Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 100: Alive

It was the fifth sigh of the morning and still counting on. Ever since Laura woke up, it was as if there was something bothering her the whole time. And another sigh came out of her mouth, which worried Lester, who stood at the corner of the room.

Not keeping his mouth shut any longer, Lester asked, "Is there a problem?". The asking of questions was Mary's job, but since she was no longer working in the estate, Lester had to muster his courage just to ask her.

Looking up at the ceiling while sighing again, Laura answered in a muffled voice, "Nothing." There was nothing much to do today since she was given a break by the head priest. And for some reason, she was given a title from Lester, the over worker.contemporary romance

Not believing her words, he stayed quiet, and a few minutes later, he asked, "Are you sure? I may not be Mary, but I still am your close, loyal servant." Laura continued to look up the ceiling while the corner of her eyes looked at Lester, and she lied, "I'm just bored, maybe."

Bored? When there were so many things for her to do in the estate? Walk around the garden, eating delicious sweets, respond to letters that she'll be going to the tea party, or even go out to town and buy pieces of jewelry. But the more he thought about it. He realized that Laura wasn't the typical noble lady.

Unlike the others, she wanted to stay in her own room to rest. Read books all day long and only made friends with those who are trustable. She's smarter than other ladies, especially for her own age.

Lester gambled, asking, "Why won't you then respond to the mails that were sent by other ladies?" Laura sighed out once more as she briefly closed her eyes then answered, "And what do I benefit from them? Money? Fame? A friend? I bet they're trying to use me just because I was announced as the priestess."

Each word Laura said had a point. Ever since then, she was announced as the priestess, many other nobles invited her for a tea party—especially those who were on Tine's side who wanted to make acquaintance with her.

"They aren't people to be trusted," Laura spoke as she sat back straight in her chair then continued, "They merely want to use me for their own gains. To boost their fame and status. You know a typical greedy lady."

The conversation became uncomfortable for Lester to speak. Yes, Laura had a point, but she can't forever stay with a small group of friends. Building relationships with others can help her in the future, especially when the time comes. Trying once more, Lester said, "At least make connections with those ladies who belong to a merchant family. For sure, they will be a use for you."

Laura shook her head in disapproval while Lester wondered what's hindering from doing so. The thing is, Laura didn't want to use them for her own good. It is to make connections with other people, but some aren't just trustable. To the point, she might have to threaten them in the later part.

"I do not want to use anyone for my own gain. I will reach to the top on my own in my own ways," Laura sternly said as she looked at Lester.

Stubborn was the only word that Lester could describe Laura, but this is really how she is. As he continues to stay by her side, the more he learns things about her. One is that she will never cheat in a game despite the enemy being a cheater. That's because she believes that by the end of the day, the enemy will be caught and that justice will be sought.

"If that's what you wish for, then do as you please. However, as your personal aide, I am just here to inform you that sometimes you need to use people for your own gain. Especially when the time comes," Lester argued back and placed his hands behind his back. Laura giggled softly, knowing that Lester was just worried about her. Especially when her friends, aside from the Duke, were powerless.

Laura assured, saying, "It'll be alright, Lester. I will slowly make friends with those who I trust." A small smile formed on his lips, and he nodded his head. But that still doesn't answer his question as he noticed the distant eyes of Laura. Giving up, Lester told himself not to ask any further and just wait for Laura to tell him.

"Do you want to know something? I think it's time," Laura said in a hesitation manner as she hid her clenched fist under the table. Lester looked at Laura in a confusing manner and waited for Laura to talk.

"What if I told you I lived my life twice?" Laura asked as she wore a serious face on. While Lester scoffed and answered, "I don't want to sound rude but isn't that like those reincarnation novels that most ladies like to read?" Laura laughed at Lester's response, but he wasn't wrong. Her life was like a novel where she was brought down to live again and change her fate. It sounds like a coincidence, but it isn't.

"What do you think?"

"I am unable to digest what you said earlier. But I will repeat what you said. What if I told you I lived my life twice?"

"What are you? A copying machine?" Laura asked as she held her laughter in. She knew that he wouldn't believe in it, and there was no point in asking more. Though Lester then said, "I believe what you say. If you said you walked the desert, I would believe it because it came from you."

Speechless by his loyalty Laura smiled then changed the topic saying, "Somewhere out in this world, my parents are alive." What Laura said made Lester shocked, but at the same time, he was happy for her. That there was still hope for her to find her parents and to ask why they left her in the orphanage.


"Is that even something to congratulate?" Laura laughed then stopped as she gazed out the window. She reached her hand upon the air like wanting to grasp the stars onto her palms. "There is still hope for me to find them then."

"There is, and I. Mary and I will help you find them. One year, three years, five years, no matter how long it takes. We will be there by your side."

They were ensuring words that Laura trusted. Those words were like honey, soothing the throat. "Thank you, Lester. Though I must say you hated me back when we first met each other," Laura teased as she stood up, stretching her arms up. While Lester closed his eyes in regret then said, "I judged people by how they act, and unfortunately, you were one of those who I didn't like."

"Is that a confession of how you judge people by their cover?" Laura teased once more as she grins. As Lester found it hard to retaliate, he raised his hand, waving it like a white flag he surrendered.

"I should reprimand you for that," Laura joked and continued, "If you have that much time to chatter with me. You wouldn't mind brewing some tea for me?" Laura raised her brow while Lester bowed, but before he left Laura's room, he said, "Yes, as you wish."

The room was now silent while the smile on Laura's face disappeared. She opened the drawer and got a piece of the letter out. She remembers Septus' words saying, "If only you are ready to face them open this letter. This will lead you to them. This will also be your reward for helping the people."

'Helping the people, huh?'

Everything from helping and saving people's lives was a coincidence. But it isn't that bad to help people since their smiles serve as a form of healing to her. And maybe that might be her other goal, to make the people happy, but she knows it isn't going to be an easy task. 

Not only that, the one thing she had almost forgotten about was to know if her parents were alive or not. And they are alive, but they were somewhere out there. It would be nice if they were somewhere near her But for now, being alive and getting her revenge is her priority. 

After what's threatening her life is solved, then she will start her new journey. Her journey on finding her parents and finding of who she truly is. If she has black hair then it means one of her parents has the same color as here.

She wondered who would it be the father or the mother? It would be nice to get each one of them. Like having the same eye color as her father and the same hair color as her mother.

Wouldn't it be exciting to find the village where her parents live? What if it was a whole village where people with black hair reside?

That is something that Laura thought deeply about.

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