Servant of the Moon #1 - unedited draft

Chapter Note from Mama Magie

Update 03 2021

Much editing is being done. Chapters in series will be coming down and going back up. Books will be split and reorganized. It’s a whole thing but the good news is you will be able to still read for free, but please consider donating to my Ko-fi or buying copies to support my scribbles.

The Entire Re-written Huntsman of Adamos is available on Amazon for kindle and print on demand as a Quartet. The Huntsman's Hope will be put out at the end of the Relic of Time and Shadows War series.

The Ghost With... has 2 of 3 books on Amazon

And so does Devoted Sisters, Steamers' Tea and Coffee House and The Fire Burning Within

Thank you for reading and be blessed, Mama Magie

January 1 - Hold my coffee, 2021

Please see the banner on my wall for the schedule. I am publishing ten books in twelve months.

Hello, lovelies,

Servant of the Moon needs editing... A lot of it. I know... And I will be changing the way the Wemyss wolves speak so that it works better with translation software... Writing a scottish accent was HARD!

Daughter of the Tides was finished at the Wolf Super Blood Moon. If you like werewolves, it is book two in the Servant of the Moon series.

Servant of the Sun coming in Late 2020/ early 2021.

UPDATE April 2020

Hello, lovelies,

Currently “Red Velvet and Anemones” is down to be published in 2020. “Tarnished Stars”, “Blue Butterflies”, “Anemones are Blue”, “Anemones in the Wind” (Milli) and “Windswept Stars” (Tank 2) are being edited slowly...

Greener Pastures/ _???_ Stars (Lloyd’s story) is coming.

Thank you to everyone who has supported the Pagosa Cliffs series and all my scribbles. Keep an eye on my Twitter and Instagram for the cover reveal and updates. Honestly, I can barely contain my excitement.

Other series notes:

Ravers is on Amazon joining Revelation of A.S.H. and I hope to get started on Revelation of E.L.M. in 2020.

I am also in progress of Editing and Adding the Relic of Time War series to my page, not sure if it will go to Amazon someday or not. It is almost 950K words and spans 10 books, including The Huntsman of Adamos set.

Steamer’s Tea : “Beatrix and Bernadette” in the Devoted Sisters series is finished as of February 1 and was was posted for sale on Oct 1. Please leave a review if you can spare a moment.

The Flame Burning Within is the next in the Devoted Sisters series. Exclusively on Please leave a comment or review.

I also have plans for the short “Prue and Penny” currently on my Sweek Page, would you like a longer version of this one?


Please leave a review, or comments on any stories, it is much appreciated. Some are also on Watt Pad but the platform with the most reads and comments/votes/review, will keep it. Sorry about the spelling and grammar mistakes, these are just rough drafts.

Again, thank you for your time to read my scribbles and have a blessed day, Mama Magie

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.