Search for the Sunlight

Chapter 29

The mountains stood before them like a colossus. For a while, they both strained their necks and stared silently upwards at the haunting grey mass that rose from the desert floor and disappeared into the thick fog above. The monumental scale of this natural, rock phenomenon was immeasurable. Basil gasped. ‘Perhaps they reach all the way up to Heaven,’ he thought.

Herbert cleared his throat and sniffed. He was catching a cold and if that wasn’t enough, the weather was on the turn. It was beginning to sleet.

To attempt an ascent in these poor conditions, especially in the dark, would be madness and so it was agreed that they pitch up camp under some overhanging rocks in the hope that conditions might improve by the morning.

Herbert turned out the lapsacks while Basil lit a fire and, over a mug of very stewed and bitter low grade tea, they congratulated one another on successfully completing the first stage of their recce into the unknown.

The warmth of the fire and the radiant heat emanating from their tin mugs gave them some comfort and soon the two friends settled down to sleep. Tomorrow, they would negotiate the Gouldong Mountains.

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