SIN-BIN: An Enemies To Lovers College Hockey Romance (Sinners on the Ice)

SIN-BIN: Chapter 1


“Oh, Clay, yeah… Do that again… Oh, I’m gonna come… I’m gonna come… Clay, please…”

For the past thirty minutes, that’s all I’ve heard. Moans, dirty talk, spanking, and more moans. Why can’t she come already so I can finally get into my room and sleep? I literally hate my roommate.

It’s my second week of college. I have dreamt about Great Lake University in Michigan for years. GLU has a unique history, incredible professors, and it’s the perfect place for me to focus on my communication and media major. It’s not far from my hometown, so it’s easy for me to visit my dad whenever I feel like it. I have been looking forward to spending time here, studying and hanging out with my best friend, going to parties. I had it all figured out, and I was going to stick to my plan no matter what.

My roommate proved me wrong within hours. She is a nightmare.

Jordan Patterson is the type of girl who will chew you up and spit you out, and you won’t even notice it. She’s drop-dead gorgeous, but her personality is the biggest turnoff. As soon as she saw me coming, she scowled and loudly exclaimed that she definitely hadn’t hit the roommate jackpot.

I thought the same, but I kept my words to myself.

I would have loved to live with my best friend, Layla Benson, but she’s a year older than me, and this is her second year, so it’s impossible. I got what I got, and I needed to get used to it, as my adviser said. I would be curious to see her reaction if it were her sitting on the floor outside her room, waiting for her roommate to have an orgasm.

Please, Jordan, come already.

My phone dings with an incoming message, and I pick it up off the floor. I unlock it, see a text from my best friend, and instantly smile. Layla is my person, through and through. We have many similarities, but the one thing we don’t have in common is our taste in boys.

Her family’s house is across the street from mine, so I have known Layla all my life. We can call each other names, threaten to beat the living shit out of one another if one of us acts unreasonable or stupid. A few times, we’ve stopped talking altogether…but we are always there for each other, no matter what.


How about shopping tomorrow?


All in. But only if I get some sleep.


Meaning? You went back to your room almost an hour ago…


My roommate is having sex with someone named Clay.


Gosh, she works fast.


Don’t remind me. It got quieter, maybe they are done?


Why don’t you go inside? She needs to know it’s not okay.



I glance at the closed door. What if I open it and just go in? It’s my room too, and I’m tired of waiting.


Ava Mason, you’re a badass. Why do you allow her to treat you like this?

I roll my eyes and rise to my feet. In all honesty, she isn’t wrong. I have never let anyone treat me like this. Who does she think she is?


I’ll text you later. I need to put someone in her place.


That’s my girl.

I laugh, shoving my phone into my purse. Then I square my shoulders and put the key into the lock. It’s do or die.

I open the door and freeze straightaway. What the hell?

Jordan is totally naked, down on her knees, and giving head to a guy who is sitting in a chair. But that’s not what blows me away. Another dude is on her bed, jerking himself off while watching his friend with my roommate. A nauseating feeling lodges in my throat. This can’t be happening.

“You said your roommate left for the weekend.” The voice of the guy in the chair is cold and distant, sending chills down my spine.

I don’t see his face because the room is mostly dark, illuminated only by dimmed LED ceiling lights. The only detail I notice is his brown hair. He puts his hand on Jordan’s head, keeping her in place. She gags on his cock, and uneasiness seeps into my veins.

What have I just dragged myself into?

Voices become louder; someone is coming down the hallway. Shit. It would be the worst scenario ever to let someone see my roommate like this. No matter what I think of her, no one deserves that humiliation. I take a step forward and close the door with a thud. I look around without focusing on anything, crossing my arms over my chest and then dropping them to my sides. Still, I stay rooted to the spot.

“Want to join?” the guy from the bed asks me in a mocking voice.

It triggers me, boosting my confidence. I stomp in his direction, stop near the bed, and put my hands on my hips. “Get out.”

His smirk fades away as he takes his palm off his dick. He stares into my eyes, but I just hold his gaze and say nothing.

“Girl, we were having fun with your roommate way before you got here. She told us you went home.”

“I don’t care when you got here. I don’t care what she said about me. I want you out of my room. Now.”

He frowns, hesitating. The slurping sounds become louder while I refuse to watch. One dick is enough for my colorful imagination for one day, especially one I never planned to see.

“If I knew you would come in and ruin all the fun, I would have never even agreed to fuck this freshman.” The guy stands up and heads for his clothes on the floor. He hurriedly puts his T-shirt and his pants on, glancing my direction in silence.

I observe him, trying to remember if I’ve seen him before. I bite my bottom lip in annoyance because nothing rings a bell. He’s good-looking with auburn hair and yellowish-green eyes. His body speaks volumes about all the hard work he’s clearly been doing in the gym. Is he from the hockey team? What if he knows my best friend’s brother? With how often Layla hangs out with Drake, if this asshole is one of his teammates, I’m screwed.

The guy puts his sneakers on and straightens, looking over my shoulder at his friend. “Dude, are you done?”

“Almost.” His voice changes, sounding a bit husky. And sexy. My eyes widen, and I inwardly curse myself. I have no idea what he looks like, and I think his voice is sexy? What’s wrong with me?

The auburn-haired guy from the bed hides his hands in his pockets and shifts to look at me. “I’m Clay.”


“Not going to tell me your name, beautiful?” He beams, making me chuckle. He just had sex with my roommate. Does he really think I would be interested?

“I don’t think you deserve to know my name,” I murmur, and his face lights up with a smile. I intrigue him, but ew—I can’t even think about something happening between us.

“I’m a resourceful fella, and if you let me—”

“Not going to happen, Clay. Really.” I speak softly.

“Shame.” He shrugs. “I’ll figure out your name with or without you telling me.”

“Whatever.” I let out a short laugh as I hear the sound of a zipper. Heavy steps follow, stopping right behind my back.

“You kinda ruined the moment,” a voice rasps in my ear, its hot breath fanning over my skin.

I spin around and find myself right in front of him. I’m smaller than this guy. My eyes are at his chest, and I involuntarily look up to rake my gaze over him. I can’t deny that he’s stunning, but the look on his face makes me uncomfortable. So much arrogance and annoyance. A bad boy at his finest. The type I’m attracted to the most but prefer to run away from.

“You kinda ruined it yourself,” I retort. “Get out. Both of you.”

“No one tells me what to do.” His stare darkens, and he frowns.

“Keep telling yourself that.” I laugh, happy with my sassy response. I gradually relax, feeling more at ease, but it’s short-lived.

He leans into my face. His deep brown eyes burn holes into me. “I hope I never see you around campus.”

“Or what?”

His lips stretch into a big, radiant smile. “Or you will regret coming inside this room while I was here.”

“It’s my room too, and it’s not my fault she lied about my whereabouts.” I grunt, narrowing my eyes. “Get out.”

His pupils dilate, indicating his surprise. He didn’t expect that kind of reaction from me. I bet he’s used to people running for their lives when he looks at them that way. Not me. I don’t care about this guy. I just want him gone. Period.

“Dude, come on. We have places to go. The night is young.” Clay calls out to his friend, who keeps gaping at me in silence. It honestly is ridiculous. He’s not fucking royalty, yet he expects me to bow down to him. Suddenly, he inches toward my ear, and his lips graze my earlobe.

“I bet I can make you come in one minute. I can make you scream my name while you’re riding my dick.” He leans away, grinning like a fucking idiot while I feel my cheeks get warm. “But I won’t. You’re too fucking plain for that. Too simple.”

“Fucker,” I mutter, sucking in air. How dare he?

Without giving it any thought, I slap him across his face. So hard my palm stings. He fucking deserves it.

I don’t even have time to blink before Clay walks around me, shielding me from his friend. “Colton,” he says, as I take a few steps back. “Let’s go. Okay?”

A second passes, then Colton pushes his friend away and storms to the door. He opens it, turns his head, and locks his gaze onto mine. “You just made a huge mistake.”

“I don’t see it that way.” I put on a brave face, but my palms are sweating. Clay sighs, glances at me, and follows his friend out of the room. Then the door closes and they are both gone.

I take a deep breath and focus my attention on Jordan. She’s silent, and it creeps me out. What’s wrong with her? I edge closer to her and kneel. “You okay?”

Her mascara is smeared under her eyes, and her cheeks and neck are red. She stares off into the distance, then looks at me. “You ruined everything.”


“Those two…they are the most popular guys on campus. Girls dream about being with them, and I was lucky they both wanted to get laid tonight.” Jordan peels her eyes away from my face. “Clay is good, but not exceptional. While Colton…he’s a dreamboat. And when I finally get the chance to lay my hands on him, you decide to step in.”

“You sucked him off,” I mumble in annoyance. “Not sure he would have wanted to fuck you after his friend.”

“I could have convinced him.” she snaps, standing up and moving to put her clothes on.

I shake my head in disbelief. I don’t know the guy; I just know the type. He would have never fucked her after his friend. A blow job was the only thing he was interested in. She should know better.

“I’m going to take a shower,” she sneers through clenched teeth, then trudges to the door. But she stops in her tracks and looks at me over her shoulder. “Colton doesn’t tolerate disrespect, Ava. Being his enemy will be extremely bad for your reputation.”

“We’ll see.” I hold my chin up high, watching as she ambles out the door. I exhale loudly as soon as it closes.

I wipe off my makeup, comb my long brown hair, and braid it into a Dutch braid. I feel uneasy, but I try to brush off those thoughts. As soon as I’m in bed, I take out my phone and type a message to Layla.


I shooed the boys away. Already in bed. Shopping, here I come.




Clay and Colton.




What the hell does that mean?


Tell u more tomorrow.


Not fair.

I whine aloud, hiding under the blanket.


Meet me at 11 a.m. near your dorm. Night.

I toss my phone on the nightstand and close my eyes. The image of that guy impetuously appears in my head. Memories of his severe glare send shivers down my spine. I shut my eyes tighter, erasing him from my mind. The last thing I want is to have nightmares because of that jerk.

I don’t think love at first sight exists, but I believe in annoyed at first sight, and Colton is exactly that. He’s obnoxious and self-centered, and I’ll gladly keep my distance. He’s bad news.

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