Search for the Sunlight

Chapter 15

The fine grey sand that covered the desert floor deadened every sound. It was as though the air on this side of the fence had been sucked out and they had walked into a vacuum. Even the occasional metallic clanking of the enamel mugs that hung from Harry’s lapsack was barely audible. The unnatural silence provoked an air of tension and with all four on the highest possible state of alert, they were ready to implement whatever evasive action might be necessary should a Peckwood suddenly appear from the dark sky and attack without warning. But what particular form this evasive action might take was uncertain for no one present, including the Constable, had encountered a real Peckwood before.

As big as the prehistoric Pterodactyl, with streamlined wings and enormous wasp-like bodies, legend has it that these giants of the desert sky are able to reduce a mature hardwood tree to sawdust in seconds.

Equipped with long sharp beaks, housing multiple cross-set saw-like teeth, and flared nostrils that breath fire, these giant creatures have evolved into the perfect wood eating machines. If the surrounding carnage was anything to go by, then Basil was sure that the tales they had been told as saplings were grossly understated.

In addition to these destructive physical attributes, the Peckwood could sniff out a tasty snack from miles away.

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