Shackled (The Lord Series) by Carlos

Chapter 346. Olivia - Whole III

Tyson crosses his arms over his chest, anger reflecting in his eyes. For a moment, I stop breathing. If not for the bond letting me know how much he loves me, I would be inclined to believe that all his anger is for me. This is how he used to look at me before Ansel showed him the videos. It seems like a lifetime ago, but I don't think I'll ever forget the hate he had for me. The line between love and hate is so thin it's easy to cross it without even knowing it.

"It's Lords' stuff," Tyson snarls, letting me know he doesn't want to talk about what he and the others did at the cabin. Too bad, because I'm not quite done.

I turn my attention to Ansel because I'm more than sure that Rueben won't tell me anything. "What did Maddox ever do to deserve to be hunted like an animal? Or his blood-brothes?" Not that animals deserve to be chased around either. Ansel's eyes flash scarlet. "He went too far. He should have known when to stop."

It's so frustrating that the guys decided to hide things from me.

What did Maddox and his blood-brothers do to deserve the hate of so many Lords? The few times I met him, he didn't give me the impression that he was capable of harming others. Looks can be deceiving, but Maddox is a doctor. Aren't doctors supposed to be good?

Angel screams again. "You locked two men in the Catacombs and buried another alive!?"

"Not so loud," one of her men raises his voice just as much as her.

My eyebrows shoot up. Tyson mutters under his breath, "We gave him a straw to breathe through. He will live."

"Really? A straw? Are you mentally ill?" I hiss.

Tyson snorts softly. "Let me know what sane man would ever want to become a vessel to a demon and swear loyalty to Hell and all his fellow Lords? Killing enemies has been a stress reliever so far."

For some reason, I never saw Tyson as what he really is an assassin Lord-until now. I only saw him as the man who had been the love of my life, the one who I thought was my only soulmate, but for the first time, I see what he has become- a man who has no empathy when it comes to those who have wronged him. No wonder Lords and Dukes need women to save them from themselves. I don't think it's only their demons that consume their souls; all the crimes they commit must take a toll on them as well.

"If he doesn't bleed to death before we get to him," Rueben adds.

If I know Tyson and Rueben at all, I'm more than sure that Maddox is as good as dead. His blood-brothers as well. It's a shame that they won't be together in their last moments. I'm almost tempted to ask Wasp to help me save them, but I risk angering Tyson and the others. Lords don't like when others stick their noses in their business. Upsetting my men is the last thing I want to do, especially now, thatI finally have accepted all of them in my life.

If I want to survive in this world, I have to harden my heart, but it's difficult to do so when I don't know what Maddox did wrong.

Angel keeps screaming at her husbands. "What the fuck is wrong with you all!? Reyes is a psychopath, I get him, but what about you, Alekos? And you, Stefan, you've been in the Catacombs."

One of them gets angry. "Why are you so concerned about some sacks of bones, anyway?"

"The only concern I have is that the fathers of my child are criminals!" Angel huffs.

Seriously, women who choose to marry Lords and Dukes don't have a clue about what they are getting into.

I rub my temples. "All I wanted was a quiet dinner and to cuddle afterward. I should have known it was too much to ask." Tyson's features soften. "Maddox was not the person we thought he was. For all the things he did, he deserves to die."

Maybe Maddox did do something terrible. "Do I want to know what he did?"

Rueben shakes his head. "Probably not."

"As for dinner, how about we get rid of the guests and have a quiet night, the six of us?" Ansel tries to save this entire fiasco.

What Ansel proposes sounds amazing, and I want nothing more than to relax after everything that has happened in the last few...years.

Before I get to answer, Angel screams yet again. "We are going to have a nice dinner while we pretend that you all went to fuck yourselves at the cabin, and when we get home, you stay the fuck away while I try to think of a reason not to dump your crazy asses."

One of her husbands tries to calm her down. "Getting angry is not good for the baby."

"How the fuck do you know? You're a criminal, not a doctor!" Angel snaps at him.

"Don't make me spank you," her husband, who I assume is Alekos, snaps back.

"Don't make me strangle you with your belt!" Angel fights back. "Say one more thing, Alekos, and the next body buried next to the cabin will be yours!"

When Angel mentioned that Alekos spanks her whenever things don't go his way, I was convinced she was in an abusive marriage. I'm more than happy to see that she's not afraid to speak her mind.

I press my lips together because otherwise, I might start laughing. More like making that strange sound because whatever that is, it can't be called a real laugh. "We might want to feed Angel first," I suggest. "Mose and I will go heat the food," Jasper offers.

I take a deep breath and say to the others, "Let's go entertain the guests."

We move to the living room. Angel is sitting on the couch, pouting, while her husbands give us apologetic looks.

"Ever since she got pregnant, she's been hormonal." Stefan probably just signed his death sentence.

Angel narrows her eyes. "How else would I be if I'm married to three assholes, one of which is the Butcher-"

I interrupt Angel. "Wait! One of your husbands is the Butcher?"

Last year, after Jason took me from the Celestial Heaven, the Butcher started killing Dukes. Many of them abused me for years, and it made me so happy to see that they finally got what they deserved. I look at them, trying to guess which of them is the serial criminal that ended so many Dukes. Alekos, while he is an asshole like Angel likes to call him, his eyes are not those of a killer. Neither are Stefan's.

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