didn’t fit but that’s all he could think about at the moment,

Ben found a white hat and put it on, there was some trouser covers that he put on as well, he found boot covers that he used too,

Ben left the room and went down the corridor, a door opened sharply, a robot came out cursing in his own language, he looked at Ben and walked on, Ben recognised a voice, “Mickey”, he said to himself.

Ben barged in through the door before it closed, the military robot turned around as the door banged open, he saw Ben and confronted him in his own language, a droid beeped away, Ben saw Mickey propped against a metal frame, she saw him too.

Ben started to talk a load of slang and walked around as if he didn’t know what was he doing, the droid came forward with its two metal arms sticking out, Ben kicked out and kicked him as hard as he could, the droid flew backwards into the robot, Ben what looked like a fire extinguisher off the wall, he swung at the robot,

The robot moved aside and aimed his weapon at him,

Mickey watched this, she fired up all her inner power and fired a bolt at the robot from the small weapon that came out of her shoulder that was meant to be disabled, ben smashed the extinguisher against the droid who had come forward again, the droid went bonkers and fell to the floor,

The military robot pulled himself up, he went to pick up his dropped weapon, Ben was quicker and grabbed it first, Ben didn’t know how to use it as it was a bit different to the other one he used before,

The military robot touched Mickey and gave her a restraining shock, Mickey called out in pain!

The robot started to laugh at Ben who was trying to get the weapon to work,

“earth man, I admire your wisdom and loyalty to this finished humanoid, the weapon will only work with my own hands”,

Ben looked at the military robot, he stood up holding the weapon,

“so what is this red button on the back that was hidden under a flap that’s come off for then robo cop” Ben asked?

The robot stepped back, he spoke in his own language and put his hand up,

“that is for, ah, it’s for when the weapon is in storage, it’s nothing, please hand the weapon to me now” the robot ordered!

“ok, you win then, here you go” Ben exclaimed, he held the weapon out, the robot came forward to take it, Ben raised his knee up and pushed the red button in, there was a “whooshing noise” the weapon jumped in Bens hands and he dropped it to the floor, it went off again, the military robot caught a bolt of power and caught another one from the ricocheted bolt that came from the weapon when it hit the floor,

“now that’s a touch if I ever saw it” Ben commented to himself, he went to Mickey,

“hey girl, you ok in there, what can I do” Ben whispered,

Mickey pointed with her finger towards some switches on the side monitor, Ben nodded.

Ben looked back at Mickey before he clicked the switches,

Mickey fought for backup power, she pointed her finger again, Ben flicked the switches, the lights in the room dimmed and went back to normal, the door opened and another droid came in, Ben pulled a metal cabinmate down on top of it, he pulled another cable from a machine attached to the wall and put the other end into the droid, more sparks flew into the air,

Ben led on the floor, he climbed over the other robot and pulled the weapon to him, ben pulled hard at the robot’s hand, as hard as he could, Ben fell backwards as the hand came off,

Ben put the hand to the weapon, lights came on and the weapon beeped,

He looked at Mickey, “come on girl, up to you know” Ben exclaimed,

He looked at the power cable that had come out of the droid, it was sparking on the floor, Ben grabbed it with the robots hand and touched it to Mickey’s foot, there was a lot of sparks, Ben held it in place as long as he could, the robots hand was getting very hot, Ben dropped the cable and fell backwards,

He sat there and looked at Mickey,

“wake up god damn you” Ben growled out!

Mickey moved her fingers, her visor raised, she winked, “thanks Ben, I think you’ve done it” she slurred.

“ok girl, big mess here, need some help when your ready pall, pretty whacked out here, I am not made of metal like everyone else around here” Ben announced,

Mick slid off the frame and landed on her feet, she did some stretching movements,

She pulled another cable from the wall and inserted it into the side of her, she glowed blue,

Ben watched her, “easy girl, you’ll blow the national grid”

Mickey pulled the cable out and stuck it into the other robot, he shook lowered his hand, “he was still alive by the way, not any more though, scrap metal now, ok soldier blue let’s get out of here” Mickey announced,

“here mate, I got these” Ben said.

He passed to her the coloured covers, Mickey nodded, “good idea, I think you get into the metal locker, I’ll put you on that trolley and play doctor or orderly moving equipment around, come on then, inside if you please, oh and be careful with that thing, just be ready when I give the signal, Ben get in please” Mickey ordered!

Ben was a bit lost for words and shocked,

“for sure, right on boss, another good idea from us, what a team we are” Ben exclaimed and climbed into the locker,

Mickey picked the locker up and put it onto the trolley, she pushed it out of the door and down the corridor they went,

Two robots and some droids went past, they spoke to Mickey and she spoke back, they carried on down the corridor, Mickey pushed the trolley down the corridor, she pushed the trolley into a lift and pushed the button, the lift went down, Mickey disabled the camera that was in the lift.

The lift stopped, Mickey pushed the trolley out,

“sub level ten Ben, I tap the locker, you blast forward ok, right let’s get going, need to use my data for this level, not too sure what, who works down this far, you might find it a bit hard to breath, let me know, right let’s get going then” Mickey exclaimed and pushed the trolley forward.

Ben started to cough, Mickey stopped and opened the door to the locker,

“getting hard to breath here” Ben coughed out,

Mickey pulled him out of the locker, he dropped the weapon, Mickey grabbed it,

She looked around the place, “may I ask where we are by the way, damn cold here, stinks of oil, no metal burning or something” Ben expressed,

“this is, according to my data, storage area, we can get through here without bother I think, there is a secured sealed hatch, exit to the mines, sealed up and completely out of bounds, will be cameras and whatever, should be two drone sentries there”

”so I am informed, I think they have been powered down, forgotten about, all the ones who malfunction or do not come up to the standard, the ones who cannot be regenerated get sent down here, scrap metal, stored here until, well if we had some better light down here we will see, need to get you a helmet or something, come here” Mickey exclaimed and pulled Ben to her, she blew into his mouth a load of her own oxygen,

She led him down and looked about, Mickey lit up the area with a torch she had in her side clip.

She walked forward,

Mickey bent down and twisted and puled at something,

Ben watched her,

She held up a what looked like another face mask from an android,

She shook it about and pulled out a few things,

She came back to where Ben was sitting, “ok, put this on, it will seal around your neck once I put the back on, “what the hell is that, I seen what you did, someone was already inside of it, how will that work on me by the way” Ben exclaimed,

“trust me Ben it will work once I have changed a few settings, we need to suit you up the best we can for when we go into the mines, your normal human skin will not take the atmosphere in there, we can do this Ben”

”it’s the only way out, close your eyes and let me do this” Mickey replied and put the front part of the face mask onto Bens face,

Mickey put the top and back into placed and secured the catches, ben stopped coughing and nodded his head, he gave the thumbs up sign, Micky looked around some more and found other parts of body suits from humanoids who longer needed them, she had to pull out some old decaying parts of things who lived in them before, this was a giant freezer basically, minus ten degrees, she had to get Ben into a suit quickly before he froze to death,

“can’t feel my feet by the way of my nuts” Ben growled!

“you have nuts” Mickey exclaimed!

“let’s not go there shall we, hurry Micky, before I turn into a popsicle” Ben added, “more of your short cut down English language, keep yourself warm, do exercise, I will be as fast as I can” Mickey announced and dragged bits and pieces of suits she thought she could fix Ben into,

Mickey squatted next to Ben, “ok Mr, bear with me, it’s going to be uncomfortable but it will save your life, I did tell you we are actually in a giant freezer didn’t I, well we are, this area is like what you would call a mortuary,

So I don’t want any complaints whilst I do this if you please, I’m going to give you something to calm you down, not too much as I need you to be on form, small scratch”,

Mickey gave Ben a small dose she of relaxant, she had the capsule in one of her side armour pouches,

“oh yes babe, that’s the ticket, breathing is good, feeling a bit fuzzy but ok, cold feeling has gone, ye, fit me up then, a bit stinky by the way” Ben slurred,

“like I said the suits are from humanoid robots, half human just and half robot, I don’t think I need to explain too much more to you, once the suit is sealed it will sort its self out and you will have to get used to it” Mickey exclaimed,

“roger that Maam” Ben commented,

Mickey went to work, she got Ben into a torso suite, she fixed the arms and legs covers into place,

she had to power the suit up from her own power source and wait a while, Mickey heard noises from somewhere in the big wide warehouse level,

she had the weapon Ben had taken off of the other robot and watched whilst she powered up Bens humanoid lightweight aluminium suit, she used the best she could find, the lightest and the latest she recognised, she found a workable battery pack and inserted it into a small recess in the back of Bens suit, it didn’t take too long, Ben was now eighty percent covered in metal, all other parts of the body had a skin tight aluminium mesh covering it,

She sat down next to Ben feeling a little bit run down, she opened a small flap from her waist belt, she took out a vial of pills and stared at them, she took one and coughed, she looked at Ben,

He was a bit dozy, Mickey had to regulate the oxygen flow for his body, she got the power working in his suit and watched him, the pill she took was taking effect, she smiled at Ben, Mickey stood up,

“ok soldier, on your feet” Mickey ordered!

“Ben looked at her and then at his body, now covered in metal,

“fecking hell” Ben announced!

Mickey smiled and nodded her head,

“can I have one of those” Ben asked?

“too strong for you, ok maybe half of one I think” Mickey replied.

“just want to smile like you are now, is that a bad thing” Ben commented,

“here, and drink this please, your body needs to hydrate, it will take some time to get used to your new outer body, just move as normal, the suit will do the rest” Mickey exclaimed,

“you know how to do everything, you are something special Mickey” Ben slurred,

“like I said before, I am an old model, very older, refurbished and up to date and some more, the newer models don’t have the memory capacity implants as I do, the governors didn’t want, don’t want the machines, us to have too much intelligence, we get given an order, a job to do and we do it, we don’t think too much about it, just do it so to speak, well as I have said to you, I am different, they know that, that’s why I am still around, just, so I read a book, manual, anything, I can physically and mentally do it, like I just put together a humanoid suit, fitted it to you, I am very resourceful, the governors want to learn from me, so do others, there are no records of my model or the design of my implant technology, old technology, so then, wow, look at me talking away, how you feeling, you ready for the next chapter” Mickey announced?

“I’m just buzzing captain, talk talk talk, typical woman, feeling good, feel power, just a little bit scared to move in this thing” Ben replied, they both smiled at each other, Mickey pulled Ben to his feet.

”easy tiger” Ben exclaimed,

She pulled him to her, their visors were up, they kissed, the best they could,

“feeling better, can we try that again” Ben announced, Mickey smiled back and kissed him again,

Ben moved around in his suit, “outstanding” Ben exclaimed,

Mickey held out a piece of metal piping she picked from the floor, “here, put this in your hands and bend it” she exclaimed,

“ha ha, robo cop here” Ben announced,

Ben took the pipe in his gloved hands, he bent the pipe like a piece of rubber, “fecking hell girl, what you done to me” he announced!

“nothing Ben, it’s the suit you are in, you have hydraulic power now, it’s the suit Ben, use the power it can give to you, I think you will like it and you look bloody sexy in it too by the way” Mickey expressed,

“what is this, could of used this big time when I was in the army, unbelievable” ben exclaimed,

“I thought you would like this Ben, enjoy it while you can, maybe you might like it too much, be like me, it can be done, if you want it, ok enough talk, we need to move, have to get out of here, for sure we will be in pursuit” Mickey announced,

“roger that” Ben replied, he followed on a bit wobbly and talking to himself, “have I got any special things like you have I can use too in the tin can you have put me into” Ben asked?

Mickey stopped, she turned around with her hands on her hips,

Her visor lifted,

“Ben, the suit you are wearing and wearing is all you are doing by the way, the hydraulics are worked by your own body strength, what you understand about hydraulics is different, ok we will take five and I will explain” she said.

“sounds good to me, still buzzing here as well by the way, damn good pills you have, you wanting to rush off and that, I need to play around in this thing, If you want me to watch your back and stuff, I need to know how to use this suit” Ben exclaimed,

“fair point, the movement from your own limbs will move the torso suit, the head cover and visor tunes its self to you own retinas and enhances your vision, in different light, I don’t know exactly what kind of hidden accessories the suit has but you won’t be able to use them anyway, it would take a chip implant into your spinal system and more for this to work, so all you have is the strength of the suit that is controlled by yourself, nothing extra, oh, it will keep you breathing, has its own built in oxygen filtration”,

“rehydrates you from your own escaping fluids and protect you from the freezing cold atmosphere in the mines and other parts of this dammed planet, so then let’s see you move around”,

”I’m going to come for you, I want to see some defensive moves, you ready soldier blue” Mickey announced,

Ben stood his ground and motioned her on with his fingers, she smiled and lunged forward, Ben side stepped and grabbed her, he spun her around and sat her to the floor,

Her visor lifted,

“well I wasn’t expecting that move, is that your move you used to use on the local girls back then in discotech I can see on my database” Mickey commented and grabbed a breath,

Ben bent down and kissed her,

“ok then, up you get sexy, you lead the way boss” Ben announced,

Mickey stood up and patted Ben on the arm, “here take this and be careful with it” Mickey replied, she passed to him the weapon that was taken off the downed robot earlier on,

“I thought his gloved hand was the only thing able to use it” Ben asked,

“you are wearing his gloved hand, now be careful and stay close to me”

“ew please, not hungry anymore, ok roger that, right behind you” Ben replied.

Mickey walked off in military mode, Ben saw that she had changed by her movements, he followed on remembering his own military skills,

The lighting in the area was poor but the head cover Ben was wearing gave him good vision, he followed Mickey,

She stopped and put her hand up, Ben went to his knee and watched her,

Mickey went forward, she was looking at something,

Ben saw two robots stood against a wall next to what looked like a round hatch cover from a sub marine movie, there was a circular round silver hand rail attached to it, there was luminous lighted signs above the hatch,

The signage was in a few languages, there was one he recognised:

Attention you are in an out of bounds quarantined area!

This is a restricted zone!

Armed sentry guards are on duty!

Failure to agree to your arrest will result in your termination!

Ben watched Mickey, he took up a good position, he aimed the weapon to cover her,

Mickey walked slowly towards the two robots,

Ben moved slowly closer and took up another defensive position.

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