Some Mate You Are...

Chapter Memories

I thought that I was going to walk into some obvious bachelor pad. Full of random crap, maybe a couple piles of trash or dirty clothes, with a few half-dressed women gracing the posters on the wall. That was the personality that Enzo had portrayed, and I figured his room would reflect that. However, to my surprise, his room did not look how I had expected at all. It had changed greatly since the last time that I had seen it.

The room was very clean and sleek. The black, white, and grey motif gave it a very modern feel. His bed sat in the middle of the room against one side, facing a large wall of windows that looked out over the forest and beyond. One end of the room had a small fireplace in the corner with two chairs in front of it, positioned around a round table.

The other side of the room had two doors with a large dresser in between them. I knew that one door led to the en suite bathroom and I assumed the other was the closet. I hoped that the closet was, at least, as large as mine was. I knew that we both owned a fairly extensive wardrobe, we were gonna need a large space to compensate.

“Welcome to OUR room.” Enzo said, a hint of nervousness in his voice as he spoke. “I hope that you like it.”

I did like it. It was a beautiful space. Though, admittedly, I usually went for more color in my room. But I think that had something to do with my desire to paint. Color seemed to be everywhere anyway, so I embraced it.

“You can make any changes that you want.” Enzo added.

I realized that I still had not answered him about the room. He was probably feeling a bit uncertain. I decided to ease his mind.

“It’s lovely, Enzo.” I assured him, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck.

He was just about to lean in for a kiss when there was a sudden knock on the door. He grumbled under his breath, cursing whomever had interrupted our moment.

“Who is it?” Enzo groaned.

“It is Tyrus.” He called out from the other side.


Tyrus swung the door open and cleared his throat as he looked at us. He knew that he had interrupted a big moment for us and you could see on his face that he felt guilty about it.

“I’m really sorry to do this, guys.” Tyrus apologized. “But, Enzo, your dad is looking for you. He needs to speak to you and wants you to meet him in his office.”

Enzo growled at Tyrus in response and Tyrus shrugged. It was not like there was anything that he could do about it. An Alpha’s orders were an Alpha’s orders. He had to abide by them, the same as the rest of us. Tyrus walked away without another word. He did not want to listen to Enzo complain as they made their way to the Alpha’s office, so he set off ahead of him.

“I will be right back. This shouldn’t take long.” Enzo promised. “Don’t go anywhere.”

I nodded my head in response. Letting him know that I would not leave and force him to go looking for me. He gave me a quick kiss and hurried out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I decided to take this time to look around further. This would give me a chance to consider any changes that I may want to make. The one thing that I noticed right away was the bed. It was a big, beautiful bed and I knew it to be quite comfortable. I had lost my virginity in that very bed. However, that thought had me cringing a bit.

It was not the memory of my own experience in that bed that bothered me. It was the thought of all the other females that had been in that bed since. I could not help the feelings of jealousy that came over me as I imagined all of the she-wolves that Enzo had brought home over the years. I wondered if the chairs had been used for his sexual games as well. How many of the surfaces in this room may have had some sexual adventure occur on them? Was anywhere safe from his exploits?

The thoughts consumed me and I felt myself becoming overwhelmed. I did not want to think about my mate with all those other she-wolves as he worshipped their bodies in a space that was meant for us. I needed to pull myself out of this hole before I reached the point of no return. I did not want to fight with Enzo over something that was all in the past. I needed to calm down and have a level head when I brought this up with him. All we needed to do was switch out the furniture. It was nothing to get too worked up over. I took in several deep breaths to calm myself and decided it was best to distract my thoughts until he returned.

So I walked over to the closet and peeked inside. I needed to be sure that there was going to be enough room in there for my clothes, as well as, Enzo’s. If not, then we may need another dresser or two. Though, when I swung open the door, I realized, much to my delight, that the closet was twice the size of mine. Not only was it a walk-in, but it even turned around the corner and continued on for several paces. It was half filled with Enzo’s clothes already and that reminded me that I was going to have to pack and move all of mine. I sighed at the realization, that was going to be quite a bit of work.

When I left the closet, I wandered towards the bathroom door. I was curious to see how much nicer his bathroom was compared to mine. But I was stopped short as my eyes fell on the dresser. I had noticed that he did not have many pictures or artwork in the room. That was something that I did intend to change. However, on top of the dresser, he did have three photographs. A large one in the center, set more forward than the others, was a framed picture of Enzo with his parents. I thought it was cute that out of all the pictures he could of put up in his room, he decided to display one of him with his folks. It was obvious that he loved them very much despite how he was constantly pissing his father off.

On one side of the photo with his parents, tucked just slightly further back on the dresser top, sat a framed photo of Enzo, Tyrus and Daray. They were joking around with each other and clearly trying to overpower the others, using their strengths to hold the others down, even as they pretended to pose for the photograph. It was very much like them to constantly try to prove who was more dominant and it caused me chuckle lightly. Obviously Enzo was the most dominant of the three, but he never seemed to really hold it over Tyrus or Daray's heads. The respect that he had for them was enormous. It was nice to see.

When I glanced at the third framed photo sitting in the most ornate of the frames, I gasped in surprise. It was a picture of Enzo and I together. We were several years younger than we are now. It looked to have been taken right before we had given our virginities to each other. I picked up the picture and held it in my hand, completely surprised that he had it here. I did not even remember taking this photo. But we both had big smiles on our faces, I had my arms wrapped around his shoulders as if I had just given him a big hug and he had an arm wrapped around my waist. I smiled down at the photo and wondered how long he had kept this here.

“That was always one of my favorites.” Enzo spoke from the doorway, surprising me out of my trance.

“I don’t even remember taking it.” I responded, honestly.

“It was a pack barbecue. We were just hanging out, being goofy. My mom took the picture and when I saw it, I asked her for a copy. It’s been sitting on that dresser for years.” He explained with a shrug.

“That is actually really sweet, Enzo.” I offered with a smile.

“See…I can be sweet sometimes.” He insisted as he walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I carefully put the picture back on the dresser and turned around to return his gesture by wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He began to kiss me, lightly, and I felt him, slowly, walking us back towards the bed. He broke our lips, momentarily, to sit down on the edge and then pulled me onto his lap. He placed his hands on either side of my face before kissing me, deeply.

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