
Chapter Sold 86

Chapter 86


“W–what are you talking about? What do you mean by Maliya is missing? Missing how? Lord Williams assured me that she was safe. How can the guards be dead when they send updates about her well–being everyday?” A frown spread across my face as I tried to comprehend exactly what was going on.

“About that, I think it might be someone else that had been sending you messages all along. When we saw the dead guards, they were wearing different clothes other than their uniform, so it is possible that their identity had been stolen,” the guard announced and it felt like my ear had suddenly gone deaf and I couldn’t hear properly.

“Stolen identity? What the hell are you talking about?!? Where is Maliya? Are you sure you went to the exact location I told you about? I want a trope with her to ensure her safety! How can everyone be dead?” I frowned.

“We are just as

Gather the men!” I ordered.

I stormed out of the room to see exactly what was going on when Lord Williams stopped me halfway.

“Have you heard what happened?” He asked with a surprised look on his face and I couldn’t help but blame myself for everything that was happening.

This is all my fault. If only I hadn’t sent Maliya away then none of this would have happened.

“Who dared to hijack my woman anyway?” A voice said in my head and I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about how all of this was possible.

No one knew about my plans to send Maliya away other than the seers and Lord Williams. How come Maliya is missing then?

Even if she attempted to run on the way, there is no way she would have succeeded in killing all those men by herself or think of sending a word to me just to make

is feel at ease.

Something is


“Gather all our men this instant!” I ordered and Lord Williams scooted away immediately. A few minutes later, the guards were assembled outside and I went to address them.

“I need every single one of you to begin an investigation right away! I need to know how Maliya is missing and how the guards ended up dead. I need names of everyone involved in this thing, am I clear?I demanded.

Yes, Alpha!

“I need Maliya to be back in the palace before the day ends. Dig into holes if you must. I don’t care if you have to go into worlds that don’t exist. All I ask for is that you bring back Maliya or don’t bother to return,” I commended.

The guards looked among each other with a worried expression, but they needed to understand the importance of finding her. Not only is she my mate, she is also carrying my child. I don’t know how I’d live without her in my life. I need to find her. I have to or I’d lose my sanity.

I can’t believe that I was stupid enough to listen to the seers in the first place. I clenched my fist as different vicious thoughts invaded my mind.

What if she didn’t run away? What if she was abducted? What if they had killed her alongside the guards? What if I never get to see her again?

Enough with this thoughts, Xander!” My subconscious scolded me and I closed my eyes as my palms became sweaty.

You need to bring back Maliya at all costs. I need her back safe and sound. Search the woods, the neighboring pack, the rivers, I need you to search every single place to find her,” I said weakly this time as my chest ached for her.

Yes, Alpha!

The guards left immediately, leaving me alive with Lord Williams.

I’ll send for the seers now in case they have a clue of what might be happening and send for the priest too,” he assured me before taking his leave.

My mind went back to the dream I had and I could feel it in my bones. Maliya is in danger. My woman is out there all alone, and I can’t do anything to save her.

I need to find her as soon as possible.

“If not for your stupidity, how could you not think of this? You have a lot of enemies. What if it is one of them that abducts her? Who knows what kind of pain she’s in right now? What if the headache hasn’t stopped?My subconscious scolded me and I couldn’t help but run my hands 8n my hair as I regretted my actions bitterly.


Chapter So

Why didn’t I think this through? Why did I allow the situation to cloud my judgment? Why did I allow myself to be convinced so easily?

I paced around the hallway, unable to keep calm as I thought of going out there by myself to search for Maliya. That way, I’d be able to investigate the matter on my own.

Just then, Lord Williams returned and I waited for him to speak up impatiently.

“Alpha, I think we might have a problem,” Lord Williams announced, taking me by surprise.

What problem are you talking about? Where is Maliya? I thought I asked you to fetch the seers for me? Why can’t I see any of them?” I asked with a frown.

“Alpha, the thing is, I went to look for the seers personally, but it seems that I might have gotten the address wrong. It was the same place we used to go every time, but when I got to their houses today, they were all empty and it doesn’t look like anyone has been there in days,” Lord Williams announced and I staggered back unconsciously.

You you can’t find the seer?” I asked in a cracked voice and Lord Williams nodded.

“Yes, Alpha,

It felt like my heart had been ripped apart from the news and I couldn’t believe that this was happening. I chose to do something for once without thinking it through and everything has backfired.

“What if…” I trailed off.

“I think the seers might be the one behind Mallya’s disappearance,” Lord Williams said and my chest tightened.

“I need to find Maliya. I can’t allow her to get away. I need to bring her back,” I kept on chanting to myself when Lord Williams broke the silence.

“The good part is I was able to get the priest to come with me,” He announced and I don’t know how to feel right now.

Should I be happy that the priest is here now that Maliya is nowhere to be found? How could I be so stupid? How can I be so reckless with such an important decision?

I can’t believe I allowed people to manipulate me into thinking Maliya is the cause of the Pack problem. The pack is still suffering from the plague and to make it worse, I pushed Maliya into danger with my own hands.

*Bring in the priest,” I ordered.

Lord Williams left to bring the priest and I waited a few minutes before he came to join me.

Alpha,” he bowed as he showed his respect.

“I believe you already have a clue about why I might have sent it to you. The pack is suffering from plague and I was told that if I send a woman away, everything would be solved. I did as told and everything is still the same and I presume this woman is in danger. What do you think is the solution?” I asked and the priest fell quiet for a while.

He started by making incantations and I watched him do his thing for a while before he finally broke the silence.

“Alpha, I apologize for what I am about to say, but with what I am seeing, you have been tricked,” the priest announced. “The woman you sent away was never the problem of the Pack. Instead, with her by your side, good fortune would keep coming your way,” he said, taking me by surprise.

“What do you mean? The seers told me that she would bring misfortune and this plague would only go if she leaves, plus she was also having a terrible headache which the physicians confirmed that she was fine medically so everything was spiritual,‘ I pointed,

A part of that may be true. Indeed, the headache was spiritual but that was also because someone took a piece of her body to do black magic. As I speak, her life is in danger because someone is trying to use her to get to you because you both seem to have a connection,” the priest said and my heart skipped a beat.

A connection? She’s carrying my child,” I blurt out.

“For them to complete their evil plans, they need to kill the child in her stomach and for that to happen, this woman would be killed too. If we do not stop it right now, it might be too late,the priest said and I couldn’t believe my ears.

“How can we stop this? What is the solution? How can I make the Pack go back to normal and bring her back safely? Presently, I have no clue about

where she might be,” I confessed as I rubbed my temple.

I’m sorry, Alpha, but right now, we are fighting against a strong force. I’ll have to prepare a ritual to ask the goddess for a solution and even that may be too late, the priest confessed and I could no longer keep my anger in check.

I slammed my fist on the desk, startling the priest in the process.

“I don’t care what you have to do. You have until tomorrow to come up with a solution. My woman’s life is in danger and so is my child. You better


be here first thing in the morning,” I hissed.

Yes, Alpha, I’ll try my best,‘ he assured me before taking his leave.

I couldn’t stop blaming myself for everything going on right now as I waited for the guards to come back. If truly she is in the hands of the witches. like Madam Rosalie had referred to them, I knew it would be hard for them to find her now.

What have I done?

“Alpha, I know this is not a good time, but Alpha Gabriel is here with his daughter to see you,” Lord Williams announced and I was eager to transfer my aggression on them as I stormed off to the waiting room.

I thought I made it clear that I do not want to see them or hear anything that has to do with marriage from them? Why won’t they stop coming here? When did we become friends anyway?

I pushed the door open angrily and they stood up to greet me as soon as I entered, but I cut them off.

“Why are you here?” I frowned.

“Hello, Alpha Xander, I hope you have been well?” Alpha Gabriel proceeded to greet me anyway, ignoring my remark.

“I believe that I asked you a question. What are you doing here?” I glared at both of them.

“We can see that the people are still suffering so we decided to come over and give you the cure we spoke about the last time we were here,” Sabrina said and a frown fell on my face.

“And what makes you think that I am going to accept your supposed help? If you are desperate for a husband, go and look elsewhere. This is not a charity case and I am dealing with a more serious matter to be listening to this bullshit,” I hissed.

“We are not here to give you any terms and conditions this time. We came to give you the cure for free, but I don’t think this is a good attitude to appreciate one’s help,” Alpha Gabriel said and I couldn’t believe that he had the nerve to come into my Pack to tell me how to act and react.

“Are you here to lecture me this time then?” I glared at him and he chuckled.

“Of course not, Alpha.”

Sabrina brought out a portion from her bag and placed it on the table. “Here is all you need to cure the people. It is a powder. Blow it in an open space and everyone would start getting better,” she assured me.

“And if this is a lie, what should I do to you?”

“As you pleased.”

I called a guard and asked him to use a few portions in the palace back after a few minutes.


of the sick maids before going into the Pack and the guard came rushing

“Alpha! It worked! The maids who can barely move on their


can now stand


“I guess this is when you say thank you,” Sabrina said confidently


without any help,” he announced and my eyes fell on the two.

immediately knew that I didn’t like her.

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