Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 23: The Flying Princess

They were sitting around the breakfast table.

Thael spoke first: “Well… Tonight’s the meeting, I hope it goes well.”

“Especially, for our special guests,” Kyoko added.

“I’ve told the Imperial Guardians. All six have seen him and know he’s our friend. They will talk to Shinto’s three Imperial Guardians, and at least that much should go smoothly.”

“Oh, yes, Thael… I pray the evening goes smoothly. Even as crazy as they may seem, your ideas always seem to work out in the end, so I am not worried about the final outcome. I have a great deal of faith in you, my Prince. ”

“Thanks for the confidence, my love. By the way, I’ve asked Leura to come over and help you prepare for the meeting. You shouldn’t have to do everything by yourself.”

Arigato, I’ll need to buy a few more things, but it should be okay.”

“Let’s see. Shinto, you and me, one surprise guest… possibly two, Then there’s one more. We should have a lot of fresh fruit on hand.”


“Well, two of our guests eat sashimi & fruit. You don’t have to cook anything for them. The sixth one is Una.”

“Una san?” Kyoko squealed, “It will be good to see her again. What is she doing so far from Taelon?”

“She’s going to be stationed here from now on. Now that our secret is out, I’ve asked her to be the chief of security at the studios, and liaison to the various governments. There’s no telling how the public will react. Even though I took precautions, they may find out what school you’re attending.”

“Great. That’s all I need… more interruptions at school.”

“Fortunately, you have three allies who will keep them out. Speaking of school, let’s take Ariella today, so I can fly directly to the studio.”

Later, Ariella slowly landed just outside the school grounds. Thael walked Kyoko to her schoolroom, her three Imperial Guardians walking behind. They were greeted by everyone they passed. When they reached the classroom she was mobbed by her classmates. “You have to tell us where you got that dress. Was that a Hana original, too?”

Thael was ignored. He chuckled and said, “Propinquity,” under his breath. He turned to leave when Kyoko said loudly: “Chotto matte, kudasai!”

He turned back just in time for Kyoko to fly into his arms.

Kissu, you can’t leave until I get my Kiss.”

He did and the girls made noises.

“Now, my Prince, you may go.” She sounded like she was dismissing a servant.

He looked at the girls. “Ladies,” he bowed, “Ja na.


The girls giggled. Kyoko had a very big smile on her face. Thael left smiling too.

At lunch, Thael left Ariella in the garage and flew with his wings. Just before eleven thirty he and Una landed on the school steps. Their wings immediately disappeared. As they entered the classroom, the girls saw them and started whispering. Kyoko had been talking to some of the girls. Thael entered with a beautiful woman beside him. Her long brown hair was down this time, so it covered her ears and it gently lay on her shoulders, but the glowing eyes still gave her away.

“Una san!” Kyoko ran to her and hugged her. “Are you joining us for lunch?”

“I asked her to come,” Thael said.

He looked at the girls by Kyoko’s desk. “Sorry, ladies, it’s time for our bento. Don’t forget that Saturday morning you all have appointments with Kyoko to see Hana.”

As they walked up the stairs, “Una is the best flight teacher in the thirty-nine united galaxies. No one can surpass her skill.”

Baka! Forgive him, Your Highness, he has a tendency to put pressure on people by overstating their abilities.”

Kyoko laughed. Kyoko and Una became friends immediately. They chatted like best friends all the way to the roof. Thael trailed after them.

After lunch, Thael spoke up: “Kyoko sama? In addition to her other duties Una has agreed to be your flight instructor.”

“You were serious? Fly what, exactly?”

Una smiled, “With your wings, of course.”

“I have wings?” She was excited. “Saikou! When do we start?”

“Today after school, meet me here after the four O’clock bell.”

“It won’t be long, my Princess, that we’ll be able to fly together.”

“Ooh. I can hardly wait.”

Una smiled, “I have a feeling she’s going to be a fast learner, Thael.”

“Told you…”

“Yes, you did.”

“You will join us at the meeting later, won’t you? My wife is cooking, and she’s better than a five star Chef.”

“I wouldn’t miss that.”

“Now that Una is with us, I think that should be enough conspirators, ne?”

Una and Kyoko both said, “Baka!”

He scratched his head, “I may have to rethink putting you two together.”

They laughed.

The bell rang. “Gomenasai, I have to get the love of my life back to class. I’ll see you tonight, Una kun.

He kissed Kyoko’s hand at the door. “You’re going to love flying. See you later.”

She kissed her ring and his started shining brighter. She went to the window. There was a view of the front of the school from there.

One of the girls looked out too. “What’s going on?”

“Just watch.” She motioned for the other girls to come too. They saw Thael walk down the stairs in front of the building.

“Look! It’s Paru!”

He took three steps. His beautiful white wings appeared at full span as he took off into the sky. The girls all made admiring comments.

Shortly before four, Una landed at the spot where they had lunch on top of the school. Kyoko came running out of the stairwell soon after the bell. “I’m here! I’m here!” She ran up to Una. Kyoko’s Imperial guardians all saluted Una. She saluted back. “I’m in your hands,” Kyoko said as she bowed, “please take care of me.”

Una put her hands on Kyoko’s head for a minute or two. When she removed them: “That’s not exactly what I meant by ‘in your hands’, Una Sensei.

Una laughed, “No, but that was necessary.”

“So what do I do first?”

She showed her some color cell paintings. Like those used to do animation. “This is the uniform Hana designed for you.”

“It’s beautiful!”

“You like it then? Okay, let’s see how it fits. There’s a golden two inch belt. The outfit is almost pure white. The pants are held by cuffs just above the ankle. The leg seams are open above the cuffs to half way up the thigh to allow you freedom of movement in the sky. Then there is the pleated skirt. The left hem is just above the knee and the right hem is slightly higher.

“The sandals have golden straps that are laced up to the cuffs. They keep the pant legs from rising. Your sleeves have cuffs too. The arms are slit to allow your arms free movement. The cuff ‘buttons’ are purple gemstones from Taelon.

“The bodice goes up over your chest and attaches to a neck cuff, which is adorned by another purple gemstone. The sides wrap around about three inches in the back and have a strap pulling them together. Otherwise, your back is bare tapering down to two inches from your… I think you call it a coccyx?

“Anyway you can see from this picture of the backside. The golden belt comes down in a ‘V’ to keep the back from opening at the bottom and embarrassing you. Memorize this dress and all its nuances as best you can.”

Kyoko looked at the pictures and said, “I’ve got it. It helps that I’m a painter, I can remember a lot of detail.”

Now, look at the hairstyle. Close your eyes and remember what everything looks like. Can you see it? The crown too?”

“Yes. This is my Goddess hairstyle that Hana created just for me.”

“Excellent. Now picture yourself wearing it. Don’t forget the sandals, hair, and other details.”

“Got it.”

“Now, think: ’I am wearing it.’ Very good… remarkable even. I’ve never had a student do it right the first time.”

Kyoko opened her eyes. “Do what right?” She suddenly realized she was wearing it… all of it. “I did this?”

Una chuckled. “Yes. Thael never told me you painted. That’s why he was so positive you would do it the first time. Good thing I only bet him a Guinness.”

“What do we do next, Sensei?

“The fun part,” she took out a white card and placed the cell of the front of the dress over it. Kyoko could see that the combined pictures were of the dress and two beautiful white wings with golden tips.

“How beautiful.”

“Now add these wings to your uniform.”

Two beautiful white wings appeared on her back. They were fused to the skin and bone. Kyoko felt like stretching. When she did, the wings opened to their full span showing all the golden tips at the bottom.

Sugoi! I bet the hard part is the flying.”

“No, Your Highness. When I held your head, I transferred all the skills you’ll need to fly and transform. The only difficult part is believing that you can do it. It’s a matter of confi…” She stopped. Kyoko had taken off into the sky and was doing acrobatics. Like a bird freed from its cage she flew with utter joy. Flying up and diving down; Doing loops and tailspins. She was ecstatic. She finally came back to the roof. The students downstairs that were still hanging around the school, whistled and applauded.

“Okay, my Princess. How did you do that?”

“Thael has given me other gifts. Once I learned to just believe in them it was easy. You said I could fly. Guardians never lie. So I just did. I have never felt so free. It made me so happy.”

“It does do that. Okay, let’s fly to your place. I’ll follow you.”

Kyoko dove off the building. Six feet from the ground she leveled off and climbed up again. She flew over the gym and came down eight feet from the soccer field grass. The players saw her fly by with Una not far behind, followed by her three uncloaked Imperial Guardians. Kyoko waved to the girls on the field and they waved back.

Finally she climbed into the sky, picked up speed, and headed home.

They slowed as they reached her apartment. She landed on the balcony and her wings disappeared, but her uniform stayed.

“Well, rookie. I guess you pass. It usually takes people a week to do what you did. Thael was right. You really are destined to be his Queen.” Una bowed and saluted, sword in front of her face. When she swung it down to her side it vanished, along with the golden shield on her left arm.

Kyoko hugged Una. “Thank you, Una. Thank you. I can never thank you enough. The pure ecstasy of flying free in the sky…!”

“To tell you the truth, I feel the same way practically every time I fly, and I’ve been flying a long time.”


“Oh, yes. Sometimes I just fly for the pure fun of it. Thael calls it Joy Flying. Kind of like what you were doing when you first took off. Of, course, the best part is that you and your Prince can do it together. That is the ultimate experience.”

Kyoko hesitated and asked, “Did you two ever Joy Fly?”

“No, no, no, no, you have to be with someone you love.”

Honto? You two didn’t…”

“No, Your Highness. Thael and I are like brother and sister. There has never been any romantic involvement between us.”

Yokata, I mean… Sugoi! Thael was right. I love flying!”

Una suppressed a laugh.

Kyoko looked at the wall clock on the kitchenette wall. She could see it through the balcony glass door, “Oh, my. It’s getting late. I need to change so I can start dinner, but first we need to go shopping.”

They leapt off the balcony and flew to the market. They landed in the parking lot. Their wings vanished and they went into the store. People in the front of the store were astonished. Inside, the shoppers wondered why someone would shop in such fancy dress. Then they noticed the crown and the Imperial Guardians, and immediately knew who Kyoko was. They snapped pictures on their cell phones. Kyoko had forgotten she was still wearing her uniform and that the Imperial Guardians were no longer cloaked.

When they checked out, the woman at the register gasped, “You’re Princess Kyoko aren’t you?”

Kyoko bowed, “Yes, I am. How…”

“I knew it. Who else would dress like that and wear a crown? Plus those three Guards of yours,” she moved her head in their direction.

Kyoko looked behind her and saw the crowd of admirers being held back by the Imperial Guardians. She hadn’t noticed them before, “Oh my! I totally forgot. Sumimasen, I’m sorry for disrupting your store.”

“Don’t mention it. I am so glad to see you here. You are more beautiful in person than on TV.”

Kyoko bowed politely, “Thank you, Domo Arigato gozaimasu.”

She didn’t have her wallet. Una asked if she had it in her school uniform.


“Then you can call it back from where your uniform went.”

“Okay.” She closed her eyes and her wallet was in her hand. She paid and they took the groceries outside.

“Maybe I should have changed back into my school uniform when we landed… Less attention.”

“I think your right. Don’t look now, but there are some fans following us out of the store. We’d better go or be mobbed.”

They took three steps and flew into the sky, much to the astonished looks of the bystanders.

When they got home again they put the groceries on the bar. Kyoko started for the bedroom.

“Where are you going?”

“I have to change so I can cook.”

“Then imagine you’re already wearing it.”

Nani? Oh. Okay, then.” It happened faster this time. She knew this outfit better than the other.

“I’m going to like this quick change stuff. Chotto…” She ran in the bedroom and came out with the same outfit on a hanger. She laughed.

“I had this idea that when I did the quick change, the clothes came from my closet. They don’t. See?” She held up the hanger.

Una chuckled, “The clothes we conjure up don’t exist until we think of them as being real. The great thing is that they always appear as we imagine them to be. This means no laundry, no ironing, and never having to worry about tearing them or wearing one out.”

“I know I’m going to like this.”

“I think you already do.”

They laughed.

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