So This Is War

Chapter 14

Levi: Be dressed and ready by eight tonight. You’re my wingman tonight.

“That’s what he wrote to you?” Sandie asks as she stares down at Levi’s text message from this morning.

“Yes, what does that even mean?”

I’m perched on my bed, curlers in my hair, makeup done, and wearing nothing but a robe because I have no idea what to dress myself in as his wingman.

After Sandie got off work, she thankfully rushed over to my place, where I gave her the entire rundown of the past few days. We shared a large salad and some breadsticks from our favorite Italian restaurant, and I drank a hard seltzer or two to calm my nerves.

Sandie sets my phone down and says, “I think he’ll try to break you tonight. After what happened the other night, I have no doubt that this is the crescendo. Tonight’s the night that one of you is going to give in, and it looks like it will be in his favor.”

We’re both sitting on my bed, me against the headboard, Sandie against the wall, our legs tangling in the middle. I bring my legs into a crisscross position and make sure to cover myself up so Sandie doesn’t have to deal with a free show.

“So you think he’ll flaunt another woman in front of me?”

“Yes.” Sandie nods. “That’s exactly what he’s going to do. Think about what you did to him last time. You dry-humped him, then came loudly in the bathroom so he could hear you. He’s reached his breaking point, and it doesn’t seem like he wants to be the one who gives in.”

“Trust me, if he was the one who gave in, I’d know at this point what it would feel like to have him inside me. This is a battle of wills, and he has the upper hand, Sandie. I don’t think I can go through the night knowing that he might take someone else home.”

“Then make it so he can’t take someone else home. Make it so you’re the one he’s thinking about, not some random he finds at a bar.”

“Yeah, I think I can do that.” An idea pops into my head. “What if . . . what if I ask him to help me find someone?”

Sandie’s eyes light up. “Yes, reverse it back on him. Maybe make some sort of deal where you both help each other out and see who breaks first.”

“Yes, I can do that,” I say, feeling more empowered. “I’m sure he’ll hate if I flirt with someone else in front of him. Unless . . . what if he doesn’t? What if he lets me go off with another guy, and he’s with another girl?”

“He won’t.” Sandie shakes her head. “There is no way he’s going to let you go off with any guy. Trust me on this. Someone will break tonight, and it’s going to be him.”

I smile to myself. “You’re right, it’s going to be him.”

“That’s the spirit.” She pats my leg. “Now let’s get you dressed.” She hops off my bed and goes over to my clothes where she starts looking through my dresses. “I need you to look very indecent tonight. Like, nipple ready to pop out-type outfit.”

“Do you think that’s necessary?” I ask her.

She looks over her shoulder. “Uh, very necessary. Come on, let me try a few things on you.”

I walk over to Sandie, who starts piling outfits onto my waiting hands.

This should be interesting.


I ADJUST my watch on my wrist and look at the time. She has one minute before I go barreling into her room to tell her that she’s late.

I’m all business tonight. I have one thing on my mind, and that’s breaking Wylie Wood. Like I said, this fucked-up game of wills ends tonight.

I chose to wear a pair of black jeans and a black button-up shirt, my typical club outfit. I styled my hair to look messy but also put together, left my scruff untouched, rolled my sleeves up, and made sure to put on the cologne I know she likes. I want to make it impossible for her to think of anyone but me. That’s why I also left a few of my buttons undone so she has a peek of my chest throughout the night.

Now I just have to mentally prepare for what arsenal she’s coming with. Lord knows she’s going to dress to kill. I’m not fucking dumb. She’s an incredibly sexy and sexual woman, and she’ll dress provocatively—sensually—to make it impossible for me to look at any other woman. Lucky for me, I’ve already texted Samantha at the club. I told her what was going on, and she has no problem helping me out.

Samantha is a regular who I’ve played around with a bit. She’s devastatingly gorgeous with long black hair, a killer body, and deep brown eyes. Being naked in front of people doesn’t faze her, and she’s been up on the main stage quite a few times, getting off for everyone to see. She’s excited to play the part tonight.

So I have my bases covered.

Tonight, Wylie will break.

Just then, I hear heels clicking down the hallway, so I brace myself as Wylie appears in the kitchen. And yup . . . fuck . . . me. Jesus Christ, did she come to fucking play.

Her red hair is curled and voluminous, stretching past her shoulders and down her back. She went with a dark eyeliner, making her eyes pop, and a deep red lip that matches the vibrant color of her hair. And the outfit she chose, if you want to call it that, is a tight mini skirt that barely reaches her mid-thigh, and a single tube top that ties in the front and covers nothing but her breasts, and barely covers them if that. Pretty sure it’s one of those bras she was talking about, but strapless.

Yup, she came to fucking play.

When she sees me, she pauses and wets her lips as she lets her eyes trail over me. “Ooo, boss man is looking to get fucked tonight, isn’t he?”

By you, yes.

“I am,” I say.

She walks up to me and pats me on the chest. “Don’t worry, I’m going to be the best wingman you’ve ever had.”

With that, she struts toward the front door, clutch in hand, ready to go.

Let the games begin.


“YOU’RE QUIET,” I say after about ten minutes of silence in the car. “Are you mentally preparing to pick someone up?”

“I don’t need to mentally prepare,” he says, his grip on the steering wheel tight.

“Okay, well, can you tell me what you expect from me as your wingman?”

“Talk me up, make me look good, make sure the girl trying to get with me is worth my time.”

I tug on my top, a habit I’ve acquired since the moment I put on this godforsaken bra that Sandie insisted I wear. It feels like it’s going to fall off any second. “I can do that no problem. Is there anyone in particular you’re looking for?”

He rubs the side of his jaw, the sound of his scruff bringing my attention to what it would feel like to have that scruff rubbing against my skin.

“Dark hair,” he says. “Only requirement.”

“Are you a boob man, ass man? Should I be looking for anything like that?”

“I like all bodies,” he says and glances in my direction.

My cheeks heat, and I inwardly swear to keep it together. It’s hard, though, when he looks like that and smells unbelievable. I swear his cologne was made to draw women toward him because even sitting in his car, I’m leaning toward him, wanting to get a better whiff.

He makes a right down a dark street, where he pulls up to a valet.

“Oh, I’ve never been here before,” I say. “This is a bar?”

“No,” he says as he glances at me. “A club.”

He gets out of the car, and all the color drains from my face.

A club? As in . . . one of his clubs?


Before I can even think about texting Sandie for mental support, my car door opens, and Levi is on the other side, holding his hand out to me. I take it, and he helps me out of the car before letting go. He heads down the path toward the nearly pitch-black entrance, but I stop him before we enter. I tug on his hand, and when he turns to face me, I try not to show my nerves.

“Um, so is this one of those clubs you like to go to?”

“Yes,” he answers, his jaw tense.

“And you plan on meeting a girl here and . . . taking her to a back room or something?”

“Yes,” he answers again, making my stomach churn.

“Okay, and you want me to help you find that girl so that you can fuck in a back room?”

“Correct,” he says.

I nod and look at the ground for a moment, clutching my purse as I try to find a way to deal with this. If this was a bar, that would be easier. I could pass some time and try to find the right person, but this is different. I’ve been to these clubs before—not this one in particular—but there is no fucking around. You find someone you like, you fuck, simple as that. No need to warm up, no need for small talk.

Which means the stakes are higher here. I have a lot less time.

“Okay, I can help with that, but you know, since we’re here,” I say, looking him in the eyes. “If I happen to see someone I might be compatible with, I hope you don’t mind if I go off with them as well.”

“If you’re up for it, go for it,” he says and heads toward the door.

Wait . . .


If I’m up for it, go for it?

No tic of the jaw.

No anger in his expression.

No jealousy?

I would have at least thought that he’d show a hint of emotion over that, but I get nothing at all.

“Are you coming?” he asks from where he stands next to the entrance.

“Yes,” I say, trying to shake the negative thoughts out of my head.

This is a game. He’s playing the game.


That’s what’s happening.

That’s what’s happening. But he’s a man, Wylie. He’s a virile, sex-loving, sexy man, who made you come after only dry-humping him. He’s told me that it’s me he wants, but he’s also told me that we can’t cross that line. But he touched me like he owned me the other night . . . and then didn’t take me.

“Dark hair,” he says. “Only requirement.”

Dark hair . . .

He opens the door for me, and I walk in before him only to stop at another door, the beat of the music on the other side making me nervous.

“Membership,” the man at the door says, and Levi flashes him a card. The man nods and opens the door for us, leading us to a barely lit hallway. Levi guides me with his hand on my lower back until we’re in front of a curtain. He pulls it back, and the view of the club is on full display.

Everything is black like Levi’s room. The walls, the ceilings, the furniture, the only color is represented on the guests. Like other clubs I’ve been to, this one has a center stage with lounges and couches circling it. A bar is off to the left, and toward the back, there are large windows that give you a view of other private rooms for just couples. A few of them occupied.

On center stage is a woman currently undressing herself while a man sits in a chair, stroking his cock and staring at her.

Immediately, my nipples go hard, and a wave of heat passes through me. This is my element. This is what I love. Debauchery. I love everything about it. I love watching others. I love hearing others. I love touching others.

And from the way Levi glances around . . . he loves it too.

He leans in close to my ear. “Is this too much for you?”

“No,” I say as my eyes fixate on the stage where the woman just fully undressed. “This is perfect.”

“Good,” he says as a few people pass us by, their eyes roaming us both.

Levi takes that moment to wrap his hand around the back of my neck, his fingers slightly curling around the front.

I shiver with arousal because I know what he’s doing.

I know exactly what he’s doing.

He’s letting every man in this club know that I’m off limits. And just like that, the nerves are gone, the thrill of being here sets in, and I lean in toward him, ready to play.

He guides us through the club, toward the back where we have a view of the private windows and the center stage.

Currently, a woman is being fucked up against the window, her tits pressing into the glass as she moans loud enough for us to hear.

Incredibly hot.

A couple is next to us on a couch, the woman giving the man a lap dance, both clothed.

Off to the left is a woman on her knees, giving a man a blow job. That surprises me because I wouldn’t think you could do anything like that out in the open on the main floor, but only in a private room.

Levi finds us a couch just as the woman on stage lets out a loud moan as she sits down on the man and starts moving up and down, her tits bouncing and her head falling back in ecstasy. I slowly take a seat, my eyes on them the entire time while the man takes her breast into his mouth and starts sucking.

“God, I’m already wet,” I say without even thinking about it. “I love everything about this.”

I glance over at Levi who’s looking at me, his eyes seeming slightly dazed for a second before he focuses back on center stage.

“Are you hard?” I ask.

“Yeah,” he answers.

“Is that weird to ask you?”

His brow raises as he says, “After everything we’ve been through? No.”

“Well, let me find someone who can fulfill your needs.”

His eyes shoot back to me, and I catch him glance at my mouth before he lets out a sigh and leans back on the couch.

Because it’s so dark in here and he’s wearing all black, I can’t make out his bulge, which is a shame because I really want to know how much this turns him on.

Probably a lot.

“Oh fuck,” the woman yells as she moves quickly over the man. “Oh, I’m coming,” she shouts for everyone to hear, drawing attention to her.

Everyone seems to stop as our eyes focus toward the center and watch her and her alone.

My cheeks flame.

My temperature rises, and when she cries out in ecstasy, the man following closely behind, everything in my body throbs.

I want that.

I want to be that woman.

I want to be the one everyone watches.

“Would you ever do that?” I ask.

“Get up on stage?” he asks just as a server comes over to us.

“What can I get you, Mr. Posey? The usual?”

“That would be great,” he says, then turns to me. “What would you like?”

“A hard lime seltzer, please.”

She winks. “Be right back.”

I turn toward Levi now while the couple clean up and switch out with another. His eyes flash to my chest briefly before up to my face. “Well,” I ask. “Would you ever go up on stage?”

“No,” he says.

“No?” I ask, my brow pinched. “Why not?”

“People know me, so I don’t want to be on display like that. But one of the window rooms? Yes, because you can set the lighting where you can’t see everything. Like room three.” He points, and I look over where I can see the woman, but because the man is farther away, I can’t quite make out who it is.

“That’s really hot,” I say. “I would totally do the stage or the window. Hell, I’d give someone a naked lap dance right here.”

“Well, there’s a single guy over there.” He nods in the direction of a man casually touching himself while staring at the new couple on the stage.

“Are you allowed to come out here in the main room?”

“No, only on stage,” he says. “Notice the blow job couple isn’t here anymore?”

I glance over to the corner, and lo and behold, they’ve been removed.

“So what are you allowed to do?”

“Watch, feel, touch, undress your upper half, not lower. Lower half has to be covered. There are a lot of rooms in the back that are constantly being changed out and cleaned. They only allow so many patrons in the club at a time so they can keep up.”

“So you’ve fucked in the back rooms?”

“Yes,” he answers just as our drinks are brought to us. Levi is handed a tumbler, but it doesn’t look like alcohol.

“What is that?” I ask.

“Club soda,” he answers. “Game tomorrow, so I don’t want to drink the night before. I try to avoid it as much as I can. Plus, I want to be present when I fuck.”

“Understood,” I say just as I spot a gorgeous woman in a pair of high-waisted pants and a bra walking toward us. Her long black hair swishes behind her as her hips sway side to side, her eyes set on one person and one person alone . . . Levi.

I take a large sip of my drink just before she arrives.

“Hey,” she says in a seductive voice. She holds her hand out to Levi. “I’m Samantha.”

He takes her hand and says, “Levi, nice to meet you.”

She then turns to me and says, “I’m sorry, am I overstepping? I didn’t even see you until I got up here. I guess I was just fixated on how handsome your boyfriend is.”

“Oh, he’s not my boyfriend,” I say, waving my hand in dismissal. “He’s my boss. Yup, at a sex club with my boss.” I nod awkwardly. “Actually, I’m here to help him find someone to fuck.”

“You’re here . . . helping him?” Samantha asks and looks Levi up and down. “Doesn’t seem like he needs help at all.”

I shrug. “I’m just doing what he asks.”

“Well then, let’s see if I’m right for the job,” she says as she sits beside me and holds out her hand. “I’m Samantha.”

“Wylie,” I say, taking her hand in mine and marveling at how soft it is. I look her in the eyes and say, “This might be bold, but you’re gorgeous.”

“Thank you,” she says with a sweet smile. She crosses one leg over the other and places her hand on my thigh. “You’re breathtaking.” She touches my cheek and says, “Your eyes are so beautiful.”

“Thank you,” I reply as a hint of heat builds.

I’m very proud of my sexuality. I’ve been with men and women, and I find everything about the female body so sexy. It’s why I love watching Patty Ford, and it’s why I feel almost drawn toward Samantha at the moment. In college, I was very fluid—something my dad doesn’t know—but I’ve had my fun.

“Tell me what your boss is looking for?”

“He said he likes all bodies but is looking for dark hair, which you have. So winning already.” I glance behind me at Levi, who watches us intently. “But I know from experience he loves a great set of tits.”

Samantha glances down at her chest, then back at me. “I think I can help in that department.”

“I think so,” I answer. “I think I’d also want him to have someone who could pleasure him seductively. Tease him. Edge him. He tends to edge himself a lot.”

“Does he?” she asks, looking over at Levi. “You say that as if you have experience.”

I shake my head. “No, but I know him well enough to understand he doesn’t just come for release. He likes to come for a purpose.”

“I like that,” Samantha says as she drags her fingers up and down my thigh.

“Are you good at edging?” I ask her, the tingling sensation of her touch sending bolts of arousal straight between my legs.

“Very good,” she whispers, leaning in. And then, to my surprise, she straddles my lap. Her legs fall on either side of mine, and her breasts are right at eye level as she brings her hands to my shoulders. “Let’s pretend you’re Levi. I’d start with conversation, touching him gently, making it absolutely clear how hot I think he is. After slowly unbuttoning his shirt, my hands would wander.”

“He’d like that,” I say as I place my hands on her thighs.

“And then I’d tell him that he could use me in any way he wants.”

“He would,” I say as I bite my lip.

“What do you think he’d do first?” she asks.

My cheeks heat as my mouth goes dry because . . . God, she’s really hot.

And I don’t know what prompts me, but before I can stop myself, I move my hands to the clasp of her bra and say, “He’d remove this. I know he’d want to see your tits.”

“Then do it,” she whispers.

Without thinking, I unclasp her bra and watch as it falls down her arms, revealing her breasts. Her beautiful breasts. They’re not as big as mine, but they’re firm and high with dark, pierced nipples.

God, I’m so jealous.

“You have amazing breasts,” I say as I stare at them. “I love your nipple piercings.”

“Do you think Levi would like them?” she asks, puffing her chest out.

I glance over at Levi, expecting him to be staring at Samantha, but I lock eyes with him instead. His attention is on me.

“Um, I think . . . he would,” I say as I turn back to Samantha.

She rests her hands on my shoulders and starts moving her hips over mine. “Would he like this?”

I bite my bottom lip as I grow even wetter because, how could I not? The couple on stage is undressing each other, Samantha’s on top of me—her beautiful breasts thrusting in front of me, her hips rotating over mine—and Levi’s staring at us, watching every moment. It’s checking all of my boxes and might be one of my best sexual experiences.

So I decide to take advantage of it.

“Can I touch you?” I ask her. “I want to make sure you’re absolutely perfect for him.”

“Please do,” she says.

Excited, I move my hands up her sides to her breasts where I palm them and lightly drag my thumbs over her nipples, loving the feel of her piercings against the pad of my thumb.

I’m throbbing.

I’m so turned on. So hot. So ready for whatever comes next that I get lost in the feel of her breasts.

“Levi would love this,” I say. “He’d play with your nipples all night.”

“God, I hope so,” Samantha breathes.

I squeeze her breasts again, pushing them together this time. “You’re so hot,” I tell her.

She looks down at me and says, “You are too.”

Her teeth pull on her lip.

I lean close to her breast, ready to take one in my mouth, when she cups my chin.

“Have you ever kissed a girl, Wylie?”

“Yes,” I say as I slide my hands down her back to the waistband of her pants.

She pushes me back on the couch and drags her fingers up my stomach to my breasts, where she draws a circle around my hardened nipple.

I nearly let out a loud, boisterous moan.

“Don’t you think you should test to see how I kiss, to make sure I’m good enough for Levi?”

I nod my head. “Yeah, I think I should.”

She leans forward, her tits pressing against mine as she grips my cheek.

I slide one hand over her ass and cup the back of her head with the other hand.

Every bit of me throbs as she lowers her mouth.

At the last second, I wet my lips, ready for her—and then feel her being pulled off my lap.


My eyes flash open, and I catch Levi standing beside her, his hand in hers. He bends down, picks up her bra, and stuffs it in his back pocket.

Then he threads their fingers together and says, “Back room. Now.”

Samantha smiles up at him . . . as realization hits me.

Wait, he’s taking her?

She’s . . . she’s the one he’s choosing?

And before I can say anything, they head back toward the private rooms.

No, that wasn’t supposed to happen.

He’s not supposed to go back there with her. He’s supposed to . . . hell, what is he supposed to do?


That’s what. I got so lost in sensation that I forgot what was going on. He was supposed to see me with her and want me, not her. And from the way he was watching me, I could have sworn he was going to ask me to be with him.

I look over at them and notice that his hand is now wrapped around her neck. He’s claiming her.

Which means, he’s no longer claiming me.

My stomach churns with anxiety.

Anxiety over Levi being with someone other than me.

With him being turned on by anyone other than me.

With him even touching another woman, not me.

My eyes well up with frustration.

With irritation.

With apprehension that if I don’t do something, if I don’t make a move, he’ll fuck Samantha. Despite his attraction to me, he’ll realize that he can and will find someone else . . . as if I’m invisible. Replaceable. God knows my mom found it just as easy to walk away from me as if I meant nothing.

I shouldn’t be so emotionally invested in this, but I fucking like Levi Posey. We click in so many ways, more than I have with any other guy. And if he does this, and I know I won’t cope—I’ll have to give up my job. Is that what he wants? Me gone? Was this not a game to him? Does he want me gone too?

Do not let her off the hook. Don’t let her skate by. I want you to make her life a living hell, got it?

And mainly, don’t forget that she’s completely off limits.

No, I refuse to believe Levi truly doesn’t want me.

Please choose me, Levi.

I hurry through the couches after them.

I trip over the leg of a patron watching someone in one of the windows, but I regain my balance and adjust my top as I make my way down the hall, where I find Levi leading Samantha into a back room. I chase them, and right before the door closes, I stop it with my hand.

“Wait,” I say, feeling breathless.

Levi parts the door slightly and offers me a questioning brow. “What?” he asks.

I wet my lips and muster all the courage I can find. “Don’t fuck her, Levi. Please . . . please don’t fuck her.”

He straightens up and asks, “Why?”

“Because.” I twist my hands over my clutch as I try to find my words.

“Because. Why?” he asks, this time, taking a step forward and lifting my chin with his finger, forcing me to look at him.

“Because I don’t want you fucking her.”

“Why not?” He’s not letting me get away with evasiveness. When I don’t respond right away, he believes I won’t answer and starts to shut the door again.

But I don’t let him as I step inside the room where I spot Samantha sitting on the edge of the bed, hands propped behind her, enjoying the show between Levi and me.

“Wylie, unless you have a reason⁠—”

“Because I want you,” I say before I can stop myself. “I want you, Levi, for myself. So please, please don’t do anything with her. It will . . .” I choke out the last few words. “It will gut me.”

His hard-as-stone expression slowly softens before he turns to Samantha and says, “Give us space.”

She nods, and as she walks past us, she plucks her bra from his back pocket and then twiddles her fingers at me before stepping out of the room.

Levi slams the door, locks it, then spins me against the wall. I stare up at him, my heart beating rapidly in my chest as he cups my cheek and lowers his forehead to mine.

“I wasn’t going to fuck her,” he says softly.

“Then why did you bring her in here?”

“Because I wanted you to crack. I wanted you to admit that you want this, that you want me.”

My hand runs up his chest, and I say, “I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you at the bar that one night. I’ve always wanted you, Levi.”

His eyes squeeze shut as his hands smooth down my sides. “Fuck, I shouldn’t.” His eyes open, and there’s clarity in them. “But I can’t fucking stop myself,” he says right before his mouth crashes down upon mine.

Thank God.

I could cry. This pent-up tension between us that’s been building finally releases as his mouth moves over mine, taking everything we’ve wanted from each other for so long.

And it’s just as electric as I remember.

He cups my ass and lifts me to pin me against the wall, giving him an easier angle. I wrap my legs around his waist and bring my hands to his face, where I marvel at his scruff and his carved jaw.

When his tongue runs across my lips, I part them open. He groans and presses into me more, his tongue dancing with mine, tangling, hungrily taking. I groan and shift my hand to the back of his head, playing with the short strands of his hair as he continues to own my mouth, showing me that I’m the one he wanted.

Not her.


He’s not walking away from me but choosing me.

“Fuck,” he grumbles as he wrenches his mouth from mine but then kisses along my jaw and then down my neck. His hands glide to my breasts, where he takes hold of the bra I’m wearing and tugs on it, tearing it right off my body. He tosses the fabric to the side, and then, with both hands, he cups my breasts, bringing one of my nipples to his mouth.

“Yes,” I cry out as I hold his head down, wanting him to play with me. “God, yes, Levi.”

His tongue swirls around my nipple, over and over again until he lightly nips on it, causing a hiss to escape my lips. Seemingly happy with my response, he repeats the same rhythm with his tongue, but instead of nibbling this time, he sucks . . . hard.

My fingers dig into his head, my legs quaking against him because it’s been so long. So freaking long since I’ve been treated like this, where the attention has been on my pleasure, not my counterpart’s.

“Your tits will be the death of me,” he says before he moves to the other breast and repeats the process, but while he sucks on one, he twists the other with his fingers. Plucking and pinching.

Fuck, it feels so good.

So amazing.

He releases my breast and brings his mouth back up to my neck, where he rubs his rough scruff along my sensitive skin, marring me and making me his. When his mouth reaches mine again, he lets out a deep breath before saying, “I need to fuck you.”

“Then fuck me,” I whisper.

He lets out a deep growl before releasing me back to the floor. He reaches for me, but I drop to my knees before he can and bring my hands to the zipper and button of his jeans.

He braces his hand against the wall behind me as I undo his jeans and lower them. Next, I bring my hands to the elastic of his briefs and pull them down as well, revealing the sexiest penis I’ve ever seen.

Wide-eyed, I watch it stretch upward, revealing an intricate set of tattoos on the underside, a stack of triangles that move upward toward the head of his cock.

“Oh my God,” I whisper before I look up at him.

He smirks.

“I need you in my mouth,” I say as I sit up on my knees and angle his cock to my lips. I rub the tip along my lips, making him groan before I barely take the head inside. I play with the tip, just with my lips, teasing him and making him wet before I take in another inch, and then another . . . and another.

“Jesus fuck,” he says as he leans farther into his propped-up arm.

I get him to spread his legs more, and as I suck him off, bobbing up and down over his length, I take his balls in my other hand and start fondling them, rolling them in my palm and lightly tugging, just enough to feel him grow in my mouth.

“That’s it, Wylie,” he mutters. “I like the pain.”

Hearing that, I decide to scrape my teeth along his cock and see how he likes that.

His hand falls to my head, and he grips my hair, tugging on it as he groans.

“Uhhh, fuck, Wylie. Again.”

Pleased, I dip my head forward, taking him to the back of my mouth, then I pull off, scraping my teeth along the underside while tugging on his balls at the same time.

“Yes,” he says while pounding his hand against the wall. “Again, baby.”

My skin prickles with heat, my pussy throbbing from his reaction as I bring him all the way back to my throat again. I swallow with him back there and apply more pressure as I drag him along my teeth and tug on his balls.

“Mother . . . fucker,” he yells, then pulls away from me. He stares down at me, his eyes wild, his cock so large, so ready. “Stand up and turn around,” he demands. “Now.”

I do as I’m told and stand. Just as I turn around, he bends me at the waist. I prop my hands against the wall just as he flips my skirt up to find that I’m not wearing any underwear.

“Are you fucking kidding me with this?” he asks as he smooths his hand over my ass. “Fuck, Wylie, you’re my dream girl.”

Satisfaction pulses through me as his fingers slide over my crack and down between my legs, where he tests just how ready I am.

“Dripping, Wylie. You’re fucking dripping.” I glance over my shoulder as he brings his fingers up to his mouth and sucks on them. His eyes roll to the back of his head as he groans.

“Fucking perfect,” he says before bringing the head of his cock to my entrance. “I’ll eat you later, but I need this now.” In one pulse, he thrusts inside me.

A long, satisfied groan falls past my lips as I adjust to his length and girth.

No one has ever made me feel this full before, and he must notice because he pauses. “Fuck, you’re so goddamn tight. Are you okay?”

“Perfect,” I say.

“Good,” he replies right before he smacks me on the ass.

“Oh God,” I yell just as he does it again.

“That’s it, baby, squeeze my cock.” He spanks me again, but this time on the other cheek, causing my inner walls to contract around him. “Squeeze it, Wylie.” He does it again, and I squeeze him hard. “Such a good girl,” he says before bringing his other hand up to my neck and lightly circling it. The soft pressure shows me that he’s owning me, but it doesn’t stop me from being able to breathe. It’s perfect.

It’s everything I want and need from him.

When he’s ready, he pulls his hips back and slams into me.

“Your cunt, fuck, it’s perfect. I want you coming all over me. Coat my cock, Wylie.”

He leans forward and takes my breast into his hand, finely playing with my nipple, causing my arousal to spike in seconds as he continues to pulse inside me.

“Yes,” I moan. “More.”

He smooths his hand down my stomach to between my legs, where he finds my clit and starts applying pressure, massaging it with two fingers.

I press my palm flat against the wall as a wave of pleasure rips through me, the beginning of my orgasm.

“Oh my God,” I say as I shake under his touch.

“That’s it, Wylie. Get loud, baby, let me hear you.”

He continues to pulse into me, rocking me so hard that I start losing strength as my head knocks into the wall. His fingers are like magic, working over my clit, causing this tremendous sensation to beat through me, a sensation so great that I don’t think I’m ready for it.

But he doesn’t care.

He wants me to come.

He continues to rock into me, rub my clit . . . bite my shoulder.

“Oh God, Levi. Oh fuck,” I say as my orgasm climbs and climbs and climbs until I hit the edge, and with one final pulse, I tip over, crying out his name in ecstasy as I convulse around him.

“Jesus fuck,” he roars as he stills behind me, my pussy contracting, squeezing him. He groans and then pulls out of me, and his warm cum hits my ass. “Christ,” he groans as I feel his hand smooth over my backside. “Fuck, Wylie.” He breathes heavily and pulls away.

Holy fuck. That was . . . I have no words. All I know is that it was so worth the wait. Everything about that was incredible. His need for me. The way he smacked me. “Fuck, Wylie, you’re my dream girl.” His words. The feel of him stretching me, filling me. Fucking. Me. Nothing has ever felt that good. All I can do is shake my head, too breathless to speak. Was it because of our insane attraction to each other? Or just the undeniable chemistry between us?

From the corner of my eye, I see him grab a wet wipe from a drawer. He cleans himself up and then walks over to me and cleans me up as well. When he’s done, he pulls my skirt down and tosses the wet wipe away. When I stand tall, I face him and watch him stuff himself back in his pants before zipping up.

I reach for my top and notice that it’s completely broken. There’s no way it’s going back on me.

I hold it up to him, and he smiles. Cupping my chin, he presses a soft kiss to my lips before saying, “Sorry about that.” He unbuttons his shirt and offers it to me. I slip my arms through it and then take the two ends and tie them together in a knot just below my breasts.

Levi’s eyes watch in wonderment. When I’m done, I press my hand to his bare chest and stand on my toes, offering him a kiss on the chin.

“Let’s get the hell out of here,” he says before taking my hand and walking out of the private room, him shirtless and me feeling like I just walked on freaking water.



I’ve never felt more alive than at this moment, walking hand in hand with Wylie back to my apartment.

We were silent for the entire drive back, but I kept my hand on her thigh. When we arrived, I told her to wait in the car so I could open the door for her. Then I took her hand in mine and kept her close as we made our way up to my floor.

Now that we’re back at my apartment, there is one thing on my mind . . . apologizing.

I let us in the apartment, lock up, and kick my shoes off. When she stands there, unsure, I take her hand and lead her to the couch, where I sit with her.

“I need to talk to you,” I say, causing a pinch in her brow to form.

She wets her lips. “Listen, I know we crossed a line⁠—”

“I’m sorry, Wylie.”

She pauses, and her eyes start to well up. “Levi, please. Can we just take a second before we start claiming what happened was a mistake?”

Now it’s my turn for my brow to crease. “What do you mean a mistake?” I ask. “I don’t think any of that was a mistake.”

“You don’t?”

I shake my head as I lace our fingers together. “No, I’m apologizing because of what I’ve put you through.” I shake my head again. “Fuck, Wylie, I never should have agreed to take you on as my assistant and let your dad use me. I . . . I feel fucking sick about it, and now that this is all fucking over, I’m realizing that the past couple of weeks have been a giant waste of our time.” I let out a deep breath and look her in the eyes. “I never should have treated you the way that I did. I should have cherished you. I should have told you the truth right away. I should have worked with you instead of against you. It was foolish, and I was a scared motherfucker, and I’m sorry, Wylie. You deserve so much better.”

This time, she shakes her head. “No, I should have told you I knew when I worked it out. I shouldn’t have played this game. I was trying to prove something, prove my worth, that I’m better than the person my dad thinks I am . . . and I got lost. I’m sorry, Levi. This all happened because of me.”

“Prove your worth?” I ask. “Wylie, you have nothing to prove.”

“To you, maybe not. To my dad, I have everything to prove.” She leans back against the couch and stares up at the ceiling. “And God, he probably predicted this would happen, that I’d fall into your bed and disappoint him all over again. He probably saw this happening a mile away.”

Feeling like she’s pulling away, I move closer. I’m not letting this go. Now that I’ve had her, I’m not allowing anything to get in the way of us being together, even if that means sacrificing a whole lot.

“I need to go,” she says as she starts to get up, but I stop her.

“No,” I say.

Her eyes meet mine. “No?”

I shake my head. “Fuck no, you’re not leaving.”

“Levi, I never should have⁠—”

“Don’t,” I say. “Please fucking don’t. Don’t for one second regret any of this.”

“But don’t you see?” she says. “All of this has distracted me from what I’m truly supposed to be doing, focusing on my art and my career.” She presses her hand to her forehead and lets out a deep sigh. Then she looks over at me. “I’m really sorry. This is on me, not you.” She tries to stand again, but I keep her close.

“How about this,” I say, not wanting to go around in circles and feeling a deep-rooted panic. I can’t lose her. “We both take the blame and figure out how we can move forward from here.”

“How could we move forward?” she asks. “We’re both going to get into serious trouble for what happened. It might be best if we just . . . go our separate ways.”

“No,” I say.

“No?” she asks, looking like she’s in complete disbelief.

“No,” I repeat. “Not going to happen. Here’s what we’re going to do.” I turn toward her and force her to keep her eyes on me. “We’re going to date⁠—”

“Levi.” She shakes her head.

I hold my hand out. “Hear me out, okay?” She sighs but lets me proceed. “We’re going to date. I’m going to woo the shit out of you so you won’t ever consider dating another man again.” That garners a smile. “You’ll continue to work for me, but you won’t be doing weird shit anymore. You’ll focus heavily on social media and preparing me for away games. When you’re not doing things for me, you’ll do your art. You’ll work on it and find what feels right. You won’t live in the nanny hole anymore because you’ll sleep in my bed.” She raises a brow at me, so I add, “That’s nonnegotiable, not sorry. And when the time comes, and you’re ready, we’ll tell your dad about us, but only when you feel like you have everything in place. Until then, we’ll keep this between us and only us.”

“Levi, you’re risking a lot.”

“Worth it,” I say.

“You barely know me.”

“I know enough about you to understand that I like you. That I want to get to know more about you. Wylie, I never stopped thinking about you after that night we first met. I feel such a genuine connection with you, and I’d regret not exploring this. If you want sex off the table, fine, we can take that off the table, but at least give this a chance, Wylie. Give us a chance.” I have never begged a woman for anything, so I seriously hope she doesn’t ignore my plea.

“You’d take sex off the table after what we just did?”

“I mean . . .” I scratch the back of my head. “It doesn’t thrill me to know that I can’t be inside you every night, but if that’s what it takes, then yeah, sex is off the table.”

She smiles demurely and looks down at our entwined fingers. “I wouldn’t want sex off the table.”

“Even better,” I say, making her laugh. To my surprise, she moves on top of my lap and rests her hands on my chest. I run my palms over her thighs as I stare up at her.

“You think this could be something?”

“I know it can be something,” I say. “Don’t you feel it, Wylie? Doesn’t it feel right to you?”

“Almost too right,” she says.

“No such thing.” I slide my hands under her skirt and bunch it around her waist.

She smirks. “You think we could pull this off?”

“Easy, babe. You work on your art during the day, dabble in some social media before my games, and when I get home, I’ll make you scream my name until you no longer have a voice. Seems like a good deal to me, and hey, if you happen to make me a bologna sandwich here or there, that works too.”

She chuckles and plays with the short strands of my chest hair.

“I love bologna sandwiches,” she whispers.

“So do I,” I whisper back. “That’s how I know we’re meant to be together.”

“Seems too good to be true.” I don’t want her to doubt us.

“Having you sitting on me right now seems too good to be true,” I say as I grab the knot she made in my shirt.

She pauses me. “Are you serious about this?”

“Never been more serious about anything,” I say. “I want you, Wylie. All of you. I want to spoil you and show you that I’m the man you deserve. Let me do that. Give me a chance.”

Her eyes lock with mine, and without saying anything, she undoes the knot of my shirt and flaps it open, revealing her perfect breasts. Groaning, I lay her down on the couch and move between her legs before pressing kisses along her neck, down to her collarbone, and across her chest. I pause for a moment, waiting for her to adjust her body to fit me better, and when she does, I kiss my way across her breasts, down her stomach, and right to her inner thighs, where I push up her skirt and marvel at her perfectly bare pussy.

“Fuck, you’re so perfect,” I say before I kiss her inner thighs and above her pussy. She squirms beneath me, looking for me to find her center, but I don’t. Instead, I kiss down her leg to her knee and then back up, only to move to the other leg.

“Levi,” she says on a groan. “Please don’t tease me.”

“Says the girl who dry-humped me a few nights ago.”

She chuckles. “I can’t believe you didn’t budge.”

“I can’t believe I didn’t come in my pants.”

She laughs some more, and I continue to rain kisses over her legs until she lifts her pelvis, seeking my tongue. Feeling like she’s had enough, I spread her with two fingers before bringing my tongue right to her glistening clit.

“Yes,” she moans loudly as her hand falls to my head, keeping me in place. I love that. I love when a woman shows me what she wants and how she wants it. It’s sexy.

I flatten my tongue against her clit and make long, languid strokes, sliding against her pussy so when I narrow my stroke, she cries out.

My other hand slides between her legs and inside her, angling to finger her G-spot. The moment I connect with it, she clenches around me on a gasp.


I lightly stroke it, causing her body to stiffen and her legs to fall open even wider.

“Oh fuck, Levi, what . . . where . . . oh my God.”

I smile to myself and take that moment to make short strokes over her clit, flicking it and humming, mimicking the sensation she’d get from a vibrator, and it seems to be working as her chest heaves.

I pull away for a moment. “Play with your tits, Wylie. I want you coming in less than thirty seconds. Got it?”

She nods and plucks at her nipples. Immediately, her teeth pull on her bottom lip, so I pause to watch her, feeling my cock ache against the zipper of my jeans, wanting to play as well.

“Keep playing, Wylie,” I say as she pinches her nipples now, making her wetter around my fingers. I decide to take that moment and match her pinching with short strokes against her G-spot. It proves to work as her eyes fly open, and she gasps. “That’s it, baby. Fuck, it’s so hot watching you. And watching you with Samantha, Jesus, fuck. I loved seeing you enjoy her.” Her eyes fly shut as she continues to play with herself, her hips now rotating against my hand. “But that won’t happen again because I don’t share.” I bring my mouth back down to her pussy, and I kiss her there, lingering and never giving her what she wants for release.

“Please,” she pants. “Please, Levi.”

“Please, you want to touch her again? Or please, you want me to touch you?”

“You,” she says on a pained groan. “Oh fuck, please, please let me come.”

Smiling, I spread her again, and this time, I suck her clit between my lips as I stroke her G-spot quickly.

It’s all she needs.

She screams out my name, coming fast and hard, convulsing wildly beneath me. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever experienced.

I lightly kiss her legs again, her pussy, and up her stomach as she comes back down to earth. When she opens her eyes and looks at me, I stand and undo my pants, pushing them all the way off, along with my briefs. I grip my hard cock and straddle her body on the couch. She must know exactly what I want because she presses her breasts together, and I slip my dick in her cleavage.

“Fuck, yes,” I say as I pulse against her, my balls dragging along her stomach as I do so, creating a new sensation that feels fucking amazing.

Her eyes meet mine, and as I thrust against her breasts, while she gives me a good squeeze, I keep thinking how goddamn lucky I am. And why the hell did I play around for so long? This is what I should have been doing from day one. I’m a fucking idiot.

I brace my hand against the couch to give myself better leverage and start moving faster, my body already there, my arousal primed and ready to go as her soft breasts squeeze my cock hard.

“Jesus,” I mutter as I move faster. “Fuck, feels amazing.”

“Not as amazing as my mouth,” she says before licking her lips, which makes me pause.

Her tits or her mouth.

Christ, I don’t even know.

But she decides for me as she brings my cock to her mouth, where she sucks in the tip and swirls her tongue around it.

Oh fuck yes, her mouth . . . always her goddamn mouth.

She grips the root of my cock and squeezes hard, pumping as she sucks. The only thing better would be if . . .

Her hand presses the spot right behind my balls, causing my eyes to widen in pleasure as a pulse of arousal screams through me.

“Fuck, Wylie.” I tighten my grip on the couch.

She smiles, her mouth full of my dick, then she takes me in farther, gagging slightly before pulling out.

“Not going to last,” I say as I thrust my hips. She opens her mouth and lets me hit her in the back of the throat. I pull out as she sucks at the same time.

The space around us starts to go black as my balls tighten with my impending orgasm.

“Going to come,” I say as I pull all the way out of her mouth. She presses her tits together, I pump my cock until it swells, and I come all over her gorgeous breasts. “Fuck . . . me,” I breathe heavily as I slowly move my hand over my length, getting out every last drop.

After a few seconds, she says, “You’ve come on my ass and my tits. Now, you just need to come inside me, and you’ll own every inch of my body.”

My face heats as I stare down at her. “Give me a few minutes.”

She chuckles and lifts up, my cum all over her beautiful body. With her hand on my chest, she leans in and presses the lightest of kisses to my lips. “I’m going to shower . . . alone.”

“Alone?” I ask, feeling sad.

“Yes, alone. But I’ll come back.”

“Yeah?” I ask, feeling in a daze.

“Well, I’m supposed to sleep in your bed, right?”

“Damn right,” I say.

“Let me gather myself and my things, and I’ll be over in a little while.”

“Do you need help cleaning?” I hopefully ask.

She smirks. “No.”

When she takes off toward the kitchen, I call out to her before she’s fully gone. “Wylie?”

“Yes?” she asks, pausing and turning toward me.

“You’re mine.”

She smirks again. “I know, Levi.” And with that, she takes off down the hallway toward the nanny hole.

I collapse on the couch and grip my forehead.

Holy fucking shit.

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