Sasha Swift

Chapter 22 The Truth


“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. But I didn’t know how to tell you. You’re not all human your mother. She was a fae.”

I don’t answer. I’m so confused. Greta told me my parents were witches like her. Zane seems to guess what I’m thinking and continues. “They weren’t your real parents. Your parents died when you were one. See your father was human and since it’s frowned upon to be with other species. They were both killed. I believe the witches were your parent’s friends they trusted to keep you safe.” He looks away unable to look me in the eye anymore.

A tear falls down my cheek. I’m not sure why I’m crying. Today has been an emotional roller coaster. I look down at Theo he is slowly starting to wake up. I can’t believe I almost lost him. He's just a young kid. He has so much to look forward to.

I look at Zane and he looks nervous as he bites his lip. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I have just been too nervous to. I didn’t know how you would take the news.”

Theo stirs in my arms and he slowly sits up with my help. “What happened? What did I miss?” He whispers and I purposely mess up his hair making him smile.

“Ohh you just missed how I’m a part fairy and turns out my parents weren’t my parents.” I shrug.

“Did he tell you about your blood being addicting and making him stronger?”

I’m shocked. Did I just hear him correctly? I stand up and so does Zane. I take a step closer to him and he takes a couple of steps back holding his hands up. “Sasha you have to understand. I didn’t know the first time I did it!” I take a step closer and again he steps back.

“Ohh but you knew all the other times you fed off of me! Tell me Zane we’re you ever going to tell me or just use me as your personal steroids?” I shout at him. I’m pissed. It’s taking everything in me not to grab a stake and shove it through his chest.

Zane shakes his head. “I was going to tell you. I just thought you might react like this.” All the rage in me is about to flow out. I grab a stake out of my waistband and throw it at him.

He dodges the stake and I throw another that misses.

“I’ll kill you! Did you even mean it when you called me your beloved? When you said you loved me? Or do you just love my blood?” Zane looks hurt by my questions but what does he expect? He has been constantly lying to me.

Zane places a hand over his heart. “I do love you. Trust me. There is no describing the way I feel about you. I have been falling in love with you since I saw you at that bar. You're everything to me, Sasha.”

I growl. “Don’t call me that! It’s Swift to you. I never want to see you again. Whatever was between us is over!” I lift the stake in my hand to throw it again.

Zane doesn’t take a step back this time. He stands with his arms wide open. His eyes tell a story full of pain and loss. “Then do it. Stake me for breaking your heart, for lying to you. I know it was wrong. But I’m not ready to live this life without you. So if you can’t ever forgive me then just kill me or let me spend the rest of our lives making it up to you, please Sasha.”

The tears flow down my face freely. My hand holding the stake is shaking as I hold it. I step closer to Zane so we’re chest to chest. He places a strand of hair behind my ear and I shiver under his touch. A tear runs down his face. “I’m sorry love, I really am, I love you, Sasha, please.”

I drop the stake at my feet. Zane lets out a sigh of relief. I try to think of the right words to say but nothing comes out. Instead, a ringing floods my ears. My body starts to feel heavier. I can barely stand. Black dots cloud my vision. What is happening?

Zane looks at me concerned and holds onto my shoulders. He starts to shake me and I can see his lips moving but I can’t hear anything he is saying. Theo is next to Zane and they are arguing. It’s the last thing I see before darkness consumes me.

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