Sirene (Wattys 2014 Entrant)

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

“What are you crying about?”

The little girl crying in the corner of the hall didn’t even look up when Oceana had approached with her question.

“Hello,” Oceana leaned over so her face was nearly at the same level as the weeping child. “Why are you crying?” She repeated her question.

“I…I…I want…I want…my…my…my…mo…mom…mommy…” the child barely got the words out in between her sobs.

“Give up now, Oceana,” Beth’s voice sounded from behind her. “Besides you, she’s our newest arrival, been her for three weeks and has been crying none stop all this time. I’ve tried and tried to get her to calm down, but to no avail.”

“If tears didn’t make my hair grow back,” Oceana sat down next to the girl, “they certainly won’t bring your mother back.”

“But…I…I…I want…want…h…h…her.”

“I want a lot of things, but doesn’t mean I am able to get them right now. Come on, stop crying. Dry those tears and I will tell you a story.”


“Yes, a story such as one you have never heard before. Only you must stop crying. I can’t tell a story when someone is sobbing their head off. What’s your name?”


“Good grief, and you all said I had a strange name. Well, Cassy, settle down and listen attentively…”

“Why don’t you better tell us about where you are from and who your parents where.” Shirley’s voice rang out across the entire hall. Oceana looked up sharply and found that a group of about five to six girls had walked up to where she and Cassandra sat.

“I would prefer if you wouldn’t interrupt, I had already started.”

“I was just saying that if you were planning on telling a story then maybe you could tell us the story of your life before you came to the orphanage. You’ve got us all curious about just who you are exactly. I overheard from Miss Grey speaking to Miss Morgan that you were picked up at the docks and had no papers about you.”

“I’ll get to the story of my life,” Oceana’s voice became cutting. “If you want to hear it than settle down and listen. If not then off with you; I won't bear anymore interruptions.”

The girls, more of which were coming, sat down in a half circle around Oceana and she began again.

“Now, this story begins on the shores France. Actually, the true beginning isn’t even on the shores, but in the water itself. Deep in the ocean there was a great underwater kingdom…”

“I thought you said this was going to be the story about your life.”

“What is the MATTER with you?” Oceana lost her patience. “Honestly Shirley, are you telling the story or am I? Stop interrupting me; you are breaking the entire mood of the story. Now, where was I, oh yes, the underwater kingdom.

It was so deep below the surface of the waters that humans did not know of its existence. This kingdom was ruled by a great and powerful Sea King. He had ruled the kingdom for over five hundred years and was considered by all his subjects to be wise and just. Now, this Sea King had nine beautiful daughters. Their skin was ivory white, their hair flowed with the current in thick golden locks and their seaweed colored eyes were so captivating that when you gazed into them you would forget about time and space. The most enthralling thing about them were their voices. Clear like the cloudless sky and smooth like the ocean pearl; their voices were so enchanting they could captivate with just one song the heart of any man. 

The Sea King used his daughters for a cruel purpose. From early evening to early morning, when the fog would cover the shores, they would sit on the rocks in the shallows and sing beautiful songs. Sailors, steering ships, would hear those songs and would wish to discover the owners. Forgetting everything and throwing all caution to the wind, the sailors would guide their ships toward the voices and get smashed on the rocks. The job of the nine daughters was truly evil, only they did not think it so. After all, their father told them that the sailors were evil and they were helping the inhabitants of the ocean by sending them to their deaths.  

One day, the second youngest daughter of the king went for a swim and stopped to rest by the large rocks near the shore. Suddenly she saw a young man standing on the beach, staring at the sea. His long hair was let loose and it flowed in the wind. Out of curiosity the young mermaid swam closer to get a better look. This young man with the noble brow had caught the fancy of the young mermaid and she wished to see his face again so she swam back to the same spot the next day, and the next and the next. Only, he never appeared there again. 

Fate, however, had destined them to meet.

The mermaid didn’t know it, but this man was a sailor. Only a week after she had first seen hi, the young mermaid sang on the rocks with her sisters and a ship came nearer and nearer. Its doom was certain, only a few more moments and the ship and all in it would be gone.  Suddenly, the song died in the young mermaid’s voice. At the stern she saw the young man who had caught her fancy a week before. She gasped, she could not drown his ship; she didn’t want to kill him. But it was too late; with a loud crack the ship smashed against the sharp rocks and with a creak and a groan it shattered. Making sure her sisters didn’t notice, the mermaid jumped into the water and swam towards the ship. Searching among the wreck, she found the body of the sailor and grasping him in her arms began swimming towards the shore. The task was not easy, for the sailor was a bigger than she was, but determination helped her reach the shore. Carefully, she laid him on the ground, and brushing back the wet hair from his face, smiled at him. After this she jumped back into the sea and swam towards her home.

Of course, she did not tell her father of what she had done. To rescue a human was the greatest crime you could ever commit in the sea kingdom and one that would not be forgiven her, even as a daughter of the king. The days passed and every evening the young mermaid would come to the place where she had rescued the young sailor and ponder on what she had done.

One evening, as she was sitting on the rocks lost in thought, this very sailor appeared walking along the shore. The mermaid quickly hid behind the rocks to keep from being noticed. The young sailor walked over to the very spot she had laid him and sat down, looking out into the ocean. The mermaid wanted a closer look, but to do that she would have to leave her hiding place. She took the risk and he happened to look up and saw her. He stood up suddenly while the mermaid froze, not knowing what to do. For a second or two the two of them simply stared at each other. The mermaid turned to swim away but he called out to her,

“Wait, don’t go away.”

It was the first time she had ever heard his voice and that alone stopped her and made her turn around. Her deep sea green eyes met his dark brown ones.  He came as close as he could to the water.

“Are you the one who saved my life a few days ago when my ship wrecked upon the rocks?”

The mermaid, not knowing what to say, said nothing at all.

 “Will you not come closer, so that I may look upon your face and thank you properly for saving my life?”

The mermaid, after contemplating, slowly swam up to the great rocks and sat upon one. It was quite close to the shore, yet far enough for her to feel safe. The young sailor came up closer to where she sat.

I suppose I should add that the mermaid was the most beautiful of all the king’s daughters. She had long, golden hair and her skin was smooth as ivory and pale as the moon. Her face was gentle and all together she was very pleasant to look at.

After minutes of silent staring the sailor said in a voice that was full of awe, "I thank you for

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