SIN-BIN: An Enemies To Lovers College Hockey Romance (Sinners on the Ice)

SIN-BIN: Chapter 27


“I don’t know who pissed Thompson off, but he’s acting like a damn psychopath for the second game in a row,” Kaleb, Grace’s boyfriend, chortles out loud, his eyes locked on the ice. I’m sitting with him and Grace, as Layla went to sit with her parents a few rows below us. “But it doesn’t matter. We’re winning, and that’s the most important thing.”

“Yeah, I have never seen him so intense and violent,” Grace adds, not taking her eyes off the game. “He’s gotten into two fights already. Usually he stays away unless it involves the whole team.”

I’m curious. If I told them it was me who pissed him off, what would their reaction be? I obviously don’t think the world revolves around me, but in this case, I’m certain I’m the reason. I didn’t see him for a few days after the movies, but on Tuesday night, the look he gave me said it all. He hates me. Again.

On Friday, I decided to admit a few things to myself. First, even if his rejection at the movies hurt me, I missed texting him. Our exchanges were the highlight of my day, even if I didn’t realize it then. Second? No one has ever kissed me the way he did. So I swallowed my pride and sent him a quick message. Just to test the waters. I wished him luck at his games this week and asked how he was. What did I get in return? Nothing. He didn’t even read it. Lovely.

I let my gaze follow his every move on the ice. Growing up with Drake, hockey has been a part of my life. Layla and I played with him more than once, having too much fun and getting scolded by him. So I know talent when I see it, and Colton Thompson is a great player. He moves effortlessly, and it’s constant. I’ve never seen him stand around on the ice. And don’t even get me started on how intelligent he is when it comes to the game. He feels it, as if it’s a part of him. He’s alive when he’s on the ice, and it’s so attractive that I have a hard time not watching him.

I tap Grace’s knee, and she turns her head. “Yeah?”

“I’ll wait for you outside.”

“There’s only ten minutes left; why don’t you stay?” Kaleb asks, earning an eye roll from me.

“Because I don’t want to,” I retort and instantly cover it with a smile. “See you in the parking lot.”

“Sure.” Grace nods and focuses on the ice rink. Kaleb’s eyes stay glued to me for a moment longer, and then he looks away too.

Slowly, I stand up and move to the exit. The Great Lake Panthers are beating Massachusetts State, and people are excited. They don’t appreciate me getting in their way, but I don’t care. I need some fresh air and perspective. Thinking about being at a party with Colton later is already freaking me out. For a lot of reasons.

Just as I get to the stairs, I hear a commotion. When I look over my shoulder, my eyes land on Thompson. He and Drake are storming toward Massachusetts’s net at full speed, both focused and resilient. Drake passes the puck to his teammate, and the next thing I know, Colton scores another goal. Six to two. I fiddle with my earring, eyeing our center. I feel so many emotions. Already forgotten. Somewhat forbidden. And, most importantly, inappropriate because of what I want him to do to me. Of what I want to do to him.

Even the thoughts in my head grow silent the second our eyes meet. Colton holds my gaze for what feels like an eternity, and then he looks away, skating back to the team. Whatever. I’m not letting him get the reins of my life in his hands. Not him, not any other guy. Setting boundaries to create a healthy atmosphere around myself is something that I do perfectly now.

Walking out of the building, I take a deep breath. I’m not sure what I want from tonight’s party, or if I even want to go at all. Maybe just for Clay. I want him to make a move on Layla, and without my encouragement, he will definitely be a pussy and go screw some random girl yet again. I don’t want my efforts to go to waste. My talk with Drake wasn’t the easiest, so I’m not letting Rodgers ruin my plans for him and my best friend. Not on my watch for sure.

What are you going to do if you see him with someone else?

I lean against the wall, hearing my inner voice loud and clear. What am I going to do? I have no idea. It would be a sign that whatever was between us is over. If anything, it would allow me to move forward and continue to live my life as I did before he suddenly decided he was interested in me. I mentally pat myself on the back for not getting carried away, for keeping my guard up around him. I was just another hookup for him. Shaking my head, I walk to Grace’s car. Colton Thompson is not allowed in my mind. Not anymore.

I head to the table full of different drinks, trying not to collide with anyone. The place is packed, and it slows down my movements. The Panthers’ won and for Moore’s birthday partygoers have turned his parents’ house into a mosh pit. If it survives without any broken furniture or other damage to the property, I will be utterly surprised.

“Where are you going, gorgeous?” A hand wraps around my waist, and someone hauls me to their chest. “How about wishing me a happy birthday?”

“Sorry, Hudson.” I twirl around and rake my gaze over his face. “I’m leaving,” I lie.

“What? That’s bullshit.” He raises his voice, grasping my hand and dragging me with him. I wriggle my hand, trying to pull it out of his grip, but nothing helps. “You’ve been hanging out with the wrong people. Now I’ll teach you how to have fun.”

Teach me? Is he insane? I don’t need anything from him. “Hudson. Stop.”

“Come on, baby, don’t be so stubborn. It’s my fucking birthday, and I want to have fun with you.” He pulls me to him, and my body crashes into his side, knocking the air out of my lungs. “Have a drink with me? Just one drink.”

I grit my teeth, calculating my options. The house is full of people. He won’t try anything unless we’re alone, somewhere private—which means I need to stay where everyone can see me.

“What do you prefer?” He stops near the table, motioning toward the drinks. I grab a beer can and open it under his gaze. “I kinda thought you’d like something heavier.”

“Nah, this is all good.” I fake a smile and take a sip. It cools my insides and helps me to calm down. I’ll be back with my best friend as soon as he lets his guard down. I should have waited for Layla to finish playing beer pong with Grace and Kaleb instead of going off to find a drink alone. “What about you?”

Moore winks at me, and a toothy grin lights up his face. He pours a shot of tequila, downs it, and drapes his hand over my shoulder again, pulling me close. He nuzzles my neck with his nose, and I shiver.

“Baby, you smell so good.” He sucks on my neck, and my face twists into a grimace. I put my beer on the table and elbow him in the ribs. When he releases his grip on me, I instantly jump back, putting my hands on my hips. “What the hell?”

I open my mouth, but someone shoves me back and hides me from Moore. I realize at once it’s Clay. “Leave her the fuck alone.”

“Are you her new knight in shining armor?” I take a step to the side and see the look on Moore’s face. He’s pissed, fists balled at his sides.

“I’m her friend,” Clay warns, his voice thick with anger. “And when I tell you to leave her alone, you’ll do just that. Understood?”

“Friend?” Moore snickers loudly. “More like a dude who doesn’t want to lose a bet. Are you going to do whatever it takes to keep me from winning?”

“It has nothing to do with the bet. She’s not comfortable around you, and I don’t like it.”

I blink. Then I blink again. And again. A bet? They fucking made a bet on me? I stomp forward and stop right in front of them. Clay and Moore both focus their gazes on me. “What is he talking about? What bet?”

“Ava, I’m so sorry,” Clay pleads, his shoulders slumping. “I tried to tell you earlier, but something was always in the way. And I kept telling myself that I had time but—”

“The bet was about me?” Anger fills my every pore. “With him?”

“Yes, but it was before—when I didn’t know you.”

So not knowing me gives you the right to play with my life?

“He said he would fuck you, and I told him it was never going to happen—”

I can’t listen to him anymore. It’s all just white noise. “What does the loser have to do?”

“Wear a dress and makeup the last day before winter break,” Moore muses, enjoying Clay’s misery.

“And the winner?” I demand, not giving a shit that everyone can hear me.

“Dunno…” Moore taps his finger on his lips, pretending to be thinking. “I kinda forgot. Let’s ask Thompson. He was the one who broke our hands.”

My world spins, becoming blurry. Did someone jinx me? Because I don’t feel the ground. I’m levitating, drowning in my emotions. The fucker knew about the bet too? He fucking broke their hands?

“Colton, tell the lady what the winner gets.” And that’s how I know he’s here. I turn around, and my eyes find his. His body language is solemn, unbothered, but his gaze betrays him. There’s panic there.

“A bottle of their choice,” he breathes, and I’m ready to crumble.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. I feel him move closer to me. His body warms my skin, and I become all tingly. But as soon as I let everything sink in, I’m furious. I want to punish them all, and I know exactly what to do.

I snap my eyes open, twirl around, and extend my palm to Moore. “Where is your room?”

“Upstairs.” He beams, taking my hand and lacing our fingers together. I feel nauseous, but I still proceed. I have a punishment for each of them. “Let’s go.”

“Ava.” Clay yells, wrapping his hand around my wrist. “Don’t do this.”

“What? Are you worried about the dress thing?” I taunt through gritted teeth.

“I don’t give a shit about that. I don’t want him near you.” He’s frustrated, not knowing what to do to stop me.

“Should have thought about that before. Now? I expect to see you in a dress and full makeup on Monday.” I turn my head away, letting Moore drag me upstairs.

Before I disappear from view, I look over my shoulder and find Colton. He doesn’t blink. His gaze is focused on me, and his jaw is hard. He’s furious.

Serves you right, asshole. I’m so fucking done with you.

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