
Self Chapter 13

Chapter 13

In high society, it was no big deal for a guy to have a side chick–or even a couple–as long as his wife’s queen bee status at home was not jeopardized.

They could let the outside flings be whatever they were.

Yale’s mom was not about to meddle.

That was supposed to be a solid promise to Yara.

Instead of the thankful, humble girl Jean expected, she only got a cold snort.

Yara said, “Mrs. Shultz, keep your handouts for someone else. I’m not blessed enough to accept them. Plus, Yale and I are done. From now on, let’s act like we’ve never met, okay?”

Back then, Yara would put up with Jean’s snobbery for Yale’s sake.

Jean had looked down on her for not having a fancy degree, no study- abroad experience, and no career after college. Basically, Jean thought Yara was not worthy of her precious son.

Yara might have once tried to win over her future mother–in–law, but she no longer wanted Yale, so why bother with his mom?

They wanted her to put up with that? Not a chance.

“Oh, and Mrs. Shultz, a little tip for you.”

Jean tilted her head.

Yara smiled. “Try not to be so mean when you talk. It can backfire, you know.

“And one more thing–the saying is put lipstick on a pig, not on a cow. But I guess expecting you to know that is giving you too much credit.”

Then, Yara spun on her heel and strutted into the library.

Jean was left standing there, stunned, her eyes wide with shock. ” What did she just say to me?! How dare she?!

“Who does she think she is?! Does she not realize what she’s giving up with the Johnson family?!”

Charlotte’s mom grabbed her arm and gave her a shake that jolted her back to reality. Charlotte whispered, “Mom, did Yara say she and Yale are done?”

“You buy that?”

“Well, they’ve split up a bunch of times, but they’ve never really called it quits.”

Everyone knew Yara was crazy about Yale, like a dog that had found its forever home, impossible to shoo away.

Charlotte looked away. “Remember, Mom, we’ve got that meeting with the school officials today.”

They checked the time. Any later, and they’d be running behind.

Jean took a deep breath as she tried to quell the storm of anger in her chest. “Let’s head out. Yara’s not worth our time, and she’s not

messing up your big day!”


Bellmere University’s library a treasure trove of history and books, an actual ocean of knowledge.

Yara roamed until she found a spot to sit–right behind the bioinformatics shelf–perfect for grabbing references on the fly.

Her eyes caught a familiar name on the top shelf–Wade Shelton. Curiosity piqued, she pulled the book. Its cover was a sprawling cosmos like Wade–deep, vast, calm, and silent.

It was a notebook on research, diving into the structure and dynam

es, a mix of biology and physics.

The first page bore a handwritten note. [Everything is connected; no subject stands alone.]

Only a real genius could talk about crossing fields with such swagger.

Before she knew it, the day was half gone, and Yara had devoured most of the book.

Her major was bioinformatics, but she was pretty good at physics,


At one o’clock, she closed the book, put it back, and took a deep breath. That was when her stomach finally growled.

Yara left the library, thinking about grabbing a quick bite before diving back into her study session.

Midway through her sandwich, her phone buzzed. It was Rainie.

“Hey Rainie, what’s going on?”

“Are you at home?”

“Nope, camped out at the library.” Yara took a swig of water. “What’s up?”

“That jerk Yale showed up yesterday!”

Rainie was still steaming about it.

“He just blurted out, asking for you. Like I’d ever tell him! You haven’t bumped into him lately, right?”

Dodging that jerk had been tough enough. There was no way Yara would let herself get burned again.

Yara shook her head. “Nope.”

“Good.” Rainie let out a relieved sigh. “Oh, and hey, you free tonight? I can use your help…“.

Chapter 13

Charlotte’s meeting with the school officials had gone smoothly, leaving her smiling, a stark contrast to the frustration she had felt after Wendy’s cold shoulder.

“Come on, Mom, the car’s this way.”

Jean frowned, her gaze lingering on the library before she turned back. “You go on. I’ve got another stop to make.”

She dialed up the house and asked for another car.

Charlotte figured her mom was off to another one of those fancy socials and did not give it another thought.

However, as soon as Jean settled into the backseat, she gave the driver a new destination.

“Head to Yale’s company.

Fresh from a meeting, Yale was caught off guard when he saw his mom marching in, looking like a storm cloud.

He felt a chill. “Mom, what are you doing here?”

“What? I’m not allowed to visit?”

“No, it’s not that.” He fidgeted.

Jean snorted and plopped down on the couch. “If you can’t keep your relationships in check, I’m more than ready to step in.”

Yale was puzzled.

“Just look at Yara’s attitude. You’ve let her walk all over you!”

Yale’s eyes narrowed. “Yara? What’s wrong with her?”

“You’re asking me? I bumped into her at Bellmere University’s library, and man, did she have a meltdown!

“Just a few words from me, and she’s calling me nasty and savine ”

uncultured! Seriously, she’s got zero class coming from where she


Yale’s brow creased in concern. “You saw her at the library?”

“Yep, she’s there trying to act all intellectual instead of doing her chores at home. Like that’s going to impress me? As if!

“She even had the nerve to say we’re done, and next time she sees me, I’ll be just another face in the crowd! Who talks to their elders like that? Is she just going to throw away her chance with the Johnsons?”

Yale’s gaze grew more intense.

That seemed out of the blue.

Jean asked, “Are you two over?”

His response came out before he could stop it. “How can we be?”

“I thought so! A girl like her, snagging a catch like you? No way she’d let you go without a fight!

“Well, you’re in the loop now. Make sure you set her straight when you get back!”

Jean’s rant got on Yale’s nerves.

He cut in, “Mom, enough already. I’ve got a meeting soon. I’ll have someone drive you home.”

“But I’m not done-” She protested.

One look at Yale’s stern expression and Jean clamped her mouth shut.

“Fine, I’ll head out. But don’t go easy on her, Yale. A woman needs to be kept in line. That’s when they listen.”


Once his mom was out the door, Yale loosened his tie and sighed in

As he stared at the sunset through the floor–to–ceiling windows, he Was not in the mood for the villa With Zandra’s birthday just around the corner, he shot Zachary a text asking for gift advice

Zachary’s reply came in a flash.

[Zachary Girls love jewelry. Grab a bracelet or necklace, and you’re good to go.]

[Yale: I can’t decide, so let’s just go together.]

[Zachary: Huh?]

It was as if a single man like him knew how to pick out jewelry!

They decided to meet up at the bustling Silkstone Knights Pavilion in the heart of the city.

Inside the glittering jewelry store.

“What can I help you two find today?” the saleswoman asked warmly.

Yale nodded. “Something for my girlfriend.

This necklace here is perfect for ladies. It’s got a sweet little heart design that’s subtle but charming, ideal for the younger crowd-”

Zachary was not into that kind of stuff. He gave it a quick glance and, bored, started checking out the rest of the store.

Then, out of nowhere, he said excitedly, “Yara?!”

Yale froze briefly before turning around as if it were no big deal.

Rainie was tied up with a business dinner that night and could not leave the office, so she had sent Yara to pick up a set of custom jewelry she had ordered.

Yale had not expected to run into her.

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