Chapter CHAPTER 1:

Ben could hear bleeping noises and some metallic talking voice like a computers voice, he tried to open his eyes, they were stuck down for some reason, he tried move his arms to investigate his eyes, his arms were secured,

the beeping noises continues and so did the computer voice, Ben couldn’t make out what was being said,

Ben tried to wriggle around, he couldn’t move at all,

He laid there and tried to figure things out, tears ran from his eyes and down his cheeks, they stung his face,

The computer voice continued to talk away but Ben still couldn’t make out what it was saying,

He tried to concentrate and think about what was going on,

Ben thought this was just a bad dream and he would wake up soon and forget it,

Ben led there awake, his eyes opened after a lot of hard trying, more tears ran down his face,

he wanted to wipe them from his face but couldn’t, all Ben could see was black, he started to think he had had an accident of some sort and was blind, Ben tried to call out, he just gargled and chocked,

he could feel something was in his mouth and down his throat.

Ben coughed some more and started to cry, the tears ran down his face and stung his face,

He tried his hardest to think what was going on,

Some more beeping noises he could hear and then some mechanical movement,

Ben tried to move and call out again, he coughed and led still.

He felt a sharp pain in his arm and a rush of oxygen down his throat, something was prodding him and talking in a computer voice.

He drifted off into another deep sleep.

Blurred visions and distorted memories flew through his mind and a lot more,

Ben remembered things, bad things, he dreamed a lot more and went back into a deep sleep.

The beeping noises continued and so did the chatter of a computers voice.

Ben slept on and dreamt.

He was being looked after by things that he had no knowledge or any idea of.

Ben woke up after how long he wasn’t too sure, he felt warm and felt he needed to pee, he tried to hold it but pee’d anyway, something nudged his arm and he felt a sharp pain again,

more oxygen was pumped into his throat, Ben tried to move again with no use, he tried to call out but just gargled, his throat hurt,

his tongue could feel something in his mouth, he led there and listened to the computer voice chirping away,

What the hell was going on, he thought to himself, again he tried to think, remember anything that could explain what was happening,

Ben tried his hardest to turn his head around,

something gave way that was holding his head secure and he moved his head around, he moved around some more and felt sleepy again, the mask came off his eyes as he caught it on something,

Ben tried to focus but everything was a blur, Ben blinked as much as he could, trying to fight the sleep, he fell back to sleep again and dreamt and dreamt some more.

Ben opened his eyes, tears rolled down his cheeks, there was no robot taking noise anymore, he blinked and blinked again,

Ben concentrated and waited for a while, he opened his eyes again,

His focus got better and he strained his eyes looking around,

Ben looked hard through his blurred vision, he started to get a pain in his head and closed his eyes.

The computers voice started to sound again, Ben felt another sting in his arm and he went back to sleep.

Ben opened his eyes, he blinked hard and hard again, his headache had gone, he had strange memories flashing through his mind that didn’t make much sense to him, nothing made any sense to him,

Ben looked about, he shook his head at what he saw and disbelieved,

“oh boy, am I in a bad dream” he thought to himself,

Ben blinked his eyes to get a better focus,

His vision came back and he saw more clearly where he was,

Some memories started to come back to him but they didn’t make any sense,

He led there trying to understand where he was feeling very tired, he fell asleep again.

Ben woke as he felt something moving his arm,

He tried to talk couldn’t, Ben tried to move around,

His vision was getting better,

There was a robot looking over him, half a robot, no legs,

he was fixed to the wall, Ben shook his head and gurgled his voice,

“hello Ben, I am glad to see you awake sir, please let me administer this into your arm and then we can talk” the robot announced,

Ben led there and starred at him, he nodded and let the robot put a needle into his arm, Ben felt tired again and fell asleep again,

He dreamt some more.

Ben wasn’t too sure how long he had been sleeping for, he opened his eyes slowly and looked around, he saw the robot android looking thing pinned to the wall,

there was a beeping noise and he looked where it was coming from,

there was a monitor on the wall which looked like it was showing his vital signs,

Ben tried to think, remember anything that would give him a clue to what was going on.

He watched the monitor making the beeping noises and the jumping lines for what he thought was his heart, blood pressure and some other stuff,

he looked down and saw his wrists had straps round them,

there was a strap around his chest and more on his legs, he led there and thought about things for a while,

the robot started to chat away to itself, it moved its arm and took some medical instruments from a tray,

Ben after a long while had loosened the strapping on his right arm and wrist,

He led there watching the robot do admin things.

The robot came forward with a syringe in his metal hand, “oh Ben you are awake again, I need to inform you about a few disturbing matters, just let me take care of you and then we can talk” the android announced,

Ben got his hand out from the strap and grabbed the robots arm, he pulled as hard as he could and the robots arm detached from the robot,

the robot android started to shake, liquid started to squirt from the socket where the arm was last connected,

“oh, dear sir, major malfunction, Ben I have to tell you some things before I shut down” the android exclaimed,

“talk then and make it snappy” Ben growled!

Ben released the other straps on his body and felt weak and tired again,

He led back on the bed he was secured to and watched the robot attending where his arm used to be,

“oh my, this is not right, how will I carry out my duties now sir” the droid announced,

“I thought you said you had something to tell me” Ben asked?

The droid looked at Ben,

“of course, Ben something went wrong” the droid announced just as Ben closed his eyes and drifted into another sleep.

Ben could hear the android thing talking away as he drifted off into another sleep.

He remembered the droid saying that something went wrong, what did that mean he thought to himself, Ben slept and dreamt again.

Ben woke to some buzzing noise from somewhere, he tried to move but found himself secured, he remembered he had got his hands free and had pulled the droids hand off or something like that anyway, the droid had just finished fixing his hand back onto his wrist where Ben had pulled it from,

Ben closed his eyes and did some thinking, still nothing made any sense.

The droid computer thing chatted away to himself, he tapped his metal fingers on a control panel,

“by the way Ben, I am glad you are awake again, we really need to communicate with each other, I too am in this stasis capsule with you and I do know what is going on, rather than you, yes I have restrained you for the time being for my safety and yours”,

Ben opened his eyes and looked at the droid or whatever he was that was in control of things now,

Ben started to cough when he tried to talk,

“easy Ben, it will take time, you have been asleep for a long time, I might add that I too am feeling the strain, I am not used to looking after a human for this long, thankfully you payed for one of the upgraded life pods”

Ben led there and listened to the android thing of whatever it was, this thing he wasn’t used to was talking to him,

He let the robot droid chatter away and led there and thought,

“hey there pal, is there any chance I could have a word in here, my heads pounding with mixed up memories that I can’t make any sense of” Ben exclaimed,

“well sir, if I may be so bold, Ben you paid a lot of earth money for a long sleep into the future, hopefully when you wake up they or whoever can cure your ailment sir” the droid announced,

Ben pulled himself up on the bed as much as he could with the restraints holding him down,

Ben looked hard at the droid and thought what to say next,

“ok, ok, let’s get something straight here pal, head not working too good by the way, oh and by the way, sorry for the arm thing, I was shocked and stressed, I wake up in this place and don’t know what the hell is going on, strapped down and metal Mickey messing with me”,

“what do you expect pal, I am sorry by the way” Ben announced,

The robot stood still and stared at Ben,

The two of them looked at each other, there was silence for a moment,

“well, will you look at that then, Mr chatter box has suddenly gone quiet, thank god” Ben exclaimed!

The droid robot looked away and started to press some buttons on one of the control panels in the pod,

Ben led there and watched him.

“so, um, oh by the way I am sorry for the hand thing, looks like you’ve mended yourself tip top by the look of things” Ben said,

The robot stopped what he was doing and turned towards Ben,

The two of them stared at each other in silence,

Ben started to cough!

The robot droid moved closed to Ben and put a thermometer into his ear,

“hey, go easy there tiger” Ben groaned,

“oh yes as I can see, you have a temperature and your ear canals need to be cleaned out, not surprising after all these years I should add, you just relax and I will take care of you sir” the robot announced,

Ben led there and struggled with his arms,

“look I need to go to the toilet, number two ye, how does this one happen then pal” Ben asked?

“you are wearing discharge underwear that I change every day, just let it happen and I will sort you out when I have finished some more checks, I need to transmit another message for assistance” the robot exclaimed,

Ben stared hard at him,

“did you say after so many years, what do you mean by that” Ben announced!

Ben strained with his restraints again and cursed!

He led back down and went to sleep again,

The robot droid looked at Ben, he shook his head, he tapped a few buttons on the computer and tried again to call for assistance.

Ben opened his eyes and looked around,

“hey then Mr metal man, so what’s for breakfast then, I’m starving, feels like I’ve got a hangover, too many bevies last night, still can’t get my mind around what’s going on here, I am dreaming for sure” Ben called out!

The droid looked at Ben and shook his head,

“no dream sir, we are lost in space, five hundred years to the future from when the contract started Ben”

“hey you just hang fire for a minute there metal man, look, my head is not thinking straight as I’m sure you are aware of, oh by the way I have shit myself for sure, I think, can’t you smell it professor” Ben exclaimed.

“ok Sir, Ben as you wish me to call you, not to my approval I may add, my programing informs me that I am to address the client in the most professional and courteous way if needed and most often we never have to communicate with clients, just look after them, however under the circumstances”,

“I do think it will be ok for me to address you as Ben Sir” the robot droid announced,

“Oh please God kill me know, I am so in some whako dream, for sure I had too much speed last night and now I’m paying for it” Ben growled!

“no dream Sir, sorry I mean Ben, what I may ask do you mean by the term speed” the droid asked?

Ben led there and stared at the droid,

“ok then, conversation over I presume, give it some time Ben, you have been asleep for a very long time, induced I may add, your brain will take time to come to terms with this, you will fall asleep from time to time, it’s your bodies way to come to terms with how long you have been on life support”,

“you will be fine” the droid announced and carried on with his duties, chatting away to himself,

Ben heard all what the droid said and drifted off into another dream.

Ben was awoken as his bed shook as well the whole place shook around,

A lot of beeping noises sounded off, the droid chatted away frantically and called for help,

Ben opened his eyes, the room shook around and started to turn over,

“what the hell is going on then mate” he growled out!

The droid started to talk and fell over as the pod they were in turned over,

the pod spun around and things inside the pod flew around too,

Ben held on to his bed,

“what the hell is going on” he shouted out!

The droid came attached from his housing and bounced off Ben,

he fell to the floor, the whole pod spun around,

Ben held on, the droid and other stuff bounced around the room,

Ben cursed and held on,

The pod stopped spinning, emergency lights flickered and there was still the small of electrical burning in the air,

Ben looked about in a daze, he realized he was on the floor and the tubes that were supposed to be in his arms had come free,

blood was oozing from where the needles that had been pulled from his arms,

Ben clenched his fists and moved his arms around,

He felt dizzy and tried to vomit, alarms were sounding from one of the control panels.

Ben realized why he was feeling sick,

the pod was falling, rolling, whatever he was in was not right, “what the feck is going on here, will somebody please wake me up from this tripped out nightmare, for sure I’ve had a dodgy deal, this is one hell of a trip” Ben exclaimed,

He looked around and pulled himself from underneath the broken medical bed.

The pod moved around and Ben held on, something caught his eye, there was a small side window with bright things flashing by,

Ben stared out and had to blink a few times, the pod jolted again, Ben lost his grip and fell over, he landed next to the robot droid, Ben shook the droids head around, “come on Metal Mickey, chop chop, don’t you flake out on me now” Ben growled!

Ben shook the robot again, there was nothing, there was a loose cable hanging down that sparked when it bounced of the metal sides of the pod,

“seen this on a film mate” Ben exclaimed,

he grabbed the cable and stuck the ending wires on the droids Head, a few sparks flew into the air,

Ben stuck the wire into the crease in the droid’s neck, more sparks flew about the place,

Ben let go of the cable as it got very hot in his hand,

The droid moved, his eyes flickered,

“I think were in the shit pal, come on sparki, waky waky” Ben shouted and gave the droid another shock from the cable before he fell backwards and banged into the metal bed,

Ben held his head, blood trickled through his fingers, he closed his eyes.

The droid shook around and chatted away to itself,

“oh my, what a state, this will not do, velocity rate at a dangerous level, client needs attention, capsule not responding to emergency protocol, damage alarms sounding”

” oh my I have got my work set out for me today” the droid said aloud, he pulled himself to his station and plugged himself in,

underneath him some doors opened, the droid manoeuvred himself and attached the legs to himself,

“oh, how I hate these things, right, lets sort things out then shall we” the droid announced, he held on as the pod shook around,

Ben led there on the floor, the droid watched him as he went to work on the main problems to hand,

The pod slowed down after the droid fixed the problems out,

He put the bed back and secured it the best he could, he picked Ben up and put him back on the bed,

he started to administer medical aid to Ben,

Ben opened his eyes,

“no more needles doc, come on now, you and me here, just the two of us, I’m fine” Ben growled out!

“ok sir, sorry Ben I am not running at a hundred percent, something must of collided with us, my memory recalls, well I am not too sure what happened but I do know you brought me back and I thank you for that, yes we are a team here I think, need to be now, my duty is to care for you until your wake up date and clearly now that has by passed us” the robot exclaimed,

Ben groaned,

“just get this thing we are in or whatever it is sorted out please”,

“then and then when you’re finished you can please get me out of this nightmare” Ben replied,

“yes Ben, I will, please relax and let me sort things out, here take these and rest, we, I have so much to tell you” the robot announced.

Ben led there watching,

“seems that we were hit by a rogue meteorite or maybe some discarded metal junk, whatever it was has caused little damage, these models are designed to last, you should know, you paid for it and for sure everything would have been explained and shown to you before the hibernation treatment” the droid announced,

“what the hell are you jabbering on about”

“what hibernation treatment” Ben asked,

the pod jolted and then was steady again,

“well that’s sorted out, one of the stabilizers took a knock, everything mends itself here, state of the art when it was designed, well out of date now and so are we” the robot announced,

“for the love of god, please just give me the facts”,

“I take it I was in some sort of accident” Ben exclaimed,

“one moment Ben, just a few things to sort out here, another transition to make, someone out there somewhere should hear us, been trying for years”

” I need to do your checks and then we can talk” the robot droid put in,

“this is some fecked up dream” Ben exclaimed and closed his eyes.

The droid finished off what he was doing and went to Ben, he picked Ben’s arm up and checked his blood pressure, “hey metal head, I said no more needles pal” Ben growled as he felt a sharp scratch on his arm,

“I need to give you medication Ben, you have been through a very long sleep” the robot announced,

“how long, I still don’t know what’s going on properly, I think I just had some bad speed the other night and I’m still tripping out” Ben announced and started to laugh,

“I will explain to you again.

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