Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 54: Mr. Hyde

I almost dropped Kadence as she laughed in my arms. Her comment set my face on fire and made me forget what I was doing, and then her laughter startled me. I didn't mean to grab her bottom like that, but I did not...

"Hyde, calm down. I know you didn't do that! I was teasing you!"

Kadence's laughter soothed my frustration, but I still had half of a mind to drop her just for a little payback; she could fly. Then I looked down at her beautiful face and the glasses that made her look even sexier. All thoughts of dropping my Fire Queen vanished from my mind as I remember the point of coming up here, so I cleared my throat.

"Take a look around, the sky is clear, and the sun is out. This time is perfect to see all the colors of the world!"

Kadence smiled at me and then started to look around. One gasp was followed by and another, which was followed by another. As Kadence looked around, I began to wonder if she would let any of those gasps out. Finally, She turned back to me, panting, putting a hand to my face as she looked up at me lovingly.

"There are so many beautiful things in this world! Kadence exclaimed.

"And so many more to come, and we will experience them together for the first time. Ready to fly? The others are probably waiting for us."

"No, not likely with Alex among them now."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't see it, but that woman put Breth to shame when it comes to cruel taskmaster. She's not violent or even mean; she worse!"

"What could be worse than that?"

"She is manipulative! No matter what she ask's, she butters you up and makes it so there is no way you can refuse her!"

Hmmm? Maybe I had better go still down with Alex, but at the same time, I don't think she is actually doing harm here. The girls would learn over time, and it was best that I keep my nose out of their business. My father once told me it was called women's business for a reason.

"You will figure a way around her, and I don't want to interfere with you guys. I can do something else though, next time I have some alone time with Alex, I can find out something she likes, and you can use it as bait when she tries to rope you into something, eh? What do you think?"

"Hm, that's a pretty good idea, and I agree with you not stepping in between us and picking sides."

We kissed again, and then I let her go, watching as her new black skirt and half a hoodie burst into flames. We took off, and I burned hard to catch up to her as we streak towards the ground and then pulled up. We clear the land quickly and then leveled out.

I soared with Kadence beside the wagons and headed for the House-Wagon in the front. Hopefully, Kalita and lunch would be there waiting, but I was okay with waiting for either. Today was a good day so far, besides ticking the wife count up to nine and almost ten after the nap-sacks incident. Knowing Alex, that was the plan all along. Hell, she probably had Princesses hiding all over the camp for me to stumble into!

We flew up to the top patio, and I could see food being brought out, score! I was starving! It had been an eventful morning, and after lunch, Kalita and I were going to find something to do.

I wasn't sure what to do with her since we hadn't spent all that much time together since I killed Thurman, but she remembered my talk about glasses and was always happy to see me. Maybe it was just things going on and how busy we both were, but I wanted to make it up to her today; this was a big new world; I should be able to find a nice date spot, right?

We landed on the metal pad, and both extinguished out flames before walking over to the table to sit down with the girls already seated. Arrentia, Mishka, and Addel were already eating when Kadence and I got to our seats. My three wives smiled at me as I sat down, all of them still having food in their mouths.

Suddenly, Nina emerged from me and sat down in the seat beside me like nothing had happened, grabbing fruit and starting to eat. Nina was so strange, but she was a forest nymph that I gave conscious thought to, so something like strangeness couldn't be helped. Kadence laughed beside me, making me roll my eyes.

"Anyone saw Kalita?"

"Yes, she ate earlier so she could get ready. Kalita said she has something she wants to show you," Arrentia said after finishing the food she was chewing.

Well, that saves me some thought; maybe I should get dressed up? Haha, just kidding, I was wearing my wardrobe! I scooped food onto my plate and ate fast; it wasn't like in needed to shave or brush my hair, but I still want to get finished, so I was ready when she came.

After finishing my food, I Kissed Kadence and Nina and did the same with, Addel, Mishka, and Arrentia, but I ended the last one with our traditional nose rub. I left them and went down to the bottom floor and walked down to Kara's room. I knocked on the door, and Kara's voice told me to come inside.

Inside there were piles of thread everywhere, and Kara was standing in the middle of it all, staring at me.

"Well, What can I do for you, Mr. Hyde?"

"I need to look spiffy for a date with Kalita. Can you help me out? I was thinking a white t-shirt with a black coat with buttons, nothing to fancy though."

Kara looked me over and then, with a motion of her fingers, commanded to take my shirt off. Mr. Hyde, I liked that one!contemporary romance

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