Secret of The Night

Chapter 5: Secret Unveiled

And he grabbed the hand I lifted to touch him, twisted it toward him, and sank his teeth and those sharp incisors into my wrist. I’ve read plenty of fiction novels about vampires, and he did in fact meet all the criteria, but I was still shocked beyond belief. But all those books....they said the teeth of vampires had some sort of chemical mixed in so I would get drowsy and fall asleep, and also to dull my nerves so I wouldn’t feel any pain. The second part was true, but I felt myself become more awake with every sip of my blood Yoru drank. Finally he let go, and I slumped to the floor, holding my wound.

“What? What?” I stared up at him and my fear must have shown because his grin widened even more, showing the blood on his mouth. My blood.

“You monster.” I whispered. “You’re a vampire?”

He looked down at me maniacally. “I’m upset you’re not more surprised. I did just drink your blood. Yes and no, child. I am, as you say, a monster. Boo!” He held up his hands, which I now saw had clawed fingernails at the ends, and mocked me.

I was in no mood for joking. Actually I wasn’t in a mood for anything right now.

“But, my sweet blooded Vivi, I am not a vampire. Oh no. Nothing as low as that. I’m a demon. But not just any demon, hun. Feast your eyes on the son of the royal family, next in line for the Tomorokoshi throne. But don’t fret just yet, my dear. There’s more.” When I didn’t respond with a proper groan or something like that he went on talking. “That wasn’t just your blood I drank. My teeth are too good for that. I filtered out the rest of your disgusting liquid and focused on the best part.” He stuck his tongue out at me. Normally that would seem childish to me but I just watched him in horror when I realized that it was forked. Split right in two, like a snake’s. I think I really did tremble then. “Your life-blood, dearie. That’s the best part, the ones the vampires aren’t capable enough to get. Your memories, your past life, and your emotions, I’ve got a piece of that now.”

I stared at him, barely processing the mumbo jumbo he was speaking. Something about life-blood, and memories.

Yoru blew me a kiss. It was like a mask fell off him. He didn’t look that hot anymore, if I looked closer. His cheekbones weren’t that pronounced, and his jawline wasn’t so perfect. His lips weren’t so red, and his eyes weren’t really that blue. And he shrank an inch. I stared in disbelief. “Toodles, love. Your blood tasted awesome, I’ll tell you that.”

With that, he just poofed out of existence. One moment there full of life, and the next gone. No smoke, but I saw a shadow slithering away from the darkened alley.

I sat there, crumpled on the floor.

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