Saving Kinsley

Chapter Foolish Desires

Kinsley's P.O.V

The next day was a blur of chaos. The entire Pack scrambled to prepare for the other Pack's to start arriving this afternoon. I helped Alexandra along with many other pack members put together the room that the masquerade party would be held in this evening.

Cassius and Ian were in charge of greeting and making sure every visiting Alpha, Beta, and their mates were properly accommodated with rooms. Outside, they had set up an area for everyone to visit, along with drinks and plenty of food.

The entire pack was working hard to put this all together.

"Someone hit the light please!" Alexandra's elegant voice could be heard across the room as I stepped off the ladder from hanging the last stream of lights.

The lights went out and the streams of lights we finished hanging came to life, creating a soft orange glow throughout the room. The entire ceiling looked like fireflies scattered above us. Each table was set perfectly with black cloths that draped over its surface; a centerpiece was on every table with a single red rose encased with baby's-breath. The tables all had been pushed further towards the walls to allow maximum room in the center. It was a Masquerade party, after all.

Alexandra clapped her hands, followed by everyone in the room. "Alright everyone, you are dismissed. Time to get ready for this evening, and remember, have fun! Enjoy yourselves!" I saw many heads nod with bright smiles as shifters left the room, some of the younger shifters were bouncing with excitement.

"That means you to Kinsley, darling." Alexandra directed her green eyes to me. "The rest of your outfit is laid out on your bed." Alexandra was already pushing me through the doors before I could say anything.

Making my way back to the house, I was pretty damn excited. Thanks to Alexandra. Tonight, I could just relax and be a normal-ish, Twenty-something shifter at a masquerade party. And I was damn sure not going to let anything ruin tonight. I needed this.

Reaching my room, I showered and started on the process of hair, light makeup, and slipping on the gown. By the time I had finished, a few hours had passed. Dusk greeted my window as I swept my hair and pinned it to the side as the lazy waves cascaded to one side. The mask matched my gown, lacey and flirty, shielding the top of my face. Lastly, I applied a deep red lipstick to make everything pop.

A knock sounded on the other side of my door as I stepped into the wedge heels. "Coming." I had my bets on these not remaining on my feet for more than an hour.

Opening the door, I was greeted by Cassius in a pressed tux with a mask that looked similar to mine. Cassius smiled as he held his arm out, "You look beautiful, I'll be escorting you this evening."

A smile split my face, "Thanks."

Our short walk was filled with a light chat about our day. We both were pretty exhausted honestly, but tonight would be worth it. This evening provided a chance that Cassius could find his mate, even though he didn't express it, I could see that he wanted to. At the thought of mates, a sharp pang went through me. I should be attending this with my mate.

I shook my head; I wasn't going to let him ruin this evening for me. I was going to go in there and enjoy my hard work, let loose, and dance until my feet bled.

Entering the building, all eyes turned to us as we moved through the doors. My eyes searched the crowd for familiar faces. But it was a sea of gowns, tuxes, and masks. I leaned closer to Cassius as he led us through, "Has anyone from Haven pack arrived yet?"

"Yes, I met with Alpha Tate earlier this afternoon along with his Beta, Noah."

Ember perked up at the sounds of their names as I removed my arm from Cassius, "Thanks! I'll find you later." I smiled warmly. A positive tonight would be seeing those two brutes.

Cassius left as I turned and searched for the Two men.

I checked every male that I passed for the Ink that I knew Tate had. Several minutes passed and I still hadn't found them yet. Nearing the backside of the room I just about gave up when I was pushed into a body.

"Shit, sorry." I mumbled out.

"Kinsley?" I spun around as soon as I heard his voice.

Blue eyes drilled into me as my gaze swung to a beautiful Blonde locked to his side. "Noah! Vivi!"

I wrapped both of them in a hug, turning to Noah, I punched him in the arm, "Uh, Ouch. What was that for?" Vivi laughed softly beside him.

"For scaring the shit out of me! I thought you were..."

His eyes grew larger under his mask, "I tried to reach out to you, but I couldn't. Shit Kinz. I didn't know what happened or where you were when I woke up." I could see the worry swimming in his eyes as he spoke.

I let out a breath, finally seeing him made me feel so much better. "Yeah, I think we were too far apart. Thank the moon goddess Tate found you when he did, speaking of, where is-"

The words died on my lips as I was swept into muscular arms and spun around, "Kinz!" I laughed as I hugged him back, equally as happy to see him.

"Tate! God's I missed you guys so much!"

"You're doing that crazy smile again, stop it." Tate pointed out. My hand flew out on instinct, slapping his chest, "Shut up. I'm just happy you guys are here."

Noah came closer, giving me a hug, "It's good to see you again Kinz, I'm going to go dance with my mate now we'll see you around." Vivi's face lit up with a smile as Noah pulled her to the center of the room. I watched, truly happy for my friends.

"When did you get a tattoo?" Tate questioned from behind me.

"Uh, Yeah. That's a sacred mark."

I could see his eyebrow slowly raise from his mask, "Sacred mark?"

With a roll of my eyes, "I bonded with Vesta finally, and I got a sacred mark. I don't quite know what it means just yet. I was going to talk with Ian when I had time."

I couldn't hear Tate's reply when my senses were doused in the most intoxicating scent. My eyes fluttering shut, I pulled in a deep breath as I was shook. "Kinz? You okay?" Tate's voice broke through my clouded mind.

The cloudiness could mean only one thing. Fuck, he's here.

"I- I need some air." I began to push through the crowd, heading for the doors we entered.

The room felt like it was shrinking, bodies continued to rock me back and forth as I struggled to pull in air to breathe.

Was this a panic attack?

Nearing the doors, I reached for the doors as I continued to struggle to breathe. Air, Breathe.

He's getting closer.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I wasn't ready for this. I didn't prepare myself for actually running into him. I thought I could manage the whole night just catching glimpses of him, I cursed at myself. He was drawn to me as much as I was to him, I should've known better.

Midway through the door, fresh air rushed into my lungs, as the sparks erupted around my waist, I was pulled flush against a solid body.

My entire body lit upon contact, "Kinsley." His rugged voice drifted to me as his wild green eyes held me, rooted in his arms.

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