Shadows Lurking

Chapter Third Year Comes to An End

May 3rd, 2006 – Wednesday, 4:35pm

There’s a weight on my body, pressing my arms and legs down. I can’t move and I can’t speak, no matter how hard I try. Slowly, my eyes flutter open until I’m might with bright lights. The sounds of distant laughter and tree limbs being blown through by the wind calm my nerves. There’s a beeping sound coming from my left while snoring comes from my right.

Mattheo lays curled up in a chair near my bed. His face is pale and slack and there are dark semi-circles under his eyes. He seems to be resting, but his breathing is labored and he’s fidgeting in his sleep. A nightmare most likely.

The blanket covering me is heavy, weighted, and there are multiple tubes connected to my arms. One runs from my hand while another is connected to my inner elbow. I trace the one from my right arm until it ends on Mattheo’s twitching arm. A blood transfusion.

The door to the room cracks open and in comes Nurse Kim. Her eyes search the room until the finally land on Mattheo’s sleeping frame in the chair next to me. She sighs before entering the room and making her way for us.

“He’s been told time and time again to stay in his own bed,” she scolds. “The boy just doesn’t listen.” Her eyes fall on me and they soften. “How are you feeling?”

“Sore,” I croak out. My throat is rough and dry as it attempts to breathe in air after speaking just one word.

Nurse Kim offers a kind smile before handing me a glass of water. “You’ve been out for a couple days again. We had to run an IV this time. I know you don’t like needles, but it couldn’t be avoided.” She stares at Mattheo once more. “And your friend here hasn’t left your side since you were brought in.”


Her eyes widen. “What?”

“Brother,” I correct her. “He’s my brother.”

“I know,” she replies while placing objects into her coat from a drawer near the bed. “He constantly reminds me when I’m trying to change your tubing to be careful with his brother. It’s adorable, really.”

I only stare at his twitching arms. His brows quirk and he begins sweating. “Has he eaten anything or drank anything at all?”

“I’ve been taking care of both of you,” she assures me. “Kerum insisted that I not separate you two and Mattheo here has yet to let me hear the end of it. So, I’ve been treating him right here next to you. With what little he’ll let me do.”

My heart begins racing. “Corey!” I lunge forward, knocking the beeping equipment around. “Thomas! Are they alright?”

Nurse Kim shoves me back down onto the bed while tapping my chest. “Corey is just fine. His wounds healed nicely just this morning. He’s probably off with his classmate’s somewhere.”

Relief floods through me. “And Thomas?”

Her eyes shift from me to the tubing as she works to replace them. “The human child?” I nod. She sighs before shaking her head. “I’m sorry, Rylan. He didn’t make it. His wounds were too great for even us Lycan’s to heal.”

“He’s gone then,” I whisper.

“I’m afraid so,” she admits. “But you’re here and so are the other boys. That’s what you should focus on. I’m told they wouldn’t be here, alive, if it wasn’t for you.”

Her words do nothing to lessen the weight in my chest at hearing the news of Thomas’ death. A part of me already knew he was dead. She taps my shoulder twice before leaving the room completely. I’m sure she’s off to let the other adults know that I’m awake now.

Mattheo groans now as he rolls around in the chair. His eyes slowly flutter open and glance around the room. Once they land on me, they widen in surprise. “Rylan! You’re awake!” His arms engulf me, and he shakes while pulling me as close to him as possible. “Oh, you’re okay! I- Are you- Oh, you’re okay!”

My hands find his back and I rub soothing circles there. His shirt is stuck to his skin, wet and clingy. “I’m fine, Mattheo. You can let go now.”

He pulls back and stares at me, taking in my entire face before pulling me back to him again. “Ah, you’re okay. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t woken up.”

“I know.” I pat his back a few times and he finally releases me. “Are the others really okay?”

He nods. “They’re fine.” His face then falls. “Well, everyone except Tommy. I’m sorry, Rylan. By the time Kerum and the others showed up, Tommy was gone. He got too hurt.”

“Nurse Kim already told me,” I say quietly. “I’m just glad you and the others are okay.”

“We wouldn’t have been without you,” he replies. “You just- You went ballistic. One minute I was fighting off an actual shadow hound and then the next it was being torn apart by you.” He rubs the back of his head nervously now. “It was like when you lose control trying to shift, only you were already shifted.”

“Did I-” My throat catches. “Did I hurt-”

“No.” Mattheo offers a grin. “You didn’t hurt any of us. Just the shadow hounds. I used the tether though to bring you back. I had to. You only tried going after the adults when they finally showed up. Until then, we were lying next to you and Tommy’s body.”

“I don’t remember anything after seeing Thomas-” I grip the sheets. I should’ve done something to help him. I should’ve been faster. “I don’t know what happened. One minute he was fine and then the next he was being torn apart by that thing.” I look at him and he holds my stare. “Thomas did nothing to them- He was innocent!”

Mattheo slowly shakes his head while a tear trails down his reddened cheeks. “Wrong place, wrong time, brother. That’s all it was.”

The door to the infirmary opens, slamming against the stone wall. Kerum walks in with a feverish Nicholas following him. The man’s eyes land on Mattheo and me both before he rushes forward. His embrace around both of our bodies is warm and smothering, but welcomed, nonetheless.

“My boys,” he breathes out. “Thank goodness you’re both alright. I got here as soon as I could.” He leans back while wiping tears from Mattheo’s face and cupping my jaw with the other. “Let’s discuss homeschooling for next year, yeah.”

Mattheo laughs now while shoving his dad away from us. “No homeschooling, Dad.”

“We’ll discuss it,” Nicholas promises. His eyes land on me and they hold nothing like I had expected them to. There is no judgement, no anger, and no fear. They hold nothing but relief. “I thought I lost you both.”

Kerum clears his throat from behind. “Nicholas. We still need to discuss their adventure-”

“Another time.” Nicholas’ voice is clipped and sharp. “Right now, I want to focus on my boys getting healthy again. Your questions can wait, and so can their answers.”

From the doorway, Arthur Sutton calls Nicholas. “Come, Nicholas. The boys need a moment and I assure you Kerum does need an answer tonight. We’ll wait for them in the hall.”

Nicholas reluctantly follows Arthur from the room, leaving Kerum standing in the middle of the room alone. Hesitantly, he makes his way towards our bed. His face has become aged in the last week and his hair seems to have collected a few more grey strands. His deep-set eyes are a duller brown than I remember, almost as if they’ve lost their excitement.

“Boys.” He nods at us as he takes a seat on the edge of the bed. “I’m sure you have a few questions about what happened regarding Monday, but I’m not the one to give them to you. I do, however, have a few of my own that only you two can answer.” He holds our stares before asking, “Does anyone other than Mister Sutton and Mister Woods know of the shadow hounds and their sudden return?”

There’s a moment of silence before Mattheo finally answers. “No.”

“Are you sure of this?”

“Yes,” he replies.

Kerum nods while patting my leg. “Good. This is good. We would like to keep it that way.”

“Why?” I ask. “Wouldn’t it be smart to warn people about what’s happening?”

“One would think so, yes.” He holds up an inquisitive finger, his brow quirk. “However, in doing so, we would be causing a mass panic. People tend to react unreasonably when under the influence of an emotion such as fear. Best not to cause more problems before we solve the ones we’ve already been given.”

The thought process makes sense, but it shouldn’t be our decision to keep this from everyone. The parents of the students attending this academy deserve to know there’s a potential threat towards their children. Kerum is right though; people react poorly when they are scared.

“Another question I have is; Who killed Thomas Langston?” Kerum studies our faces, watching to make sure neither of us flinch from the truth. “Was it the shadow hounds?”

My heart clenches and my breathing stops altogether. “You think I did it.”

His eyes meet mine and there’s doubt behind them. “I hadn’t suspected you, no. Should I have suspected you, Rylan?”

“Watch it,” Mattheo growls. “Rylan wouldn’t have hurt Tommy.” Mattheo points at me while gritting out, “He’s the only reason we’re alive right now. If Rylan hadn’t of fought those stupid things, we would be just like Tommy is.”

Kerum sighs now. “I had not meant to offend either of you, boys. I only wished to know if someone other than the hounds were there. That is all.”

I sit up straighter in the bed. “You mean Lorcan, don’t you?”

Kerum’s face becomes still, unmoving and taught. He seems as though he’s frozen just as Professor Dawes had been when I brought the man’s name up. “Where did you hear that name?”


He studies me for a moment before color begins to slowly return to his face. “Yes, I had wanted to know if Lorcan was there. I’m assuming he wasn’t?”

Mattheo lays back in his chair, obviously exhausted. “No, he wasn’t.”

“I see,” Kerum hums. “Then I’ll inform the others of his lack of appearance.”

The professor stands to leave, but I call out to him. “Why are the shadow hounds back, and why would they be killing innocent people?”

Kerum hums to himself before finally answering. “I have no doubt in my mind that Lorcan is the one orchestrating the entire ordeal. Why- I’ve no clue.”

“It’s because all of you murdered him,” I counter. “I heard about what happened- I know you and a few of the others killed him. He’s come back from the dead to get revenge.” My eyes meet his now. “He’s back because of all of you.”

Professor Grey nods before turning back to the door, leaving without so much as a glance back towards us. My words had felt heavy, but they were true. He needed to hear the truth. Kerum and the other adults murdered a man and now he’s back to seek his revenge. Us children are being victimized because of their poorly made decisions.

May 5th, 2006 – Friday, 10:15am

Everyone stands around, waiting for the parents to show up and take them home for the summer break. I watch from the tower window, suitcase in hand, and a weight in my chest. This room, this academy had been a place I thought about escaping, but now I feel like bursting out in tears at the thought of leaving. Rienridge has slowly become home.

The friends I’ve made here and the teachers that have helped me, despite all the difficulties that come with me, have made this the safest place I have ever lived.

There’s a knock on the open door and Professor Dawes offers a warm smile. “Are you sure you’re ready for this type of commitment?”

I nod. “I have to be.”

She slowly enters the room and places a gentle hand on my shoulder, rubbing soothing circles with her thumb. Her other hand trembles as she holds up the rolled parchment. “Don’t do this unless you are absolutely sure, Rylan. His heart is fragile, much like yours. He has been waiting for this day since we discovered you were alive and well.”

I grip the parchment and tuck it closely to my heavy chest. My heart strains and my throat feels swollen as I attempt to swallow. “I’m serious about this. I don’t want to be thrown to the council, and Nicholas has done nothing but fight for me. I may not completely trust him, but that’s something that, I think, we can work on together.”

Her arms are wrapped around me as she pulls me closer to her body. I can hear her heart pounding against my ear. Professor Dawes is warm and comfortable. She’s what I would imagine being hugged by my mother would be. Safe.

Her hand pats my back as she pulls away. Her eyes glisten as she says, “I am so proud of you. You’ve grown so much since you walked through these doors. You were filled with so much rage, so much hatred and mistrust.” Pale-brown eyes mirror my own, tears threatening to spill. “But now-” She releases a large breath. “Now, you are the strongest and smartest little boy I’ve ever had the pleasure of teaching. Go now.” She urges me towards the dorm door. “Let Nicholas know I’ll need those papers by Monday. And Rylan?”

“Yes, Professor?”

The older woman laughs quietly to herself, a tear finally escaping. “Thank you, for giving him this opportunity. He won’t let you down.”

I slowly raise the parchment up and lightly shake it once. “Thanks for making it possible.”

Without another word I turn and race down the staircase. Mattheo should be convincing Nicholas to stay a few moments longer than he needs to. He, James, and Corey spent the entire two days of recovery convincing me to give in and let the man take me. It didn’t take as much convincing as I had previously thought it would.

Nicholas has been there for me. He wants to be someone I can rely on when I need it. When I deserved to be beaten, or when I broke rules, or even broke his face- Never once did he lash out at me. He’s been in my corner, fighting for my right to be at the academy with the boys. Everyone kept telling him I was feral, a lost cause, but he held on to the hope that I would come around. That I could fix myself.

In the courtyard, just near the gate, Nicholas pats Mattheo’s shoulder. His face is grim, slack with exhaustion. Mattheo struggles against his pushing, saying something I can’t quite catch from this distance. I’m sure he’s begging Nicholas to just wait a bit longer. The man looks ready to leave though, defeated.

I run faster towards them. My legs burn and the suitcase bangs against the right one roughly with each thundering step.

“Dad!” Mattheo exclaims. “Wait- See!”

I come to a stop just inside the gate. Nicholas stares at my panting and heaving frame as I grip the gate tightly, needing something to steady myself after losing all the air in my lungs.

“Rylan-” Nicholas rushes forward. His hands hesitantly reach out only to pull them back and rest them on his knees. “Are you alright?”

The sight of him still giving me space even though I never snapped at him Wednesday when he had touched me without thinking, causes my chest to feel weighted again. Suddenly, I’m nervous as I hold the parchment up to him, offering it as if it’s my physical heart.

“Professor Dawes says you need to have these filled out and brought back by Monday.”

Nicholas’ breath comes out as a shudder. He releases a nervous chuckle before taking the parchment from my shaking hand. “W-What um-” He clears his throat. “What is this?”

I finally meet his eyes. They remind me of Mattheo every time I look into them; Verdant green, daring, and trusting. “They’re the, uh, adoption papers.”

“You- You want-” He motions to the parchment. “Are you sure?”

I nod. “I’m sure.”

His hand grips my shoulder, bunching my shirt up inside his fist. It takes a moment, but he finally pulls my body against his. He’s sturdy, warm, and just like Professor Dawes, safe. His tears are wet against my neck, and his hand shakes as it rubs the back of my head. Fingers softly run through the slight overgrow of tangled strands as a sob rips through the grown men before me.

“Thank you,” he whispers through his tears. “Thank you.”

“It’s what Mom wanted,” I whisper back, trying to hold back tears of my own. There’s relief in my chest as the weight is lifted. “It’s what I want.”

Nicholas releases me and stands tall in between me and the gate. His face is no longer slack but bright and covered with a smile. His frame no longer holds a slouch, and his defeated stare has bounced back into one of pride. The black-haired boy, the one who fought just as hard as his father had, pulls me to him. His hands stay on my back, squeezing me tightly like he always had.

“Let’s go home, little brother.”

Mattheo releases me and walks off with his dad towards the path. I walked that path to get here back in August. There was no one in the entire world that I could depend on. No one wanted me, and that was fine by me. There had been no urge to find a family, a place where I could fit in and belong. But now- Now, I have three friends, professors that teach me despite my struggles, and a man who wants to treat me as though I’m his son even though we share no blood.

Rienridge Academy has become my home, and soon the King family will become my new home.

Slowly, I turn back to face the academy and stare at the stone walls, the iron gates, and the students milling about in the courtyard as they wait on their parents. I wouldn’t have had the chance for any of this had it not been for Thomas Langston, my first real friend.

“Thank you, Thomas. Thanks, for everything.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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