Chapter 7

‘Leaving?’ Sarah asked

‘Yes I said leaving.’ She yelled startling them

Elisha moved closer and grabbed her hand

‘You will not yell at the kids.’

‘They are mine too, or have you forgotten?’ she asked with anger registered in her eyes

‘I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you but I will not allow you to drive in this state.’

‘What are you going to do about it huh?’ she asked

He stepped back trying to process what had just happened to have her change like this, Larna was never this hush. She was the calm type and never had she ever yelled at the kids.

He grabbed the car keys from her and started the car immediately the kids got in.

‘Drive us home.’ She said looking out the window

The rest of the journey was quiet with none of them saying a word to each other.

The sound of his phone startled everyone in the car, it’s like the twins had noticed the tension too.

He looked at the caller ID and saw Ben’s number; it was a private number.

‘Won’t you pick up?’ Larna asked looking at him

‘I am driving.’ He responded fully aware that Ben was about to blow it up for him

‘You always put it on speaker when you are driving.’ She said suspiciously

‘I will call them back.’

‘How when it is a private number.’

‘They will call back.’ He said as it cut and he couldn’t help but thank his lucky stars but not for too long because it began to ring again

This time Larna picked up and put it on speaker.

‘Sir I am afraid you won’t like what I have to tell you.’ A nervous Ben said on the other end of the line but Elisha was silent

‘Sir are you there?’

He looked at Larna who gave him an evil stare.

He cleared his throat.

‘Yes Ben I am here.’ He said

‘Okay so I found out that Sasha did not commit suicide, the hospital did a postmortem and found a slow killing drug in her system.’

Larna looked at Elisha disappointment registered on her face.

‘Thank you Ben.’

‘There is more sir.’

‘Okay.’ He responded trying to cut the conversation short but Ben wasn’t reading between the lines

‘Her fiancée before dying left a note which she had written and has been in the hands of the police, it was never to be released but I have a friend at central police who owes me a favor so he sent me a copy of the letter.’

There was silence in the vehicle.

‘Sasha confessed that she could feel her death coming, that if anything happened to her it was because of one Mr. Chishala who I believe was your father in law.’

By this time Larna had tears rolling down her cheeks.

‘He was necrophilic Sir.’ He said

There was a barren silence in the vehicle, Elisha couldn’t just believe what he had heard. How was it possible that his father in law was attracted to dead bodies? Necrophilia is a pathological fascination with dead bodies, which often takes form of a desire to engage with sexual activities, such as intercourse.

‘Oh and Sir, I still can’t find out why your wife is not on any government record.’ Ben added before the line went dead

Larna just couldn’t believe what she had just heard, it was like adding salt to a wound that was raw. How could Elisha be so insensitive? How could he dig into her past and bring out things that she was trying so hard to forget. And as if that wasn’t enough, the inquisitive Sarah spoke.

‘Daddy what is necrophilic?’ Elisha almost hit into the vehicle that was in front of them.

‘That is something not for you to worry about princess.’

‘Well mummy is crying daddy.’

‘Answer her damn it!’ Larna screamed

‘They are just kids Larna!’

‘Oh so now you are recognizing that they are kids right? Now you want to act like you care so much about them right?’

‘I will not allow you to take out your anger on the kids, if there is someone you need to crucify here; it is I.’ he said foot down

‘No Elisha, you have no idea what you have just done. I know my kids because I carried them for nine months in my womb and I have watched them grow, they won’t stop asking. You think I was a bad child because I didn’t get along with my parents?’

Elisha was focusing on the road

‘I did everything I did because I was ashamed of the man that had given me life, imagine how disgusting that is. After all those acts he still went back to his wife to lay with her, I was only fourteen when I learnt all that and do you think I had a normal childhood afterwards?’

‘Just stop it, we will talk about this when we get home.’

‘No, you wanted to find out the truth. Well here it is, Sarah sweetheart well guess what; your grandfather was an animal. He had sex with dead people. He enjoyed having sex with dead people!’ She yelled again

‘And oh, you want to know why my name is not on any government record? I tried to re-open the case when I couldn’t take it anymore. But my father knew about it and he threatened to come to the open; he poisoned my mind saying if my mother got a heart attack it would be on me. I was just a child, he had my records removed so that if I tried anything I would be questioned about my nationality. So there you have it dearest husband, this is a past I was trying so hard to forget!’ she paused now facing him her seat belt out

‘Larna wear your seat belt.’

‘I was only trying to be normal, I created this piece of heaven in hopes that I would find peace but you had to dig the wounds. You had to uncover buried graves.’

‘Larna wear your seat belt please.’

‘I will never forgive you Elisha for doing this to me, it wasn’t your business in the first place. You were not supposed to meddle, I have been nothing but a good wife and mother; my past never once defined me!’ she yelled

He tried to fix her seat getting his eyes off the road

‘Daddy watch out!’ the kids screamed at the same time

The last thing they all heard was a banging sound and bodies flying out of the vehicle.


Kwenje’s Girl



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