Runaway Wolf (Blue Moon Series) (Book 3)

Chapter 6


Matt stood outside leaning against the wall with wide terrified eyes as they found mine. Kyle and I walked up to my apartment and Matt rushed to me gripping my shoulders in a tight grip.

“What the hell is going on!? Did you know there’s a wolf in you apartment?!” he cried to me I sighed and reached out to pat his arm in comfort.

“Calm down and yes I know. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming today?” I asked pulling out of his death grip. He frowned at me before glancing over to Kyle who was watching him questionably.

“Who’s that?” he asked me. Here we go,

“Uh yeah this is an old… friend from Portland. He’s sort of down on his luck and staying with me for a while.” Matt’s head snapped in my direction so fast I thought he might have broken something.

“Excuse me?” uh oh I knew that tone. I cleared my throat nervously. “When did this all happen?” I looked at Kyle before answering.

“Yesterday.” I muttered. His brows furrowed deeply. I sighed before handing Kyle my keys to the door.

“I’m going to talk to him for a bit why don’t you go inside” I said. He looked somewhat uncertain but walked to the front door.

“Wait! The wolf” Matt exclaimed and I shook my head,

“It’s his Matt don’t worry” Kyle went in closing the door behind him and I faced my unhappy boyfriend.

“He’s staying with you?!” I bit my lips.

“Yes, but just for a little while.” He scoffed and began to pace, not a good sign.

“Don’t you think that’s something I should know before you spring this on me? I mean I practically live here too… does this mean I have to stay at my place now?”

“I didn’t exactly plan this Matt it was sprung on me too. Look I found him in an alley sleeping, dirty and hungry I couldn’t just leave him there, could I? I mean I lived with the guy for some time before coming out here.” Matt shook his head running a hand through his long hair.

“Well doesn’t he just go back home, what is he doing all the way out here for?” that’s a good question I didn’t have an answer for so I shrugged.

“Did you ask him?” he said in a duh tone and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

“Even if I did he wouldn’t have an answer” Matt frowned confused. “Oh did I not mention he has amnesia.” I chuckled nervously. Matt’s eyes widened,

“Seriously, But he know who you are?” I avoided eye contact with him.

“Well… no, he doesn’t remember anything but his name.” he started to say something but I cut him off. “That’s why I want him to stay with me. I can help him remember something possibly and if not I’m the only one who can get him on his feet, so that’s what I’m going to do. And if you don’t like that then I’m sorry but I’m going to do it anyway.” I said stubbornly and glared at him. Matt gazed back with narrowed dark eyes. He knew how stubborn I could be and when I promise someone or say I’m going to do something I don’t back down and he knows this.

After what seems like hours he signed in defeat and I jumped up in victory hugging him close

“I’m so glad you see it my way” I told him happily.

“Yeah well it’s not like you gave me much of a chose.” He mumbled and I smiled.

“I know.” I leaned in a kissed him softly. Reaching out Matt cupped the back of head deepening the kiss further. He wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me in to him and I moaned. He had such a talented mouth. I pulled back trying to get my breath under control.

“Oh man I wish I could just take you back inside and ravish the f*ck out of you” he whispered lustfully to me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

“Oh how I wish you would.” I growled.


Levi and the guy Matt came in a few minutes later. I was sitting on the couch running my hands though the wolf’s fur as he sat at my feet. I don’t know what it was but as I watched the two walk in I had this weird feeling but I didn’t know what it was so I brushed it off.

“I’m going to go call the club and see if they need an extra person” Levi told us as he went down the hall to his room.

And here I was left with some stranger… well Levi was a stranger to me too but he knew me at least so it made me a little less cautious. Matt sat at the far end of the couch eyeing the wolf warily, he cleared his throat and we sat in a very uncomfortable silence. I don’t know what it was but I didn’t want to get to know him, I don’t like him for some reason.

The wolf turned his head towards me and licked my face causing me to smile.

“So it looks like I’m not needed this weekend but Fin called and asked to hang out tonight, so I told her well be there at eight.” Levi said walk back down the hall. Matt stood up and went to him,

“Cool where to?” he asked him.

“The old school drive in.”

“Oh I love that place!” Matt exclaimed. I frowned.

“The what?” I asked confused. Levi glanced over at me,

“It’s an outdoor movie theater.”

“Oh, what are you going to watch?” I ask. He smiled,

“What ‘we’re’ going to watch is undecided… but she did say it’s 50’s style.” He chuckled. I watched Matt’s face brightened.

“Oh no” he smiled. I shifted my eyes from the two.

“What’s that mean?” I felt so out of the loop and it was frustrating actually.

“It means we’re playing dress up.” Levi laughed.

A few hours later I was surrounded by a group of people that we’re all dressed up in crazy costumes. There was on girl who was in a big red skirt that had a white dog on it, her hair was red and it was up in a weird twisting thing on the top of her head. She was short and very touchy towards Levi; I frowned at her as she ran and jumped into Levi’s arms.

“Lee Lee!” her legs wrapped around his waist. A scowl found a way on my face and it surprised me. Levi laughed at her, hugging her back.

“You saw me yesterday Fin”

“I know but you’re so damn adorable!” she squeals. The tall guy behind her rolled his eyes and lifted her off Levi and held her close to his side.

“I’m a jealous man Fin” he told her but I saw a sparkle in his eyes as he looked down at him. The girl scoffed waving his comment off.

“Of a gay guy? Then there must be something you’re not tell me, babe.” she winked up at him. “But in a strange way I’m kind of turned on by it.” she purred. The group laughed at this, I turned from them and looked at the parking lot we were parked in, and there was a large white building that a projector was playing trailers on.

“Who’s the new guy?” some tall blonde girl asked she was in tight blue jeans that were really high past the waist and an off the shoulder tiger print shirt tucked in with high red shoes… why the hell do I know all this crap?

“Uh, that’s Kyle my old- friend from Portland.” Levi said. Everyone was looking at me and I shifted from one foot to the other.

“Kyle huh” she hummed. She sashed over to me and hooked her arm with mine, I watched her warily.

“You’re very cute” she purred. “Do you root for my team or theirs?” she pointed over at the two men with the group who were in a serious lip lock. I felt a burning in my cheeks and averted my eyes quickly.

“I don’t know” I said unsure how to answer her. I wasn’t on any team.

“Oh, Bi huh, that’s hot too.” She shrugged, I frown.

“That’s not what I me-” I was cut off by the small red head.

“Movies going to start soon, I brought the comfy lawn chairs this time so let’s get it!!” she screamed skipping to her truck and pulling out chair after chair. Once everyone was seated in their chairs well all except the blonde, Jazz, was making herself very comfortable in my lap. Levi commented and said she does that with all the guys she thinks are hot, ‘It will blow over’ he snickered.

The movie that was play was called the Outsiders, apparently Levi’s favorite movie. Throughout the whole show I couldn’t help but look at the two who were cuddled up together. Levi was in Matt’s lap and he was laughing as Matt snuck kisses on his neck. Something deep down wanted to growl at them, I didn’t know why but I had to force myself to refuse to look at them again. My irritation was building as the girl in my lap kept asking questions about me that I didn’t even have the answer to. She got the hint when I would shrug and focus back on the movie.

By the time the show ended I was glad to get her off me, and helped the others put their chairs away. Levi bumped into me as he was putting his chair back in the red heads truck and I felt those weird shocks shoot under my skin and my breath caught in my throat. The chair crashed to the floor but I barley heard it as our gaze met, his eyes glazed over as we stared at each other. Everything seemed to stop right then as the air between us clashed with an intense aura I couldn’t name. I felt a weird pull towards him and had a strong urge to touch him again just to feel those crazy sparks again.

Levi bit his bottom lip and my eyes were drawn to those straight white teeth pressing an indention in the plump flesh and I suddenly found myself closer than I was before. My gaze trained on his lush mouth, I frowned, why did I want to taste them? Why was my body on fire with the thought of touch his smooth pale skin? I somehow heard the hitch in his breathing, his brown eyes practically deep smoldering black pits. What the hell was happening to me? I thought as my lower half stiffened suddenly.

“Levi, you ok?” Matt’s voice caught our attention as he came around the truck. Levi blinked like he was held in the same trance as me. I realized the loud bustling around us as people got in their cars and put own chairs away. I was standing inches from Levi when he shot away from me to face his boyfriend. Matt looked between us with a frown before bending down and picking up the discarded chair to throw it back in the bed of the truck.

“Yeah” his voice was husky and breathless as he turned quickly and walked to his car. We both watched his retreating back, Matt glanced at me with a weird expression before following. I stood frozen, what the hell was that all about? I didn’t understand what just happened or what it could mean but I knew that both Levi and I had some sort of moment. I didn’t know how to think about it. I t seemed to be a common thing in his group of friends to be with the same sex but I wasn’t sure I was ok with that.

Could it be that I was attracted to him? I skimmed over the group we came with, watching the red head and tall dark haired guy make out, feeling nothing towards the two. Then I looked over towards the other two males who were holding each other intimately and whispering to one another; nothing. I didn’t even have to look at Jazz to know I felt zero for her too, then I dragged my gaze back at the two who I came with and eyed Levi as he climbed in to his car talking to matt. He was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans the bottoms rolled up, his hair was gelled up in a pump and he wore a tight black shirt with a leather jacket and convers.

Something started scratching deep inside me at the sight before me and I backed up in shock.

“What the hell” I whispered, gasping out and holding my chest in surprise. Two hands grasped my shoulders suddenly and I whipped around in a flash feeling my heart drop in fright ready to knock whoever he was out when I noticed the red head, Fin gleaming up at me.

“We’re going wine tasting so get in the car so we can get hammered off free drinks!” she exclaimed and ran to her truck and shot in the passenger seat. Blinking in confusing I walked towards Levi’s car and climbed in the back.

When was this night going to end?

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