She Cried Wolf (OLD)

Chapter Part 2

Edited 1/5/2021

(when she refers to Jake/Sir, she is talking about her step-father)

At lunch, I find an empty table outside under a tree. The Alaska weather doesn’t bother me much, so I don’t mind the cold. I take out my water and take my pill. Then I chug the rest to get rid of the hunger pains spreading through my stomach. Sir would never give me money for, lunch nor did he let me eat breakfast. He often says “fat girls like you don’t get to eat.” It’s gotten worse though in the past few weeks. Before I would get dinner and an apple for breakfast and lunch. But now I’m lucky to even get dinner. I pull out my book and start reading to pass the time.

I just started getting into the story when I feel a presence behind me. I jump banging my knee on the table. “Son of a buffalo,” I mutter, rubbing my now sore knee causing the person to laugh.

“I must say I’ve never heard that one before,” the man says. Nonetheless his voice sends surprising shivers through my body but my breathing speeds up nonetheless.

I hide my shaking hands in my lap, my book forgotten. “I’m Jackson Matthews. What’s your name Kitten?”

I cock my head at the nickname but quietly reply “Ashley,” as I feel a panic attack starting. It isn’t until he moves to sit next to me that I stand. All the socializing takes its toll. I grab my book and shove it into my bag with unsteady hands. I step out of the bench, and he grabs my arm causing me to flinch. Spark like tingles shoots up my arm.

A lump forms in my throat as his eyes go wide. “P-please l-l-let m-me g-go,” I stutter but his grip only tightens slightly. “Wait kitten, what’s wrong?”

I yank out of his grip and fast walk off the school grounds into the forest surrounding the school. I don’t make it very far before I sink to the ground, leaning against a tree, due to my lungs constricting. My breathing comes out in heavy pants. I tuck my knees to my chest and bury my head in them, creating a little ball, as I sob silently. Seconds later someone sits next to me and tucks my body into their own.

Soothing sparks erupt against my side as the tangy scent of cinnamon and pine fills my nose. As time passes his deep voice whispers soothing words into my ears and my heart slows. Soon the only thing to be heard is the sounds of the forest and my ragged hiccups. “W-why d-did y-you c-come a-after m-me?” I stutter.

“I’ll always come after you love,” his words send a shiver down my spine.

“T-thank y-you,” My response comes out muffled, as I wipe my face with my sleeve. I move to pick up my bag and stand up brushing the leaves off my skirt.

Growling loudly, my stomach chooses now to demand food. I blush in embarrassment as I wrap my arms tightly around my waist. His eyes narrow on my middle. “What is your next class Kitten?” I look at the ground “I-I’m fine,” I mutter, earning a dog-like growl from Jackson.

“Kitten,” my eyes widen, but I submit. “F-free p-period.” He grabs my hand pulling me in the direction of the school. “W-where a-are w-we going?” I squeak.

“We kitten, are going to get something for you to eat.”

I try and reason with him. “B-but I already a-ate?” It fails when my statement comes out as a question.

I protest the whole way to his car, but quickly realize he will get whathe wants. We end up going to McDonald’s and much to Jackson’s disapproval. I was full after eating only one quarter of the burger and half the fries he bought. I quickly, yet slowly, start to warm up to him. I catch a gimps of a familiar car as we sit in the parking lot talking. One look at the driver confirms my suspicion and I gasp.

“Everything alright love?” Jackson says from the driver’s seat.

“Y-yeah but c-can we g-go back to t-the school?” I say as panic creeps up my spine. I glance at the car again and see the person inside glaring at me.

“Sure kitten,”

*Trigger Warning*

I hesitantly walk up to the front door. My heart speeds up and my hands shake at the thought of my awaiting punishment. What was I thinking, running away this morning? If my suspicions are correct, I won’t be leaving the house for a while. My suspicions are confirmed as soon as I walk in the door. A large hand grabs my throat and slams me against the door, causing me to drop my keys and bag. The hand squeezes and cuts off my airflow and leaves my feet dangling. My fingers claw at the hand in a weak attempt to remove it.

“You’ve been a bad girl, Poppet. I’m very disappointed in you,” the unmistakable voice growls in my ear. “You know what this means right?”

My only response is a broken whimper as I stare into Jake’s eyes. After one last squeeze, he drops me and I fall to the ground, gasping for air. He then grabs a chunk of my long brown hair and drags me to the basement. Tears stream down my face as we get closer and closer to the basement. Once we arrive he throws me on the cold, damp floor, chains my arms above my head, then proceeds to rip off my jacket and shirt. His eyes roam over my body as I shiver in disgust.

“First you run away from me, then you run off with a boy. You’re living up to your name, my little slut.” I cower against the wall as he walks closer to me. He trails his finger down my cheek before slapping me hard across the face. My tears fall harder as he proceeds to kick me right in the stomach. A wicked smile spreads across his face as he removes my shoes, socks, and skirt leaving me almost bare except my undergarments. Still smiling his hands travel to his belt, slowly removing it. My heart pounding in my chest I see his pants hit the floor. I knew he is going to have his “fun” with me as I grip the chains that hold me hostage.


-Stay sweet y’all!

Word Count:1010


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