SIN-BIN: An Enemies To Lovers College Hockey Romance (Sinners on the Ice)

SIN-BIN: Chapter 17


I plop myself down into the seat on Layla’s right and wiggle, trying to nestle more comfortably. I love going to the movies, but at the same time I don’t. Watching something on my bed suits me better, especially if it means I can cuddle with someone. But my lack of a cuddling partner and Jordan being an annoying bitch made me agree to go to the movies with my best friend and her roommate. I wish I hadn’t. I’m not the biggest fan of superhero movies. The only three I liked were Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, so it’s very unlikely this movie will be my favorite.

I shove a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth and close my eyes. It’s delicious, and the way it melts on my tongue brings all my taste buds to life. At least it’s something to cheer me up and hopefully change my mood.

“Let me try it.” Layla points her spoon at me, but I shake my head. “You’re being stingy, Mason.”

“I’m not. You were too evasive about the movie. You knew I wouldn’t come if I heard it was another superhero flick.”

“You don’t like this genre?” Grace leans forward in her seat and stares at me. I shake my head no, and her hazel eyes round a little. “Why not?”

“Not my jam.” I eat another spoonful of ice cream. “It’s good for one movie, but no more than that.”

“Usually she leaves before it ends and just waits for me in the hall,” Layla comments, pointing her spoon at me again. “Are you going to do that again?”

I laugh wholeheartedly, shaking my head. “We’ll see. The movie hasn’t even started, so who knows?”

“Drake texted me,” my best friend says slowly, her eyes glued to my face. “He and a few of the guys are here too.”

“Okay.” My smile becomes tight. Just my luck, I guess.

This week was full of Clay Rodgers, and I think we’re close to being friends. He’s incredibly nice to be around. Unlike Moore. Drake told him to fuck off, threatening to beat him up if he tried something with me. Did it help? Not really. He just changed tactics. Now he plays the nice guy who is hurt by my rejection. The last time he pissed me off, I gave him the finger, right in the middle of the dining hall. Clay had tears in his eyes from laughter when he walked up to me a few minutes later, telling me it was the most epic thing he had ever seen.

Drake and I… Well, we haven’t had the talk that Layla expected us to have. We’ve just been acting like nothing changed—or more like nothing ever happened. Just like we did after our first time. We are friends. We care about each other. Period.

“Girls.” Speak of the devil. I glance over my shoulder. Some guys from the team are heading to their seats. Drake strolls toward us with Clay in tow. They’re both smiling from ear to ear, and I involuntarily smile back. “Didn’t expect you to pick this movie.”

“I love Marvel,” Layla grunts. “Mason is the one who’s not a fan.”

“I’m aware.” Drake’s gaze fleets to me, and his sister grimaces. “Ava loves you too much, and that’s the only reason why she’s here.”

“Or it’s because no one told me what we were going to watch.” I plop another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.

“What do you have here?” Clay reaches out and grabs the ice cream from my hand. “M&Ms. Why am I not surprised?”

“Give it back,” I pout, and he hands it back to me with a mischievous smile. “Thanks.”

“Do you need a ride back to the dorm?” Drake’s gaze rakes over the three of us, and Layla nods. “Cool, then enjoy the movie.”

They turn around and find their seats. I quickly scan the room, and tension leaves my body. Thompson isn’t here, and my mood drastically changes. I haven’t seen him all week. Not because I was avoiding him, but because we were never in the same place at the same time. I can honestly work with that. It’s way easier to forget about that asshole when he’s not constantly in my face.

“Who’s your favorite Avenger?” I shift slightly toward Layla and her roommate.

“Captain America,” Grace breathes, a dreamy grin on her face.

“Then it’s not surprising that Kaleb is your type.” I arch an eyebrow, and she only shrugs, still smiling. Her classmate asked her on a date, then on another one. They aren’t officially dating, but I wouldn’t be shocked if they started to. “Layla?”

“As if you don’t already know.” She sulks, her rose-colored lips twisting into a grimace. “Are you even my best friend?”

“Of course I am,” I laugh. My head bobs back, and I even close my eyes. God, if someone had told me that the absence of one idiot could improve my day so much, I would have agreed to come here just for that. Opening my eyes, I’m ready to tell her I certainly remember her crush on Thor, but my breath gets stuck in my throat.

He is standing on the stairs, staring at me. Why the fuck does he need to be here?

Averting my gaze, I turn a little to focus my attention on Layla. “You were obsessed with Thor.”

“And still am.” Her body shakes with laughter, while I basically force myself to smile. The stupid fucker keeps his gaze on me, and my neck feels hot.

“Is there someone you like, Ava?” Grace asks with curiosity.

“Sebastian Stan,” I answer curtly. “Winter Soldier.”

“I’m aware.” She shakes her head as the lights slowly turn off. “You’re all for bad guys, girl.”

“I am,” I assent, my body tense and rigid. I’m uncomfortable and angry. It will be harder to enjoy this movie with that jerk here, and with his eyes on me.

Forty-five minutes later, I’m ready to stomp out of this place. The movie isn’t that bad, but I barely hear anything, let alone remember all the characters or what’s happening. That stupid idiot has kept his eyes trained on me, and I can’t even think straight. What the hell is his problem with me?

“I’m going to the restroom,” I whisper to Layla before standing up and taking my purse from the seat.

“Will you be back?” Her gaze is scrutinizing. I lift one shoulder as an answer. “If not, just wait for us in the hall. Drake will give us a ride to the dorms. Okay?”


I move slowly, apologizing for any inconvenience. The place isn’t packed with people, so it’s pretty easy. I purposefully choose the far aisle to avoid that motherfucker.

The door closes, and I blow out all the air from my lungs. Might as well use the restroom, and then I will figure out what to do. If I’m being honest with myself, the possibility of me going back into the movie theater is highly unlikely. That fucker’s attention messed up my mood, and I would prefer to read something on my phone to get back on track.

The guy behind the counter looks up from his book and smiles at me as I pass him. I bet he’s bored to death all alone, and he’s reading—a point in his favor. Maybe I can hang out with him while I wait for the movie to end. I smirk to myself as I open the restroom door. I head to the farthest stall, close it, and suddenly hear the door open. The water starts running, and I shake my head at my stupidity. When the hell did I become so jumpy?

The moment I’m out of the stall, I lock eyes with the asshole. He stands there, leaning against the countertop with his arms folded across his chest. Is he fucking kidding me?

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