She’s the Alpha

Chapter 3

For the next few months, I sulked in the only way I could: training. I threw my mind and body into wearing myself out until I didn't even have enough energy to think anymore. Of course there was also school, but I felt especially sad whenever Jessie and I had time alone to ourselves. It wasn't fair. If Jessie has been my mate, everything would've been perfect.

"Kennedy," my mom sighed as she came into the gym and watched me destroy the fifth punching bag this week. I stopped, panting as sweat trickled down my forehead. My mom offered me a bottle of water. I gladly took it, not even caring about my bloodied knuckles. They would heal by themself soon anyway.

"You're going to kill yourself if you keep going at this rate," my mom warned me. I knew she was just worried, but I couldn't think of any other way to let out my own tip frustration.

"You don't have to worry about me, Mom. I'm just training. The Alpha Conference is a week away. I can't look weak in front of them, not if I don't want to embarrass dad," I brushed it off. She shook her head as her hands went to her hips.

"Seriously Kennedy, sometimes I wonder if being so much like me is a bad thing. You need to just accept the fact that Jessie is not your mate. It sucks, I know, but I'm sure you'll find your fated mate soon. And if he has the patience to keep up with that attitude of yours, I'm sure he'll be able to make you happy. Having a mate is special. You can't force it," she said, leaving her words of wisdom before leaving me to my own thoughts. I knew she was right, but my brain just couldn't accept that there was no way around this.

"Mate, my ass. I wish my mate would try and take me. He would be in for one bumpy ride," I muttered out loud before giving the punching bag one last kick, sending it flying off of its mount.

The week of the Alpha Conference, I was allowed the time off from school. Unfortunately, Jessie still had to go. The first day was the opening ceremony. Most of the Alpha's stayed at the visitor's resort, but because of the volume of Alpha's this year, a few of the Alphas stayed at our house. After all of the Alpha's finished trickling into the hall, the ceremony began with the oath of peace. The oath was necessary so that no Alpha's started a fight during the conference. After the ceremony, was lunch, and then the Alpha scrimmage which I was participating in. It was really just to blow off some steam.

I was dressed in a tank top and shorts made of spandex. There were a few scrimmages going on all around the training field. My first opponent was Alpha Black. We scrimmaged for about ten minutes before a draw was called. I did a few most rounds before going to get a bottle of water at the edge of the field. Something made the hair on the back of my neck stand on edge. I paused and took in the smells around me. Amongst the smells of the different Alphas was something I had smelled before: hibiscus and sea breeze. I looked around to try and find where it was coming from but there were too many people in the field to figure out where it was coming from.

"Hey buttercup, why are you looking for?" My dad asked as he came to stand beside me. I sighed before turning my attention to my dad.

"It's nothing. I'm just watching," I lied.

"Go back and shower. We'll have dinner soon. Optional, of course. I saw you out there. You were doing well at holding your own against those Alphas. It's important in taking the next step," he said. I nodded, understanding what he meant.

Holding my own against the Alphas would show them that I was just as good as them, leaving less room for them to criticize my father for his choice in naming me the next Alpha. I stretched my limbs before sighing.

"Alright then. I'm going to head back inside. I don't think I'll have dinner with everyone else today. I'm going to wait for Jessie to get back," I said. My dad put a hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"You should start distancing yourself from Jessie a bit, Kennedy. I know you two have been together for a long time, but he's not your fated mate. Keep that in mind," my dad gave his warning. It was something I'd heard consistently since my 18th birthday from him. I ignored him and walked towards the direction of our house.

When I made it to the house, the people were already making preparations for dinner. I went up to my room and gathered my stuff before walking to the bathroom down the hall. It was the another thing that sucked about the Alpha overflow in our house: I had to share the bathroom. Luckily I was early enough not to run into anyone just yet. I took my shower, changed into some lounging clothes, and brushed my teeth before throwing my hair up into a messy bun. I put my dirty clothes in the hamper before walking out of the bathroom empty handed. Jessie should've been back by now.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and ran straight into a wall of a person. Luckily, I steadied myself in a crouch before falling to my butt. Who in the world would dare to run into me?

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