Sahara Ashdell: The Son of Evil (Book 2)

Chapter 3 - The Anger of Feelings

She feels Slagwart kissing her back for a few moments before he pushes her from his lips. “You’re drunk.” He says.

“Maybe.” Sahara says moving back towards his lips. “But it makes this easier.” She kisses his lips again but after a moment she feels his body suddenly move away from her. As she opens her eyes, she sees Slagwart is dangling up in the air above the bleachers a few feet away from where he just was. She sees him struggling to breathe and looking down towards the field. As she squints down toward the field she sees fiery eyes. “Brystol?” She says in confusion. She looks back at the struggling Slagwart before yelling back at Brystol. “Brystol!” Sahara shreeks in shock of Slagwart’s red airless face. “What are you doing? Let him free.”

The flames in Brystol’s eyes are still blazing as his hand is outstretched toward Slagwart, who is still high up in the air. Sahara is scared that Brystol is going to hurt Slagwart, so she moves down the stairs only tripping once. As she gets closer to Brystol, she tries to get his attention and sooth him. “Brystol.” She says more calmly, “Put him down.” She touches Brystol’s arm trying to make him break his grasp on Slagwart and his flaming eyes turn toward her. She wonders if he is under some kind of spell or if he is really this angry. His eye flames begin to grow smaller as his eyes stay fixed on Sahara’s. Suddenly, she hears a thud as Brystol’s hand relaxes and she looks over seeing a frightened Slagwart quickly jump to his feet while rubbing his neck. She looks back at Brystol and notices the flames that filled his eyes only moments ago had now disappeared. She sighs in anger as she speaks, “Why did you do that?” His silence angers her more. “I was about to set us free from the betrothal.”

“You shouldn’t be with him.” She notices Brystol breathing faster than usual.

“What?” She begins to pace trying to release some of her anger. “And why do I have to have your approval?” She raises her hand concentrating on the plorksol equipment laying abandoned on the field and attempts to make it fly across and hit Brystol. A plorboard breezes past Brystol’s head as he dodges it. “I was giving you what you wanted!” Her voice shouts at him. She notices Brystol just looks confused and stays silent. She paces a few seconds longer. “Well, say something.” He still remains silent and she throws out her hand toward some more of the random equipment. A ball flies toward Brystol and he dodges it followed by the next five things that she quickly launches towards him.

He moves toward her quickly and wraps his arms around her pulling her body up next to his. “Stop.” He calmly says and it causes her to look up into his eyes that seem to draw her in. She feels herself relax and forgets her anger as his eyes search hers. She feels the need to kiss his lips as her heart begins to race. She sees his lips begin to move towards hers and she feels as though her heart is going to jump from her chest. Before his lips reach hers, he abruptly pulls away looking scared of her or perhaps scared of what he had almost done. “You smell like alcohol. Did he get you drunk?” Brystol ask sounding angry again.

Sahara looks back up to the bleachers to see Slagwart, but he is no longer there. “No.” She tries to focus on Brystol again but her head feels so fuzzy. “I drank the wrong drink.”

“What does that mean?” Brystol asks.

“He spiked his drink and I took it, he didn’t mean for me to drink it.” She says trying to push out of Brystol’s arms she just realized she was wrapped in.

“I find that hard to believe with his reputation.” Brystol scuffs catching hold of her again keeping her steady.

“I’m find. Fine.” She says trying to push his hand off of her. “I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not.” Brystol grabs her elbow and pulls hee with him towards the plorksol locker room. “And you feel cold.”

She lifts up the collar on Slagwart’s jacket. “I have Quinton’s jacket.”

He stops moving and takes the jacket off of her before throwing it up on a bleacher. “Now you don’t.”

“Hey!” She says in protest, feeling more cold now.

“Inside.” Brystol says holding the locker room door open for her. She rolls her eyes as she follows his orders.

She steps into the ellon’s locker room and holds her nose. “Why does it smell so bad in here?”

“It isn’t that bad.” Brystol says guiding her toward the couch. Sahara laughs as she falls down to the couch pulling Brystol by his hand to sit down next to her. “You need some water or anything?” He asks.

“No. Why are we in here?” She asks as she looks around the gross smelling room, noticing it is spinning more than anything was a few moments ago.

“I can’t walk you up to your room because I am an ellon and the last thing we need is you getting caught drunk the first week of classes.” He pulls her dress down toward her knees, she had not even realized it had ridden up so high. “Where did you get this dress?”

Sahara laughs remembering the shock on the Craig’s faces of the mess she had left in Trina’s closet. “I stole it from Trina.”

“Who is Trina.” Brystol asks.

“My human cousin.” Sahara replies taping her finger on his nose.

“You look beautiful in it.” Brystol says.

“Here you go again confusing me.” She says laying her head back and closing her eyes.

“How am I confusing you?” He asks.

“You’re nice then mean. Nice then mean.” She lays her head over on his shoulder feeling a yawn sneaking up on her. “You say you’re not with Wasteland, then I see you kiss her the next minute. It is confusing.”

“I’m not intentionally mean to you.” She feels something warm cover her cold legs as he speaks and she feels herself drifting off to sleep. “And Waizlynn kissed me, I didn’t kiss her.”

“I’m sure.” Sahara says unbelieving as she yawns again wondering why she is so tired.

Sahara feels the anger pulsing through her as she causes the water in the ground to come up as droplets. She causes the droplets to join together into a giant blob that surrounds the dark shadow in front of her. She can see the figure struggling to breathe inside the blob of water. Her orange vision turns red when the evil ellon next to her starts laughing. “Sahara? Please?” She turns seeing Mecca begging her to stop. The dark shadow in the blob of water stops moving and Sahara causes Mecca to fly across and hit a tree trunk. Mecca winces in pain as her body hits the ground. Sahara then causes electrical currents to come out of her hands and wrap around Mecca, lifting her up from the ground. She then sees Mecca’s pain in her eyes as she pulls her closer toward her. Mecca is crying and begging Sahara to stop.

“Sahara?” She wakes to the soothing sound of her name, as someone caresses her face. As her eyes blink open, she realizes she is laying on the couch in the ellon’s locker room with Brystol, who is laying next to her looking concerned. She swallows hard feeling relieved it was only a dream again. She finds comfort in Brystol’s eyes for a moment until the sound of someone clearing their throat causes her to look over meeting eyes with Headorean Shawdlortur. Sahara and Brystol quickly sit up together on the couch.

“Ordinarily, I would say that it is nice to see the two of you getting along, but this is unacceptable.” Shawdlortur says in a disapproving tone.

“Nothing happened. We just lost track of time and fell asleep after my party.” Brystol explains but Shawdlortur holds his hand up.

“Do you think I came here, to the ellon’s locker room, where I have never come, on a whim?” Brystol and Sahara remain seated on the couch as they look down toward the ground. Sahara feels her head throbbing. “Some of the new first-year players came in early to dress for practice. And now the entire academy is a buzz with this situation.” Shawdlortur waves his hand toward them.

Brystol sighs heavily as he leans forward relaxing his elbows on his knees. “How mad is he?”

“I don’t know yet. I was going to let you explain it to him.” Headorean Shawdlortur says. “But you do know the rules of the Academy for this type of thing is expulsion.”

“Type of thing?” Sahara asks standing up feeling nauseous. “Nothing happened!” She realizes she can’t hold back the nausea as she quickly moves toward the restroom. Her stomach empties quickly as she falls to the floor of the first toilet. She sits there trying to feel better as she hears the low murmur of Brystol and Shawdlortur talking. What she wouldn’t give to be in her bed right now, she thinks as she rubs her head.

“I brought you some water.” Brystol’s voice makes her head ache again.

“Are we expelled?” She asks leaning back against the stall wall.

“Yet to be determined.” He replies. “We have to go call my father.” Sahara can only hum in pain as a response. “And Shawdlortur said to not mention the fact that you were hungover. It would for sure get you expelled.”

“It really was an accident.” Sahara says sorrowfully as she finally exits the stall.

“The making out with him or the drinking?” Brystol looks annoyed by her actions.

“The drinking.” Sahara says taking the cup of water he is holding.

“Was he one of the ellons from the declure?” Brystol asks after a quiet moment.

“Why do you care?” She asks before taking a drink. She wants to brush her teeth, they feel so furry. “Where is Headorean Shawdlortur?”

“We have 30 minutes before we have to meet him in his office.” Brystol hands her an orange pill. “Shawdlortur said this would help your headache.” She takes the pill knowing that nothing could make the buzzing sound in her head feel worse.

“Why did you do that?” Sahara asks feeling a tinge of anger fill her mood and her headache feels stronger.

“Do what?” Brystol asks confused.

“Why were you choking and dangling Slagwart over the bleachers?” She steps away from him remembering the fire in his eyes last night.

Brystol looks away from her seeming flustered. “We should go.” He says pointing behind him toward the exit of the locker room.

She rolls her eyes before following after him, knowing he is avoiding her question. She is thankful to be walking with Brystol back through the academy as the other students are all whispering and watching them. She would feel much more awkward to walk alone. “I am going to change.” She says abruptly leaving him as they arrive to the stairs. Thankfully, her roommates are not in their room to question her on why she had been missing all night. Though, she is sure they already have heard the morning rumor. She quickly changes and brushes her teeth before making her way down to Headorean Shawdlortur’s office. She finds herself again in Brystol’s presence as she arrives to the outside of Shawdlortur’s office.

“You ready for this?” Brystol asks and Sahara can tell he is obviously nervous about speaking with his father.

“No. I feel like every time I speak to your parent’s I am in trouble.” She says tapping her toes on the ground.

“Probably because you are such a trouble maker.” He gives her a sideways smile making her smile back.

To their surprise, the door to Shawdlortur’s office opens and Slagwart exits looking at Sahara with a smile. He says nothing as he leaves them standing speechless out in the hall. “Come in you two.” Shawdlortur sounds less angry with them than he had been earlier.

“What was Quinton doing here?” Sahara asks as they enter his office.

“He explained what happened.” Shawdlortur says as he sits down at his desk.

“He did?” Brystol sounds disappointed in what Shawdlortur might have been told.

“He is taking the fall for you both.” Shawdlortur says in relief.

“What? How? He wasn’t even in the locker room with us.” Sahara tries to defend Slagwart.

“He explained that he spiked your drink and Brystol protected you when he tried to take advantage of you.” Shawdlortur says giving her an inquisitive stare.

“But that is not what…” Sahara tries to correct the story but Brystol interrupts her.

“At least he is honest.” Brystol says.

“He didn’t get me drunk or take advantage of me!” Sahara says feeling annoyed by Brystol.

“Did he not spike your drink?” Shawdlortur asks wrinkling his brow.

“Well, he spiked his own and I accidentally drank it. It was not meant for me, I just stole it from him.” Sahara explains.

“He was the one with the alcohol, though. So he is the one at fault. Simple as that.” Shawdlortur says flatly.

“He didn’t…” Sahara wants to defend Slagwart on taking advantage of her but Shawdlortur stops her again.

“The aran already heard his story and excused the two of you. He knows you were hiding Sahara to prevent getting her in trouble, so he is not angered with you for protecting her.” Shawdlortur speaks to Brystol.

“And Slagwart?” Sahara asks anxiously.

“He has been expelled, effective immediately.” Shawdlortur barely gets the words out before Sahara throws Brystol an agitated glare. Brystol looks down towards the ground away from her and she knows she needs to go talk to Slagwart before he leaves, so she leaves the silent room.

She waits at the entrance of the academy until she sees Slagwart exiting. “Hey.” She shoves his shoulder in agitation, “Why did you do that? We would have been fine without you throwing yourself under the bus.”

“Under the bus?” He asks not understanding her words.

She shakes her head remembering they don’t have buses here, “It means taking the blame for something.”

“Look, I can learn at home and help my father out. So it is a win for me. Besides, you obviously don’t need me.” He points with a quick nod of his head behind her and she turns to see Brystol standing a few feet behind them. She rolls her eyes wondering what he is doing here.

“I sure don’t need him.” She mumbles looking back at Slagwart.

“Hey.” Brystol says sounding closer behind her. “Thank you.” He says to Slagwart as he holds out his fist for a bump. “And I am sorry, I let my temper get the best of me.”

Slagwart smiles down at Sahara, “I get it. And I don’t blame you.” He says looking back at Brystol. “Besides, I am only expelled for half the year. I will be back after the holiday.”

“You shouldn’t be expelled at all.” Sahara says grumpily looking over at Brystol blaming him for the entire situation.

“It is fine.” Slagwart looks down at what appears to be his angry father stepping out of a carriage. “I have to go now.”

“Bye.” Sahara says feeling sorry for him. She and Brystol watch Slagwart disappear inside the carriage. Sahara turns toward Brystol and huffs in annoyance, before turning to leave him.

“You slept with Brystol?” Carol asks in shock as Sahara enters their dorm room.

“We thought you hated him.” Marol says.

“No. I didn’t mean to fall asleep with him.” Sahara realizes that didn’t clarify much.

“We worried you were with Slagwart.” Marol says sounding relieved.

“I accidentally drank some alcohol and it really made me sleepy.” Sahara says realizing she never knew alcohol could make you tired. She explains to them what happened as she tries to tame her anger toward Brystol. She blamed him for the entire incident.

Sahara spends the next few weeks avoiding Brystol like the plague she knows he is. He had tried to talk to her a couple of times in classes but she just ignored him. It took her a few weeks to become friends with some of the third-year elves that she set with in the banquet hall at meals. The rumors of her and Brystol spending his birthday night together had died down by the time the first plorksol game and the Holestroy ball arrived. She was feeling disgruntled this year at not having a date for the ball. After their last class on Friday, the day before their first plorksol game and the Holestroy ball, Brystol surprises Sahara with his question, “Will you be my date to the ball?”

She turns toward him not sure she heard him correctly. “What?”

“My parent’s are going to make us dance together again and walk in together again, so I thought you… or I thought I would ask you to be my date.” Brystol seems nervous and Sahara feels uncomfortable.

“What about Waizlynn?” Sahara asks looking around the room at the other elves, making sure no one is watching them.

He rolls his eyes in agitation as he asks, “What about Waizlynn?”

“Is she not available or something?” Sahara stands to leave, pulling her books up against her chest.

“I don’t like Waizlynn.” He says clearly as he grabs her by the elbow, so that she stops from leaving their table. “And I don’t like you being mad at me, all the time.”

“Mad at you?” She yanks her elbow away from his hand. “You were choking Slagwart and dangling him over the bleachers with fire in your eyes. You scared me.” She walks away from him and attempts to walk out of the classroom, but the door flies closed in front of her. She turns around to look at Brystol and notices they are now alone.

“You scared me when you were about to kill Frazor.” He says wisely keeping his distance from her.

“I can control my anger.” She proclaims. “I’m not going dark.”

“You were angry again when you launched the drink from you onto Waizlynn the night of my party. I just wanted to check on you and make sure you were alright because I didn’t trust Slagwart. For good reason.”

“Good reason?” Sahara scuffs at him. “He sacrificed himself for you and me.”

“I know, and I appreciate that but, he was taking advantage of you.” Brystol says in agitation.

“I kissed him!” She stomps with her words.

“And he could have stopped it because you were obviously in no condition to be making good decisions.” He shakes his head with his words.

“You had no idea I had been drinking at that point.” Sahara states and she realizes she has been shouting.

“No. You’re right. I didn’t.” He grabs his books and walks closer to her. “If I had, I would not have been so gentle with him.”

She feels the fire building in her and she does not even fight to stop it as she launches her books at his head with her angry words. “What is your problem?” He quickly knocks the books away from his face.

“If you are going to marry me, I don’t want you kissing other ellons.” He says simply.

“You were kissing Wasteland not ten minutes before that!” She tries to remember what she learned from basic emotional magic over the summer, to think on something happy.

“I already told you, she kissed me. It was a peck and I pushed her away.” He dodges the books she causes to fly toward him from a nearby bookshelf.

“I can kiss whoever I want!” Sahara says still feeling her anger trying to control her.

“Then, I will too.” He says before pulling Sahara up against him and kissing her. She hears his books fall to the ground just before he pulls her tighter against him and feels the kiss intensify. She feels her anger melt away and confusion set in.

She pushes him away, breaking his lips from hers before she speaks out of breath, “I will break the betrothal, now that I know how.” She opens the door and leaves not caring that her books are being left behind.

She does not compete well the following day at plorksol, it is the worst she has ever played. Seeing Brystol kept throwing her mind off of the game. “What was wrong with you today?” Bularia asks as Sahara throws her package from Tari Nathila off her bed in anger.

“It is just a game.” Carol says compassionately. “Why haven’t you opened your dress yet?”

“I’m not going.” Sahara grumbles falling down to her bed.

“But, you have to go!” Marol says. “Why would you not go?”

“I just don’t want to.” Sahara says.

“Is it because you don’t have a date?” Carol asks. “We can dump ours for you.”

“No.” Sahara replies. “Brystol asked me to be his date.”

“What?” Carol, Marol, and Bularia all gasp in surprise. She is not sure who is saying what after that, as she sits up in bed from all their excitement.

“Stop! Just stop!” Sahara says throwing her hands up. “I am not going with him and his parents would force me to dance with him, so I can’t. I just can’t do it.”

“You could be my date.” Bularia says sitting down on her bed sadly. If you don’t go, I won’t have anyone to hang out with.”

Sahara realizes it isn’t fair to Bularia to not go to the ball. Carol and Marol had dates but not Bularia, she was too much of a bookworm to meet any ellons. “Please, you have to come.” Marol begs and Sahara sighs knowing she cannot tell all three of her friends no.

“I need you there.” Bularia says batting her eyelashes.

“Fine.” Sahara reaches down and scoops up the package from Tari Nathila to open it and see what kind of dress she was going to have for the evening. “You could be Brystol’s date.” Carol says moving away from Sahara.

“No way!” Sahara says annoyed. “It is bad enough I have to walk in with him and dance with him, I am not going to go on an actual date with him.”

“What is the difference?” Bularia asks.

Sahara says in a mumble. “He kissed me again.”

Carol gets all dreamy eyed and Marol sighs in excitement. Bularia just looks surprised with her words, “When was this?”

“Just after class yesterday, when he asked me to be his date.” Sahara covers her face with the package she is still holding.

“Awe! He likes you.” Carol says sweetly.

“Is that why you played so badly?” Bularia laughs. “You were distracted by Brystol?”

“No.” Sahara lies but she knows they can tell she is lying. “Okay, yes but it was because I felt awkward.”

“How was the kiss?” Marol asks with a large smile.

Sahara looks away from her friends regretting telling them. “Oh! It was good.” Bularia says in response to Sahara’s reaction and her three roommates giggle in delight.

“Phylan doesn’t have a date either, so he can ride in the carriage with us.” Sahara says trying to change the subject.

“You, me, Phylan, and Brystol. Sounds good.” Bularia says pulling her dress down from her closet.

“Not what I said at all.” Sahara says blandly.

A couple of hours later, Sahara feels nervous as she moves down the stairs toward the main hall, following behind Bularia. Carol and Marol are greeting their dates and all Sahara can think about is how she doesn’t want to see Brystol again. “You both look stunning!” Phylan surprises them as they reach the bottom of the stairs. Sahara is not sure where he appeared from. He is wearing an unusual colored green suit. Sahara tries not to snarl in disgust at how ugly it is, but it was fitting to Phylan’s style.

“We thought you could ride with us.” Bularia says holding out her hand toward Phylan.

He takes her hand with a smile and says, “It is a date then.”

“Awesome.” Bularia says smiling back at Sahara, “Now, we have to find Sahara’s date and we can be off.”

“Sahara’s date?” Phylan turns quickly to face Sahara in interest. “Who is the lucky ellon?”

“I do not have a…” Sahara shakes her head but Bularia answers for her.

“Brystol is Sahara’s date.” Bularia beams as she turns away from Sahara and pulls Phylan with her.

“No. I never…” Sahara wants to deny the claim but she turns hearing someone behind her and sees Brystol. She turns back to look at Bularia, who is beaming with satisfaction as she and Phylan exit the academy.

“So, I am your date?” Brystol’s words make her cringe.

She refuses to turn back and face him, “I never said that. I just told Bularia you asked and she decided to just do that.” Sahara waves her hand toward the door.

“Well, I think I like Bularia.” Brystol says stepping down next to Sahara on the steps.

“I don’t very much at the moment.” Sahara says.

“You have to dance with me and walk inside with me anyway.” He pleas his case and she sees his hand outstretched toward her. “So, why not show up together.”

“Fine.” Sahara lifts her dress so her feet can move more freely. “But I am not holding your hand.” She moves down the stairs seeing Waizlynn glaring at them. She almost regrets refusing Brystol’s hand now. Almost.

“Hey.” Phylan says to Brystol as they step into the carriage with Bularia and Phylan. “Good game.”

“Thanks.” Brystol says bumping fists with Phylan. “You too.”

“Not so much Sahara.” Bularia says with a teasing smile. “She was distracted.” Bularia turns her eyes to Brystol before she continues. “By something.”

Sahara sinks back in her seat with embarrassment, turning her gaze out of the window next to her.

“Is that what was wrong?” Phylan asks in curiosity, “I knew you seemed off. But what…” Sahara shakes her head at Phylan as his words slow to a stop. “Were you…” She glances over toward Brystol who is obviously fighting a smile as he looks out of his own carriage window.

“Oh.” Brystol turns toward Sahara while he is still fighting his smile, “Speaking of, I have your books in my room.”

Sahara feels her face flush as she glances over at Bularia, who is enjoying herself far too much. “Why does he have your books?” Bularia asks with a giant smile.

“Waizlynn looked rather unpleased with you.” Sahara says shifting in her seat and attempting to move as far away from Brystol as she can.

“When did the two of you break up?” Phylan asks sounding clueless.

“We were never together.” Brystol says.

“Oh.” Phylan says glancing awkwardly toward Bularia, who just shrugs her shoulders. “I thought you were just messing with them about being on a date. Are you two really dating?”

“No!” Sahara says in disgust. “The aran just forces us to enter the ball together and share a dance. Besides, Slagwart will be back after the holiday.”

“What does that mean?” Brystol glares at her with his words.

“What does what mean?” Sahara asks avoiding looking toward him.

“Slagwart will be back. What does that have to do with anything?” Brystol sounds confused.

“He is my deeto, remember.” Sahara says boldly looking him in the eye.

“Is?” Brystol shifts in his seat. “Are you serious?”

“So, what do you all have planned for the holiday?” Bularia interrupts their interaction.

“Nothing.” Sahara says looking away from Brystol in relief. “I am spending it at Kinderton, with Slagwart and his father.”

“What?” Brystol sounds more annoyed than shocked. “No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am.” Sahara snaps back at him.

“You can’t have them at your castle for a week.” Brystol replies.

“Says who? I already made the arrangements and invited them.” Sahara smiles with pleasure at how agitated Brystol seems. “And they accepted.”

“That sounds fun.” Bularia tries to lighten the mood but Brystol doesn’t even seem to notice she spoke.

“They accepted.” He laughs fakely. “Fine. I will be there too.”

“What?” Sahara straightens up in defense. “I didn’t invite you.”

“No, but as soon as father hears of your little arrangement, your only option will be to have us too or not have the Slagwart’s at all.” He says with a sly smile.

“Doesn’t matter.” Sahara says trying to sound unbothered by the truth she knows he speaks.

“Why not?” He asks curiously.

“By the time holiday break is over, so will be our betrothal.” Sahara gives him a sarcastic smile before looking out of the window.

“This is awkward.” Phylan whispers far too loudly to Bularia, because Sahara hears him.

By the time they arrive to Holestroy castle, Sahara wonders what Brystol is thinking because he has been silent the remainder of the ride. She rather feels bad about how sad he seems, but she fights the urge to apologize to him for fighting as they exit the carriage. It surprises her when he doesn’t hold out his hand nor wait for her as he progresses up the stairs toward his parents. She is still standing at the carriage feeling shocked as she watches him greet his parents. Seeing Tari Nathila look down at her, Sahara lets out a sigh and moves up the stairs to make her greetings.

“Sahara, how are you elfie?” Tari Nathila pulls her in for a tight hug. “We have missed you!”

“I missed both of you as well.” She says politely.

“Arenal.” The aran nods toward her. “You look lovely.”

“Tari Nathila knows how to pick lovely dresses.” Sahara says as she curtsies, holding her blue velvety gown the tari had mailed her.

“I wanted to ensure the two of you matched.” Tari Nathila says reaching over to straighten Brystol’s bowtie, that is the same color as Sahara’s dress. Sahara had not realized he matched her.

“Mother.” Brystol says pushing the tari’s hands from him. “Stop.”

“Fine. You two go on in and start the dancing.” The tari says rolling her eyes toward Sahara at Brystols embarrassment. Brystol turns not waiting on Sahara again as he moves up the stairs leaving her standing with the aran and tari. “Brystol?” The tari says sounding confused. “Have you not forgotten something?” Sahara sees the tari cut her eyes toward her before looking back at Brystol.

Brystol hesitates before moving back down the stairs to stand next to Sahara.

“I thought you two had mended things?” The aran asks quietly.

“Seems not.” Sahara says before looking at Brystol, “Shall we?”

She and Brystol move silently up the stairs and into the entrance of the castle. She isn’t sure why, but she feels a bit of disappointment that he didn’t even try to hold her elbow like he had last year. She notices the ballroom already filled with students as they enter. She waves at Carol and Marol, who are standing with their dates next to the drink table. She notices Brystol stop and turn towards her, but he never looks up to meet her eyes as he holds out his hand for her to take. She steps closer to him feeling much less nervous than she had last year. She had been able to practice dancing over the summer at Kinderton, so she was much better this year. She begins to move with him as the music begins but then she realizes the tune is familiar. “Is that the song from the snow globe I gave you?” She asks in delighted surprise.

She sees Brystol finally meet her eyes and nod his head, “You said it was your favorite, so I made a request.”

She can’t fight her smile as she feels her heart leap at how sweet it was for him to do this for her. Brystol seems less distracted, like he was earlier, as they continue to dance. She finds his eyes so overwhelming and she makes note that he is quite good looking. She had not noticed how he had changed the past few months. His ears had started to point and he seemed taller. She breaks her eyes away from his, feeling herself blush from attraction and the tingles he is sending up her back. “Please, don’t give up your virtue.” Brystol whispers to her.

“What? How did you know that was…” She stops moving and pushes away from him wondering how long he had known how to break the betrothal. “You knew?” She sees Brystol look down away from her and she feels her heart break. “Did you know the whole time?” She asks but Brystol doesn’t respond, telling her all she needed to know. “This whole time you knew the way to break it.” She looks around the room noticing all the other elves dancing and sees the tari and aran entering the room. Sahara realizes they had to have known too.

“Sahara,” Brystol tries to speak and grab her hand.

“You all lied to me.” She says stepping back further from him feeling tears build in her eyes. “Why?”

Brystol stays silent as he just looks at her remorsefully. She can’t bare to look at Brystol another second, so she turns to leave the room as quickly as she can. Unfortunately, she has to pass the tari and aran on her way out of the room, but she ignores the tari’s words as she races past the pair. She moves up the stairs looking for somewhere to be alone. She is thankful to remember her way around Holestroy Castle as she proceeds down the halls toward the room she usually has when she stays.

“Sahara!” She hears Brystol call her name as she moves down the hall. “Please, I can explain.”

She turns around to look at him. “Really?” She asks. “How long have you known?” He seems hesitant to answer, so she asks him again in an angrier tone, “How long?”

“A couple of years.” He says sounding ashamed. “But, I wanted you to get to know me before I told you.”

“But you didn’t tell me. Instead you and your parents…” Sahara gasps for air feeling out of breath from her pain. “You all lied and said it couldn’t be broken.”

“I’m sorry. You just hated me so much, and father said keeping our betrothal was the only way to keep the tri-kingdoms safe. So, he made us all lie to you.” Brystol tries to take her hand as he pleas his case. “I thought with time, you would stop hating me before you found out and maybe give me a chance.” Sahara knows she was just starting to care about him during their dance and not hate him, but now she feels tricked and cannot bare to look at him a second longer. She turns to leave him but he grabs her hand stopping her. “Don’t go.”

She feels an odd sensation spread from his hand to hers and it makes her turn back to face him. “I wish I still hated you.” She pulls her hand from his and leaves him in the hall alone.

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