Sacred Sorcerers of Virtue Vault

Chapter 46 –– Battle of the Royal Palace part V: Swordfight

Four turned herself into pure Transflage state to increase her flexibility. Now that she was fully in a Transflage state, she could dodge Haru’s attacks more flexibly and counter him by immediately shaping her body as she wished.

Haru was getting tired and took a moment to catch his breath. Four saw that opening and attempted to attack him while he was defenceless. Right when her arm was about to reach him, Haneul appeared in his Transflage state to block her.

“I am not done with you,” Haneul said.

Haneul joined to replace Haru to start fighting Four again, not giving her any break. Haneul was keeping her occupied while Haru recharged himself so that he could fight her again.

Four was finally feeling her fyx energy getting decreased after such a prolonging battle, fighting from one person to another. After fighting 4 people so far, Haru did the most damage towards her since she was unable to absorb any energy from him. Knowing this, Haneul decided not to use his Transflage ability since it could only make her stronger, and opted for another method to fight her.

After resting for a few minutes, Haru was finally ready to get back into the fight. This time, he tried to end it once and for all. He then came to Haneul to whisper a strategy for them to defeat her.

Four noticed what was going on and immediately took action.

“Transflage Technique: Solus!”

Four turned herself into the embodiment of Deity of Sun, Solus. Her size was as big as half of the room. She then tried to attack them with her enormous size.

Haneul leaped and pointed a finger at her.


He released a giant laser blast in front of Four’s face, blinding her. Haneul used Yujin’s signature attack to distract Four, only less impactful as his. Unfortunately, Four didn’t get much damage as she absorbed most of the attack.

Haneul then glared at Four in the eyes and made an eye contact with. His eyes radiated a shimmering light.


The moment Four heard his command, she freezed on spot. She couldn't move her body an inch, due to Haneul’s ability.

What!? This isn’t possible....a Premier can’t do this to me.....” Four thought to herself.

Haru then usesd this moment to attack her. He conjured a light arrow and shot it at Four, a tribute to what he learnt from Yara.

Using his lightspeed fyx imbued with medix, Four got damaged by the impact of Haru’s attack even if she absorbed it. He then shot a few sparrow lights at Four, a tribute to Zum.

Four got so much damage that she lost her Transflage state and returned to her normal state.


Haneul was getting some headaches after using his fyx skill for freezing Four's movement. Since the command depended on the strength of the person they were ordering, Haneul struggled to keep his command obeyed by her. Regardless, he tried his best by reiterating his command over and over to keep Four immobilised.

Haru then picked up Arudo’s photon saber that was lying on the floor. He then wielded it and swung it at Four.

“Accepting you to Garuda Squad was my biggest mistake,” Four said, after mustering all of her power to slightly break free from Haneul’s binding command.

“Goodbye, Four.”

Haru slashed her body with Arudo’s sword. Haneul stopped his command and let her go the moment Haru slashed her. Four coughed up blood and fell to the floor.

Having their fyx energy depleted, Haru and Haneul collapsed and fainted.

Seeing Blackjack captured in chains and Four lying on the ground with a slash wound on her body, Hamlet was terrified. Unlike what he was told, he just came to a realisation that his team and he might have underestimated their enemies’ power.

Using his Monochromatic Rapier, Hamlet clashed his sword against Akihiko’s sword, Kusanagi. It was a legendary weapon that could cut lumina sorcery with ease.

As a skilled swordsman, Akihiko was surprised to see that Hamlet was quite good at fighting with a sword. He could withstand Akihiko’s attacks without much difficulty.

“Luster Blitz!”


Akihiko activated his fyx skill once again and radiated a shining light from his sword, blinding Hamlet and other people around him.

Akihiko’s fyx skill was “Dazzling Blitz.” He could radiate blinding light from his sword towards his surrounding and made them unable to see. He was immune to his own fyx skill.

While Hamlet was dazzled by Akihiko’s sword, Xiaohui joined the fight by swinging his spear at Hamlet. Surprisingly, Hamlet was able to dodge Xiaohui’s attack by reflex.

“He’s really strong,” Akihiko muttered.

“He is. However, he’s been fighting multiple people so far, so he’s gonna reach his limits eventually,” Xiaohui replied.

Xiaohui made a good analysis. Unlike Four who could absorb lumina sorcery to add to her own fyx energy, Hamlet could not do such a thing. Thus, he would lose his fyx energy the longer the fight went on. After fighting about 5 people–– Haru, Meixia, Xiaohui, Haneul, and Akihiko–– Hamlet was definitely gonna reach his limits soon.

In order to conserve some energy, Hamlet dived into the ground to hide himself in his own shadow. He then merged with his shadow on the floor. Without a physical body, Xiaohui could not attack him.

Akihiko then activated his fyx skill and aimed it at Hamlet’s shadow. Upon contact with Hamlet’s shadow, the dazzling light from Akihiko’s sword forced Hamlet to come out from his shadow, showing his physical body. Akihiko’s fyx skill was a perfect match to fight against Hamlet’s umbraea sorcery.


Right when Hamlet appeared above the ground from his shadow, Xiaohui threw his spear at him, aiming at his heart. Not having enough time to react, Hamlet tried to dodge the attack. However, he still got hit at his shoulder, stabbed by Xiaohui’s spear.


Hamlet fell to the ground and dropped his rapier. Unable to control his fyx energy flow properly, the rapier that he conjured vanished. Akihiko then tried to slash him with sword while he was lying on the ground.

Before Akihiko could land a hit on him, Hamlet threw his shadowy knife at Akihiko’s shadow. Not being familiar this attack, Akihiko let the knife fly right to his shadow, thinking that it was not gonna affect him. He was wrong. The moment the knife stabbed his shadow, Akihiko felt a sharp pain in his body and collapsed immediately.

Akihiko dropped his sword before he could land the final blow at Hamlet. Hamlet tried to get up, but he was still injured from the spear Xiaohui threw at him.

Xiaohui then dashed towards Hamlet and picked up Akihiko’s sword along the way. He then leaped towards Hamlet, and stabbed Hamlet right at his heart upon landing. Xiaohui who was holding Akihiko’s sword pierced through Hamlet’s chest and made a hole in his heart.

Hamlet coughed up blood from his mouth and was unable to speak nor move. He was finally at his final moment.


Blackjack shouted loudly. His voice echoed through the whole throne room.

“I....leave you guys....”

As he muttered his last words, Hamlet closed his eyes and died.

Seeing his comrade died, Blackjack felt like his heart was about to explode. He suddenly felt a surge of energy and bursted it outwards.


He exuded a huge explosion that broke him free from the chains that Meixia put him in. Being too close to Blackjack, Yumi and Meixia got caught up in the explosion and were sent flying across the room. They crashed the walls and became unconscious due to the explosion.

Blackjack then immediately went to Four who was lying on the ground, with a pool of blood around her. Blackjack woke her up to take her away from the palace. He let Four absorb some of his energy so that the two could escape from the scene.

Seeing the Premier passed out and was lying on the floor, Blackjack was thinking to take him away as well.

Suddenly, the last person standing–– Xiaohui–– appeared before them, guarding the Premier. While holding Akihiko’s sword, Xiaohui was ready to fight even if it meant to sacrifice his life in order to protect the Premier.

Blackjack intended to kill Xiaohui who just killed their comrade, Hamlet, and took the Premier away. However, he discarded that idea and opted to take Hamlet’s body away instead, thinking that the others might wake up at any second.

Blackjack and Four then took Hamlet’s body and escaped from the throne room. With too many injuries and too little energy, Xiaohui was unable to go after them and let them escape from the scene.

The door of the entrance closed and the two of them escaped, bringing Hamlet away with them.

The Battle of the Royal Palace officially ended.

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