Sabina's Pursuit of The Holy Grail

Chapter 1: About Me.

My name is Sabina Hines, but I secretly prefer Sabina Eisenstein. I was born in 2019, and I have turned 18. I was born in South Africa, but I have been living in Sydney, Australia, for many years. My parents migrated here as the racial tensions in South Africa turned violent.

Some people say I am beautiful, and maybe they are right. I would describe myself as tall and slender, with symmetrical features and a clear complexion. My hair is blonde, and my eyes are blue, sometimes even glowing when she is talking to me. There is nothing unique about my beauty, as beautiful girls are a dime a dozen, and physical beauty fades as we age.

No, what is unique about me, is that I have lived in a previous life. Before I was Sabina Hines, I was Sabina Eisenstein. I know that many of you will scoff at this, and my claim itself doesn’t sound that unique. Countless people claim to have been everything from Napoleon, to Hitler, to Elvis in their past lives. Reincarnation is also a major belief of significant religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism.

But my reincarnation story is unique. You see, my short life as Sabina Eisenstein was in the distant future: I lived between 2875 and 2887. The True Maker tasked me to stop the Xeno queen, Rangda, from corrupting the Zeto Crystals. I had to stop Rangda from tyrannising and destroying the Milky Way Galaxy. There was a grand total of seven Zeto Crystal. The True Maker tasked with protecting the Terran crystal, as the other crystals were inaccessible to me.

I failed at this task and Rangda killed my physical body, forcing the True Maker to destroy Rangda. But, when doing so, the True Maker also destroyed the entire Milky Way Galaxy, shattering it to micromolecular debris. My spirit survived the explosion, and I begged the True Maker to give me another chance to set things right. She answered my pleas by resetting time so that I could be born again. The True Maker tasked me with defeating Rangda, before her demonic prowess grew too powerful. Looking at my options, I decided that 2019 was an excellent year to be reborn, and I got to pick my parents.

2019 was a good year, for several reasons. The technology was advanced enough to enable me to reach my goals, while there was still a lot to discover. I like that. 2019 was also the year that two individuals with suitable DNA to be my parents could meet for my conception. Unfortunately, they were both already in relationships, and my father, Marvin Orchard, developed cancer and died before I was born. I used my telepathic powers, to influence my biological parents to meet and have a short tryst. I saw the whole thing, and while it wasn’t glamorous, and I am not particularly proud of what I did, it had to happen. I convinced my mother to not have an abortion and to not tell my dad, John, that I am not his biological daughter.

Well, I guess that’s all you need to know about me for now, so let the story begin.

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