Seducing My Ex’s Father In Law

Chapter 113

Chapter 0113 Gavins POV +25 BONUS There was a hopeful boyish quality about my nephew and the thought of poking that bubble with a needle didnt sit right with me .

But I also didnt want to get his hopes up .

It shouldnt matter to me if Judy decided to be his girlfriend .

She was her own woman , and she could do whatever she wanted .

It was clear to me that she didnt want me in that kind of way , she only wanted to keep our relationship professional , which was probably for the best .

年 But the thought of her being touched by another man eft me feeling nothing but resentment and anger .

I had to brush that thought out of my head though ; it was my business .

She made her choice and now I had to make mine .

I cant answer for her , I finally settled on .

Youll have to ask her for yourself .

I turned on that note and walked into the kitchen without saying another word .

Irene and Matt were already seated at the dining table and Walter walked in moments after I did .

I sat at the head of the table and Walter took a seat beside Irene .

Im so glad you can join us for dinner , Dad .

I didnt think youd be here , Irene said with a fond smile Im surprised you arent with Ethan , I replied , putting my cloth napkin on my lap .

She shrugged and glanced at her phone which was beside her on the table .

Hes been busy today , she said softly .

After I got back from the hospital earlier , he had to catch up on , some work .

He spent the entire night with me .

He was such a gentleman .

I looked around her face and saw that the bruise was almost completely gone , and she was looking a lot better .

I was relieved to see that ; when I saw her at the hospital this morning after I left the Villa , she was exhausted and still so scared .

Spending time with Ethan must have helped her mentally recover .

He was so noble last night , Daddy .

I wished I could have remembered him fighting those rogues , but I passed out .

I couldnt believe he came to save me … he must really love me , Irene continued to gush .

I cant believe I ever doubted him .

You doubted him ? Walter asked , raising his brows .

Only for a minute , she admitted .

I thought he might have feelings for someone else .

But I think I was just paranoid .

Who would he have feelings for ? Walter asked .

Who could possibly be better than you , Rena ? Irene blushed and glanced at her empty plate .

Its not important , she murmured .

It was clear she didnt want to say ; I already knew who she was thinking of .

Before anyone could say anything else , the maids were bringing in the food .

It all looks so good ! Irene gushed .

I cant wait to eat , Walter chimed in .

+26 BONUS Chapter 0113 Did in , I said as the food was finished being served ) I waited until they were able to get their filling of food before I began to eat as well .

Did you hear about the masquerade gala this weekend ? Irene asked , glancing at me .

Everybody who is anybody will be there .

I nodded .

I have invitations for you and Ethan , I told her .

She squealed happily and clapped her hands .

Is it possible for me to get a couple of tickets as well ? Walter asked , glancing at me before taking another bite of food .

I would like to ask Judy to accompany me to the gala .

Thats a wonderful idea ! Irene said excitedly.

I can take her shopping and make a girls day out of it .

She froze when I glared at her and she gave me a sheepish smile .

And this time we wont wander off without guards .

youll take extra guards and Beta Taylor , I told her , not leaving any room for arguments .

She nodded and glanced at her plate .

Yes , father .

Walter cleared his throat , bringing my attention back to him .

I didnt want to give him a gateway to take Judy out , but if I refused him , I would have to explain why , and I wasnt prepared to come up with such an excuse right now .

So , can I get a couple tickets ? He asked again .

I nodded .

Yeah , I murmured .

Ill see what I can do .

Thanks , Uncle , he said as he started on his food again .

This is going to be so fun < Irene babbled .

She continued to mindlessly talk while we ate our meal .

My eyes wandered over to Walter briefly and lingered there for a bit longer than they should have .

He had a smile on his lips , and I knew exactly who he was thinking of because I was thinking of the same woman .

Judys POV Two words .

Masquerade Gala ! Nan said , shoving a flyer in my face and squealing excitedly .

I was perched against the tree in the campus quad , studying a textbook , when Nan came out of nowhere .

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