
Chapter 30


Sarah found Max by following the trail of broken trees and smashed rocks. She had never seen him act this way before. Something was wrong, and she knew she would not be able to face the Vixen without Max.

Orna spoke within her mind - something that Sarah still found deeply disturbing.

“Max is directly ahead. I have notified him of our arrival.”

Sarah was surprised. “You mean you can talk to him directly?”

“The device that imprisons me allows me to communicate with your - with Max.” Orna replied.

Max turned toward Sarah as she walked wearily up to the mech and placed the sword on the ground. It did not weigh anything at all to her, but somehow she felt it might put Max more at ease.

“Max, tell me, why would you not let me use Orna? One of those creatures got away. For all we know the whole Vixen base might be coming now.” Sarah stood in front of the mech.

“I have been trying to protect you Sarah. Orna is dangerous. If you accidently trigger - ”

“What else am I supposed to do? We dont have some kind of army, and even if we did, we already know how that plays out. ” Sarah replied.

“You can’t protect me all the time. I was - created - to do this Max. I’m not going to give up. I’m not going to back down. I’m terrified. I need you - ” She continued.

An alert went off within Max’s sensors.

“There are more Vixen heading this way. My scanners indicate they are warrior class.”

Max stopped to look at Sarah. His head dropped. “It is time to fight”. he said.

Sarah nodded wearliy and climbed up into the chamber in his back once again.

“Sarah, there is something I must tell you.” Max started.

“It’s going to have to wait! Are you going to fight me on this again?”

Max paused.

“No Sarah. I cannot fight your destiny.”

Sarah’s awareness blended with Max’s. She could see two heat signatures coming toward them at a rapid pace. She turned Max’s head to look at Orna, and reached out to take up the sword.

His claw retracted and a hand like appendage appeared, grasping the hilt of the giant sword.

‘Accessing.’ Said a voice in Sarah’s head - just like when she had first touched Orna.

‘Accessing. Mobile Armor eXtension recognized. M.A.X. version 2.45. Interface negotiation complete.’

“What was that?” Sarah said to Max.

“It’s what I am Sarah. What I was created to be. I am your armor, your shield. And it’s time to fight!” Max replied. His voice sounded so natural now. Not at all like when she first met him. He sounded almost ... human.

Max / Sarah held the sword in front of her. She was suddenly reminded of the lesson with Creed. She knew these Vixen would kill them without a moment’s thought. They HAD to stop them here before they reached the camp.

Sarah gasped as the first Warrior class Vixen came over the hill and she could see it with Max’s night vision overlay. It was huge. As big as Max was tall, with six powerful legs, a bulkly flat torso with heavy spiked armor for an exoskeleton. It’s head was flat and flush against it’s thorax - much harder to reach. But the worst surprise was it brandished two thick arms that ended in wicked claws.

The creature did not hesitate but came straight at Max. Sarah swong Orna but she had not compensated for Max’s size and strength and missed completely. The creature slammed into Max and knocked him to the ground, digging them into the earth with the force of the blow.

Sarah was tired. She’d had no sleep tonight, and she had just been in a battle only a few moments ago. Was this how the Vixen fought? Wear down your opponent with waves of enemies?

Anger overcame her fatigue and she dug Max’s legs into the ground, bringing up Orna and smashing it down on the creature.

The sword glowed as it cleaved the terrible insect in two - as if Sarah had been chopping a piece of wood with an axe. With a terrible screech, it was dead.

The second Vixen came out of nowhere and slammed into Max with such force that Orna flew from the mech’s grip.

“Orna!” Sarah cried.

Max realized that Sarah was disoriented and went into action. Twin blasters emerged from his shoulders and began blasting through the tough carapice of the second Vixen. It managed another strike - causing Max to shudder from the blow before it died.

In a moment it was over. Exhausted, Sarah slid out of Max’s back and fell to the soft ground. She started walking uneasily toward Orna. “See? We did it Max! There’s hope yet!”

“Sarah. Sarah wait.” Max called.

She turned back to look at Max.

“You need to know this. There is not going to be a better time. I am a liar, Sarah. I lied to you when we first met. I said I was trapped in that cage, but that was a lie. I was hiding there. I have let you down. I let everyone down because of my fear. I am defective. Machines are not supposed to be afraid.”

“Max, are you kidding? I’m terrified! I can barely believe I’m here doing this! But I could not do this without you! I need you!” She cried.

“I know. So did Sarah 6. She needed me as well.” Max said sadly.

His words sank in slowly and Sarah gasped in recognition.

“You mean when she - when she went out to fight the Vixen you - you ran away?” Sarah spat out the words.

“Yes. I did.” Max said miserably.

“You! You betrayed her! She knew she needed you?” Sarah spat.

“Yes. Without me as a shield, Orna’s power would be too much even for her.”

“And she went anyway!” Sarah’s lips were quivering. Renewed tears stained her filthy face.

“You murderer! You let her die! ” Sarah’s voice was hoarse. “Get out of here! If Sarah 6 was brave enough to this without you, so am I! Go!”

“But Sarah, wait, I -” Max started.

Without a word Sarah took Orna and walked back to the camp.

Max looked down at the metallic hand that had been designed to hold Orna. He had neglected to tell Sarah that if he had come with Sarah 6 - it would have saved her, but destroyed him. Now he knew she wouldn’t care.

Max’s metallic hand formed into a tight fist.

Creed greeted Sarah as she returned. She was weary yet heartened that she had managed to fend off the Vixen.

“Where’s Max?” he asked.

“He’s not coming with us.” She said coldly.

“What?” Creed started, but was cut off as suddenly the ground opened up beneath them and they were pulled under the earth. Sarah dove to reach Orna as the ground erupted with insect claws.


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