Sacred Sorcerers of Virtue Vault

Chapter 37 –– Fallen Crown

The three members of Stainless Syndicate arrived at the throne room. They were preparing to assault the people in the room, including the civvie.

After having finally encountered Four the second time after the revelation of her true identity, Zum shot a sparrow light at Four out of frustration. He missed it because Four turned into Transflage and let the attack passed through her.

“Well, that’s rude,” she exclaimed.

Suddenly, loud roars were heard outside of the palace, followed by people who just exited the palace screaming in panic.

Leader of Ababiel Squad, Shibomusa, received a call from the Royal Guards evacuating the citizens outside. They notified him that there were ogres wrecking havoc at several areas outside the palace.

“We’ll be there,” he replied.

The Ababiel Squad had to exit the palace to fight against the ogres that were attacking the civvie outside. The Lord Commander nodded, understanding that it had to be done in our best interest.

The Lord Commander signaled to Meixia to call for reinforcements. Meixia then called upon the Temple to ask for other Sacred Guards to come and help them.

Meanwhile, at the Temple, the rest of the members of Garuda Squad who remained there were faced with an enemy who just broke into the Temple’s front gate. Sacred Guards who guarded the front gate tried to stop them, but they got defeated in an instant.

“Sorry, Meixia. We got our hands full here too,” Yara said to Meixia during their call.

At the moment, the members of Garuda Squad who remained at the Temple were fighting an S-class monster who invaded the area. Despite being outnumbered, the remaining four members of Garuda Squad were having a hard time dealing with it due to its incredibly enormous size and regeneration ability.

Seeing what Meixia just did, Yumi then asked for reinforcements from the Exorcism Regiment. She called her Guild Captain to ask for reinforcements from other exorcists. However, her request was denied. The Exorcists swore a solemn oath that their duty was solely to exorcise ghouls and monsters and not to meddle with human politics. Having her request denied, Yumi then thought of someone who happened to work in this city who could definitely help her. She then called that person for support.

While Four and Blackjack were in front of the throne, facing the royal family, Zum, Arudo, the Lord Commander, and the Holy Monastic; Hamlet came to the Premier. Xiaohui, Haru, and Meixia stood in front of the Premier, guarding him with their lives.

“Pétards !”

Blackjack threw a ball of firecrackers that exploded right towards the throne. To avoid the explosion, everyone dispersed out of panic, spreading into different areas.

Being distracted by Blackjack’s attack, Four approached Yujin who fell to the ground after avoiding the attack. She tried to stab him right to his heart. Zum saw a glimpse of Four approaching the newly crowned King, so he shot a sparrow light towards her to protect him. He then made her sway a little. She missed her aim and stabbed Yujin right next to his heart, failing to kill him completely.

“Tch!” Four exclaimed in frustration, failing to deliver a fatal blow that could have finished him.

Yujin coughed out blood out of his mouth. He was lucky enough not to get stabbed right to his heart. He then collapsed to the floor, losing consciousness. Two pieces of paper fell out his pocket.

“Your Majesty!!!”

The Lord Commander exclaimed in panic. They were taken off guard that they didn’t notice Four lurking towards Yujin using her Transflage state.

Arudo swung his saber at Four which she dodged easily. She then took a few steps back to get away from them.

Yujin’s parents, Yudai and Suiko, came to Yujin to rescue him. Zum, Arudo, and Yumi stood around them, guarding them from Blackjack and Four.

Yumi picked up the pieces of paper that fell on the floor. She noticed that those were the concert tickets that he got from winning the Snow Contest on the day of the Snow Festival. She clenched it and put it in her pockets for safekeeping. She would have never expected that something like this was going to happen to him.

Haneul and the Sacred Guards in the room also saw what happened and were shocked by it. They tried to get closer to them, but Hamlet blocked them from getting closer to the throne.

The Lord Commander tried to heal Yujin’s wound using medix, but it was not working. He then noticed some black aura around the spot which Four stabbed him. It slowly decayed his tissues. The Lord Commander tried to stop further damage using medix, but he couldn’t heal it for some reason.

The Holy Monastic then came to Yujin to have a check on him. He noticed that this was not an ordinary wound.

“He’s been cursed.....” he said.

The Lord Commander came to realisation that Yujin was put on a curse that made him fall into a coma. This meant that his skill was not enough to heal him and he needed the aid from more expert healers.

“Your Divinity! Come with me!”

The Lord Commander asked Haneul to come with him to seek refuge. He was their main target here, so he needed to be evacuated to some place safe.

“No! I’m staying! I’m gonna fight these people who killed Yujin!”

Haneul was enraged. He couldn’t believe it happened right in front of his eyes and he wasn’t able to do anything about it.

Since there was no time to debate due to Yujin’s critical condition, the Lord Commander brought Yujin, his parents, and the Holy Monastic outside of the palace to get them all evacuated and get Yujin healed as soon as possible. When they tried to get outside the palace, Blackjack intercepted them.

“Not so fast.”

He threw another ball of firecrackers at them to block their way. Suddenly, the firecrackers were bounced off in another direction after being kicked by some invisible being.

“Everyone, go! I’ll fight against him here!”

Yumi appeared after being invisible using her fyx skill. She protected the people who were trying to exit the room, including her parents and her brother. She then faced Blackjack around the exit of the palace, which was the same door as the entrance. The Lord Commander and the people he escorted managed to exit the palace safely.

Seeing that Yumi was fighting against Blackjack alone, Xiaohui told Meixia to go help the Princess. He and Haru would handle the fight against Hamlet. Meixia nodded and immediately went to help Yumi.

Currently, there were three fights happening in the room. Four fought against Zum and Arudo by the throne. Blackjack fought against Yumi and Meixia around the entrance of palace. Meanwhile, Hamlet fouthg against Xiaohui and Haru who were guarding the Premier behind them at the front row of the audience seat.

The fights ensued.

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