
Chapter Sold 66

Chapter 66 


Ever since Alpha Xander announced that I’d be following him to the Greenwood pack my mood went from hundred to zero. I should be excited to visit the place I grew up and knew as my home. The only place I ever felt so comfortable. But then, there is nothing to look forward to 

I have no friends back at home or any family members who genuinely want to have me back in their lives. Going back there would only bring back all the memories Im trying so hard to bury and I honestly don’t know how to feel about that. 

Despite everything, I still have lots of memories in the pack I grew up there, learned how to make my first move and basically everything I know how to do right now. There are certain things that still make me happy when I think back to my time over there, but right now, I couldn’t think of any and quite frankly, I’m not sure of how to feel. 

I might run into my step–sister or anyone there. I doubt that they were worried about my absence or even attempted to look for me. They probably thought Prince Kane did them a huge favour, so why would they look for me! 

I felt a surge of anger course through my veins as I thought of how vulnerable I was in the presence of Prince Kane when he sold me. I was willing to do anything he asked. I was willing to worship the ground he stepped on but the only way he could think of repaying me was by selling me off- he didn’t just sell me, but he bit he sold me to the scariest man alive. 

How ca 

How can I forgive that? 

I was taken to another pack when I least 

east expected it. I don’t know anything or anyone. I don’t know how to fit in or what to do to avoid trouble. 

1 had a really tough time after moving in, I lost count of the amount of time the thought of killing myself crossed my mind. And after everything After everything, I ended up getting pregnant by a man that I don’t even know what our relationship is. 

At first, he made it obvious that he was doing everything to protect his child. And then, he started acting nice to me. He is no longer the heartless man he used to be, nor does he treat me like a vessel that is carrying his baby anymore 

It feels like something has changed, I could have sworn that I felt the difference, but with Alpha Xander, one could never tell. 

He could be doing all of this to make me feel at ease just until I give birth to his child. What will happen after though? I have no idea 

As if all of these are not enough, I am still confused about the true emotions of Alpha Xander. I swear 1 hated him so much. His mere existence disgusts me that I never want to be in the same breathing space with him. But I don’t know if I still feel that way towards him. 

My feelings have changed and I suddenly want to make sure that he is fine. That he was safe. That he wasn’t feeling down or hiding his emotions under the facade of a strong man. As crazy as it sounds. I want to be there for him. 

1 don’t know if it was because I was carrying his child, but I can no longer deny the attraction I felt towards him 

1 panicked inversely as I thought of what was happening to me. I’m attracted to Aloha Xander. That can’t be possible. He is the same man I vowed to ruin just a couple of months ago. 

I pared around the room as I thought about Alpha Xander’s words over and over again. 

He wanted me by his side? He wanted to protect me? Bullshit! He has been the hardest on me since I got here but when he says those words, I can’t help but agree with him because I see the sincerity in his eyes. He wasn’t saying it to make me feel better, he really meant it, 

All thanks to my inability to make my own decisions. I am going to meet Prince Kane again. The same man who broke and shattered my dreams. The man who jupatized with all my plans and for the first time in a while, recalled how I vowed to ruin them all after being tied to a tree while drenched in the rain. 

Just then, a maid came into the room and I glanced at her. 

“Alpha is waiting for you downstairs,” she announced and I knew it was time to leave

I went to meet him hesitantly and found Alpha Xander looking handsome in his designer clothes. He had sem a beautiful dress to m me earlier which I am wearing right now, and I didn’t miss the way his eyes roamed my body with admiration. 

When he looks at me like that, he confuses me even more. Does lar really care for me or is it the baby he wants to 

to protect! 

“You are here.” Alpha Xander said as he linked our hands together and he took me outside where the carriage was alreally waiting

My eyes were fixed on where our hands connected the entire time as Alpha Xander helped me get into the carriage. He was so gentle with me. I wishard all of this wouldn’t be a facade and I wished he would stop messing with my head

Irmured to leave enough space between is as I stared outside, trying to clear my mind. 

“Is there a problem” You looked worried, he pointed. He has been even more observant lately and I don’t know if I want it to stop or comique. I 

hate how I can’t even recognise my own emotions. 

“No.” I said with a small smile. 

“Are you feeling cold then? I should have known the weather would be chilly. Do you need me to fetch you a jacket?” He asked again and this time, I was forced to smile. 

“I’m fine, really,” I assured him, and he nodded. He pulled me closer, closing the distance between us and I watched how he encouraged me to rest on him so that could be more comfortable. 

“The journey will take a couple of hours, you can sleep if you want,” he whispered. 

I inhaled his scent as I rested my head on his neck, and I couldn’t help but fall for his smell 

“If you are hungry, tell me so that we can stop in a nearby pack before we continue our journey, he said again, as he caressed my hands, making sure to rub them lightly, sending any potential cold away with his warmth. 

Tm fine, I assured him. 

I could still recall how uncomfortable I was when Lord Williams was taking me to the pack the first time. I was even blindfolded s that I wouldn’t be able to find my way even if I attempted to run away, but it seems Alpha Xander Has trusted me so much now that he was allowing me to travel with him without blindfolds, neither was he stopping me from looking outside to memarize the way. 

I had no idea when I eventually fell asleep until I was woken lightly by Alpha Xander’s soft voics 

Maliya, we are here,” he cooed. 

I opened my eyes briefly to see that the carriage had stopped and I let out a yearning. I rubbed the remaining sleep away from my eyes and Alpha Xander watched me attentively without breaking liis eyes away from me. 

“Are you fully awake?” He asked as I stretched and I nodded. 

Alpha Xander was the first to go out and then, he stretched out his hands for me to take. I took his hands to get down from the carriage and as soon as the breeze hit My skin, I was welcomed by the memories of my life here 

can’t believe this is the place 1 once called home. The weather wain’t a bit welcoming or maybe it was because I didn’t want to be here. I recalled all the harsh treatment I got from my stepmother and sister and all I could do was shake my head

“Come on.” Alpha Xander wrapped his hands around me as he led the way to the mansion I was very familiar with. 

Prince Kane who is now the Alpha of the Greenwood pack was already waiting outside to welcome Alpha Xander. He has a bright smile on his face and I didn’t miss the woman standing next to him. It was none other than my step sister, Raya

Their attention was focused on Alpha Xander and neither of them seems to have noticed me yet. I felt a pang in my chest to see that those two were still together after ruining my life. 

All I felt for them right now was disgust and I wished I could smash their heads against a wall and watch them bleed to their death. 

“Alpha Xander! It’s such a great honour to have you here,” Alpha Kane said with a huge smile on his face. 

“I made a promise, didn’t I?” Alpha Xander said as he beamed with pride. 

Just then, Alpha Kane finally noticed that Alpha Xander wasn’t alone. He looked towards my direction with a smile, eager to greet Alpha Xander’s guest, but his smell dropped as soon as his eyes fell on mine. 

His eyes snapped back to Alpha Xander before he looked back at me and I didn’t miss the shock in his eyes. He parted his mouth to speak, but he suddenly became tongue–tied 


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