SIN-BIN: An Enemies To Lovers College Hockey Romance (Sinners on the Ice)

SIN-BIN: Chapter 20


I flip through Netflix with annoyance. I have no idea what I want to watch, or if I even want to watch anything. I’ve been in the strangest mood for almost two weeks now. The only person to blame for it is her. She’s like fucking water, slipping through my fingers no matter how hard I try to keep her in the cup of my hand. She’s everywhere and nowhere at the same time, because I haven’t seen her even once since she left the movies with her friends. And it sucks.

I huff and stand up from the couch, heading to the kitchen. I need a beer. And some snacks. Where is fucking Rodgers? He texted me almost an hour ago, asking if he could come to my place to hang out. The dude promised to bring pizza, so I didn’t go out and buy anything to eat. Now? I regret it.

I grab a bottle from the fridge and put it on the kitchen counter, when someone knocks. Finally. I stroll to the door, open it, and my heart drops to my feet. What the hell is going on?

“Hey, man.” Clay greets me enthusiastically and pushes inside my apartment, ignoring my stunned face and handing me pizza boxes. “I hope you don’t mind I brought Ava along. She was lonely, and Moore was bothering her. Again. So I decided to save her from her misery and invite her to join us.”

I don’t even look at him. I keep my eyes on her. She’s wearing black jeans that end above her ankles, a pink knit sweater, and my bomber jacket. I honestly thought she got rid of it, so seeing it on her is overwhelming. In the best possible way. I bring my gaze back to her face and see fire dancing in her eyes. She doesn’t like this.

“If being your friend means you don’t speak a word of truth, then I don’t need it,” she exclaims harshly, turning to leave. Clay rushes out of my apartment and grabs her by the wrist. She pulls her hand out of his grip, but he catches it again and drags her inside. “Clay.”

“I’m sorry, Ava,” he says softly, beaming at her. “I didn’t warn Colton about you being with me. I thought if he felt sorry for the evening you’re having, he wouldn’t object.”

She chews on her bottom lip, squinting in my direction. As soon as she sees me watching her, she looks back and focuses her attention on Clay. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“Colt, tell her she can stay.” Clay wiggles his eyebrows, staring me in the eyes. I shake my head, close the door, and turn the lock. I give the pizza boxes to my best friend and then shift my gaze to look at her.

“You can stay, Ava.” I walk around them and go back to the kitchen where I left my beer.

It’s best to act as if nothing is wrong, as if the girl I have been trying to catch for two weeks didn’t just show up at my apartment with my best friend. What is she even doing with him? And what about Moore? I need details, but I don’t want to be nosy. Clay will become suspicious in no time if I sound too interested in anything related to her.

I saunter into my living room and stop in the doorway. Clay is already sitting on the couch with a slice of pizza in his hand. Ava is near him, holding her drink between her palms. A pizza box sits on the table, while the other two are on the floor. This guy and his habits drive me crazy sometimes.

“Do you want a beer?” I ask, coming closer.

“Yes, please.” A grin stretches across Clay’s face. I hand him my bottle, and then look at her.

“Ava?” She turns her head slightly, curiosity written all over her face. I bet she wants to know what I’m thinking, why I let her stay and why I’m being so nice.

“I have my drink.” She arches her eyebrow, lifting a shoulder at the same time. It’s a little shrug, but it’s full of meaning. She hesitates.

“Suit yourself.” I spin around and head to the kitchen. I grab another beer bottle from the fridge and return to the living room.

Wandering to the couch, I put the beer on the table and slump down beside Clay. I reach over to the pizza box and snatch a slice. My best friend peers at me. “What are we going to watch?”

“I don’t know.” I take a bite, glancing between my guests. I force myself to not pay her too much attention, because if I do, I won’t be able to look away. “Any suggestions?”

“Yeah, how about you don’t talk when your mouth is full?” Ava mumbles. A smile lifts her face, but I can tell she’s trying to hide it, raising her cup to her lips. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a sign. She has started to feel more comfortable if she isn’t holding herself back from jabbing at me. One point in my favor.

“I’ll try, but I can’t promise anything.” I hold her gaze. The tip of her tongue slowly runs over her bottom lip, and the thought of kicking Clay out flashes in my head. “What do you want to watch?”

“I’m up for anything,” she says and takes a sip of her drink.

“How about something spicy?” Clay motherfucking Rodgers. You’re the dumbest idiot I have ever met.

My eyes zip to her, and I watch as she slowly gulps her drink. She shifts slightly to face my best friend, and he wheels his head to look at her too. “You’re testing my patience, friend. It’s like you invited me here only to get me to run away.”

“Nah, it’s all good. I often crack unfunny jokes,” Clay retorts. Then he winds his hand around her shoulders and pulls her to his chest. What the fuck? “Colt, how about we let Ava choose a movie for us?”

I blink, tearing my gaze away from his hand on her shoulder. How did they become so close? He does spend time with her whenever he has the chance, unlike me. I extend the remote to her, grab the beer bottle, open it, and take a sip.

Ava huddles more comfortably on the couch, hiding her legs under her butt and leaning against Clay. I have no right to be jealous, but I’m curious what she’s going to put on. Taking another swig of my drink, I focus on the TV screen. The second I see what she’s starting, I barely hold myself back from spitting out everything I just gulped.

Zootopia?” Clay asks, taken aback. “Are we going to watch Disney?”

“Why not?” She grins at him, sneaking a glance at me. “Anyone can be anything in Zootopia, which means you can watch a Disney movie.”

“Colt?” My best friend draws my attention to him. “You don’t mind?”

“Nope. I just hope it’s good.” I’ve fucking seen it three times already; this will be the fourth.

“It is. You’ll like it.” Her eyes glimmer with mischief, and I bottle up a snort. This girl is something else.

A few hours later, we’re still watching movies. After we finished Zootopia, Ava got her hands on the remote again and started The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Forty minutes into the fourth episode, my best friend started snoring.

“Do you think I should wake him up?” Ava asks as we stand in front of the couch, looking down at Clay. He is sitting up straight with his hands locked behind his head.

“I don’t think so. He didn’t really sleep last night,” I tell her, counting in my mind how many beers he had. I had two. Ava caved and drank one. That leaves two for Clay. “Why?”

“It’s almost one a.m.,” she utters under her breath. “I want to go back to the dorm.”

“Bullshit. You’re staying,” I blurt out in a harsh voice. Instantly, she spins toward me and puts her hands on her hips. “Look, I didn’t mean that like it sounded. When is your first class?”


“Cool. Clay and I will give you a ride to your dorm tomorrow morning. Before your classes start.”

“And where am I supposed to sleep?” She narrows her eyes, becoming defensive.

“In my room. I’ll take the couch. It’s not a big deal.”

“Clay is here.”

“So what? Don’t worry. We will fit. Rodgers won’t be happy if I let you go home on your own. He will understand why I’m crashing with him on the couch.” I turn away, collect the empty bottles from the floor, and amble to the kitchen.

I quickly clean up, making a mental note to buy some food. I can’t continue to roll like this, even if I’m too lazy to cook for myself.

“You have a nice place.”

I look over my shoulder and see Ava leaning on the doorframe.

“Thanks.” I whirl around and rest my back against the kitchen counter. “You have been avoiding me.”

“I’m in your apartment.”

“If you knew where Clay was taking you, would you have agreed to come?”

“No.” Ava grins. I want to know what she’s thinking. Arching an eyebrow, I encourage her to tell me what she wants to say. “Have you been practicing?”

“Practicing what exactly?”

“Calling me by my name,” she says, making me laugh.

“Not really. I was just tired of all the ‘she’, ‘her’, and ‘freshman’ I was using when I thought about you. You have a name, and I like it.”

“That’s nice to hear.” Ava takes a step into the kitchen. Her fingers fly to her earring as she avoids looking at me.

“Seeing you in my bomber is nice too. I thought you threw it away.” Her gaze dashes to me.

“No one knows it’s yours.” She shrugs, the ghost of a smile at the corner of her mouth. “Besides, it looks good on me.”

“It does.” Our eyes lock, and my body warms up. The air in the kitchen becomes charged.

Ava comes closer, stopping by my side and leaning against the countertop. “You have watched Zootopia before.”


“I knew it. Totally called it.” She elbows me in my ribs, and I shake my head in disbelief.

“I will never admit that to anyone else. Ever.” I watch her intently. “Don’t even think about telling anyone. I’m serious. Not even your best friend.”

“Not talk about something that makes you more real? More human?” She rakes her eyes over my face and down my body. She is checking me out, and a smug smile forms on my lips. “You’re strange. Why are you smiling?”

“You just checked me out, ogled me without even a hint of embarrassment or shyness,” I state, staring down at Ava. She grazes her teeth over her bottom lip, turning slowly to face me. There isn’t an ounce of resistance in me. Moving on instinct, I press my palm to her cheek and lock my heated gaze with hers. “How come you’re friends with Clay?”

My need to know more about her sudden appearance at my apartment is strong, and I hope she will be honest.

“I like him—not in a romantic way or anything. You know that connection when you just click with someone? He was hitting on me in the beginning, but it never bothered me. He’s never given me a bad feeling in my gut, unlike Moore.”

Speaking of the motherfucker. “What did he do? At the party? Tonight?” My fingers skim along her jawline, enjoying its smooth softness.

“Nothing unusual. He was hitting on me at the party, kinda forcing himself on me because he was drunk. Tonight, he actually stopped me so he could apologize. He even said he was wrong and asked if I could forgive him.” She looks away for a brief moment. “I would have, but then he opened his big mouth and asked if there was a chance I would ever agree to have sex with him.”

“And what did you tell him?” I force myself not to stare at her lips. My breath quickens, and my heart pumps fast in my chest.

“I told him I would rather ride a bull at a rodeo. And that means never and that he’s disgusting, because I’m freaking scared of bulls.”

“You are such a feisty girl,” I coo, dragging my thumb over her bottom lip. “I have never met anyone like you…”

“Colt.” Ava says my name, and the sound is so overwhelming and so powerful, I inch closer and place a light kiss on the seam of her lips. “I don’t want to be another random hookup for you.”

She could never be a hookup. Absolutely out of the question. The emotions she causes me are unique, and I’m not stupid enough to screw it all up, yet the doubts are loud in my head. I have never dated anyone. I have no idea what it all means. Angst starts to fill my body. Nervousness finds its way under my skin and straight into my heart, and I flip.

“And Drake can be a hookup?” I ask, holding her gaze. Her brows knit together, and anger crosses her features.

“Drake could be a boyfriend, not just a hookup, if I wanted more.” She takes a step back, and my hand drops to my side. “You just spoiled everything, asshole.”

“Oh, really?” I mutter, watching her head to the door. “So Benson is good enough for you, but I’m not?”

Abruptly, she twirls around and glares at me. “How would I know anything about you? All you do is make me feel like you fucking hate me.” she whisper-yells, balling her fists. “You took my words all wrong, and now you are fucking pushing me away.”

“I heard you right. I’m not good enough for you, while Benson is exactly what you need.”

“No, you’re a dumbass. All I meant is that I don’t want to be a one-time thing.”

Ava spins around, ready to bolt to the door, but I catch her. My hands wind around her waist, and I press her back to my chest. Her body crashes into mine, and a breath catches in my throat. Just a little touch, and I’m completely alive. I feel everything, even shivers on my skin that have never been as real and palpable as they are now. A jolt of electricity runs through my veins and sets my body on fire.

“I’m an idiot. I’m sorry. I fucked up,” I utter in her ear, kissing her neck tenderly. “Can I touch you?”

She presses into me; her voice is breathless. “Yes…please…”

I slide my hand under her sweater, moving up and cupping her breast. It fucking fits my palm so perfectly, I groan in her ear. Pulling down her bra, my fingers fly to her pebbled nipple, rubbing it between my thumb and middle finger and drawing a moan out of her. Her skin is velvety to my touch, and my hands slide along, enjoying how it feels under my palm.

My left hand reaches the waistband of her jeans. I unzip her fly, unbuttoning her button next. I could have snuck in my hand without all that, I just want my movements to not be confined or finite. I want to give her pleasure, to indulge my fantasy from the night we danced together, the one about fingerfucking her. I want her juices all over my fingers. I want to taste her, and I want her to come for me. Only for me.

Her underwear is silky, just like her bra, and even if I’m dying to see them, I restrain myself. Ava is not leaving my place unsatisfied, and I’m determined about that. She sucks in a breath as my hand slides down and touches her clit through her panties. My movements are slow and calculated. I press just a little bit, teasing her and circling my fingers over her sweet spot. Her breath quickens and becomes shallow.

Feeling her wetness through the fabric of her panties, I smile and bend down, inhaling the scent at the nape of her neck. Her perfume tonight is not as strong as it was when we kissed at the movies, but I still enjoy it. It suits her, mixing with the aroma of her skin and making her even more alluring.

Ava is fucking perfect.

I bring my lips to her neck and lightly bite her skin, tracing my tongue over it and making her shudder. Her nipples are like points as I rub and pinch them between my fingers, adding pressure. She hisses every time I do this, and she wiggles her ass over my erection. What a greedy little girl I have in my arms. Gliding my palm under her panties, I finally press my fingers to her clit, instantly slipping down to her slick core. She’s so fucking wet.

“Colt…” she moans, and there is nothing I want more than my tongue playing with hers.

I massage her clit, increasing the tempo little by little. With my free hand, I grab her neck, squeezing it for a brief moment and then moving my fingers up to her jaw. I force her to turn her head and cover her mouth with mine. Ava welcomes my tongue with eagerness, curling it around mine and arousing me even more. My cock is hard, and it wants to be deep inside her, but that’s not what I have in mind. She’s my priority now. My pleasure comes next, only when I know she has had her orgasm.

We kiss, tongues dancing in a frenzied motion. I finger her, speeding up my movements with only one purpose: to make her come. To send her over the edge and give her an orgasm she won’t forget.

My grip on her jaw tightens. “I want you to come for me,” I whisper, and she nods erratically. “Are you close?”

“So close…” she whimpers as my finger slips into her again.

Silencing her sounds, I smash my mouth onto hers and rub her clit faster, until she starts to tremble. Her legs try to close, but I keep them apart, continuing to finger her. Then she orgasms, drenching my fingers in her juices and emptying my brain of its every last thought. I want my dick inside her mouth.

I spin Ava around with my free hand and stare at her beautiful face in admiration. Her usually emerald-green eyes are now closer to black. Her cheeks are flushed, and her lips are parted. She’s still rocking on the waves of her orgasm, and I have never seen anyone look more beautiful.

I plunge my fingers into my mouth and lick them clean. “You taste like heaven.”

A smile stretches across her lips, and I grab her sweater in my fist, pulling her to me. I’m so ready to devour her mouth—but my world crashes down when Clay’s voice rings in the air, and Ava and I freeze. Fuckity fuck.

“Colt? Ava?”

A bewildered look crosses her features as she jumps away from me. She zips her fly, turning her back to the kitchen entrance.

I shake my head, knowing the moment is ruined, and go to the living room. Clay is standing by the couch, stretching his arms in the air and yawning. Why the hell did he have to wake up?

“How did you sleep?” I mock, shoving my hands in my pockets to hide my hard-on.

“Not bad.” My best friend yawns again. “But my neck fucking hurts. I think that’s why I woke up.”

I glance at the TV screen and see the last moments of another episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. “You’re up just in time to see how the season ends.”

“I don’t fucking care.” He rubs his eyes and only then looks around the room. A deep wrinkle forms between his eyebrows. “Where’s Ava?”

“She’s in the kitchen. The episode was ending, so she offered to help me clean up,” I tell him as she emerges. She’s collected her hair into a high ponytail, looking absolutely cute. Her still-reddened cheeks are the only sign of how naughty we just were in my kitchen.

“You’re up,” she says to Clay, avoiding my gaze. “Did you know you snore?”

“Always. Especially after I’ve been drinking,” he chortles, clapping his cheeks with his palms. “Do you want to go back to the dorm? I can walk you—”

“Why can’t she…” I catch myself as I notice her eyes rounding. “Why don’t you stay? I’ll drive both of you to the dorms in the morning.”

“Nah, man, my neck is killing me, and I want to crash in my bed.” Clay shakes his head, rubbing the back of his neck. “What do you say, Ava?”

“Let’s go.” She sashays to the couch, grabs her purse, and straightens her back as our eyes meet. “Thank you, Colt. For everything. You made my night a ten out of ten by letting me hang out.”

Is that her way of saying thank you for the orgasm? I’m a bit lost, and I’m not sure how I feel about any of it. I don’t understand her, and it drives me up the wall. I lean on the doorframe, watching hopelessly as Clay and Ava slowly put on their jackets and shoes.

“See you, dude.” Clay opens the door, letting Ava walk out first. She ambles out to the hallway and glances at me over her shoulder.

“Night, Colton.” She winks at me and wheels around, heading to the stairs with Clay in tow.

“Night.” I close the door, taking a deep breath to dissolve my dissatisfaction.

I go to the living room and turn off the TV and the lights. When I step into the kitchen, my eyes land on a piece of paper on the fridge that wasn’t there before. In two strides, I’m across the room. I move the magnet away and take the little note in my hands. My lips curl into a smile, and I dig my phone out of my pocket and save her number in my contacts.

Enemies make the best lovers, Colt. –A

Never in my life have I wanted morning to come so badly.

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