Sheer Cupidity: A Standalone Cupidity Romance (Heart Hassle Book 5)

Chapter Sheer Cupidity: Epilogue


Lex is in her element.

Here, inside the massive red-walled room, she looks confident, accomplished, fulfilled. Signature outfit perfectly in place, she’s got on a knee-length skirt and button-up blouse, with her wings straight and proud at her back. Her hair is pulled back so tight not a single strand is out of place.

With a clipboard in hand, she walks behind the line of cupids she’s training. They’re all standing in their bow and arrow stances, strings pulled back as they aim toward their moving targets, bodies corporeal so they get a better feel for shooting. Today, the targets are shaped like centaurs and trolls. The trolls move surprisingly fast considering their size.

I made sure to take the very last spot all the way at the end of the room so I can watch her walk up and down, offering advice and making notes with her giant red-feathered pen. She makes note-taking look good.

With one shoulder leaning against the wall, I watch her pick her way closer to me. She’s so focused and professional in her role as trainer that she doesn’t even notice the way some of these schmucks pine after her when she isn’t looking.


“Madame Cupid, could you help me with my pull again?”

My eyes narrow on the fucker. He’s just three down from me, and I’ve got no clue what realm he was from when he died, because he’s got tentacles for legs and holes where his ears would be. Definitely not fae or human. He also thinks he’s got a shot with her, because he asks for her assistance like this at least once an hour.

“Of course, cupid eight sixteen,” Lex says brightly, striding over to him.

“I’m having trouble with how far back I should pull,” he tells her.

Lex nods and slips the clipboard between her wings to hold it before she stands behind eight sixteen. She places her hands over his and pulls back the string, all while efficiently and politely explaining some shit about tension and aim. Instead of actually trying to learn, he shoots me an arrogant look and interlocks their fingers.

The urge to maim him is strong. I’m sure he doesn’t need all six tentacles to slop around.

Instead, my eyes flick to the bowstring, and with a single thought, I make it snap and hit the twit in the eye. He starts howling, clasped hands forgotten as he crouches and covers his eye. Lex doesn’t miss a beat and picks two other students from the lineup to take him to the cupid nurse’s room.


Finally, she’s just one trainee away, murmuring soft praises to a very shy female with dark skin and vines of flowers growing from her scalp.

Then, Lex is standing in front of me, brow arched when she takes in my relaxed position as I lean against the bright red wall of Cupidville’s target practice room.

“On your feet, cupid five hundred.”

Lips curling, I straighten and get to my spot on the floor, black boots lining up on the heart marker.

“You know I prefer you to call me by the Roman numeral instead of the actual number,” I tell her, shoving up my gray sleeve to display my cupid mark proudly.

Lex’s eyes dart down to it and then back up to my face. “I think I’ll stick with the number.”

“Come on,” I tease, pointing to the letter marked on my skin. “It’s just a big D. You’ve seen it many, many times.” Her eyes flare wide, and her cheeks go adorably pink. “Funny that a big D should fluster you when your own cupid number is sixty-nine.”

“Sixty-nine is a perfectly respectable number.”

“Oh, it’s my favorite number for certain. I just wouldn’t say it’s respectable.”

She shoots me a look. “Don’t think you’re getting away with that little stunt you pulled with cupid eight sixteen. I don’t know how in the world you were able to keep your telekinetic powers, but you can’t be a menace in my training sessions, or I’ll put you in one of the other classes.”

“Liar,” I smirk. We both know she won’t do it. I technically graduated from training weeks ago, but she likes my company just as much as I enjoy hers, so here I am. If anything, I think it’s helping her come to terms with the fact that I’m not going to disappear on her again. Me dying and then fading into nothing left her a little jumpy. “You’d miss me far too much.”

She doesn’t deny it, but she doesn’t like to be proven wrong either, so she clears her throat and gestures to the target across from me. “Enough chatter, cupid five hundred. Line up and make your shot.”

“Of course, Madame Cupid,” I murmur against her ear, and I relish the way a chill goes down her neck. I’m not sure if it’s my breath against her skin or just the fact that she really likes being called Madame Cupid. Probably the latter, to be honest.

She circles around behind me as I grab an arrow and nock it, taking in my stance. “You need to spread your legs a bit more.”

I snort. She makes it too easy.

When she sees my face, she reaches out and taps her finger on my nose. “Stop that.”

“That’s two nose bops in one day.”

“They’re effective,” she replies, pulling down the hem of her blouse to straighten it. “Now, get into position and hit your target,” she orders with pure authority riding her tone.

I love riling her up, but I love it even more when she puts me in my place. Like I said, she’s in her element, and it’s fucking sexy.

With a nod, I turn, pull back the string, and shoot. The arrow hits the heart of the centaur, right through the center.

Lex beams at me. “Very well done!”

“I do have a good teacher.” I’m also cheating a bit with my powers, but that’s beside the point.

Her head bobs with pride. “I told you all the extra practice after hours would pay off.”

“Oh, I thoroughly enjoy every single thing we do after hours.”

This time, she gets so flustered that she actually drops her eyes to my crotch. That’s when I know I’ve really pulled her authoritative mind right down into the gutter. I think of it as a personal achievement. Ever since she’s become Head of Cupidity, she’s not easily ruffled—at least not in public. She’s very professional in public.

But in private? My cupid is getting quite improper, which I also take as a personal achievement.

Lex tries to hide her blush and reaches behind her but then falters, giving me a look. “Belren.”

I flash her a smirk and tap on my cupid mark.

She gives a quick peek around to make sure the other trainees are still practicing and not paying any attention to us. “Fine. Big D,” she grits out.

A grin spreads across my face. “Yes?” I ask innocently.

She holds her hand out, trying to look stern, but I can see the amusement threatening to tilt up her lips. “Give it back.”

With a thought, I bring her clipboard back down from where I’d sent it pinned to the ceiling. She catches it in her hands and scribbles something on it with a pointed look. “I’m marking you down for thievery.”

“You do that, because later, I’ll be stealing your pant—”

She spins around and claps her hand loudly against the clipboard. “Alright, good job, everyone, that’s it for today! I’ll summon you for our Practical Application of Flirt Touches tomorrow.”

One by one, the newly-created cupids file out of the room, with Lex and I bringing up the rear. I stay by her side as she meticulously checks over the room before heading to her office.

Inside, she has two cupid assistants waiting for her, and she spends the next hour or so going over things with them. It goes on and on. There’s a lot of talk about sexual encounters, but it’s not the good gossip kind, just the professional tally mark kind. She has the spark back full flame now, because I have never seen anyone love her job as much as this female. She gets very excited about tally marks.

I spend the time lying on my back on her plush rug across the room and pretending to doze, when really, I’m watching her profile as she talks animatedly with her assistants. She’s too beautiful not to watch.

To think, I almost lost this chance. But I was meant to fall for her. Meant to be with her. And I wasn’t going to let a little thing like a second death take her away from me.

So I fought. Clamped down on every memory and wrapped it around an iron-clad lock that even three Veil Major powers couldn’t wipe away. It took me a while, but I fought against the tide, no matter how much the water wanted to wash away the grains of my memories. I stole them from the grip of the fates like the master thief I am, and then I found her all over again, just like I said I would.

When Lex finishes up, she dismisses her cupids, and then it’s just the two of us again. She walks over to stand above me, looking down at where I’m lounging with my hands beneath my head, the heart-shaped rug beating beneath me in a comforting thrum.

“Ready to go?” I ask her.

Instead of answering, she does something very out of character and lies down on the floor with me. She stares up at the swaths of pink clouds painted on the ceiling, and although she’s silent, her mind is practically shouting.

“You’re thinking awfully loud over there, Pinky. You want to talk about it?”

Lex nibbles on her lip, and a rare glimpse of vulnerability crosses her face. “Am I doing a good job?”

My brows nearly shoot up to my hairline. “Of course you’re not doing a good job,” I begin, and her face snaps over to look at me, eyes wide with surging panic. “You’re doing a great job.”


“Truly.” I prop myself up on one arm so I can look at her. “You’ve transitioned into your role flawlessly, just as everyone knew you would. The cupids love you. The trainee program has never been more successful, and you have this place so organized even the angels are jealous.”

Lex smiles conspiratorially at that.

“You’re the perfect Madame Cupid.”

A little relieved breath passes between her lips. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.”

My cupid likes to be praised, so I make a mental note to make sure I’m doing it more. “Don’t doubt yourself. You’re far too clever for that,” I say, standing up before I quickly lean down and scoop her into my arms. The little squeal that comes out of her is downright adorable. Her arms wrap around my neck, wings hanging behind my forearm, and my entire chest feels like it could burst just from the way she looks at me. “Now let’s get you home before you start spiraling.”

“I don’t spiral.”

I give her a look. “Last week, you got so stuck in your head with worry that you decided you need to color-code every single incident report from the last decade for the human realm, and just yesterday, you tried to get your assistants to change up the filing system again for the third time this week.”

Her brow furrows. “I’m just not confident that alphabetically is the best way to organize.”

My own lips twitch in response. “We’ll go over the pros and cons of it after I get you some food, how about that?”

Her eyes light up at the pros and cons suggestion, but then she wavers. “We don’t need to eat if we stay in the Veil, you know. Maybe I should stay here. Go over some more things before the next training session tomorrow. If I work all night, I could get a head start for the new trainees that will be coming in next week…” She trails off, looking increasingly worried.

I know from experience that if I leave her to her own devices, she will never stop working. Which is why I drop my voice an octave and look her in the eye until she focuses on me and not the endless to-do lists running through her mind. “What did I say about non-stop working, Madame Cupid?”

At the tone of my voice, her pupils dilate and a nervous dart of her tongue comes out to wet her bottom lip. “You said it was against the rules.”

“That’s right,” I tell her with a nod. Over the past couple of months during her transition as Head of Cupidity, I’ve learned that she needs structure and for me to take the reins when she’s feeling overwhelmed. Only when I take things out of her hands does she finally relax.

“And the rule states that you work your sexy ass off as much as you want during office hours, but then you come home with me. Correct?”

She nods, somewhat dazedly, and I’m relieved that I’ve snapped her out of her worry so quickly. “Correct.”

“Now, you wouldn’t be trying to break that rule, would you?”

“No, certainly not.”

I grin. “Good girl.”

The pink blush that stains her cheeks nearly matches her hair.

In the next blink, she’s transported us out of Cupidville and back into the fae realm. Time works differently in and out of the Veil, so it looks like it’s nearly dawn when I stride across the grassy garden and duck into our domed house on the genfin island. It’s just a stone’s throw away from Emelle’s house, since Lex wanted to be close so she could ask all sorts of cupid questions. Even though it’s not my own home island, I have to admit, the place has grown on me. Though, that probably has to do with the female in my arms.

As soon as we’re through the arched door, I set her down on the cushioned chair. Honestly, Soora’s purple has nothing on this room, because Lex has really embraced the colors pink and red, so they’ve sort of taken over the house. Between her colors and my treasures that I hauled over here from my days as the Horned Hook, our place is…unique.

Of course, almost as soon as I set her down, Lex tries to jump right back up. “I’ll get us something to eat.”

Before she can so much as take a step, I’ve locked onto her shoes with my powers and dragged her in the other direction. “Hey!”

“You’re not doing anything other than sitting down on the sofa and resting,” I call to her as she careens through the sitting room.

“Stop telekineticking me!” she calls over her shoulder as my powers plop her down onto the sofa, making her bounce.

“Rest there for a minute, Madame Cupid. Then I’ll feed you.”

She grumbles something too low for me to hear, but slumps down onto the cushions, resting her head back as she gives an audible sigh after kicking her shoes off.

Whistling, I get to work in the kitchen, preparing something to eat. As quickly as I can, I have two bowls of soup and four different loaves of bread laid out on the table, because my cupid is a bread female, and I’ve noticed that the ratio of bread per meal greatly correlates with her food moans and overall happiness.

As she tucks in, I know I’ve done well when her shoulders shimmy and she’s humming around every bite. I finish before her, so I relax, one arm over the back of my chair, wings hanging loosely at my sides as I watch her. Every time she does a little happy food dance, my lips twitch.

When she catches me looking, she blushes and wipes her mouth. “Why do you always watch me eat?”

I lift a shoulder. “You’re adorable.”

“The Head of Cupidity is not adorable.”

“I disagree.”

Her eyes narrow. “You know how I feel about disagreeing. I’d much rather go through a comprehensive discourse and pinpoint all the sides of the discussion before we both come to the correct conclusion.”

“And the correct conclusion is…”

She blinks, like it should be obvious. “My side, of course.”

I tip my head, barely suppressing a laugh, because she is completely serious. “Of course.”

Lex studies me again. “You’re making fun of me, aren’t you?”

“Me?” I ask in mock innocence. “I would never.”

With a less than impressed look, she gets to her feet and then walks around the table until she stands right in front of me. She leans down and then blows a puff of Lust right in my face, making me go rigid. Every part of me.

Straightening up, she smirks at me. “There. That will teach you to tease me.”

She tries to walk away, but I’m on my feet and have her spinning right back before she can even blink. I lift her up on the table, her wings and thighs spread around my waist as I grip her ass and pull her against me. A gasp escapes her as I trap her there.

“Tsk tsk, Madame Cupid. I believe you just broke a rule about using Lust Breath responsibly. What would your trainees think?”

She squirms against me, which just makes me harder. The little minx knows it, too, because she rocks her hips with just the right movement so that I know she’s chasing her own sort of pleasure. “I don’t know what you mean,” she replies primly, though the breathlessness of her tone gives her away.

With one hand, I reach up and deftly undo a row of buttons down her chest with slow precision. Her back arches as soon as I’ve freed her, her breasts larger than a handful and perfectly held inside a lacy bra—pink, of course. No wonder I’ve grown so fond of the color.

“These fucking tits,” I say on a groan as I pull the cups down, making her gasp as she spills out into my hands. “So gorgeous.”

While I work her pretty pink nipples, I bring my other hand down to slip beneath the modest skirt that has ridden up very immodestly. As soon as I find what’s there, I go still.

I blink past the shock, a wicked grin curling my lips as I drift them against her ear. “Oh, Pinky. You have been very naughty today, haven’t you?”

“No,” she quickly blurts, chest rising and falling rapidly.

I pinch her nipple, making her squirm. “Good girls wear panties,” I tell her, and when I slip a finger against her slit, she moans and rocks against me harder. “So you were definitely naughty, walking around all day with the other cupids, holding that clipboard and ordering people around, looking all kinds of fucking sexy, while you had this pussy out the entire time.”

She shudders, and I can see her pulse jumping in her neck. “Yes.”

I don’t need my cupid powers to know that she’s dripping for me. Lex secretly loves to be praised…but she also loves to be caught being naughty.

“Hmm.” I move my hand down from her chest so I can pull her skirt up even higher, revealing herself to me. I widen my stance, forcing her own legs to spread. In a surge of embarrassment, since my Pinky still gets shy, she tries to shove her skirt down, but I tap her inner thigh, making her pause. “Uh uh. You kept yourself bare for me all day, and now it’s time to show me exactly what you’ve been wanting.”

She swallows hard, a pretty blush spreading up her chest and neck as she looks up at me with so much trust that it nearly makes my knees buckle. Although, kneeling isn’t such a bad idea.

I drop to my knees and yank her so far to the edge of the table that she yelps and nearly falls back, but my grip on her thighs grounds her. From between her legs, I lick a single swipe up her slit, making her gasp. “What’s the rule, Pinky?”

“Grab your horns and don’t let go,” she immediately answers.

“Good girl. Now let me taste this naughty pussy.”

My fingers spread her lips, and my tongue immediately rolls against her clit. She cries out, hands deftly gripping my horns, and I eat her out with even more vigor than she’s ever eaten anything at this dining table.

Every lick and curl of my tongue makes her writhe, hands moving over my horns unconsciously as she focuses solely on her rising pleasure.

I plunge a finger into her dripping cunt, eliciting a garbled noise from her throat, and I grin before looking up at her. “Tell me why you didn’t wear panties today, Pinky.”

Her eyes flutter open, and she looks down at me almost in a daze. “Umm…”

“Go on,” I urge. “I want to hear you say it. I want those naughty words I’ve been teaching you to come out of that perfect, polite mouth.”

Her tongue darts out to lick her bottom lip. “I didn’t wear panties because I wanted a secret.”

That intrigues me.

I thrust my finger in and out of her, smirking when it makes her ass nearly jump off the table and her eyes roll back as my thumb presses down against her clit. “Explain.”

When she doesn’t, I thrust a second finger into her harder and reach up to twist her nipple, making her cry out in wanton pleasure. “Use your words.”

“I-I wanted this secret,” she rushes out. “Of what we do when we leave Cupidville. Of what you do to me when I’m not the proper Madame Cupid.”

A thoughtful hum rises from my chest. “You wanted to be reminded that you’re my secret naughty cupid, even when you have to be the boss, is that right?”

“Yes!” she pants, eyes closed tight as I start to curl my fingers inside of her and stroke against the spot that drives her wild.

“Does my naughty cupid need me to remind her that she’s mine? That at any given moment, I can bend her over her own desk and fuck her from behind, messing up all her pretty organized files?”

A whine rips out of her. “Oh my goodness, I’m going to—”

I immediately remove my fingers and stand, making her eyes snap open with anger as her hands drop. “What are you doing? I wasn’t finished!”

“Oh, I know,” I tell her smoothly before I reach up and grip the pins in her hair, tossing them aside. Her long pink locks tumble down, and I spear my fingers through the strands, pulling with just the right amount of pressure to tilt her head back up. I fucking love doing this. “You’ll finish with me buried deep inside of you, or you won’t finish at all.”

Her throat bobs, and the sight of her like this—flushed, pupils blown, skirt ridden all the way up to her waist to show off a glistening pussy with tits spilling out and her hair wrapped around my fist…it’s goddamn perfection.

“You’re the sexiest cupid that ever existed, do you know that?”

The anger leaves her eyes, and she traps a lip between her teeth.

“Now undo my pants and get my cock out. I want you laid out flat on this table, taking every inch of me.”

She scrabbles for the ties, immediately loosening them so she can shove down my trousers. My cock springs out, and like she can’t wait, her hand wraps around me, making my head tip back with a groan. “That’s right. Feed it into your dripping wet cunt,” I order.

“Goddess…” Every time I talk dirty to her, she blushes like mad, but there’s no doubt that it makes her pulse race and her pussy even wetter. Like a good girl, she does exactly as she’s told, and we both let out a groan when my tip breaches her.

“That’s it,” I croon. “Take me. Show me what you wanted all day when you had this pussy out, wanting to be filled.”

“Gods, yes…” she chants, and my cupid wings flare.

Her breathless voice makes my control snap, and I punch my hips forward, entering her the rest of the way in one hard thrust.

“Fucking hell,” I growl. “How do you feel better every time I fuck you?”

“I—like to always—be the—best,” she pants out.

With my fingers still wrapped around her hair, I tilt her head up. “You’re perfect.”

I press my mouth against hers, tongue demanding her lips part for me. And they do with zero hesitation. I fuck her with my tongue just as I fuck her with my cock, and she takes it, every thrust from pussy to mouth, moaning and letting me swallow up her pleasure.

I want to drown in those sounds.

“I need to come, Belren…”

My hands drop to her hips, and I yank her harder into me, causing her back to arch and her wings to shoot out. The bowls knock down to the floor, but the sound of them breaking is drowned out by our bodies moving together.

“You can come, Pinky. Squeeze my cock like a good girl and make me come with you.”

My fingers delve back to her clit, and I circle it relentlessly, pace quick and pressure hard as I rub her to pleasure, my pace evening out as I slam into her harder and harder.


She comes with a gasp, pussy clamping down on me so tightly, arms coming up to grip my shirt like a lifeline.

Her release sets off my own, and with one hand digging into her ass, I fuck her hard and fast, prolonging the waves of her pleasure until I empty myself inside of her.

We’re left panting together, my hands around her waist, hers still tangled in my shirt, foreheads together as we lift back up from the delicious plummet.

“That was…”

“Dirty? Fast? Rough?” I offer.

She laughs, and I swear to fuck, my heart swells at the sound. “I was going to say A plus.”

With a chuckle, I place a kiss on her head and step back, tucking myself back in my pants before I get a clean rag and start to clean her up. She always gets embarrassed at this part, but I like to take care of my female. When I’m finished, I scoop her up in my arms, and she lets out a little noise of surprise before pinning her arms around my neck.

“Where are we going?” she giggles, but she already knows.

I make it into the bedroom, which is, you guessed it, pink and red. All over.

Laying her down on the bed, I take a moment to strip her down, and then I simply admire her as the sun starts brightening up the room. I shake my head. “Look at you, all spread out and sexy. I can’t let you leave this room for two days. At least.”

She sits up on her elbows with a shake of her head. “Sorry, no. We’re going to make Love Matches tomorrow after the training session, remember? It’s going to take hours.”

Her eyes are practically glittering with giddiness. She gets really excited about making Love Matches.

I groan. “Why? Some of those fuckers out there probably don’t deserve it,” I say, putting a knee down on the bed so I can lean over her and trail my fingers across her curves. “Besides, I’d much rather be here, ravishing you.”

She pouts. “But I thought you wanted to make Love Matches? They’re a fundamental part of being a cupid. Seeing people fall in love is the best. I for one can’t wait for you to experience it, and you haven’t done it yet in the real realm.”

“I already have firsthand. There’s nothing better than that,” I tell her.

She sucks in a breath. “Don’t distract me with romance.”

I smirk. “Why not, is it working?”

“Yes,” she says glumly. “But remember when I supported you doing your favorite thing?”

“You mean thieving?”

She tilts her head in thought. “Well, that. Plus you and Emelle’s mates going to track down that fae? The one you all hated who worked with the prince?”

“Oh, right. Chaucel.” I grin fondly at the memory of us hunting him down and ending him. “That was a good day.”

“Exactly!” Lex says. “I supported you for the thieving and the murder spree.”

“Well, you did set the precedent for murder sprees, Pinky.”

She sighs. “Anyways, the point is, it’s time to make some Love Matches together, It’s going to be so fun!”

Her enthusiasm is contagious.

“I’ve even made a target raffle so we can be surprised about which realm we visit, and I’m going to have our bows polished in the morning,” she adds, clapping her hands together.

See? Excited.

“Alright, you convinced me. But I get to ravish you for hours after we’re done.”

A smile creeps across her face. “I can agree to those terms, on one condition.”

I lie over her, nipping down her neck. “And what’s that, Pinky?”

Her eyes dart over to the bedside table where my old Horned Hook mask lies. “You wear your mask during…you know.”

I laugh, lifting up to look down at her. “You’ve got yourself a deal.” I trail my lips down her neck to her collarbone, and I’m about to make my way to her breasts again when there’s a ridiculously loud knock at the door.

Lifting my head, I shout, “Go away!”

“That’s not polite, what if it’s Benicia?”

I shake my head. “We just saw her when she and Soora had us over for dinner three days ago, and my sister knows better than to drop in on us unannounced. We both know who’s at the door.”

She grins, pushing me off before rushing into the closet where she pulls on a dress that goes all the way down to her toes.

She tosses pants at me on her way out. “Come on.”

I pull them up and follow her down the corridor as she runs her fingers through her hair to try to brush away the just fucked look. Personally, I think it looks nice.

When she gets to the door, she tosses open the lock, but before she can open it, I engage it again with my powers. She glares at me over her shoulder. “Belren.”

A little sigh escapes me. “Fine.”

The lock snaps back, and as soon as it does, we have a whole damn covey crammed into my house.

Ronak, Okot, Sylred, Evert, all surrounding Emelle, while their gaggle of kids instantly shriek and start running through the house.

The eldest one, Amorette, looks at me with a disgruntled expression, eyes skating up and down my form like she finds me lacking. “You haunted me,” she says with accusation, her tone unimpressed. She likes to bring this up every time she comes over. “My mom didn’t believe me, you know.”

“Yes, as I’ve said, I’m sorry about that.” I try to smile, but her deadpan expression makes me falter.

Her eyes narrow. “I liked you better as a ghost.”

She says that every time too.

“Sorry to disappoint you.”

She rolls her eyes and bounces away, dismissing me to catch up with her siblings.

I swear, I appeared to her one time when I was a ghost, and she’s never let me live it down. The fact that she prefers me dead is probably concerning. As are the many, many weapons she knows how to wield.

Not to mention that she can apparently see Veil entities, but I digress.

“We brought cinnamon rolls!” Emelle says brightly, carrying in a tray of them.

“That was so nice of you.” Lex leads her into the kitchen, where I hear her hastily excusing the mess of broken bowls on the floor.

Knowing she’s probably blushing, I give a smirk before looking back at the males who’ve shoved themselves into our living room. “Why do I feel like every time those two get together, they’re planning something?”

Ronak shrugs, while Okot tries to comically fit himself into the armchair that is much too small for him.

“That’s because they usually are,” Sylred pipes in unhelpfully.

I can hear the females laughing in the other room. They really like being neighbors.

I settle down on the chair, ready for another few hours of shooting the shit with Emelle’s covey while she and my cupid talk shop and reminisce about love.

Evert walks over to the curtains, his fingers pinching the fabric as he looks around the room. “I know I say this every time…but there’s just so much fucking pink.”

“Yep,” I say with a grin.

It’s everywhere, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Pink hair, red wings.

These colors are my anchor, my lifeline. The root to the memories I was somehow able to keep.

And that cupid in the next room, whispering about her cupid goals? She’s mine.

I stole her heart.

But the best part?

She stole mine right back.

The End

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