Some Mate You Are...

Chapter Epilogue

It took a while for me to get over what happened between Cora and I. I had never taken a life before and I hoped that I never had to again. Though I knew, if push came to shove, that I would do what I needed to for the sake of the pack and for my mate.

Still her death had haunted me. My father had saved me the horror of actually looking upon her deceased form. But it had not stopped my mind from imagining what it must have looked like. And for weeks afterwards, I had nightmares where she would rise from the dead and accuse me of destroying her life. I would wake up screaming and Enzo would have to try his best to calm me down.

It got so bad that Enzo arranged to have a specialist come from another pack to meet with me. She ended up staying for over two months as we worked together, in person, to try get past what had happened that night. A night which was supposed to be full of joy but had turned to one of fear and death. Even after she had returned to her own pack, I still had weekly meetings over video call with Dr. Zita, just to make sure that I continued to work through everything that I needed to.

From the kidnapping to my time with Harm and then, of course, what happened with Cora in the end; let’s just say that I had some baggage to unpack. However, after a lot of guilt and deep consideration, I had come to a very important conclusion which was that I had done what I had to do in the moment. Despite everything, Cora was a danger to the pack and I had, only an hour or two before, promised to protect my pack and my mate, my Alpha, no matter the consequences. I had acted exactly as I had sworn to.

Based on the tradition of wolves, particularly, Alphas and Lunas, I had done nothing wrong. Cora had attacked my pack. She had threatened me. She had harmed my mate. And when she was given yet another opportunity to cooperate, she attacked again. I had given her all of the chances that I had to give.

And while that did make me feel better, on some level. Knowing that everyone believed that I had made the right choice given the circumstances that I was under. It still was not enough. There was a core issue at the center of this thing and it was bigger than Cora or I.

The truth was that there where a serious lack of options in the wolf community when it came to mental health. When a wolf began to display signs that something may be wrong with them, there was very little that could be done. The only options were to kill them, banish them to the life of a rogue, or lock them up. But there was no real help. No real hope for those in need.

And that was when I discovered my mission as a True Luna. I wanted to ensure that wolves like Harm and Cora were given the option of treatment before everything went out of control as it had. Perhaps if there had been a hospital that was specifically equipped to help in these cases then it would not have escalated as it had.

After discussing the issue further with members of the Blood Moon Pack, they had revealed that the late-Alpha and his Luna had been aware of the problems with their son. They had done what they could within their means. But they were at a loss as their options were limited. We were wolves. It was not as though we could be put into a mental facility with humans.

Keeping that in mind, I had formed a council involving one or two wolves from each of our quickly growing list of allied packs. We were meeting whenever we possibly could to discuss the issue and determine the best steps forward. Our current mission was to attempt to design a facility where wolves could go to receive the care and treatment that they required. Giving them a chance of some kind of life instead of declaring them lost causes and tossing them out into the wild. It was not going to be an easy task and we knew it. But many of us felt that the cause was worthwhile. No other wolf would have to die for a condition that could possibly be treated.

I was excited for the future and the possibilities that it would bring. And while I could never bring Cora back or fix the wrongs that had occurred. I could try to prevent it from happening to the next wolf who found themselves in a similar position. It felt as though I were giving Cora’s death a purpose and making something beautiful out of the trauma that Harm had put me through. And it helped me to see a light at the end of the tunnel when it came to finding a way to forgive myself for everything. Remembering that it was not my fault that Harm was obsessed with me. I had done nothing to provoke that reaction. As well as, allowing myself to grieve and then move on from what had occurred with Cora. Reminding myself that I did not have to let this to change me for the worst. Good could still come of it.

I could still be good.

Enzo had been more than supportive in my goals. He had never wished for me have to kill. He knew the kind of stain that threatened to leave on one’s soul as he had been driven to commit the act himself. And finding a way to atone for what I had done by committing myself to fixing the cause, had been the perfect way to feel like it had all happened for a reason.

However, today, was meant to be a relaxing day. A day where we would let everything go and just chill. Aida was getting dangerously close to her due date, so Kiara and I were treating her to one last spa day before her life became a lot more chaotic.

Or so that had been the plan.

I had awoken that morning wrapped up in Enzo’s arms. Each and every morning with him had seemed to be better than the last. I was beyond grateful to the Goddess for having blessed me with such an amazing mate. I stared at him for a moment too long, as his eyelids suddenly fluttered open, catching me in my reverie.

“Are you just going to stare at me or are you going to do something about it?” Enzo teased, his voice rough and husky from sleep.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes in a very overdramatic fashion. I pulled away from him and moved to get out of the bed, a sly smile on my face, all the while.

“And where do you think that you are going?” He questioned, playfully, as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down onto the bed with him.

“I was going to do something about…” I laughed. “I was going to get up and get ready for my day.”

“That is not what I meant, and you know it.” He chuckled as he positioned himself over me.

“Hmm…I must be confused, then. Perhaps you better show me.”

“Oh, I will…” He promised with a seductive growl as his lips came crashing down onto mine.

“Don’t forget that I have a spa appointment this morning with Aida and Kiara.” I reluctantly reminded him between kisses.

“Then we will just have to make the most of the little time that we have.” He promised as he slid beneath the covers.

We were both still naked from our festivities the night before and that allowed for him to be granted easy access as his face slipped between my legs. His tongue licked between my folds before finding its way to my clit and expertly teasing the little bundle of nerves. Enzo had always known how to play my body like an instrument. But over the last few months together, since my kidnapping, he had taken special time to learn every tiny response that my body would make and memorized every one. As if my needs were a favorite book which he could recite from cover to cover.

Fireworks danced behind my eyes as he followed his tongue with one finger and then another. Filling and stretching my core as he prepped me to accept his girth. I moaned out his name as I reached out for him, my fingers grasping at his short hair. I could feel my orgasm building and I did not want it to stop, fully prepared to ride to completion against his face. However, in true Enzo-fashion, he had other ideas.

“We are running short on time remember.” He tsked as I groaned when he pulled away from me.

“That does not mean that you leave a girl hanging.” I cried out in frustration.

“Don’t worry, my love, I did not intend to.”

And with that he pushed himself inside of me, gliding in with ease. I did not think that I would ever get used to how good it made me feel when we were locked together in this way. Our bodies entangled, truly becoming one as our souls already had. The bond flared between us, the ecstasy of our union driving us to new heights of pleasure.

He called out my name and I moaned in appreciation as our bodies rocked together in rhythm. A secretive dance that only the two of us shared. Our own private world that no other could ever enter. A secret garden of satisfaction and gratification. Unmarred by the influence of others. Caught up in the throes of passion. The endless current of our love.

Our climax peaking at the exact same moment, as our orgasms crashed over us in waves. We stared directly into each other’s eyes our bond going beyond the physical, beyond the spiritual, into something so much more. Something, both, tangible and, somehow, intangible at the same time. We belonged together. Whether Goddess destined or not. There had never been anyone other than Enzo for me. And there had never really been anyone other than me for him. Despite our protests to the contrary for so many years.

I had never known a love like this could exist. Much less have been given the opportunity to experience it for myself. I was certain that everyone probably felt this way about their own mates. I doubted that we were truly an anomaly. But, in that moment, the two of us locked together in the worship of each other’s bodies, it truly felt like we were something special. Something unlike anyone else had ever experienced before. Soulmate barely even seemed to do justice to how I felt about him. Yet there was no better word that existed to describe it.

We collapsed into each other, panting, our hearts beating against our chests in unison. He rested his forehead gently onto mine. I could have stayed there, in that moment with him forever. I needed nothing more, only him. He could be the sustenance that fueled me. The air that I needed to breath. The heart inside of me that pumped my blood through my veins. Everything in him was me and everything in me was him. And I would not have ever wished it be any other way.

“Some…mate…you…are…” I panted with a smile.

"I aim to please." He replied as he returned my smile before planting a quick, yet searing kiss on my lips.

However, being and Alpha and Luna did not allow for many moments of peace and solitude. Especially not when you had friends like mine. Our quiet, bubble was burst, and we were suddenly reminded of the world that existed outside of our little bed, when a loud banging sound could be heard from the other side of the door.

“I don’t care of you are a Luna or not…” Kiara shouted through the closed doorway. “If you do not get your little ass out here in ten minutes then I’m going to break this door down and drag you from that bed! I came all the way from Blue Moon for this spa day and I am not going to miss it because you two cannot keep your paws off each other!”

I rolled my eyes at her audacity. Leave it to Kiara to ruin a perfect moment like this. Though, both, Enzo and I began to chuckle. It was Kiara after all. It just came with the territory. What more could you do than laugh it off?

“I will be right there!” I yelled out to get her off my back for a second.

I gave Enzo another quick kiss and then sighed.

“I should hop into the shower really quick and join the girls. She is not wrong. We don’t want to miss our appointment.”

“I am sure that they would make an exception for the Luna.” Enzo pouted as I rolled out from underneath him.

“I am sure that you are right. But I do not intend to take advantage of my position in that way.” I chided as I jumped up from the bed, barely getting out of the way of Enzo’s grasp as he reached out to pull me back in.

Before he had a chance to stop me, I hurried into the bathroom and got into the shower. I knew there was the possibility that he would try to follow me, so I made certain to lock the door. And sure enough, only a minute into my shower, I could hear the doorknob rattling and Enzo cursing under his breath. I could not help but giggle at how well I could predict his behavior.

After I had washed, I quickly dressed before heading downstairs to meet Aida and Kiara in the main living room. I apologized for my lateness, but Kiara did not let me get away with anything that easily, as she teased me the entire walk to the spa.

“Enough about me…” I finally declared, as we entered the Crescent Spa. “Today is supposed to be about Aida. It is her last chance to relax before she gets swept up in the wild world of motherhood. Let’s keep this about her.”

Kiara looked as though she wanted to argue, pursing her lips as if she had more to say. But eventually, she relented, nodding her head in agreement. And I sighed in relief. I really did not want to keep getting teased about Enzo and me. It seemed to be the only thing that we had talked about since our Accession Ceremony. Aida was the pregnant one. How was it that we were always solely focused on me?

Luckily, everything calmed down quickly as we were led to our spa treatments. We had massages, prenatal for Aida, of course. Then manicures, pedicures, and facials. We were so relaxed that I nearly fell asleep on a couple of occasions. This spa day may have been about Aida. But I had really needed this as well. A day with my girls to just relax and be myself. Not a Luna. Just Marvel.

Marvel, Aida, and Kiara.

As it had always been. As it would always be. We may have had our mates and be adding a pup to the mix. But at the core, it had always been us three. Together. Supporting each other.

We had been left alone in a room at the spa, we were laying back on comfortable chairs with facials on our skin and cucumbers on our eyes. We were chatting about nothing and everything as our spa day was slowly coming towards its close. The only real thing left do from there would have been a sauna. But it was not recommended for Aida to do such a thing while pregnant and we were not going to do it without her.

“So last month I thought that I was going to be joining you on the motherhood bandwagon.” Kiara mentioned, casually. “My period was really late. Later than I had ever been. I was so freaked out.”

“I take it that your period finally came around?” Aida asked with a chuckle.

“Yes, thankfully!” Kiara exclaimed, dramatically. “Not that I am not happy for you. I am absolutely thrilled to be an auntie. But being a mom…I’m just not ready. And I don’t think that Valentino is either. He seemed just as relieved as I was when the pregnancy test came back negative. Even more so when my period finally started a couple of days later.” Kiara laughed, loudly, a snort even managing to escape her nose, which caused all of us to break out in a fit of giggles.

“What about you, Marvel?” Aida questioned, after we had all calmed down.

“What about me…what?” I replied uncertain of what exactly she was asking.

“When are you and Enzo going to start thinking about a family? Alphas are expected to produce an heir.” She reminded me as if I had needed the reminder.

“Enzo and I aren’t ready for that yet.” I responded with a decisive shake of my head.

I had not really thought much about parenthood yet. We had so much happen to us in such a short time. I was not sure that we needed to be adding to that chaos anytime soon.

“Well…if you don’t want pups yet then you two better be careful romping around like you were doing this morning. That’s exactly how accidents happen.” Kiara teased, playfully.

“Oh stop…” I chided with a smile as I reached over to slap at her arm, barely able to reach her with the distance between our chairs. “Enzo and I are careful. We always…” I began to argue but was stopped short as memories began to flash through my mind.

Were we always careful? Were we really? I had not been taking any sort of birth control since I had returned from my kidnapping. It was just not enough of a priority, so I had not really thought about it and had let the prescription slide. And as far as I could remember, I do not recall Enzo using a condom either. As a matter of fact, I do not believe that we had ever taken any precautions to prevent a pregnancy throughout our entire mating thus far.

This caused me to start considering things very seriously. I began to go over my most recent periods, double checking the dates in my head. And that was just about when I could feel the contents of my stomach very literally begin to churn. I jumped up from my chair, knocking the cucumbers covering my eyes to the floor, I rushed to the nearest trash can and released the entirety of my guts into it.

“Uh oh…” Both Kiara and Aida chimed behind me.

And just like that…spa day was over.

We stopped by the pharmacy on our way home to pick up some pregnancy tests and I managed to use all of them. I wanted to be absolutely certain of the results no matter what they turned out to be. We went back to the pack house and locked ourselves inside of my old bedroom. I did not want to be interrupted, especially not by Enzo.

As we awaited the results, Aida and Kiara were doing their best to distract me. They joked and poked fun at each other. Kiara regaled us with crazy stories of beach life at Blue Moon. Anything that they could to keep me from focusing too hard on those plastic sticks currently sitting on the bathroom counter.


The alarm suddenly sounded announcing that it was time. Time to find out if everything in my life was about to change. I stood up from the mattress, where I had been sitting. I walked over to the bathroom, my breath catching in my throat. I looked down at the small devices which held my very future in their nonexistent hands.

My stomach clenched and my cheeks paled. One right after the other. Each test revealed the same thing…

Two pink lines.

“Oh, Goddess, I hope that Enzo is ready to become a daddy…”

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