Shattered Hearts A MFM Love Story

Chapter 19

~ ~ Maddy ~ ~

Riley Jo was waiting for me, in her car chewing on a salted caramel Pretzel. It was her latest pregnancy craving.

“How’d it go?” she asked having kindly picked me up from my appointment with Dr Mills.

“All good.” We’d talked about Logan and Jackson—a lot. For these past two weeks, every night they’d slept in my room. And every night before going to sleep, they kissed and loved me just like they’d promised. Dr Mills had been right. Relaxing and feeling comfortable made a huge difference, although I still tensed up with the mere thought of intercourse.

Her advice was to let it evolve naturally.

And never once had they tried to take it further. Even when I tried to touch them. And oh, man did I want to touch them. It was starting to ache, bordering on torture.

Popping the rest of the Pretzel into her mouth, Riley Jo started the engine. We were visiting Nana Em today. She’d been discharged from Mercy Heights two days ago. Her injuries were more or less healed and Dr Chambers had sworn to us she had many years ahead of her.

Nana couldn’t remember how she’d fallen off the ladder. And I know this might sound terrible, but I couldn’t shake the feeling my Mama had a hand in what happened. Riley Jo aired the same thoughts.

But would Mama do that? Hurt her own Mama?

I didn’t know anymore. I never thought she’d turn her back on her own flesh and blood.

When Howard had fetched Nana home from the hospital. We’d organised a small homecoming party. I’d told Stella to invite my parents and shocker - they turned up. But ignored me and Riley Jo. Mama, however, threw some hateful glares at Logan and Jackson, which did nothing but make them smile.

I felt bad for thinking she might be behind the accident but then I heard her say to Daddy “Stubborn don’t die,” and I had to bite my tongue, not wanting to upset Nana.

“Are you listenin’ Maddy?” Riley Jo hummed. “Or I am talking to myself here?”

My head snapped around. “Ooh, someone’s grouchy today. What’s crawled up your butt?” I smiled.

“You try sleeping with tiny feet digging into your bladder all night.” She shook her head, blowing out a breath. “I swear I was up no less than fifteen times last night.”

Riley Jo had hit the thirty-week mark. Pressing my hand over her stomach I felt a small kick. “I can feel them shifting around.” I waited for another nudge to my hand and wasn’t disappointed. “You go easy on your Mama little one.” I leaned over, whispering, “You're making her grumpy.”

“Laugh it up, sister. This will be you someday!”

Oh, God, I hoped so.

But how would it work? This whole sharing of me and me living with two men might sound ideal, and in some ways, it was.

But what would marriage and kids look like? Would I need to make sure that I had a child with each? Would they differentiate between them? Had they even thought that far ahead?

Or what if I couldn’t have children?

A shudder ran right through me.

“You okay, Maddy?”

“Yeah, just thinking is all.”

Quit worrying. I told myself. Having sex would need to happen before worrying about any of the above. But still, I would be lying if I said it didn’t bother me.

“Anything you want to talk about?”

I smiled. “Nah, just crazy thoughts that have no right being—” I tapped my forehead, “—in here.”

“Okay, well, you know you can talk to me ‘bout anything, right?” she turned quickly. “And I’m free, no forkin’ out one-fifty a pop.”

She was right. But Cooper weirdly hadn’t removed me from his health plan... yet. Must have forgotten.

I hummed my reply as we turned into the driveway of the Lockwood Estate, our childhood home.

“When’s Jackson coming back?” she asked.

“I’m hoping by the weekend.”

Jackson said he’d gotten a call from an army buddy who needed his help and would be away for a few nights. He’d been gone less than twenty-four hours and it was weird him not being around. I missed him already.

“So that means you and Logan are all alone at night?” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. “Just the two of you. What’s that like?”

It had only been one night. “More room.”

She laughed. “Yeah, I’ll bet.”

But it was nice not to worry that I was giving one more attention than the other.

“So y’all still riding first base?”

“Be blunt why don’t ya?” I wondered how long it would take her.

“Honey, I’m so blunt you can smoke my truth.”

I bit back my smile. It was one of the things I loved most about my sister. “Yeah, still at first base.”

She pulled onto the road that would take us to Nana’s home. “I told you they’d be patient with you.”

I just wished I could give myself to them. Be normal.

“It’ll happen,” she said with a sympathetic smile, reading my mind.

And I hoped so. Real soon.

Climbing out of the car, we made our way inside. Howard, Nana’s best friend, was brewing up some tea. He turned and smiled when he saw it was us.

“Hey, Howard.”

“Hey, girls.” He smiled but looked tired. No doubt Nana would be giving him trouble. She hated being fussed over and would make it doubly hard on him. “How’s she doin’ today?”

He rolled his eyes playfully. “Trying to get that woman to slow down is like tryin’ to fit an elevator in an outhouse.”

“No sign of the she-devil?” It wasn’t rocket science figuring out who Riley Jo was talking about.

Howard chuckled. Mama hardly acknowledged him, and when she did, it was to demand he do something for her like he was staff rather than Nana’s closest friend.

“Nope, but I’m sure she’ll show her face sometime today.”

“Just make sure you don’t leave Nana alone with her.” Riley Jo rubbed her stomach. “I wouldn’t trust her with a dog.”

He nodded, and a frown cast his eyes in shadows before they lightened. “Can I get you girls something?” He pointed at the cup. “Some iced tea, perhaps?”

“That’s very kind of you, Howard and we would love some, but you don’t need to wait on us.”

He waved it off. “It’s no bother. You two go through. She’s in the sunroom.”

I quickly pressed a kiss to his cheek and followed my sister.

We found Nana resting and muttering to herself reading a newspaper, her glasses perched on the end of her nose. Her feet were up with a light blanket spread across her legs.

“Hey Nana,” Riley Jo sang out. “Good to see you’re following the doctor’s orders for once!”

“Girl, Girls.” She moved her legs and me and Riley Jo rushed forward to stop her.

“Nana! Don’t you go movin'!” Riley Jo threatened. “There are plenty of seats for us to sit on.”

A tiny line dug between Nana’s brows. “Look here.” She raised a finger, jabbing it straight up. It’s bad enough that Howard has me trussed up on this goddamn sofa without you treating me like a helpless old woman. I want my granddaughters to be sittin’ next to me.”

She swung her legs off and wriggled on her ass, tossing the blanket aside, patting the space on either side of her. “Plonk those fine behinds down here, right next to me.”

Riley Jo huffed with no malice and I smiled. It was good to hear she’d lost none of that fighting spirit and we both jumped into action. No point in arguing.

Nana shifted a little to glance down at Riley Jo's bump, cupping her cheeks in a gasp. “I swear you got bigger since yesterday, child.” Removing her glasses, she held them in one hand. “I can’t wait to meet my little great grand-baby.” Cooing. “I just know she’s gonna be a knockout. The prettiest darn baby seen in Lockwood since you two were born.”

“She?” asked Riley Jo, one eyebrow raised.

“Hell yeah. It’s a girl for sure and Stella thinks so too.” She sighed. “You know she has the gift.”

Stella predicted all of Lockwood’s babies. Never been wrong yet.

“I can’t wait, Nana.” Riley let out a long grumble. “Can’t come soon enough.”

“Don’t fret, child. As soon as you look into those beautiful little eyes of hers, all the discomfort is swept away.”

Nana turned toward me. “And how’s you, Maddy?”

“I’m good Nana.”

“Still givin’ those boys the runaround?”

She knew I was living at the Ranch... temporarily, but not that I was in a relationship with them. “Me.” I pressed a hand to my chest, feigning ignorance. “I don’t know what you mean, Nana.”

“Um-hmm,” she gave me the look. “I might be old child but I ain’t stupid.” Her lips pursed. “Just don’t go spreading that heart of yours too thin. I know both of them have their eye on you. That was as clear as the nose of my face. They never took their eyes off you the other day.”

I wondered what she would say if she knew the truth. But I should have known she might already have an inkling.

“And I know the rumours with those two.” Patting my leg. “Just make sure you don’t get hurt. You listenin’ child?”

“I won’t Nana. They treat me like a princess.”

“And you deserve no less after what you’ve been through.”

I had told Nana what had been going on, well not everything, but enough. If she knew the whole sorry story, I wouldn’t be surprised if she got my granddaddy’s shotgun and filled him full of lead herself.

“You see anything of that yell-a-belly varmint?” Wrinkling her nose. “He leaving you alone?”

Thankfully, I’d not heard a peep. “My attorney said the annulment is pretty straightforward.” As long as he didn’t contest it. Which I doubted, as he wouldn’t want folks to know that we hadn’t had sex. It would make him look less of a man. “But it still might take up to a year.” That was the crappy end of the stick.

“Well, you’ve started that ball rolling. No stopping it now.” She cupped my cheek. “I’m proud of you, Maddy. You’re a hell-of-a stronger than you think.”

“That’s what I keep telling her,” piped in Riley Jo.

“You both are.” She folded her glasses and left them sitting in her lap. “And what ’bout your mama? She didn’t cause any trouble after I went to lie down the other day?”

Mama and Daddy had left without a word to anyone.

Riley Jo giggled. “Did you like the video I sent to you, Nana?”

It was the one where Mama showed up at the Ranch and Jackson had tossed her out on her ass—literally.

Nana pressed a hand to her chest with the biggest damn smile I’d ever seen. “Oh yes. I’ve watched it so many times I think I might wear it out.”

We all laughed.

As our laughter dimmed down, Howard brought through a tray of biscuits and tea. We all said thanks, and then he made himself scarce.

“Now I need to talk to you both about something important.” She sounded serious, and I put my cup down giving her my full attention. “Now I know neither of you like to think about me dying.”

Me and Riley Jo wore identical frowns.

“Truth is, neither do I, but I’ve made an appointment with my attorneys and I’ll be removing all your Mama’s rights to the estate.” We both gasped. “She won’t be inheriting a darn thing from me.”

Riley Jo’s eyes found mine. She hadn’t seen this coming either.

“Your granddaddy left everything to me and I know it’s supposed to be passed down to your Mama. But I can’t bring myself to do it. I want it to be shared equally between you two girls.”

My jaw dropped. My Mama would have a heart attack on the spot. “Does Mama know?′

A gleeful smile spread across her rosy lips.

“She gonna lose her shit,” said Riley Jo, earning a stern look from Nana

“You ain’t never too old to go over my knee, Riley Jo Matthews.”

Riley scoffed, her cheeks blazing. “I beg to differ, Nana.” Rubbing her bump...apparently my niece. “I won't fit.”

I didn’t want to be nearby when Mama found out.

“Don’t look so nervous, Maddy. She won’t find out till they’re about to lower me into the ground and then she won’t be able to do a darn thing ’bout it.” She chuckled. “Pity I ain’t gonna see her face. Bet that will be quite the picture.”

It wasn’t just Mama’s reaction. It was a big responsibility to manage the whole Lockwood estate.

“Why Nana?”

She grabbed my hand and Riley Jo’s. “The way they have treated you both.” Shaking her head. “Truly saddens me.”

“It’s not your fault, Nana.”

She squeezed our hands. “I guess, and I hope you never have to do this with your little one, but sometimes you have to dish out tough love. Cruel to be kind.”

I didn’t think there was any way Mama would move out of our family home. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to live there either. And I doubted Riley Jo would leave the home she and Adam built.

“You two have good hearts, and I know whatever decisions you both make will be the right ones.”

I raised my eyes to heaven, happy that this would be years away before I had to worry about it.

Our time with Nana sped by and then I headed back to Riley Jo’s and Adams for supper. But I was happy when Logan arrived to take me home.

I’d missed him, which was crazy seeing as I saw him at breakfast. I climbed into his truck, closing the door and fastened my belt in place.

Logan leaned over, running a hand behind my head, pulling me toward him for a kiss. He didn’t care that Riley Jo would see us. “Missed you,” he said, and I couldn’t help but smile into his kiss. “You have a good time today?” He eased back, his grey eyes warm.

“Yeah.” I turned and waved at Riley Jo, who was standing on her porch, her smile almost as big as her belly. “Nana’s driving Howard crazy, but she’s good.”

Logan put the truck in gear and we started back home. I loved calling the ranch my home. “Nana shocked the life out of both of us when she announced she’d changing her will so me and Riley Jo get everything. Mama’s gets nothing.”

I still couldn’t believe it.

Logan barked out a laugh. “I think your Mama will have herself a heart attack when she finds out.” He reached over and rested his hand on my thigh and tingles shot up higher.

“That’s what I said, but lucky for us, she won’t find out till Nana’s gone and hopefully that won’t be for a long time yet.”

“Ain’t karma a bitch?” He turned his head briefly, smiling as his hand squeezed my leg. “And you know what they say. What goes ’round, comes back ’round.”

Apparently so.

“And yeah, I want your Nana to be around for a long time yet. Years. But honestly, I can’t wait till I get to see your Mama’s face. Your Daddy’s too.”

Years? Would it still be the three of us? And I was back to worrying about the future... our future.

“You fancy an early night when we get home?” he asked.

I bit on my lip as he bunched the hem of my dress in his hand with his finger grazing my bare skin. I shivered. “I think I could be persuaded.”

“Oh, I can be very persuasive, Princess.”

I then felt a pang of guilt because Jackson wasn’t here. Logan spotted my change in mood instantly. He could read me so well.

“Hey, you okay?”

“Yeah.” I turned toward him with his attention dancing between me and the open road. “Have you heard from Jackson?”

He shook his head. “Nah. But he said he might not be able to call, being up in the mountains.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I know.”

“You missin’ him a lot huh?”

Hurt carved its way onto my chest. Would it be okay to say yes? Or would that upset him, thinking my mind was on Jackson and not him? It was these little quandaries that seemed to be multiplying as time moved on.

“Yeah, I guess I am.”

He went quiet and from his side profile I watched his dark eyebrows knit together. Placing my hand over his. “But you’re my favourite distraction.”

He kept his eyes on the road but his full lips curved up into a smile. “Be the weekend before you know it.”

“You know I would miss you just the same if it was the other way around.”

His head snapped my way. “Hell, I know that.”

“I like—” most likely love “—Both of you equally.”

“Yeah, I know that Princess.” His finger ran a little higher up my thigh and all those niggling crazy thoughts vanished, replaced by girlish excitement skittering beneath my skin and flooding my veins.

“I’m carrying you upstairs the second that door shuts behind us.” His eyes were back on me before dropping to rest on my lips.

“Aren’t you supposed to be driving?”

“Shit,” he swerved a little and I laughed.

“But I hope you mean it.” A dark heat throbbed through my body like a hot current and my inner core clenched.

“It’s a promise.” This time his eyes stayed on the road his foot pressing a little harder on the gas.

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